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Ah I see
I changed it to "a person" - amusing flow
I would say "with" but I feel that's missleading
heya Deu
perfect timing
Yeah I thought so too
Heya Deus
@Deusovi is "with" a good def/wordplay connector?
"A user of alternate heads..." :P
Hm... It's not ideal, but it's certainly not terrible.
Or alternatively, make this surface reading better :P
Also you should be able to answer it pretty easily :P
Yeah, I figured that one out pretty much immediately.
Nice, I managed to make my sentences exactly the same length
Someone must solve Al's CCCC =D
I'm not sure what's going on there
I can't figure out which part is the defn
speak implies homophone for of or of change
in public surrounds either I or I Speak
"In" might be the definition
The only ....yeah
That was the only idea I had so far
I'm thinking that surrounds is an operative word
Just -- a 10 letter word for 'in'
...which isn't impossible
TGE, your puzzle makes me shiver with anticip.
@dcfyj Regular red-faced fury of Jim, a puzzler (5)
Better? :D
(it'd be a weird coincidence if your name was actually Jim)
I know you had no way of knowing, but you put one of my nicknames in there hahaha
red-faced fury?
Jim (well, it's the beginning part of one of my nicknames)
funny =D
maybe "in public" is the defn, which could make a word like "flagrantly" fit
nah, I think "surrounds" is a container indicator
Seems to be a part of speech issue there, though
not sure in public is an adverb
It can be
I sit in public
I sit flagrantly
Sorry KK, but deus wins out on that one
@Matt Okay
I would certainly have a different image in mind between "I sit in public" and "I sit flagrantly" though, rofl
Just a tad
So how would "surrounds I" (or "surrounds I speak") work without a word before it?
well you're not arguing with me on that one haha
you're up against thesaurus .com
Yeah, overtly is what comes to mind -- but doesn't fit the issue
Just because two words mean the same thing doesn't mean they can be used interchangeably :P
Which is the reason we have multiple words =D
my initial thought is actually pub(in)lic for wordplay, and speak of change for the def
Perhaps it's a string of letters within 'public' that surrounds I + a word meaning 'speak' which means 'change'?
but that's just because that sounds like a fun thing to do, not because I have a word in mind
Welp, had to make THREE edits to the content of my puzzle, turns out my 3D visualisation isn't as good as I thought it was when I first designed it.
Wait, there was another edit?
There should be 3 PSAs
Where was it? I had [pd][pd][bq]hotitwith the previous edit
ah, there we go
Perhaps "In public" surrounding 'I' followed by a synonym of speak with change being the defn
...nope, still nothing
It still seems like we're all arriving at 'change' being the def
Because "surrounds" keeps poking us with a sharp stick.
its possible, and very sneaky, that 'in' could be the def
Rats, haha
"Fashionable" is 11 letters
Here's what I have for TGE's cube
@Khale_Kitha I'm thinking it's probably public surrounding a word that sounds like I meaning change
ah, that would've been cool
I meaning change?
@Deus it's probably easier to read with a 3D model.
@TheGreatEscaper but that sounds like effort
oh, are you working on a cube?
public surrounding a sound-a-like of 'I', the whole thing defined as change
revolution is 10 letters
The only sound-a-like I can think of is "eye" though...
@Deus well then work out the orientation that you should read the letters in from the net :P
"Happening" is 9 letters
That's what I'm trying to do
I tried anagramming, no luck - so it must be multiple words
unless I missed something obvious, which is always possible
its multiple words, I meant yup to
"Prevailing" is 10 letters
as is "Accessible" but I'm not sure how that's a synonym of in
@Deus there should be one fairly giveaway word, but the remaining 4 letters are a bit more difficult to interpret
I see "path"
sort of
the P is tilted sideways so it looks like a backwards sigma
PATH is a good word :P
...or maybe it's not
"path i top"?
that seems to be the most plausible to me
Right sequence of letters, wrong spacing
path I to P
Looks more promising :)
no idea what to do with that information
There are way too many Is and Ps for that to be a start-end instruction
I notice the centres of the faces are all between I and P
@humn much appreciated. I will try to keep up the visual work!
Do you know that rebus which clues 'ATOM'?
Ooh, good noticing skills.
what else has the same property?
"good noticing skills"
Now you're just making fun of me :P
No, that's legitimate... D:
Clearly Deusovi simply roll a spot check, and he rolled successfully :P
Another successful spot check!
Calling in solution HIDE
Careful rolling a lot of 1's in a row - we saw what can happen, with that, yesterday.
Uhh? Can I see your 'path'?
I have d20s here at my desk - can roll if need
It's very likely that I cannot count.
Have you run into this, before, Matt?
21 hours ago, by Khale_Kitha
In fact, it is the case that I cannot count.
The path looks good, but I think you just can't count
That would be HIDF, which is significantly less promising.
What exactly are you counting? Anyhow your path looks incomplete...
I mean lets be honest, that looks like it's almost a loop
I was counting the number of contiguous squares. I'm trying the numbers now...
Great puzzle.
I have not, KK
Yay! Took me way too long to make it, though :P
I think I went through about 6 pages of scrap paper, making sure that the numbers would work out, make at least somewhat nice Castle Wall Puzzles, and then my 3D visualisation confidence plummeted as I tried to work out what red symbols to put on each puzzle
That's great
in response, KK, I present you with this: darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0001.html
(almost) all of star wars done as a campaign
And you know what that put in my head?
aah weird al <3
Gnight PSE!
Q: The Alien Message: What does it mean?

qwertyu63"Three hours ago, we received a urgent message from one of our exploration agents. I'm just going to play it for you in full." "I'm on Planet 193843. I've found a large stone block, 2.64 meters high, covered in strange runes... Yes, I know it's supposed to be uninhabited; that's why I sent a urg...

night TGE
'night TGE
Hey guys, weird thing. stackoverflow.com/admin.php
@TrojanByAccident How'd you manage that?
Or is that what it does? link to a random troll video on youtube?
@dcfyj That's what it does, for some unknown reason
I'd love if I could do something like that myself lol
Probably redirects you there unless you're an admin
I've gotten 3 different videos from it
make that 4
Anyone have a link to a meta post about SE's cc license and attribution to a51 example questions?
Response to the link. Other messages didn't pop up.
@Matt still getting a kick out of this comic.
oh yeah
it only gets better
have you met Jar Jar yet?
Just recently
very fitting
Sally is the best
See this beautiful map? <Scrunch scrunch>
@GarethMcCaughan Well - if we ever get an Arecibo message from another civilization, clearly we should send you to interpret it :)
@Matt Better than the movie, so far.
PAge 80
qui-gon is positively devious
him and those blasters
It's more amusing because you know what's next - like the reveal of Amadala
[brief pause in solving because I'm doing some things at work]
I also enjoy when the dialog perfectly matches the movie
because in some cases the plot takes a huge left and the stills just happen to fit
The little sister is the smartest one in the bunch, often enough
Doorknob sighting
Oh hey Doorknob!
We hadn't considered that "surrounds" could be a noun. Uncommon, but possible
There is no way I am scrolling back to see what I misse
You should've held out 200 more
The Devil's Lair :P
I think someone's trying to send me a secret message...
I just watched the "unread" twitter message count, on trillian, jump from 160, to 162, to 159, to 161, to 157 (where it now sits) in under 3 seconds. lol
This channel is sleepy today.
In somewhat interesting news, one of the questions asked today is now the lowest ranked question on PSE.
ooh haven't seen
oh yeah -19
I see a -2 - which one is it?
That will be deleted
Q: The longest word in the dictionary

user33618What is the longest word in the dictionary? It is chemical name for Titin in the human body.

Why delete it?
Because it is a rubbish question
And rubbish questions with no high voted answers get deleted
off to tea, be back soon
Ah yeah - I've heard of that "word"/"chemical phrase" before - heh
however, clearly not a dictionary word
But the ability to look at bad questions can be helpful when one is trying to design good questions. It provides a point of reference.
True, but there's bad questions and then there's... "Pretend that didn't exist. You don't even want to think about it."
This isn't a puzzle - it's just trivia
Well... what if it had the trivia tag instead of the wordplay tag?
True, but still not a puzzle - as Alconja mentions, it effectively answers the question, inside the question.
Puzzle: "Look up the chemical phrase for Titin on google."
I will admit -- I've seen worse questions get lesser downvotes and not get deleted, so....
@Gareth I just realized that the aliens basically sent you a Rosetta Stone :P
@Khale_Kitha Well, not quite. The Rosetta stone had inscriptions in multiple languages, one of which was already known. This thing has inscriptions in one language, which is not known, but fortunately it's possible to deduce what the meanings are.
Well true, but it does effectively translate from one "language" to ours =D
Alright, so the question isn't PSE-worthy. I still think it could be useful to archive deleted bad questions, maybe with a brief explanation of why it is bad, in case a puzzle designer is unsure of how well their question would be received.
Among the older unsolved questions, sometimes it's hard to differentiate between "unsolved because the puzzle is very difficult" and "unsolved because the puzzle is badly designed".
Unfortunately the nature of puzzling being on a stack exchange site makes that difficult.
I feel bad for requesting an edit to add a spoiler to someone's question, but that was annoying. Ran into a question on Arqade. Mind you it's labeled with "potential spoilers" (at the end of the title), but the first few words in the post reveal the spoiler, causing it to show up in the question list. That was an annoying spoil.
Don't click if you are playing FFXV and haven't finished it - gaming.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/216602
I haven't even looked at the game haha
Last one I played was 13-2
It's decent, but I just haven't had time to get far in it
@BeastlyGerbil that new question - is it a puzzle or an engineering problem?
I'd edge on the side of puzzle
Q: How can one reliably prevent pedestrian access to a parking garage, but allow vehicular access?

Dean RusmorConsider a typical private parking garage for a condominium or apartment building. There is currently a typical garage gate that opens and closes (slowly) to allow vehicles to pass safely through the gate. What is the optimal method for preventing access into this garage by pedestrians/foot tra...

@BeastlyGerbil: Really? I don't think it's a puzzle.
I'm unsure
Am pedestrian, can't get in ...
have car, drive in
leave car, am pedestrian
I can't tell if he's serious or not or if he just wants to find a lateral thinking solution
> Practically implementable solutions only, please.
the obvious solution is a sign: "NO PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC"
Hmm didn't see that
that should do it
or a gnarly jump ... you have to go 45mph to clear it
Put up a sign that says you may drive in and drive out, but you're not allowed to leave your vehicle. That way you get no traffic at all :P
Problem solved ^^
may as well have "NO PARKING"
Cut a hole in the atmosphere so anyone outside of their car gets burned. It worked in The Core....oh wait.
Well, no, you want to allow for vehicle traffic
doesn't say anything about the vehicles being cars
giant walls ought to keep out those on their feet
I imagine the pedestrians would have a seperate entrance, something like a set of stairs to a building above, or the like
everyone else comes in via helicopter
because cost is no issue
> The goal is to make sure people cannot enter/exit through the same gate that vehicles may enter/exit.
Ahh, but what about those pedestrians skilled at Parkour scaling the walls?
walls are smooth
if you use a grappling hook, you may as well call the rope a vehicle
should I post any of these?
I like the idea of a see-saw
a see-saw would basically be a mechanical pressure plate
but way more fun
Why not just have a guy stand in front of the entrance with a gun stopping normal people from entering? :P
See-saw, Indiana Jones style :P
I can't think of anything that couldn't be defeated by a sufficient group of sufficiently interested pesons
Oh those dreadful pesons :P
They ruin everything
They could have a machine that emits a foul-smelling gas, so people would only want to pass through if they're in a vehicle.
I don't remember if I was going for persons or peons...
@MikeQ vehicles aren't exactly air-tight
In fact, they cannot be =D
What about liquid?
Spinning blades that you have to hit at at least fifty kph?
Q: Logical expression puzzle

Hurda How much is 0bABCDEFGH? (A or B or C) and (D or E or F) and (G or H or I) (C and D and F) or (A and I and G) or (B and E and H) (B <=> C) and (A <=> F) and (I <=> B) (I xor F) and (C xor D) and (E xor G) A => F => I => B (please also provide feedback how hard it was to sol...

yeah, so that method would repulse the drivers too
@Sconibulus Reminds me of the batcave entrance that only worked if going over 50mph
@Sphinx That doesn't really look like a puzzle to me...
Sorry about that. Neko just snuck in there.
Talk about a redundant name for a cat.
(>^o^)> Kirby.
@Khale_Kitha lol just a bit, although I think Neko as a cat name is better than Kuroshiro or Shirokuro as a pet name when the animal is black and white...
Yeah, but...
A cat named Cat.
Or a cat named Dog
Nothing wrong with that
If I named my cat Cat, I'd have to rename myself to Zeddicus.
@Khale_Kitha Haven't you ever seen Breakfast at Tifany's?
@Khale_Kitha I was going to reference that too
And if I named it Neko, I'd be Zeddicuchi
..... :P
Like I said, I think it's a better name than "Blackwhite" or "Whiteblack", those just sound dumb
@Khale_Kitha Not sure I know that one
I've seen a dog named "Zag"
I was just Japanizing Zeddicus :P
@Khale_Kitha Still a better name in my opinion
I think the worst name for a dog is either Sit, Fetch, or Rollover.
@Khale_Kitha Oh you mean Zedicuusu
Best part is that actually applies
Oh wait...
yeah =D
@MikeQ "Come here boy. Come here." --- What's the dog's name?
Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander A.K.A. Zorander-Sensei
@Khale_Kitha Canabis
No, it's "Come here boy" :P
Particularly annoying if the dog is a female, though.
One of my friends wanted to name his dog canabis when we were younger hehe
"Lost Cannabis - Call XXX-XXX-XXXX"
Lol, editing issues?
>< yes.
Ironically....I right clicked the word to get a proper spelling... The only suggestion was "cannibals"
But then, once I spelled it right, the red underline went away ><
"Lost Cannibals - Call XXX-XXX-XXXX" lol
      _     _
     | |__| |
    / O - O \
   /_  __  _\
     ┘    ┘
^ some weird creature thing
It looks like it wants to be a character - but also looks like a factory on feet.
@Khale_Kitha lol
Makes me think of a mutant picachu
my lol was ninja'd ;-;
Put some § above it :P
factory smoke
@dcfyj Smokachu
Smoke at you?
"I smoke in your general direction!"
"Smokachu I choose y...... COUGH COUGH COUGH "
I wanna be the very best
like noone ever was

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