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pokes the CCCC before it fades off the starboard
@Alconja Nope, no indirect anagrams.
I think Elsa would be a great counselor
When someone gets emotional, she would just say "let it go"
I think Elsa would be a great OH&S officer
When someone picked up a damaged electrical cable, she would just say "let it go"
Or a police officer
When facing criminals with weapons, "let it go"
I'm surprised this hasn't turned into a meme yet
I shall make it one
Or a spanish identity thief... she would just say "le tigo"
e.e wtf
Page blocked as "prohibited memes content"
is that even a thing
...what did I just see
if you don't want to be disturbed, don't do a google image search for 'elsa fighting crime'
2 hours later…
Q: More Visual Rebuses

Mike QHere are some rebuses for your entertainment! There is no central theme, although all of the solutions consist of multiple words. This is my first attempt at designing a rebus puzzle. I made these rebuses in an image editor. Some of them contain graphics that I found online. 4. 5. 6.

Q: The longest word in the dictionary

user33618What is the longest word in the dictionary? It is chemical name for Titin in the human body.

2 hours later…
@Will Is it (METAGROBOLOGIST)* (you=def)? Wikitionary says it's a word for a puzzler, but I haven't heard of that word before.
I bet it is, though I don't much like "than" as connective between def and wordplay.
And it is nice to know that after that no one is going to be complaining about the obscurity of commonplace words like RICERCAR or MENTATION or indeed YAR.
Is there any actual dictionary in which METAGROBOLOGIST appears? (It isn't e.g. in the OED.)
Q: Can we stand just one more number sequence puzzle?

wildBillMunsonWell since everyone else is doing it... The following is the first 7 numbers in a sequence: 1431, 135, 2321, 1730, 2166, 1177, 1211, ... What is the next number?

@Ankoganit I think that's a pretty safe bet. You got a new one?
(and well done for finding it, I tried anagrams on multiple wordlists without success)
@GarethMcCaughan Damn. Should've got in a bit earlier. :)
Wow, apparently I'm the only one around here who can write a non-obscure cryptic clue. :P
Damn! I've heard of the word before, even so far as to belong to a forum with the same name.
i just saw that the cryptic was written by will, so didn't even attempt it...
Have another hint @The and others.
@humn: Here's a p-w/o-w that I tried to obscure.
Q: A line in Connect Four

boboquackWhen I was young, I was playing with a friend. Of course, the topic soon turned to mathematics (as it always does), and we got into an argument over something. We went on for some time, then he got bored of rhetoric and grabbed a Connect Four board off the games shelf. Taking a marker from the s...

(Since @-595 is always slow)
Hi @Vol
@boboquack , hey hey hey, what fun!
(you inspired me to start on another pwow-wow too, mainly about physics)
Gotta love they way you made A line in Connect Four into a proof-without-words with only words, about a proof-without-words.
Wondered what you'd think - whether it would contradict your thoughts of what a p-w/o-w should be.
Broadened it! ... Now to make one without even a proof ...
Even if there was a tag , it would still need the tag .
Yes, two of my favorites, the honest way
At this rate scientists may yet discover a planet where both tags exist
(Hi, @GentlePurpleRain, thanks for raising the possibility of tagging proofs-without-words with )
Q: A line in Connect Four

boboquackWhen I was young, I was playing with a friend. Of course, the topic soon turned to mathematics (as it always does), and we got into an argument over something. We went on for some time, then he got bored of rhetoric and grabbed a Connect Four board off the games shelf. Taking a marker from the s...

Oh, finally @-595
6 minutes?
@GentlePurpleRain, do mods have the option to re-assign accepted answers?
@humn -595 is the Sphinx's user number
that completes the one thing i would learn today
... now to run off and see who beats me to your p-w/o-w-w/only-w ...
@boboquack Fun fact: I'm user 5 on SuperUser (with the first 4 users being SO employees)
@Alconja Wow! Does that mean you were first to commit?
@Deusovi, do mods have the option to re-assign accepted answers?
SU predates Area51 commits. Used to be pretty active on SO, and just happened to be first through the door back when they opened beta for SU.
@boboquack Nope.
@boboquack Not that I'm aware of, but I keep finding new mod tools, so you never know what's out there.
@humn Can we call a campaign?
@Alconja Well, we knew about that one.
What are the criteria/is the criterion for making a new tag?
Strictly speaking, as long as you have 300 rep you can do it. More realistically, you need some community consensus.
@boboquack , oh yeah, cheered when i saw your call to rally for proof-without-words-without-a-tag
@humn Should we go ahead and make the tag? We've got 3 examples, how many do you want?
Seems like critical mass to me. And there'll be a 4th before long.
(I don't mind if my first solution for yours was off, but think i'll fill it out more anyway for variety)
@humn you still have "...no existing row matches the colors of the diagonal..."
@Volatility , not very clearly stated yet but it seems okay, what did i miss?
you mean "no existing row matches the inverted colors of the diagonal"?
another good one, @Vol! , thanks once again (this is why i usually wait a day for a puzzle's dust to settle instead of sprint answering)
I don't understand, why can't the rows and diagonals have matching/inverted colors?
@humn I've made the tag - tag your posts too so we don't lose it!
@MikeQ Cantor's diagonal argument is that if you take a list of numbers, read off the diagonal, and then change each digit, then the new number cannot be part of the original list, since there will always be at least one digit different from each number in the list.
@MikeQ , because then there'd already be 4 in a row of your opponent's color somewhere before your winning move (at least that's my thinking)
@boboquack , whee, off to tag and re-release . . .
@humn You sure? Wouldn't that be equivalent to "One player cannot win after another player wins"?"
@humn I'm doing the tag wiki now
@MikeQ , right, did i get that wrong too?
when i said "before your winning move" i meant "before your supposed winning move"
think (hope) my thinker, and my explainer, could be working better
@humn Tag wiki is ready, please do accept or accept and edit
@boboquack , oops, the short one said "without diagrams" instead of "without words"
didn't give an option to edit
@humn @humn Edited!
Ping ping!
@boboquack :34874208 approved! (by at least one reviewer)
I need 2! Anyone else around who can edit tag wikis?
Q: This is NOT a number sequence puzzle

TheGreatEscaperSince everyone is trying their hand at this type of puzzle, I've decided to create a number seq - We interrupt your Puzzle Solving Entertainment to inform you of this Public Service Exclamation: This is NOT a number sequence puzzle, although you will be finding a number from a series of num...

@boboquack As in 300+ rep?
As in 5000+ rep
You need that to approve tag wiki edits
It passed
I'm going now. Bye @humn!
@boboquack , you've done enough good ... for now! (the new tag does work already, too)
2 hours later…
@Ankoganit Yeah that's the word. I figured that 1) although obscure, the word would be in peoples' lexicon here, and 2) if not, it'd be a word people here would find interesting
1 hour later…
I was familiar with the word, just not good at cryptics :P
Anyhow, I'm working on another grid logic puzzle! I love this fortnightly too much :P
Can I just comment that it's almost an anagram of "Garbologist? Me too!"
In fact:
Sorry, I'm just back from school
CCCC: Me, running after this thing (4)
@Ankoganit ITEM? Assuming "running" is a reversal/anagram indicator giving EM after IT (this). Def: thing
@Alconja Yup!
CCCC: In public surrounds, I speak of change (10)
1 hour later…
All quiet on the puzzling front...
Q: A Six-Faced Puzzle

TheGreatEscaperHere is a grid-deduction puzzle, whose mechanics I have seen under several names such as 'Castle Wall', which is the one I'll use here. The goal of Castle Wall is to draw a loop enclosing all the numbers in the grid, such that the number represents how many cells it can 'see' orthogonally, includ...

@TheGreatEscaper Everyone's at Literature.
Not I, I'm content not going there :P
I can't seem to find literature...
Everywhere says it was shut down?
I'm pretty sure the beta launched yesterday or something like that
It's in Private Beta
But you can get in through A51
Of course, Rand has the highest rep :P
But I've repcapped for the second time in a row, so don't upvote me
Yup I just got in through A51
While I like reading, I don't typically go asking questions about it.
Yeah... I don't feel much of a connection to anything being asked there.
If you answer this I'll give you rep...
No bribing
I don't know the answer, anyhow :P
Neither do I
That's why I asked :P
I'd say the given answer is pretty good
But it's incorrect
She is in a coffin.
As seen in the quote I edited in.
The comment you posted says she's not confined to it though, "...the lid wasn't fastened..."
It was after
hang on
I'll get the book
No idea, never read it
Additionally, the coffin might not be watertight. It seems like a really improbable situation.
You know, @Mith, sometimes the only answer to a question like that is 'oversight by the author', or 'creative license'. :)
Well, for her to survive 7 days, she had to have water
> We replaced the coffin lid and screwed it down. Then we left the vault, fastening the iron door behind us...
@dcfyj of course we know that now, as its a well known fact.
Then she's really an intelligent zombie
These sorts of things don't always cross the mind of an author, though. I dunno. It seems weird.
I like that an answer of mine got praised by Shoggy
in Literature, 14 hours ago, by Shog9
Something that'd be nice to see here would be more examination of how/why something was written rather than the in-universe explanations that are usually expected on SFF. Mithrandir's answer to the time travel question adds something there, and I wonder if y'all couldn't find a way to emphasize it.
Oh cool, 16k.
in Game Development, 37 secs ago, by Hjorthenify
Or a black hole
Yup, my earlier decision was correct. I browsed some of the questions in lit and it's not of any particular interest to me. Most questions I either don't know or care about.
similar feelings here
Hello all!
Hello @incesterror21
Any news around here?
Not especially
I've seen something about the new Literature site. Might be worth a try.
It's not my kind of thing, but others seem to be enjoying it.
I see many parallels to SFF like someone mentioned.
I'll stay with puzzling for now!
What's your opinion on posting hints? How long should I wait before editing my question?
It's been less than 24 hours
+ Literature just went up
I wouldn't post any hints for now
A lot of Puzzling users wouldn't even have seen your question yet. It's been fairly quiet in chat today, a lot of the regulars are busy with other stuff.
I see. Thanks!
Out of curiosity, did you ever post a puzzle involving "paperfolding"?
Me? I haven't done so yet. But it's a concept that I've been keeping in mind.
Could turn out to be fun. One could print it out and try.
(jumping in for a different reason but) We have at least one good paperfolding puzzle here (looking it up)
I know a good paper folding puzzle by a friend.
Q: Folding paper into corners

OwenHere is a piece of paper: Fold it once, and you can get a shape with 9 corners: Starting with a rectangular sheet of paper and folding twice (along any line), what is the largest possible number of corners that may result? Rule for counting corners: both concave and convex corners count (a...

Might have more, could always use more in any case.
@humn Thanks for looking it up. I know you were "jumping in for a different reason"
(other matter of the moment:)
When you run out of great rectangular grid ideas, TGreatEscaper, how about a pentagonal one?
(Like a quasicrystal of course)
Hope you've seen some of the hexagonal ones around here.
Haha, sure :P
I believe I've come across a hexagonal question by none other than yourself on PSE before
You could make it 3D like your avatar
Ah, my 5 intersecting tetrahedra
I'll be back later again, bye!
Ive already had an idea of taking a standard grid logic type puzzle, and putting it on a cube or some other non-2d surface
(on your way out, @incesterror21, been meaning to thank you for some nice visual puzzles! didn't realize they were coming from the same source until recently)
cross reference: one of incesterror21's puzzles is like a grid that folds in different directions 3-dimensionally
i remember that one, it was very nice :)
you get around
My life is a whirlwind, humn :P
a fun hyperspace puzzle got closed (or even deleted?) for being too broad
Oh no, is this the time rebus?
doesn't ring a bell, this was a putting a bar through a wormhole
oh, I haven't seen that one :(
what was the general question statement?
i think it was specific to some video game but wound up allowing for more general creativity (will look again, in case it wasn't really deleted)
Q: Connecting ends of a single object through portals

Lead 'n' JellyYou put a metal rod halfway through a portal and open another portal so that the end of the rod that went through the first portal touches the other end of the rod. If you weld the two ends of the rod together, how will you remove the rod from the portals? Assume that the portals cannot close if ...

oh.. closed for "unclear what you're asking"
humn sighting
K_K! Still adore your artwork.
Still miss the other chat room.
Yeah, agreed.
This one has picked up the slack real well but will never have the same service-entrance freedom
Yeah, was just frozen for 'reasons' anyways afaik
I was busy at the time, so wasn't around for a little bit
What chat room is this?
Puzzles, etc (i went in every now and then just to "lub-dub-lub-dub" but some power realized it wasn't really getting any traffic for a while)
^ my fave, as you know
You should look at the most recent puzzle. It's just about ignored - considering deleting.
better not!
Never delete a puzzle! :(
I'm complete entranced by the glowing ? !!! but have no idea what to do about it
actually, it's been 24 hours
another hint.
another gorgeous example of hexagonal art
this is what happens, TheGr, K_K gets me eulogizing his artwork
This one I didn't do, sadly.
I would like to take credit
Just found the image
I did do the work on this one, though: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/48059/…
And of course, the one with the eggs was all me, too
That was an interesting learning experience
took me back to the desert:
Got to use a few new photoshop design techniques I've learned, recently, on that one.
did i miss one? eggs?
I was looking for it as well! Thanks for the link
Btw, I find your non-sequential number sequence interesting TGE - looking at it
... same here, reminded me of:
"This is a test of the emergecy broadcast system and only a test.
If this were a real emergency you would be told where to go and what to do."
... but actually of:
This life is a test. It is only a test.
If this were a real life, you would be told where to go and what to do.
That's a little grim, humn
But, unfortunately, this is only a test, so.... good luck!
In other words, I love it!
I wish I could find some good information on using perhaps/maybe/etc in cryptic clues.
Looked for a while yesterday, but I just can't find anything useful.
I'm a bit of a cryptic newbie too :) could be a good learning experience for us both to chat about it
Yeah, I just have to be careful - trying not to reveal a CCCC
Perhaps signals definition by example
So 'a cat, perhaps' can be the definition for ANIMAL
interesting you mention perhaps/maybe... my Comp Lit source says the two words are different, in English
I think maybe does the same thing
a mitsubishi, perhaps
this could mean car?
Then I think I know what I have to do.
To the riddlermobile!
(which existed, for a short bit)
Glad I could help! :)
It appears that all our strongest solvers have been MIA for a while.
Now to wait for @Will to get back so we can see if the guessed solution to his CCCC is correct
Will already confirmed
Oh, I missed that
Alconja has a new one
I read...then read.....then started scrolling
Silinius made the guess, iirc
Oh - well no one's starring them
I starred will, but did it ever get a pin?
got it starred
[heading out again, meant to be a type-by, posing and other-choring soon]
We need to solve it soon or we risk not getting a response - poor Alconja's busy lately =D
see you, later, meditation boy
om and out
ultima online style - "om om om"
ty to whomever pinned
@Will an amusing idea for a CC
Surface reading looks like a telegram, with 'STOP' at the end of each sentence.
Oooh, that'd be fun
I only have two cryptic clues I think are fun
'forcibly move my first cryptic clues' (6)
and 'presently present, missing' (7)
Hmm lets see if I can think of a telegram one.
My next CCCC sounds like an odd dictionary entry, hehe
Q: Proof without curves

humn  Say, what’s that in the distance?   Could be a road full of cars or a wire full of electricity, or whatnot, but this much is for sure:    It is straight and infinitely long.   Sure, but why does the picture have 3 of those infinitely straight things?    Oh it’s just the same old thing a...

Well done @Hugh :P hehe
Someone has a lot of time on their hands
that looks to me like the doppler effect
I love it
Um... doppler effect is sound related
That looks really cool
Far beyond my skills
It's easier than it looks - but still impressive
I'm more of a stick figures kind of creator at the moment
Well, I know how he put it together, but getting the textures just right and the lighting just right would be a pain
It would make me sound arrogant to critique anything on an image, like that, so --- it looks impressive
sound related - what else would bother you trying to sleep some distance from a super highway?
Well, you said: "that looks...like the doppler effect"
It's sound, you can't see it lol
echolocation ftw
how much distance Matt?
Correct answer: "not far enough"
don't care for your junk
Sorry, just came up with another dcfyj :P
At least it's a proper sentence
lacking 'I'
but as I said before, no matter how hard you try you will not succeed in getting the meaning of the letters correctly
Not trying - that just came to me, haha
alternate heads don a cape and fly to your special jail (5)
(totally invalid, but I found it amusing)
A user of alternate heads don a cape and fly to your special jail (5)
Fixed it :p
There you go
I love it
Has a definition and wordplay haha
Yeah, I couldn't think of a defn
Q: Is progress possible in an infinite maze?

ghosts_in_the_codeInspired by Maze Solving Robot and the related one on code golf SE You are in a cell in a rectangular grid arbitrary/infinite size. An edge is either a wall or not a wall. You will choose to execute a series of moves, which will consist of 'north', 'south', 'east' and 'west' instructions. If a w...

Q: Faster, higher, stronger

LevieuxLast week my local newspaper featured a crossword puzzle. Two things were strange about it: it was placed on the sports pages and the clues were numbered in a very peculiar way, with what looks like a country code added to each clue. I think I was able to solve all clues, but I still couldn't fin...

Use the only thing you really know to be true, I'm a stack user hehe
True enough
Could also use "a name of alternate..."
pity your name isn't a number
"a number of alternate heads don a cape...."
this :P
haha, you added it :P
And modified
A person of alternate heads dons a cape and flies to yonder special jail (5)
I made the surface reading flow better too
Although you changed it back just now?

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