Premise 1: All mods are tyrants, Premise 2: 10ks are like junior mods, Premise 4: obergruppenmodder sounds vaguely like a high-ranking, but not top-level Nazi officer relating to moderation, Conclusion: Joke?
I should probably just be asleep, I say weird things in the middle of the night
Enjoyed these did you? Felt they were a bit too easy? The rebuses are feeling bitter about their loss, and they will only concede defeat if you break their puzzle:
Wait a second... they've sent a note as well! It seems to be a kind of disjointed story.
When the only place that's natural di...
Here are some rebuses all about U!
The first is very easy, the second is moderate (you may need to think a bit on this one) and the last is moderate-hard (it is taken much, much further than the rest, probably too far for some).
All images constructed with U's, except for any rectangles.
"This is an idea I′ve had in my head for a while now and I was finally able to put all the pieces together the way I had envisioned." should be taken quite literally. :) It took a long time.
I took that pic a while back. I drink DC like a fish, and favor the Lime variety when I can get it. Other things in the photo, though you can't tell at this size, are a theater ticket to Cats (the yellowish blob in the lower right corner), my work laptop (left edge), and reflected in the can itself, the Dr. Who TARDIS themed case on my iPhone; all reflecting various interests of mine (in one case, literally).
Whatson rushed into the room to find Sheerluck waiting for him with. 'Sorry I'm late,' gasped Whatson.
Sheerluck looked him up and down, and asked casually 'Why were you late?'
Whatson looked down and mumbled 'The stations were packed.'
Sheerluck gave him what seemed to be the beginning of a s...
@BeastlyGerbil I want to ask about some I believe to have multiple possible wordings but I don't want to put them in plaintext in chat. Do you have somewhere offsite I can send you some questions or possibly a PGP public key I could use in a gallery chat?
That only works for dictionary words, not phrases & there's still the problem that if it does happen to work for what I want to say, anyone can read it.
<<---First clue
<---Previous clue
As you say the word, the floor starts rising. You are now able to reach the trapdoor.
You push it open and climb out. You blink in surprise. You appear to be in the same place you were for Clue Sixteen. When you take another glance, however, you notice that it...
just about grid-deduction, though, @TheGreatEscaper, I guess the clues can be all over the place, and "around" means that colloquially enough, but there still might be a word that doesn't also mean outside.
<<---First clue
<--Previous clue
You push the door open. You look around, expecting another hard puzzle like the previous one.
You look at the floor. It says:
In recognition of you work, we would like to award you a Nob... sorry, wrong speech.
In recognition of your work, we are givi...
There exists a 9x9 grid with the cells in one single row numbered 1-9 in order. The cells in the other 8 rows are initially empty.
Note: The cells initially containing numbers can be in any one row; not necessarily the first.
Draw borders to divide the square into 9 non-intersecting continuo...
Hmm, all 12 sets are complete, verified unique. I still need to design the big one, which will take tonight and maybe a bit of tomorrow. And then I have one more job after that, which will take a day or two.
@BeastlyGerbil Yes, the ambiguities are important (and regional!). For the underwear one, there are two (well, for the important part at least; it's actually more) things we say more in the US than what turns out to be correct!
Number Slope™1 is an original2 grid deduction puzzle similar to Sudoku. It is solved on an n-by-n grid, tiled with n n-ominoes. The rules are:
Each number from 1 to n must occur once and only once in each row, column, and n-omino.
Any row or column of adjacent cells within each n-omino must hav...
Update: Wrap-up posts have been approved by the community and may be posted as answers at their puzzles. No need to first post them here anymore.
Original post (with minor edits) follows
This is was a temporary sandbox for posting sample commentaries on puzzle-creation, to whet the idea descri...
@humn It actually came out of a different (and worse) idea I was working on. I think I was trying to find ways to restrict the myriad of possibilities which my initial idea had even with plenty of clues, and the n-omino idea and the "slope" idea popped out.
@humn Trouble is, valid grids are hard to come by. My laptop gives me an 8x8 grid in about a minute after trying tens of thousands of n-omino tilings, and I haven't gotten an 9x9 grid after many hours and millions of tries.
I say dragon because it's the first mythical creature to come to mind that has something to do with something that might have something to do with 'self-portraits'