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I have a book of his sheet music
another CC question: can the definition be wordplay?
If @Rubio gets a sockpuppet, he should call it Rubidium.
The definition has to be one you could find in a standard gimmickless crossword.
right, but I have seen definitions that are pretty general
What do you mean, exactly?
like "car" with the solution "ford"
Question topics on Arqade are... hilarious sometimes. "How do I land my plane without crashing?" .... "How can I catch fish consistently?" ... "How many miles can I drive before running out of gas?"
How do I shot web?
@Rubio It's a meme.
A: The Memes of Arqade and its Chat

Raven DreamerMeme: Questions that are absurd without context Originator: Various Cultural Height: As Often as Possible Background: How can I get my wife to stop nagging about a few murders? fable-3 Can I pass out from excessive drinking? bioshock How can I tell if a corpse is safe to eat? nethack How c...

Lol. No wonder.
@Matt It's fine for the word used as definition to be more general than the actual solution.
As in, the solution can be a type of X, where X is the word used as the definition in the clue.
We need a Many Memes of Puzzling meta post sometime.
@Deusovi Not sure if we have enough memes for it at the moment though.
okay. I think I can divide up this clue I have in mind
The site's had a ... kind of disjointed history, with lots of people coming and going.
Yeah, we're pretty small and... different. (Maybe a "Few Memes of Puzzling"? :P )
@Randal'Thor Yeah, lateral-thinking answer to a logic problem.
It's only relatively recently that we've started to have a reasonably well-defined and stable group of core users.
An active chatroom helps a lot with that, IMO.
@Rubio I've thought the same thing, on many many occasions.
@Randal'Thor so if the solution is pretty general, the clue has to be even more general
It's time to break out the meme generator.
@Emrakul Forgive me for being slow ... where was the lateral thinking?
Problem asks, "sort out who weighs more using three weighings." Answer asks, "use the fact that it's a seesaw instead."
@Deusovi The (Not So) Many Memes of Puzzling. The Puzzling Times, Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 2.
I guess it's kind of borderline, the problem is worded in a vague way.
Mm, yeah, I see your point. I guess whether or not that answer should be allowed depends on how obvious you take it to be that "see-saw" means an ideal mathematical weighing device rather than an actual see-saw.
Yeah. I'll undelete it to be on the safe side. I see what you're saying.
It's not as clear-cut as I'd like it to be.
I'm not Rand al'Thor. :P
@Mithrandir Sure. mithRANDir :P
@Randal'Thor I've gotta ask... how on earth did you find that ten minutes after I deleted it?
Me: delete an answer on a two-year-old question that hasn't seen any activity since then. Rand: "I've got a question about this answer." Me: ???
@Emrakul I found it less than a minute after you deleted it :-)
38 mins ago, by Rand al'Thor
@Deusovi I have SEkrit skillz ;-)
@Randal'Thor If you're using some internal means to detect moderator activity, you should report that to SE Security.
@dcfyj That contributed to the meme.
@Emrakul Well, if you're going to get all Serious on me ... I happened to be on the "recently deleted posts" page in the 10k tools at just the right moment.
@Randal'Thor OH. I'M AN IIIIDIOT.
...Oh. :P
I didn't even realize that was a thing.
I am a fool in a diamond disguise.
That's an expensive disguise
Q: Wumpus-hunting Masyu

David StarkeyYou are an explorer looking to capitalize on a cave you've discovered. The goal is to construct a pathway that visitors can take safely. The problem is that the cave is full of dangers, including a Wumpus, but that's what is going to get people to come. On your last trip through, you made a gr...

^ @Deusovi reading between the lines it sounds like (in addition to the stated rules) you're supposed to go into the red squares (but not W) at least once, since the whole object is to find a path where visitors can see but not be eaten by the Wumpus.
It's impossible not to do that.
I love it when I forget one of my programs was using a port & then I open software that uses that port & I totally mess up my internet
@Will, I think the answer to your CCCC is:
antibody = ant [the carpenter, perhaps] + i? + body? = allergic reaction
But I can't figure out the "ibody"
Clever, but no. :P
@Silenus Antibody != allergic reaction
Can someone get the rats and carpenter ants out of the channel, please?
Yeah, they're not really the same thing.
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) is a kind of antibody (or immunoglobulin (Ig) "isotype") that has only been found in mammals. IgE is synthesised by plasma cells. Monomers of IgE consist of two heavy chains (ε chain) and two light chains, with the ε chain containing 4 Ig-like constant domains (Cε1-Cε4). IgE's main function is immunity to parasites such as helminths like Schistosoma mansoni, Trichinella spiralis, and Fasciola hepatica. IgE is utilized during immune defense against certain protozoan parasites such as Plasmodium falciparum. IgE also has an essential role in type I hypersensitivity, whic...
an antibody is produced in response to an allergy
at least my armchair research suggests
Tell your armchair to stop trying to use the web, and try doing your own research.
It was a spider web.
Yeah, armchair AI is not up to snuff yet I guess
I suppose the CCCC could involve "bee" since there's also a carpenter bee. Maybe "beesting", although that's not an allergic reaction.
I think antibody was more reasonable, yeah
Regarding AK's puzzle, would it be ok to post it in chat? (@Deusovi?)
@BeastlyGerbil What if the solution comes out to be something like "the mods are a bunch of ****s"?
Its a new year greeting
I got this email from him:
@BeastlyGerbil I'd say no.
Of course, you can do anything you want, because the main thing about puzzle is not the puzzle poser ,but the idea, and ideas are of course not patented. (I seen the chat messages regarding it, and anyway, if you don't post it on main site, you can post it in chat). (And if you want, I will tell you the encryption method).

(BTW, I wonder why I am referred as they, and what is the "reason", and I also wonder how "I" (We ??) am going to "actively circumvent" (O_O) it)
Q: It names a place where many people live

DLosc What's this word? It names a place where many people live. Change a letter, it's a person no one will forgive. Lose a letter, it's a popular vacation place; Change a letter and it means "too loud" or "in your face." Change a letter, it's an action that I guarantee You have never take...

@Deusovi really?
I think we'd be better off just not talking about AK.
It justs seems a waste of a good puzzle
And it actually is good this time
What if I posted a link to a google doc with the puzzle on it?
That wouldn't change anything.
@Deusovi Yep.
Okay fair enough
@Deusovi Like fight club?
I would read it as assisting someone in evading a ban. Which is bannable.
Now, judgement would come into play, and this was one of those situations where it would probably be better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission.
Okay well I definitely don't want to get banned
Because now that you've been told, You simply can't do it.
@ChrisCudmore No, no it wouldn't.
I'd get a year ban if I did so definitely not
Not necessarily. There are exceptions to the week-month-year rule. But still, I'm explicitly telling you right now: do not help any user evade a ban.
I like absolute clarity.
@Deusovi I can understand why the formatting is as such, but that sounds rather aggressive.
I'm fully aware that it sounds aggressive.
@Sphinx So, how's about this puzzle then?
"a popular vacation place" could be something like BEACH or SEA, but I can't see any way of adding a letter to that to get "a person no one will forgive".
I think the best place to start would be the "vacation place" and "too loud".
Maybe a specific location?
The words are almost certainly quite short.
Got any popular holiday destinations with short names?
Yeah - I'm thinking six letters max, more likely 4 or 5.
"a place where many people live" could be CITY, but again I can't see a way of changing a letter to get "a person no one will forgive". That one might be a specific location.
Sad that it's one letter and not two. Else it could be VILLAGE and VILLAIN
If we can scramble, it opens up .
Like CITY to YETI? :P
Yes. But OP just said no anagraming.
I had RAPIST to PARIS for lines 2 and 3
action I guarantee you have never taken - die?
@BeastlyGerbil My thought exactly.
True, That's a pretty safe bet
be weird if we had taken that action
But then how to change one letter to get something meaning "too loud" or "in your face"?
die, suicide, any other similar possibilities?
Could that be BOLD?
I know this discussion is over, but I'd just like to know why other users are not allowed to see a creation of the Insignificant Pocketed Mammal
I get that he's banned/suspended
but he wouldn't be posting them
and because of that he is not allowed to post
@TrojanByAccident He would be posting them by proxy.
by me posting it for him he is evading that ban
He's already created at least a couple of sockpuppets, which have been summarily destroyed.
@Randal'Thor but he wouldn't be getting rep, and if it's a good puzzle...?
@Randal'Thor if it is bold then the action could be bald :P
Then we'll see the good puzzle when the ban is up.
Aha! I got the riddle.
@TrojanByAccident He's not banned from getting rep; he's banned from participating, full stop.
Uh. @Deusovi... Why are you so good? :P
Gah, h34 sniped me. D:
@Randal'Thor I'm still not understanding why we can't have access to his puzzle, even if he's not interacting or participating with us
uh he skipped some steps though
Oh, so they're not sequential.
@TrojanByAccident Because he is participating indirectly if we post his puzzle. It's just through email.
@Deusovi His answer's incomplete
@Deusovi Bleh.
I don't think GARISH is right.
Nah, I think it is.
@Deusovi ehh I guess mods here have a different opinion on bans than on other sites
Deusovi have you got the rest?
Yeah, posting now.
@TrojanByAccident Other non-SE sites, you mean?
@Randal'Thor yeah
SE suspensions are often... contentious. At least, in my experience.
Ah damn! I was working it as sequential changes
Yeah, I got PERISH from PARIS and realized it was nonsequential.
I was going sequential...
@ChrisCudmore Same here.
Worst part: I had GARISH & couldn't get it to work because of that.
Whoa, I got 9 upvotes and h34 is at +1/-1?
I had parish, paris, and pariah early, but didn't realize it was all off the base word too. that's annoying. :)
@Deusovi Well, h34 didn't actually solve it...
Fair enough. Still, the votes came in pretty fast.
downvote seems harsh though
@Deusovi how do you see how many up/downvotes a post has? or is that some special mod tool?
It's a privilege you get with enough rep.
@TrojanByAccident It's a 1k rep privilege.
You can click on the vote tally and it separates it for you, once you have 1k rep
Click the number and it divides into +/-.
I'm not sure he got the answer in enough different ways guys :P
I've got a better way off telling him: hide it in a puzzle
@BeastlyGerbil I'm guessing the downvote is more for the poor formatting rather than the incompleteness
well he has 5 upvotes now anyway
I tossed him one, he was almost there and got it fast
@Deusovi Congrats on becoming the #3 rep user!
Oh cool, I passed up f''!
oh he overtook f"
Shame he disappeared
Yeah, f'' was cool.
I'm still on page 3
not 'seen' since august...
Now I just need to get 13.2k more rep... :P
I'm 12th...
Then again, I don't think I've been on main in a while (posting question/answer that is)
@BeastlyGerbil It's weird. f'' disappeared, and Gamow was suspended, both on pretty much exactly the same day I came back.
@Randal'Thor @Deusovi is coming for you! :P
@Randal'Thor you are a bad luck charm
He's gunning for Gamow's rep level first
@Deusovi By which time I'll have a lot more!
@BeastlyGerbil :-(
Come on guys, lets face the truth: @Rubio will have overtaken us all by this time next year. :P
@BeastlyGerbil Well, he is using Saidin :P
@BeastlyGerbil Lol.
Its true though, if you stay active then you probably will
That is not my goal. I was very driven to hit 10k. Now, well, we'll see how it goes.
you've earnt 10k in 3 months, 3*4 = 10*4 = 40k rep during this year
I got the 3k I wanted, the rest is a bonus :P
@Rubio Yeah, 10k is the big one.
Oct 8 '16 at 12:09, by Rand al'Thor
Sep 17 at 17:23, by Rand al'Thor
in Mos Eisley, Oct 4 '15 at 21:21, by Praxis
@randal'thor : 10k is when you get instant healing, x-ray vision, and the ability to see 15 seconds into the future. 20k, you get improved stamina, and 25k you get a Starbucks gift card.
I'm trying to step up my puzzle quality now, and I think my latest is a good step in the right direction.
@BeastlyGerbil uh, 3*4 != 10
@Randal'Thor Ooh. I want the Starbucks gift card.
@Rubio That one definitely looks great!
Yeah it must have taken ages
@dcfyj 3*4 isn't 10*4 either.
I know
you know what I mean :P
yearly rep
@Randal'Thor It was fun. I may actually revisit that theme - and, perhaps, publish semi-regular editions, with new puzzles in the "Main Event" section
solicit content, like @Mithrandir has for the ## Clues
yeah I've got my Sheerluck series to focus on now
@BeastlyGerbil Oh, I understand your math now. 3 months * 4 = 10k rep * 4 = 40k rep
feedback from first Sheerluck for next time?
@BeastlyGerbil That one looked cool. I was, well, preoccupied when you released it and didn't get to work on it at all, but it looked great, and fun to see people solving it piecemeal
Yeah I always wanted to do a puzzle involving idioms but never could find a way. Good old trusty first letter steganography :P
Yeah, I have a puzzle in the works, but it's taking forever to put together because of the way I'm building it :(
keep trying!
yep, got that one (bits at the bottom) :P
Rubio summoned me. :P
@Mithrandir He met a Balrog and needed your help.
Also, 197 :-O
@Randal'Thor I died facing a Balrog.
Who pinned my Literature message?
(to abuse a Monty Python quote) You got better...!
@Mithrandir Emrak.
It's now at 98% commitment.
1 min ago, by Rand al'Thor
Also, 197 :-O
@Mithrandir FTFY
Thanks to a mod and an oooold SFFer.
The number just changed, and I was like: 'Wait, what? How... Oh...'
@Mithrandir Mod abuse. The answer is always mod abuse. Except when it's 42.
Your quote is directly linked to Area 51
@Mithrandir Not that one.
I meant the latest committers to Lit.
But hey, I didn't know you were on SFF, @GentlePurpleRain :-D
@Mithrandir Wow, I forgot I'd actually answered any questions on Science Fiction & Fantasy...
@Rubio is the cipher in your puzzle vigenere?
@GentlePurpleRain What quote? (That links to discuss.)
@BeastlyGerbil You'll have to wait for the hint.
@Mithrandir I was just joking about the starred quote in the sidebar.
I've answered two questions on SFF and edited one CW lol
1983-1985. Grade 2. Apple.
I'm trying to hit 10k on SFF before April.
I want to see if that's possible :P
@Will One CW? An answer to a big "ID-this-stuff" question, by any chance?
@Mithrandir Why April?
@Randal'Thor Seems like a reasonable goal.
So he can fool everyone of course :P
I'm not the fastest rep earner, and it's in a few months, so...
@BeastlyGerbil (not those hints. hehe)
(Okay, I earned 902 rep since 2017 started, but that's an anomaly.)
Oof, @Will, you've hidden all your accounts - I had to go via Area 51 to find your SFF account!
Oh, I've also left a comment on an answer about how the Doctor's TARDIS works
why did MOehmm delete his answer? He was right
@BeastlyGerbil I guess he thought it wasn't complete enough (or maybe even relevant enough)?
We could undelete it, but it'd need either me, Gareth, and Gamow working together or a mod or MOehm himself.
In other A51 news, my Hebrew Language proposal only needs one more follower. But another 26 +10 questions till commitment starts.
@Randal'Thor I would think you'd need a pretty compelling reason to undelete a self-deleted answer.
@Mithrandir I've followed it :)
@Will I see, on Dec 18 :P
@Randal'Thor Why couldn't f'' help? :P
@GentlePurpleRain I've helped to undelete self-deleted questions before ... not sure about self-deleted answers.
@GentlePurpleRain Not around any more.
@Will I see you're also on the V&V proposal :-)
Out of morbid curiosity, why would you ever undelete a self-deleted question?
That's my other Area51 commitment, after Literature.
@Rubio Because it was a useful/interesting question and shouldn't really have been deleted? I did it a couple of times on SFF even before becoming a mod.
@Mithrandir It wasn't a deliberate reference. (I hadn't even voted on that meta post until just now.)
That's quite a coincidence... :P
Not really ...
It's quite a common phrase.
Now it's 99% :D
Interesting that both examples were deleted within a couple minutes of being posted, and both had typos that made them nominally broken hehe
(A blue name can edit my chat message.)
@Rubio I'd already answered the first one by the time it was deleted, and I had an answer to the second one which I didn't get the chance to post before deletion.
Which is why I campaigned to get them undeleted ;-)
I wondered at the huge time delay on the second one
The second one was only undeleted months later.
@Mithrandir Ooh, you made GPR's avatar go all grey.
Now we need, what, two more people to commit?
@Randal'Thor I've probably asked this before, but is it acceptable to upvote old questions and answers, or would that be considered necro?
@TrojanByAccident Huh? Of course it's acceptable!
What could possibly be wrong with upvoting old posts?
That's how the site works!
@TrojanByAccident It's a great idea. Especially if they're my old posts.... :P
Or how do you think the scores of old posts slowly and gradually increase over time?
@GentlePurpleRain :P
Even editing old posts is fine. There are even a couple of badges you can get for that.
@Randal'Thor Bunch of people upvote when it's new
@TrojanByAccident That doesn't account for "slowly and gradually increase over time".
I tend to gain 5 or 10 rep a day even when I haven't posted in a while, just from votes on old posts.
Plenty of e.g. Great Question/Answer badges aren't awarded within a day or two of post creation.
@GentlePurpleRain Exactly!
Some people live off drive-by voting.
@TrojanByAccident Go earn yourself some more rep then! :-)
I think someone found that Jon Skeet would hit the rep cap every day even if they stopped posting entirely.
And something like even if SO shrunk by 10% a year, they'd still cap out for the next five years or something ridiculous like that.
@Randal'Thor I need to finish this puzzle I'm making :-)
Yeah, he admitted as much
@Emrakul "they"? Do you subscribe to the theory that Jon Skeet is actually a whole team of programmers working 24/7?
@Randal'Thor 'they' can refer to one person :P
In English :P
@TrojanByAccident I know; it just sounded funny :-) (And isn't singular 'they' only used when the person's gender is unknown or non-binary? I'm pretty sure Jon Skeet is a guy.)
@Randal'Thor (I use agender pronouns for everyone who hasn't told me which pronouns they prefer. With Jon Skeet, it's probably safe, but... still.)
I'm personally in the habit of using singular they unless I've been explicitly told otherwise :)
He refers to himself here as a "husband and father", so I think it's probably safe to use "he".
Ah, so linking to a puzzle causes a link-back on the target puzzle. Good to know.
@Emrakul Speaking of which, I don't think you've ever told me which pronouns you prefer. Most people including myself have assumed 'he', but I guess I should ask (awkward though it is to ask after we've already sort of known each other for a couple of years ...)
... Oh.
That didn't use to be there.
@Randal'Thor I actually use they/them! I don't terribly mind either male or female pronouns, though.
Yeah, it's pretty recent.
Sorry @Emrak - I'll try to remember that in future :-)
No worries! :]
Night all!
I want you all to refer to me as 'Your Highness'. Got it?
@Mithrandir Already taken:
Dec 8 '16 at 7:50, by Deusovi
"Your Highness" would be nice too.
'The mighty wizard Mithrandir' works too.
Oh. I was gonna say you'll just have to settle for "my liege."
Yeah, honorifics are in short supply, assuming exclusivity.
That's not a waste of time at all...
How is it staying up on the right side?
Leaning against the wall
It's at an angle in this image.
Wow, SE is telling me that everything was posted yesterday. I'm going to sleep.
Q: Name that Country!

wildBillMunsonWhat country could the following text represent? Forward By confidence, we Union seek justice, peace and the sword.

@Randal'Thor Check out this article on wikipedia

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