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we were busy making our way through @BeastlyGerbil puzzle
Actually, very disputable. I understand the downvotes now... (didn't think about that part when writing my snarky comment)
I downvoted because of the reliance on GitHub.
Yup, I expected that
I have to downvote now too, sorry...
It's fine, though =^-^=
That's... kind of exactly what I told you not to do.
I found the RAR file and updated.
png.txt indeed.
And I'm now going to post a cryptic clue which isn't a real cryptic clue, lol. (it's extremely easy, though)
And yeah, now that I think about it, using GitHub is pretty bad just on its own. The step of using SilverApprentice as the github name, too, is bad from a puzzling perspective.
CCCC: Ascent of new alcoholism (4)
There's also the issue of reliance on your profile.
It'd be different if there was a URL in your profile. (Unless there is and I missed it.)
@Rubio I've got my GitHub linked on my profile, yes...
Ok guess I missed it.
I saw "SilverApprentice" there but not the link.
That is the link. You can click it.
Still though, this puzzle relies on your profile.
oh. lol.
@Deusovi True. *shrugs*
@Displayname no indirect anagram, I hope?
Ascent->Rise is an easy DEF, but it doesn't seem to fit otherwise
but half the time I say that I'm just being dumb and someone else solves it
Ascent is in fact the def
@Rubio If an indirect anagram is something like this: "Unusually tough monster (5) = HYDRA", then no.
It is, and thank you
I guess I have to say that the clue completely ignores one very important rule of cryptic clues, though...
That pesky rule where there's an answer? :P
(and good morning all)
I'm actually guessing that pesky rule where there's a def.
@Alconja Howdy howdy :)
My puzzle was finally solved
Other people were so way ahead of me before I had a chance to look at it, I just didn't bother. hehe
But, rare for me, I upvoted it more or less on sight.
Thanks :P
@BeastlyGerbil I learned a lot from that puzzle. You are very creative.
I'm disappointed. :(
Because that answer deserves more upvotes
I don't much care about the score on my question, but the answer should get more upvotes
negative scoring questions are often ignored entirely, so the answer could be a complete masterpiece and many people would never even see it.
I kinda hope not hehe
Q: Pentominoes On the Edge

Engineer ToastIntroducing Pentominoes! It's the same concept as tetrominoes except they use 5 tiles instead of 4. Discounting rotations and reflections, there are 12 different free pentominoes. (If you include reflections, there are 18 but we're going to assume our pieces are all vampires and, thus, don't hav...

ooh yay Christmas packages arriving
@Rubio When I see a negative scoring question, I often click on it to read through the answers and give it another downvote if it deserves one, but I guess that's just me *shrugs*
don't anybody go sneaky solving the CCCC while I'm getting stuff ;)
@Jim That sounds right to me. He did say that it broke a rule of cryptics.
@Sphinx I'm pretty sure this can't be done, but I don't have the maths to prove it
@Jim Nope, sorry. How would "new" fit in that explanation?
@Jim That's what I thought it was, but I wasn't sure about 'new', as @Displayname pointed out
Hax: I started out with 349 rep(IIRC), I have a -7 question, and I now have 350 rep
^ wait for lag
@Displayname yeah I know, was making a wise crack, or a dumb crack in this case
Also, to anyone that wants to take down my first ever puzzle. I added more clues. It's not a deep puzzle, but requires a tiny leap - I guess. Now I must commute.
The CC is pretty stupid TBH, so making a dumb crack may be the accurate action to take :P
@Jim Speaking of crack, any url containing the url 'crack' is blocked by my school filter
Your school is winning the #warondrugs
even ritz-crackers.jpeg?
esp that one
@Will no, but if it was ritz-crack-ers.jpeg, yes.
@TrojanByAccident So crackmarket.com would be allowed?
@Displayname Yes.
but xxx.com/fix-crack-in-iphone would not
p.s. don't go to xxx.com
@Displayname og you just reminded me of this kid who tried buying/selling uranium in middle school
what about crackwh0res4less.com
very popular site, I hear
(it's blocked for me anyway('keyword xxx'))
@Rubio lol
@TrojanByAccident this is literally what example.com is for
@BeastlyGerbil would you consider the triangle stuff from your puzzle lateral thinking?
btw @jim it's more common to put the hints at the bottom. people will know you updated it when it reappears on the activity board, so it's not like it has to be right on top for people to notice something added
@Rubio i'm commuting would you mind putting them at the bottom for me so it complies?
Many thanks
Is the cryptic clue supposed to be tucked between the hints, or at the top?
I'm putting it below the checksum and above the hints, and leaving it unspoilered.
Cool, so titles also work in chat
It can be within the hints
What you did is perfect thank you
Someone figured out how to do strikethroughs in chat - anyone know how that was done?
is it just this?
ah. thanks.
It's in help at the bottom right (if you're not on mobile)
heh. I never noticed that
Your cccc is sucking my brain dry.
I'm kinda ashamed of myself for posting such a horrible C4, lol.
Should I drop a hint already so this can quickly disappear from the sidebar? :P
your call
Only if it's got something legitimately broken about it
If I ascent isn't the definition it might be up
I'm thinking the def could be "a scent"
probably not
the def can't be wordplay, so
if that were it, that would qualify as "legitimately broken" :)
It has been said that it isn't quite kosher
I actually realized just now that there two things legitimately broken about it... Well, better drop a hint:
It may not work if the chat would use another font.
Yeah, I'm wondering just how unruly it is.
Four words, two broken rules. That's pretty impressive.
That, (un)surprisingly, doesn't help.
Something AA?
Are you trying to indicate some subset of Atlhl ?
@Rubio Nice. The first broken rule is that there's no real "separator". I.e. you can't split the clue into one def and one wordplay part.
I'm pretty certain if you're using properties of font/letter formation as part of a cryptic clue that it's out of bounds, down the road, across the vacant lot, and making for the railroad tracks. hehe
Oh. Yeah, then that too is broken
@Rubio Nothing wrong with that!
At least, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
@Displayname I'll star your CCCC so you will forever be remembered as "that guy who made that shitty CCCC".
I don't see why there would be, at least.
I thought it was wordplay, not font play, but ok :) I am but the humble learner.
So I have two problems then
I'm not an authority on this or anything. I just don't see any issues with it.
One is there's 6 ascenders. I'd prefer to rule out A and t, as they're in the indicator word itself, which seems unfair, so I guess that would resolve that one
The other is that resolving that leaves me flhl, and if that makes a word, even with new, I don't see it.
Can ascent mean the same as up eg reversed
It can, but not here. That's for down words in cryptic crosswords.
Yeah, it could if it was a "down" clue in a crossword.
Oh. lol.
you're doing that.
HILL, i take it
How do ACOOSM fit in?
Oh duh, ascenders. Never mind.
(I know, "i" doesn't have an ascender, that was broken thing #2)
HILL; Ascent(def); then reused as wordplay, Ascent[ers] of alcoholism (LHLI), new (anagrammed) to HILL
but "i" isn't technically an ascender, if I remember right
that's pretty stinky. hehe
Q: Which cipher increases the character count of a string the most?

haykamWhich cipher would increase the character count of the below sentence? The quick, brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The current character count is usually considered 46 characters, or at least is in UTF-8. Which cipher can I use to make this sentence as long as possible?

It's finally over.
It is. That was ... fun ... hehe :)
Now I'm going to make Deusovi mad at me.
CCCC: Skywalker's first Master more recently has at his heart a carbonless diamond; maybe add a disarrayed toga for an Internet meme? (6,4)
This is, I believe, completely fair, but I took some liberties
We'll see what Sensei says when it's over. (*cringe*)
Ooh, I'm "Sensei" now.
^ I'm going to assume that it's referring to Anakin Skywalker
Dec 19 at 0:08, by Alconja
Though I repeat my warning, there's one word which might be slightly "controversial" in it's grammatical crypticity (don't hate me Sensei @Deusovi).
I thought I was being original, even. That makes it even better. :)
Huh, didn't notice that. (Either that, or I've just forgotten.)
alright, time to pick it apart.
'hIs heart'
Alright, definition seems to be "an internet meme".
add A
@Deusovi Agreed
Maybe _ _ _ _ _ _ GOAT?
Just noticed, there's a question mark at the end
no, it can't be that, there's an I in there somewhere
Not necessarily.
I think it means "carbonless diamond" inserted into "Skywalker's first master".
all that come to mind for goat memes are goatSE and "crave that mineral"
'disarrayed toga' is 'goat', which is what you were saying, I assume
It's 99% SCREAM GOAT, but since I don't offer an explanation, I'll not be the winner.
S=Skywalker's first
That doesn't seem like a common phrase to me. "Scream goat meme" doesn't return much relevant on Google.
alright, here's what we've got:
Skywalker's first Master more recently has at his heart a carbonless diamond; maybe add A, disarrayed toga(GOAT), def: Internet meme
My next CCCC, I'm going to repeat-encode with Morse into things that expand to DOTs and DASHes. I'm sure that's fair.
I'm hoping for an 8k long clue.
You know, we can still remove room ownership. :P
I'll blame you. Your comment gave me the idea. I can prove it.
Hey, I never said anything about doing that with cryptic clues.
hey Rubio, congrats on joining the exalted ranks of the Room Owners.
it's horrible how many things just "Skywalker's first Master" can mean even if interpreted literally
@GarethMcCaughan Thank ye sir
The scream goat is a well known internet meme
I can provide a link @Deusovi :P
btw @TheGreatEscaper I updated the sudoku to the complete one
youtube.com/watch?v=Nf4SyWq692s <<< 'Screaming goat songs', 10 million views
@Volatility cool, I just green ticked your answer :)
thanks ;-)
What's this about the screaming goats?
Also someone explain the HILL CCCC like I'm 5
So I'll say this - I'm pretty sure screaming goats were first introduced to the interwebs with a different name in a YT video which (sadly) seems to be deleted now but lives on in a later repost (and in references to it from at least one vlogger around the time it came out)
Well, "Yelling Goat" and "Man Goat" are obviously incorrect.

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