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I have joined winter bash :>
My anakin mask shall update soon
@Sid WMA? Do you mean Wolfram|Alpha?
I've tried that
Is it considered acceptable to vote to reopen a closed question of yours so that you can give the answer?
If you "improved" it (i.e. made an edit that resolved whatever issue it was closed for), then it should automatically go back in the re-open queue I think...
Specifically, I meant this one, which I'm not really sure could be improved without making it super obvious
I already think it's kind of obvious, especially with the hint, but, ehh...
ok sorry this took longer than I hoped.
CCCC: Interrupted paramour, primarily circumventing the start of any serious emotional baggage. (8)
I don't think editing a question automatically puts it on the reopen queue. maybe it gets on the review queue, but I am not even sure of that.
First thought: either 'start of Any Serious Emotional Baggage' or start of 'any serious emotional baggage'
most likely the former
primarily: something to do with first
circumventing = going around
interrupted 'paramour'? possibly removing some letters from the end?
I know the word and the second half...
@Saiid So your rag man puzzle, I think, looks like it'd take considerable rework to make reopenable; it has so many apparent contradictions on its face that it's going to attract a lot of answers that can't be excluded by arguing they don't fit everything, because nothing is going to fit everything without a lot of leeway.
SUIT[-or] (interrupted paramour) C (primarily Circumventing) ASE (start of Any Serious Emotional) (def: baggage)
Sad. Took less time to solve than to create. Good job.
:) That's how I feel about every puzzle I've ever created
lol. Yes, but your puzzles are freaking amazing.
Including my CCs
Luckily I wrote a new one while you were writing yours:
CCCC: Ocean sounds? A headless horseman? Heartless end? Absurd! (8)
yeah I started with "serious emotional baggage" and then had a hard time making the rest fit with anything resembling a rational surface reading
Yeah, getting a good reading (while keeping things succinct) is very hard
Hence, my cheating multi-sentence abomination just now. :P
@Rubio Which contradictions?
"he" is a teacher, and a man, but not a human, and apparently something to do with rags. it's hard to fathom something that qualifies for all of those. (a non-human man who could be a teacher, for one, is hard to grasp, outside the covers of a fantasy novel)
Do you mind if I just spoil the answer here?
I don't mind...hehe
there's enough people in here though that it probably means reopening it is then a forlorn cause
oh well
The horseman bit is clever, but I'm afraid the ocean escapes me.
Might as well. I'm not sure you'll rally the votes to reopen at this stage (FWIW, I probably wouldn't VTC as it stands right now, but it still feels a little too "off" for me to want to VTO)
He is 'a rag man'
well. that's too obvious, and not at all obvious how it fits most of the clues.
I guess it's a stretch
yes, indeed. I was rather new to puzzling, though :P
@Will Possibly I'm stretching rules with the ocean, but we'll see...
@Will I only understood 'heartless end' V-V
Yeah... not sure how you fit that to the clues, sorry. (with the exception of "a rag man"... but even then only kind of, given "a rag man" is an anagram, but an anagram isn't "a rag man")
an anagram isn't going to teach anyone, it's not a man, ...
ehh... it made sense as I was writing it, and I still understand how I made it, but idk
you're sloppily interchanging the answer with an anagram of the answer, and frankly, neither of them work :)
also my stories are almost always mostly fluff
hey @Deusovi
@Rubio shrugs
"almost always mostly" <- most confusing string ever
@Deusovi feel like cleaning up the star board? :)
Also, @Saiid: Please don't edit your questions just to bump them.
gah. this C4 is harder than it looks hehe
I forgot it would bump, my apologies
I feel like one or more of these "indicators" isn't one.
smacks self in face
@Alconja thanks for destroying my Google search history.
lol @will
Yeah I'm thinking my first assumptions about heartless end are all wrong, but the other way around isn't making it any better.
Ocean sounds + headless horseman can make CIDER
@Rubio are we on the same page with the first four letters? :P
I'm assuming 'heartlesS end'
(hom. sea + (-r)IDER)
@Saiid: Alternatively, heartless end
I see
I think you're on the wrong track with the horse ;)
Sure, that's possible
(horse puns)
ah :P
Ooh, maybe it's a split - ORSE + M (for male) or something?
I think they're galloping off to a good start ;)
I'm pretty sure it's jocKEY
that would be thrice-headless though
not once
ooh, got it?
C + jOCKEY + EnD
Ah, nice!
I had it all along
just split up wrong...
:) nice work
I guess my first guess on heartless end was right after all. Good job Will
Will, have the next one ready?
I don't yet :(
While you wait, here's a clue I found online:
In the meantime, here's mine again:
58 mins ago, by Volatility
Want to have banter? Maybe this recently started event (6,4)
Two girls, one cup (5) [NOTE: DO NOT GOOGLE THIS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE. IT IS THE NAME OF AN INCREDIBLY DISTURBING SHOCK VIDEO (that also happens to function as a valid cryptic clue) .]
oh man.
oh boy
yes, it's actually a valid cryptic clue
That's a good way to really destroy your google history though ;)
let's see... noooo?
nope :P
pity it's (5). good opportunity for half-pint punniness on this one
you guys want the solution (before someone feels tempted to google it)?
i'll wait then
@Volatility WI(NTERBA*)SH
this is going to be a stinker isn't it
it's not TOO terrible
it does involve a semi-uncommon abbreviation (in cryptics, that is)
@Deusovi Yep! I liked the surface reading for that one.
Yeah, it was nice!
what's the anagram indicator? i'm clearly missing it
blah. :) ok
i knew what it was but not at all why
Q: Puzzle of Picture

KetanKp BoradaThe Question: What does this picture represent?

^ close as too broad?
yeah just did
and I give up on the two girls. i was hoping for something about glass, but can't get there
that's it
what's G?
an abbreviation for girl - not common, but used sometimes
the two girls are "G" (abbreviation for GIRL) and "LASS", to make "GLASS", one cup
ok yeah, that's a stinker. :)
I would have never gotten G there
funny thing too
it's not perfect, but it's surprisingly decent considering that there's probably not much overlap between shock video makers and cruciverbalists
if you had waited about 10 seconds, Volatility would have supplied the explanation for my answer. we've been doing it all day
ha, nice
Haha, indeed :-)
@Will, still thinking up a clue?
Q: Crack the lock code

Qaisar SattiCan any one know how to crack this? I got this as a challenge.

If I ever win one, I've thought up a relatively good one
can't fit it into one good sentence, though :T
let's go with
CCCC: Bite the family cat (8)
should be easy
You sure, that is 8 and not 7?
pretty sure
I have a word that fits 'the family cat' but not 'bite'
more or less, anyway
as well as the character number
@Emrakul Are you guys planning for more RO or are we done?
@Sid Can't speak for everyone, but iirc, maaaaybe one more.
Off the top of my head, that's what I remember.
@Will You've packed a lot of challenge into 4 words.
I am sure, family cat is the definition and "bite the" might mean to remove something from "the".
I had a word
but it was only 7 letters
and didn't fit the definition of 'cat' I was going with
Oh well
I'm going to go to sleep
night night
I wonder why nobody has linked "Code puzzles: What not to do?" yet, because this is a case in point. Only the hidden italics are "gettable"; the rest is just guesswork. There are too many numbers in the text. How are we supposed to know that we should look at the first letters of each line when they yield the nonsense word PPPSM? The "Even I" hint is probably meant to look at even digits or letters or whatnot. How can we get this from the puzzle without the hint? You can't fix a bad puzzle with hints. — M Oehm 39 mins ago
M oehm looks absolutely furious. And you can't blame him as well
Hehe, yeah - he's got a good point. Oliver had a couple simple puzzles to get started, then tossed that doozy out there. Underhinted, undertagged, and bordering on "Guess what I was thinking?" territory
I got to the rot13 step, then looked at long strings of numbers with no discernable meaning nor even definitive grouping, and moved on
I tried even vigenere decoding with the credit card numbers as key.. Nothing comes out. Now, I am done with that thing.
And even if you take the even first letters, you get PPM- Parts per million or whatever..
Techidiot at his most inscrutable felt more solvable than that ;)
Hello people
@IAmInPLS Howdy howdy howdy.
@Sid Wow
Indeed he seems furious
M Oehm, he means
I wonder why no one has solved my puzzle. My holidays end today. I was hoping someone would have already gotten it..
I thought you said somewhere that it wasn't a crossword, that you'd hinted to avoid that answer. now I can't find that
did I dream that?
Talking about unsolved puzzle, my latest riddle is still standing, lads
Yeah, I did say that..
Ah, yes! Your riddle.. I had something and I have forgotten now..
can you linky? i'm being lazy
Q: Turned a second into unessential

IAmInPLSDo you want to say something? Hang on, let me write it for you. Remember that in every word you're saying, I'm playing a part, it's true. Want to imagine like, anythin'? I'll prove it wrong, fool you! Want to throw me into a bin? Think twice before you do. Oh, wow, now you're a bird Both of...

@IAmInPLS The last stanza doesn't fit in my answer
oh. that. that one hurts my brain.
@Sid The one with the bird?
@IAmInPLS that riddle feels like what I imagine a bad trip feels like :)
Ah! I'm pretty happy of this one stanza
If I drop a hint, it would be on this bird
@Rubio Yes, I see what you mean :-). The whole thing doesn't make sense at all haha
All 3 stanzas are about the same thing though, right?
Yes. And notice that it goes two lines by two lines
Yeah I got that part
Still working on your fortunate words
I need to answer some puzzles, I concentrated too much on creation these last days
@Displayname No, I am your father.
many much hatzen
I hate hats
The fortunate words puzzle was a fun one to dream up, and a bit more of a pain to put together than I thought it'd be
I like the variety of words it ended up providing
@Mithrandir Saw your comment just after the edit
Wait... I just saw something odd
I quickly saw the latest question at +1 but I clicked on the number and it was 0-0
I accidentaly +1ed it and then undid it.
Whee I have 2 hats
Q: My friend is quite silly

stack reader You can meet my small friend at -1. You can meet my American friend at -2. You can meet my very rare friend at -3. One of my friends is quite silly. One of my friends is very proud. One of my friends is usually preferred warm, but the opposite is sometime necessary. ...

I wish sometimes you could choose to suggest-edit vs commit them yourself
What do you mean?
I mean with enough rep, your edits become effective immediately instead of having to be approved, so you can't put in a suggested edit and see what the OP thinks - your changes just Become So.
It'd be nice to be able to make an edit and let the OP see and approve it so you don't have to guess if you are doing more harm or more good
Yes, sometimes it's hard to know if you can edit directly or not
There've several feature requests on meta for that
Now, there is two CC. One Will's and one Rand's. Both of which seem like they can be solved but I am still stumped.
@Will's is MUNCH+KIN.
huh! nice
a munchkin is a type of cat
the rest should be obvious
family is KIN, bite is MUNCH, and yeah
Didn't know that. So, A cat called Munchkin exists?
Learning new things everyday.
He looks sad to be honest :'(
They sometimes just look like that
So fluffy !
The second one there, I'm sure its name is Cujo
CCCC: Competent? l pass (8)
@Deusovi Wait, where's the Alconja's one?
which one?
2 hours ago, by Alconja
CCCC: Ocean sounds? A headless horseman? Heartless end? Absurd! (8)
that one?
solved by Will
2 hours ago, by Will
C + jOCKEY + EnD
Thank you, I was sure to have seen both Will's and Alconja's on the starred list
Yeah, we typically clear them
I mean, both in the same time
So that sounded strange
huh, weird
But I think I'm not well awake and that's it :-)
@Deusovi are you going to clear the stars on Will's CCCC?
Hello @MOehm
Whee. I have a secret hat.
Q: Clue 18 -- Should this be on Stack Overflow?

ScimonsterAs you sit at the computer that you used to solve the last puzzle, a popup window opens. It appears to be a Stack Overflow question, with a very generic name: Why isn't my code working? As you look closer, however, you notice several things - the URL has been blocked out, along with the name and...

Damn @Sphinx you're fast today
Hey @Mithrandir what is that hat?
A secret one
Q: Winter Bash 2016 - All Hats

DavidI decided to start the traditional secret hats post, but instead of just another "here is how you get the secret hats" post, to also add in all the hats. There are two answers: one for the secret hats, and one for the regular hats. Some notes about secret hats: A secret hat for correctly gue...

Oh, I guessed: you upvote then un-upvote?
VTC, edit, VTRO
Oh, nice
@IAmInPLS Hi. I was gone before I saw your greeting, just did a quick scan of last night's chat. And I'm off again; I'm supposed to be working right now :)
Well, I am supposed to work too :-P
See ya later then
@Volatility Hello!
For the other secret hats, we don't know how to unlock them i guess?
There is discussion in the hat chat room and a google doc with some observations, but nothing else is confirmed.
welp. I'm heading off, too sleepy ... ninight all
@Rubio Night!
@Deusovi I'm incompetent to guess your C4; I pass :)
'Night @Rubio
@Deusovi Seems like it could be GRADUATE (noun/verb double def)... But I'm not quite sure if that's how double defs work...
@Alconja Nope, that's not it.
I think you'll be sure when you've got it.
Oh its the time of year we get hats again! I love the part
Q: Puzzling SE's Annual Advent Calendar 2016

Beastly GerbilIt had finally arrived! PSE's annual Christmas advent calendar for 2016! The one thing I had been waiting for all year! I tore open the packaging and let out a delighted gasp at this year's new look. Tentatively I reached for the first door, and tore it off, hardly able to keep in my enthusiasm....

I'm off to bed. Confirmation for my clue: If you add up all the values of the answer letters in A1Z26 code, you get 90. (Please don't use this to computer-search.)

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