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Ah, very clever!
@Deusovi in your crossword-setting, what range of letters can "unknown" signify? In particular, can it be "c"?
@Volatility are you talking about ENROLL or have you spotted something else?
yeah, ENROLL
Yes: C is often used for unknown constants in mathematics.
heh, thanks - i was hoping ENROLL wouldn't be too cheaty
Oh, like in integration? I was stuck thinking it was X.
ah, we have the definition of ARSON now (from 28d)
which means the extra words are used for defining double-wordplay clues as well as extra-anagram-step ones
I'm trying to look for one for AIM (from 7A MIAMI), and "point" in 20D seems the only plausible possibility
so song -> ode
(The process is called letter-banking, by the way.)
(For instance, RETINA is a letter-bank of ENTERTAINER.)
Ah, nice
we still need definitions for SPIT and TYPED
and we still need to find one more spurious word in each of 38a and 38d
(I am not claiming these have to match up; I think there are more clues with spurious words)
since I think we only have six of them so far
I imagine the spurious words are the first and the last
oh, is that true for all the ones we've had so far? I haven't been paying attention
does each one yield one double-wordplay and one letterbank?
and are they always the same way around?
I don't think so
All this chat has got me curious, but I have no idea what's going on or how to catch up... :)
the ones I've looked at so far all have letterbank first and double-wordplay second
er, but that may just be the way I've written them
so that may be nonsense
hang on
no, sorry, it's just because of the order I happen to have noted them down in
but everything I currently know is consistent with each having one LB and one DW
In that case, 20D would have to be a double-wordplay, since "Ocean" is a letterbank (assuming "god" does define 20D)
which makes sense since nothing in the clue looks promising as a definition
= detailed point
still don't see how "tea for" or "tea" -> thor as wordplay yet, though
sorry, I mean thor = detailed point because thorn = point
yeah, got that bit
"tea" might clue T, but then we're left with "for" -> HOR
this is not a thing I understand but
Is 38D HES a thing?
here we seem to have a F/H weirdness
and there's another one just nearby
at the intersection of 11d and 29a
where the across clue wants to have F and the down one want to have H
they're not the same kind of thing
(one involves two clues we think we've solved that have conflicting answers and the other involves one clue that seems like it conflicting parts)
but it's a curious coincidence at least
and Deusovi's reaction to my saying "oh" at this juncture is interesting, too :-)
I wonder if there's an I/S swap somewhere too
the pattern of clue names is taken from a Dr Seuss book
but its full name is "one fish two fish red fish blue fish"
and given the fish-shape maybe there's some further fish-swappery going on somehow
I'm just babbling here -- I don't have a concrete clearly-statable theory for what's going on -- but something in this vicinity seems likely
and also
look at that part of the grid, if you have been filling it in somewhere
middle row of the whole thing
I claim I know what the gaps contain
not that I'm sure how that interacts with the putative F/H switchings I've been babbling about
So "scream" defines 26A and "consumed" defines 27A
if it does at all
sounds good
(and we now need things to be defined by "pusher" and "disrespect"; I guess the latter is sPIT
oops SPIT
Sounds pausible
so SHOUT is a letterbank rather than a double-wordplay, which isn't exactly a surprise
Sounds right
oo, is 27 TETE A TETE (turning into ATE on letterbanking?)
TE x 4
latin and = ET, revolutionary = TE, quartet = TETETETE, surround a -> TETEATETE
Ha, nice
Oh, so in 20D there's a F/H switch as well
the answer is a bit incomplete because it doesn't have any notes of how the extra words migrate from one place to another
yes, that was what I said several comments back
but it seems like a different sort of F/H switch unless I'm confused
Oh, sorry, I'm bit slow -.-
oh no, I see
at least I think I do
the rule is that the double-wordplay leads to an answer before any F/H switching, and the definition migrated from a different clue is for what actually goes in the grid
I think
I suspect, as already mentioned, that there may be one or two I/S swaps to go with the F/H ones. But I have no actual evidence for that yet.
someone earlier proposed HES for 38d after removing input/trouble, and I've forgotten who. It's clearly right at this point and I want to edit it into the answer. Could whoever said it put their hand up?
16 mins ago, by Volatility
Is 38D HES a thing?
yes, just realised as well, too slow to edit, apparently
38a ("psycho I liked had a counterpart" after removing spurious words) seems to be H-I-. Too bad HOIL isn't a word meaning counterpart.
what's the wordplay though?
HOIL is contained in psycHOILiked
so here the wordplay defines what ends up in the grid and the definition defines what doesn't
which isn't necessarily the same as what we had earlier when the F/H thing happened to a double-wordplay clue
so I think we still don't 100% understand the F/H thing
"F is H"
there will not be any I/S swapping
I was just about to type that @gareth
just caught up to end of chat, and had noticed the f/h swaps and got the F is H right away :)
then saw you'd just got there. :)
good job all, I love the look of that puzzle but have had zero time to work on it
They're not done!
I think we're close to the end now
though the "last lousy clue" is a common enough phenomenon that I wouldn't bet on it
Well we still have a bunch of clues left!
oh, I know, but they're getting there
Well, you know all the tricks, and you do have a grid.
(A grid that's actually semi-useful now. :P )
hmm, there's at least one thing I still don't understand
if "F is H" then how can the middle actually say FISH OUT OF WATER instead of HISH OUT OH WATER? Presumably F->H only happens some of the time. Everywhere except the midline??
or only underwater (below midline)?
oh no
F and H are the same thing in this puzzle.
oh, I see. It's not a one-way transformation, it's just an equivalence relation to quotient by :-)
(sorry, the "oh no" was because I'd concocted another theory that your last remark invalidated before I could state it, namely that "fish out of water" means "F is H out of water" and we were meant to pick some horizontal line as dividing air from water or something)
nah, grid and clues were already too constrained for that - the middle line is just a thematic phrase, nothing more
I imagine 16D is one of the foreign words, probably meaning "Boy", with "figurehead - large" -> FL/HL, although I can't find anything that fits
could be a letterbank
plausible on both counts.
Oh, "writer" -> DAHL
or something
is there an "about" in the clue? I forget
yeah, "to get" will do
so it's LAD backwards with F inside making DAHL
but what about the "large"?
that's a good question
is it possible that there's meant to be another word on the front and then that and "large" are spurious and need to be used as definitions elsewhere?
@Deusovi, there isn't a glitch of that sort in 16d is there?
nope, the clue is correct as-is
(I'm expecting the answer to be no, but might as well check)
(but a bit unusual)
I have another reason for thinking DAHL is probably right
which is that I suspect 15a of being GOLDENEYE but haven't thought it through yet
I guess then "edgy" and "writer" are spurious
"writer" giving DAHL of course
"gen-I" -> GENEYE, "ancient" -> OLD
and then we have, yes, GEN EYE with OLD inside
Well, apparently Dahl was a very tall guy, so "large" might refer somehow to that?
seems unlikely
25d is interesting too. It seems to be LA--OST but my computer's wordlist has no words matching that pattern. Hmm, did I say that already? I forget. It's a bit of an odd clue, too.
ah, must be LAMPPOST
pp = very soft and will become P on entry
drunkards use lampposts for support
what's the rest of the clue again?
Spaniards, the best at folding very soft support for 23D perhaps
LA = "spaniards' the". I think @Deusovi was a bit naughty here; that apostrophe is not optional.
ah, whoops - I originally had it as "Spaniard the" (where it was an adjective in the cryptic reading)
Fair enough
changed it for the surface reading, forgetting that I'd need an apostrophe
so is 33a PIMP or PUMP? Neither is instantly convincing.
(is "dog" a slang term for a pimp, maybe? Might be but I don't think I've ever heard it)
or maybe it's meant to be "pusher" which is left over from 3d
though pimps and pushers are quite different sorts of disreputable character
unless I'm all confused
"pusher" = PUMP
stupid me
must be a double-wordplay (can't be a letterbank with two Ps)
"dog hugging M.P. referee"
no, sorry, I thought I half-understood it
but I don't even half understand it
M. P. are separate
that's just as naughty as Rand's "inseminate"
that's sneaky
I spaced them out so you wouldn't have that excuse! :P
yeah, I just noticed that while editing the answer and was about to come back here to apologize for maligning you
oh, you have perfectly valid reasons to malign me
that just happened to not be one of them
yow, sorry @Volatility, I meant to credit you for that one and forgot. At least I didn't put @Gareth on it by reflex.
thanks for fixing it
no worries
I want 12a to be something like ABOMINATE but it has to end in T and I don't see how any of it other than "hate" would work :-).
21d might be RIPOSTE; if so it's a double-wordplay but I don't quite get it. Second half might be because it sounds a bit like "repost" though the way I pronounce it it isn't very close. First half would have to be S or ST inside something clued by "repeated task" and RIPOTE and RIPOE both fail to mean that so far as I can see.
dunno whether that's right but it suggests R at the start of 2a which I think is ROBBER entered ROBER
"Backtalk" could be a definition
I haven't actually done the letter-counting but I think ROBBER appears "regularly" in the stuff to the left of "regular" in the clue
yeah, it does
oh, every third
If "backtalk" is a definition, then "gone" has to be too, which could refer to 7A M.I.A. instead of AIM
I was never keen on losing "point" since I think we need it for THOR
Me neither
perhaps 4d is BYE
I don't see how the wordplay works yet
3D could be OAR? but don't see how the wordplay woks there either
BOAR minus one of its letters
that seems very convincing
I think you should get the credit this time @Gareth ;-)
I think 5d may be EASE (definition "peace" from the same clue as "commercials")
Haha, that's naughty
but I'm still not quite clear how the rest of it works
must be double-wordplay
PLEASE means satisfy, near enough, but PL isn't "game" (is it?)
"fear" -> "hear"
ah, yes
E's -> EASE
yes, yes, that bit I understood
(I hadn't spotted fear->hear, but I did see EASE = Es)
(it hadn't occurred to me before that "F is H" could apply to the clues)
(we should look for other places)
fate not hate, perhaps
foe, not hoe perhaps -> a BYE game
so what's 12a if it's fate rather than hate? Currently seems to be A-PRES--T which isn't ringing any bells
could be, but what's the blank?
I can imagine APPRESENT being a word but I wouldn't have thought it could mean either fate or hate
No idea
Oh, AT PRESENT = "now"
so it's a double wordplay
of course!
"hate" -> RESENT, maybe?
and then ATP, "energy carrier"
how does "symbolic" -> AT though?
not sure
maybe because of the at-sign??
seems a little iffy but not impossible; @Deusovi, would you care to confirm or deny?
An "at" present is a symbolic gift
Not quite sure if it's kosher.
it seems we agree :-)
so 9d is ONE
which is certainly "glitchy Neo"
but how do we make it actually work?
do we need "guide" and "home" for definitions elsewhere? I don't think so
Is that some sort of &lit I don't get cause I haven't seen The Matrix?
I don't think so
I should say that I don't actually know 9d is ONE, it just looks like it
hmm, actually we only seem to have 10 clues with spurious words in unless I've failed to record one
in which case maybe "guide" and "home" are spurious and need to be used elsewhere
sigh, maybe it's time to do a careful tallying-and-matching exercise, but I don't wanna
if "guide" and "home" were excised, the entire clue would be "glitchy Neo". That doesn't seem possible; there isn't space for a definition + wordplay here. Oh, unless that is an &lit
wait, I always get confused by &lit clues
yeah, that's what I meant
we'd then have the whole thing (glitchy Neo) being wordplay
but just a part of it (Neo) being definition, and a pretty poor definition for "One" too if I may say so (it would be OK as a clue for THE ONE rather than just ONE)
I count 10 of those clues as well
but with an &lit the whole thing is meant to be definition AND the whole thing is meant to be wordplay
and I don't really see how "glitchy Neo" is a usable definition of ONE
(I mean, the notion of glitches appears in the movie but it's not particularly Neo who's glitchy)
yeah, it was intended to be an &lit for ONE
i didn't realize the "The" was an integral part of it
well, maybe you can drop it (kinda like people use "Christ" as if it's a proper name when really it's a title, "the Christ"; example chosen because the Christ story is a blatant ripoff of the Neo myth -- or is it the other way around? I always forget)
but I'm pretty sure it's always "the One" in the movie
and i'd say he's pretty "glitchy" in the sense of "glitch-causing" rather than "glitch-affected"
hmmmmmmmm, not terribly convinced but never mind, it was clearly good enough to get solved :-)
(unlike my latest CCCC which I contend is a really excellent clue, why haven't you solved it yet while we've been solving dozens, dozens I tell you, of your clues?)

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