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@Deusovi thanks for restoring my edit to Dan's answer to the crossword
Yeah, no problem
anyway, sorry, I need to get some stuff done so will be AFK for a while, perhaps many hours
Hmm I'm certain there has to be some constraint here that we're missing
The top layer looks almost like an L in perspective to me.
Welp. So here's the question that features an answer as a clue. Is this really allowed?
Q: Why am I being sued

Richard RoeI was getting dressed one morning. I was almost finished, I had my socks on my hand, when suddenly my brother yelled up the stairs, "Rick, mail's here, and there's something for you!" It was a very odd letter "Hi This is just to let you know that we are suing you for damages amounting to $10,0...

Looks like Matsmath is also in on it
I believe they asked about it in here and were told there was nothing wrong with it, at least from the using-a-sock-puppet angle
I suppose someone would have carped if the premise itself was flawed.
In any event, both from the chat conversation and from the puzzle itself, it seems that the initial post is sufficient to solving it, the hint is just helpful.
Q: Breaking the rules for a purpose

Richard RoeNote: This question may spoil a future puzzle, thus it is in spoiler tags. However, I don't want to be banned, so I am asking it anyway.

so it was in Meta, not in here. Sorry. :)
that explains why I also didn't find anything in chat... (also remembered some conversation about it in chat) Thanks
But it's not an answer, so shouldn't it be removed?
@TheGreatEscaper Would a K have to involve crossings? Might it be written as |<?
It's cheatish, but sides we see have bends and loops, why not sides we don't?
@Sconibulus I know you're having fun with the cube, but it may be time for a hint on your puzzle. I've ground to a halt on it after getting that far, since it's unclear what kind of answer is being sought and thus how to arrive at it; and nobody else seems to have had any other ideas.
I don't know what other hint I can give really, you've got like 95%, you just haven't turned it into a valid sentence
or well, maybe you've got like 120%
I suppose that's technicallyish a hint
"Mob mentality"?
Herd mentality is the scourge of army intelligence. isn't a valid sentence?
I suppose it could be mob mentality, sure, but now we're just dabbling in subtle semantics. I don't recognize it as a saying
That's rather a step too far
Q: What is a Fortunate Word™?

RubioIn the spirit of the What is a Word™/Phrase™ series started by JLee, a special brand of Phrase™ and Word™ puzzles. If a word conforms to a special rule, I call it a Fortunate Word™. Use the following examples below to find the rule. $$\begin{array}{|c|c|}\hline \bbox[yellow]{\vphantom{Yy}\t...

the whole sentence is constructed of the words you're choosing from, a close sentence would be good enough, even if it wasn't the one I was specifically thinking of
Mob shrewdness is the scourge of army wisdom.
so that would be a valid construction, even though its meaning is ... well ... clunky
yeah, that's a little clunky, but I'd probably give it a check, it's a sentence someone might feasibly say
ugh, the foundation of this puzzle I'm building SUCKS, I hope you guys like it eventually
I can't really find a better reading set of choices, so I went with that. Edited to add.
I'm curious now what you had in mind for it :)
I had "Troop Shrewdness is the Scourge of Army Wisdom", which is a paraphrasing of something I read once which my brain has over the years paraphrased to "The Army Way and a clever recruit are sworn enemies"
actually, I threw that in a comment, yay comments!
Q: What is the hidden message in this email?

OliverWhat is the hidden message in this email? You recently purchased an item from Chicago Zires: Product Name: TI-06 Thermometer [FANCY] Product ID: 2016196120160206206240312172617201809010 Price: $122.61 Shipping: FREE 32-day Shipping from Baltimore Method of Payment: Credit Card...

Q: Hickory Dickory dock

Jamal SenjayaHickory Dickory dock, The MOUSE ran up the clock, The clock struck one The MOUSE ran down, Hickory Dickory dock. Hickory Dickory dock, The OX ran up the clock, The clock struck two And down he flew, Hickory Dickory dock. Hickory Dickory dock, The TIGER ran up the clock, The clock struck three A...

Q: Edit ruined my puzzle!

Richard RoeUnfortunately, I can't explain what happened without spoiling the puzzle, so only read on if you want a puzzle ruined for you.

VTCs (unclear what you're asking) were cast on these three questions, but I don't really understand why:this, this‌​,this. Maybe I'm just being stupid, but I thought it might be worthwhile to let you all know.
I imagine mods can see who those VTCs were made by, and can tell if one person is just out to piddle in people's corn flakes today.
Whoa, interesting phrase ("piddle in corn-flakes")! Is that a common idiom?
Well, I bowdlerized it slightly
but yes, common enough forr cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/… to be a thing
Cool xD
Learning something everyday
2 hours later…
As for @Deusovi's crossword puzzle, Can I post some findings here? I think, I have got a couple, but nothing significant to warrant an answer..
Yet, I can't completely satisfy the clues apart from the definitions.. so probably wrong..
@Sid Go ahead!
I feel 1D is "conciliator" by definition. I had got another one... I am forgetting which one it was..
18A is "gave" (gave away donations, halved might mean only taking the 1st half)
Ha, actually now that I think of it, I have 18A
It's one of the double wordplays
...I think
@Deusovi is "heartlessly" supposed to be a synonym of "spiteful"?
No - that would have to be "spitefully".
Yeah, thought so, nevermind then :-)
Thought it was SPIT (TIPS<, SPITeful), which almost fits but not quite
man, that's messed up.
Q: How do I become a sub-15 cuber?

NickRight now, I can solve a Rubik's Cube with an average of 17 - 20 seconds. Sometimes, I may get 15 or 16 second and my record is 12. I am currently using the Fridrich method and below is how long I take to complete each step. Cross: I almost always solve the white cross, and on rare occasions I m...

Q: Being played (fourth)

ZibelasKilling me right from the front, the soil will turn over, without you won't be able to live for long. Stab me in the back, I'm faster gone than you can run, and yet you don't want to live without. Rip my innards out, all what's left is an old shiny antique and yet you can't hold what you just r...

the dude who put up the bounty on Techidiot's clones riddle, just awarded the bounty to someone who answered, incorrectly, well before he put his bounty up, instead of awarding it to me who actually got the damn thing right.
@Rubio Link?
Err, that's unfortunate.
Nice!!! Hey, even though you hit the right answer, I gave the bounty to Tom, because I think he spotted the essence (repetition) first. — Tinkidinki 27 mins ago
Q: Riddle-Yet-Another-Riddle!

Techidiot Let us tell you a story about nothing but us. Unbleached sometimes, sometimes not, that's what they discuss! We were fabricated by some type, and that type had a needless lane. Magical we might be, the future probably, we shall never go in vain! One of us resides in each line he...

The answer was clones?
I didn't "hit" the right answer, I worked on that riddle every day for entire week it was up. finally got it. and then got shafted. :)
Yeah. (Don't get me started.)
Magical? Clones are scientific inventions. And what's the size and lie stuff? I must say, I was slightly disappointed by the answer.
@GarethMcCaughan Would you like to be a room owner for TSL?
So was I. He didn't have a good answer for the size/lie thing either.
Oh, sweet!
@sid it's TechIdiot. What more can I say. :)
Next step: Gareth's first puzzle!
He's probably been slowly building a 500 image imgur-maze for the past several months, just waiting to spring it on all of us as a Christmas gift. ;)
Good luck to anyone who manages to make such a puzzle and whoever manages to solve that.
@Rubio I don't think the riddle was too bad. Had "repeat" been the answer, I don't think anyone would have had any qualms over it. It's only that the intended answer does not fit better than other "wrong" answers.
@Rubio I think Gareth knows that his puzzles would be too hard for us, simple humans.
Nah. I'll give the riddle this much - clumsy as parts of it are, you know when an answer doesn't fit well, and when I finally got through "copied" to "cloned" I knew it was right.
"repeat" was only a good fit for, what, 3 lines of the riddle? it fit those well, but nothing else
and pretty much all the other answers were far worse.
@IAmInPLS Yeah, I think you nailed it :)
Clones had to be fit in a couple of lines. It did not fit in naturally with everything.
That or he's been secretly posting questions from a sock puppet all this time. and he'll turn out to be.. I dunno ... Avigrail or something :)
I did accuse Gareth once of being a sockpuppet of M Oehm(Only because both of them never post any questions, are super-smart and have their own websites linked in their profile). :P
@Rubio Damn, you're reading my thoughts! I was looking for someone with decent reputation who posted only questions, but it's hard to find
Except, neither of them would have benefited from it..
@Sid Btw, I thought you were going to be disappearing from here for a while. Glad to see you still around :)
So I realised like a minute into dinner that 18A is SPIT, just that the second wordplay is SP(-L)IT rather than SPITeful (hope I got the notation right)
@Volatility Notation is flexible and not fully standardized. As long as it makes sense, it works.
Gareth's CCCC is still unsolved?
So that's how you get relegated to an extremely faded avatar very quickly...
Yeah. Long anagrams are hard.
@Rubio About that.. I am going to disappear around new year's time as my exam schedule says that my exam starts from 3rd Jan to 16th Jan. Then, another exam in 1st week of Feb, main important exams last throughout March, followed by competitive exams from April to May after which I would be back full time from June. I might sneak in sometime during the next few months but nothing regular..
@Volatility That suggested edit should have been a comment.
@Sid Then we won't have that picture with our avatars on chat anymore...
that's a lot of exams.
best of luck to you!
Be smart :P
I still have exams going on now... but they are not too important and tomorrow is the last one(That damn, biology) after which I am free for around 15 days and I can safely work on the puzzle that is brewing in my head for the past few days..
Oh, Thanks. :-)
Has @GarethMcCaughan been promoted yet?
@Mithrandir I realise, but didn't want to pollute the comments, and plus, received clearance previously
@Mithrandir Yes he has
Should I rot13?
I'm glad I don't have exams anymore :-D
@Rubio - Agree. Thw bounty was not fair.
@Volatility Ah, didn't know that.
Q: Gdansk Knight to you

TomMore than surprising, and slippery to the core, I give resistance. I hide my secrets, until you come upon me, revealing myself. Evening stars of, transcendental quality, illuminate me. Unravelling the, centrally coiled hemisphere, signifying me. The source of gold eggs, si...

I'm thinking 33a is UMPIRE, but not sure how "uire" has anything to do with dogs
If I have the correct solution, 30a seems to be the same type of clue as 24d, with extra words
Actually no, I just can't spell -.-
I promise I am neither M Oehm nor Avigrail. I promise to use my godlike powers of Room Ownership only for good, or at any rate not for outright evil, or at least not for severe outright evil when I'm likely to get caught.
@Rubio wow, that's pretty inappropriate bountying behaviour. (I can imagine something similar being reasonable -- imagine e.g. that you'd got 15 upvotes for your answer and the earlier one had only 5; I can see someone thinking that spotting the significance of repetitions was worth a reward. But as it is? Nope.)
Should I give a hint for my CCCC clue?
@GarethMcCaughan Yeah, I'm a little peeved. (And commented accordingly in response to his bounty award msg)
I haven't been trying much on the C4 but it seemed like those who were at it harder than me were uniformly stuck on anagramming "any that Hermione and Willow"
If you're feeling benevolent, you might offer a hint on whether or not they're wasting their time at that.
Otherwise the concensus seems to be "Do no harm" is the most likely 2,2,4 to start off, and nobody's found a convincing followup to that for the rest.
Do no harm, when at...
"Do no hurt, me-am so very be mads."
Can anyone think about this? Seems like its an easier one. I got the idea but not the word due to my lack of skills.
Do no harm, when at Tiny El Wail. nailed it
oops. word order. :)
ooh, my name is in italics now. Exciting.
Heh, cool. Didn't notice that
Wait, but I don't get blue italics? I want a refund D:
@Deusovi Haha, take it, D
@IAmInPLS Does the 'D' mean you are laughing with your eyes closed? :P
@Ankoganit :D:
Where are my eyes now?
oh, shut up, four-eyes
@IAmInPLS Nice beard
I hereby confirm that the people trying to anagram "any that Hermione and Willow" are on the right path. The answer does not begin "Do no harm", as it happens.
VTDWEP. (Vote To Delete With Extreme Prejudice)
Damn, I have an anagram searcher that supports enumeration, but this is way too long
Possible four-letter words (not necessarily complete, but likely contains at least a couple of 'em)
WHEN/WHAT looks promising.
(I'm looking at four-letter words first, because two-letter words aren't likely to discriminate a solution)
changes username to Halo
halo to you to. but no more hint just now.
@GarethMcCaughan ahah I was just listing some possible subanagarams xD
@Ankoganit I know you were. (Though I did think you might be arranging them to sound like a hint request on purpose.)
@Deusovi Yep, thought the same
I need to buy a set of Scrabble tiles...
Hmn. The only four-letter synonym for "summary" is "curt."
No, I think the entire thing is the summary. Like "do unto others what you would have them do unto you" or something
Yeah, that's gotta be true.
Q: Why are puzzles puzzling?

monman13 Why are puzzles hard? Is your brain confusing yourself? Already tried doing puzzles - they are hard.

I'm looking specifically at the (4,4) in the middle
Free will?
@Emrakul I think that's identifying (4,4)s that are on their own standard phrases.
Of course it's possible that the (4,4) within my clue's answer is itself a standard phrase -- I am explicitly not commenting on that -- but there's no particular reason to expect it would be.
@GarethMcCaughan Yeah, it is. Just fishing for words and ideas, or if it's a common (4,4) phrase.
Q: What is a Hanging Word™?

LogicianWithAHatIn the spirit of the What is a Word™/Phrase™ series started by JLee, a special brand of Phrase™ and Word™ puzzles. If a word conforms to a special rule, I call it a Hanging Word™. Use the following examples below to find the rule. $$\begin{array}{|c|c|}\hline \bbox[yellow]{\vphantom{Yy}\tex...

Q: How are the Japanese planning to corrupt the youth of the west?

Tim B1980 - Location Classified "Commander, we've received a message from a deep cover asset in Japan". "Well decode it then, what does it say?" "Well, erm. This asset is a little eccentric boss. He doesn't trust ciphers, never uses them. But he's sent us this. Apparently though the message will sh...

1 hour later…
@GarethMcCaughan wow, that happened quickly
(secret edit for context)
@Rubio- Tom get's a wiser medal :) 100 bounty on your way!
@Techidiot @Rubio Oh, well done Tom.
Also, I have added a couple of extra lines to my riddle
To make it extra unique though not sure how arrow fit many lines.
Lol @GarethMcCaughan :D
All the best. Hope you get them all right
Nifty, your name gets Italicized when you're a room owner.
Although, that's a little too subtle
@dcfyj I think it's enough. I think Gareth himself doesn't want a big blue bold italic Gareth all over the place
"I think" a lot
Does the anagrammed part of an anagram cryptic-clue necessarily have to give any additional hints? Or would e.g. "Disaster: Pets or a chat" be a completely valid way to clue "catastrophe"?
I think that's an indirect anagram, if so, I can see why Deusovi doesn't like them
@Displayname IMO anagrams without some indicator is bad
@dcfyj indirect anagrams are a different thing: it's when you don't give the actual fodder, but some synonym of that
e.g. One who thinks about liquid (5) for MUSER (anag. of SERUM)
@Ankoganit Oops, I forgot about that. I didn't mean if it's OK to not indicate an anagram, but whether the actual anagrammed part can be anything or must also be an actual clue.
the anagram fodder doesn't need to be a clue
It's not ususally a clue, actually
Ok, thanks.
Anagrams with particularly appropriate anagrammed-bits are much loved by crossword setters and solvers, though. Here are two classics by the sadly deceased "Araucaria":
O hark the herald angels sing the boy’s descent which lifted up the world, -> While shepherds watched their flocks by night, all seated on the ground
(used, of course, in a Christmas-themed puzzle)
Poetical scene with surprisingly chaste Lord Archer vegetating (3, 3, 8, 12)
whose answer is "The Old Vicarage, Grantchester"
and to appreciate how clever this is you need to know that that's the title of a poem by Rupert Brooke (hence "poetical scene") but the building in question is also the home of Lord (Jeffrey) Archer, who was the subject of a minor sex scandal as well as various other legal to-dos.
I will at this point drop another hint for the current CCCC, which is that my anagram text is also particularly appropriate.
@GarethMcCaughan- You may get some info here and here
@Techidiot Why are we linking hammers?
ah, today I learned something about eyes.
@dcfyj Because of a puzzle Techidiot posed and I answered.
@dcfyj- Nailed it with a hammer :)
Or may be umm hammered it
@GarethMcCaughan- Here's one more hint
You know, hints to puzzles should really be place in the question rather than in chat. Otherwise that makes it rather unfair to the non-chat folks.
@GarethMcCaughan That's what I feared :D I know nothing about Harry Potter or Willow (assuming it's the film), but I hope it's easily googlable. (I'm not requesting any answer from you whether or not it is)
I never even thought about Willow >.< I was thinking about a tree
@Displayname Hermione knows little of morals, her forays into rulebreaking usually have horrific consequences. I don't remember Willow very much though, it's probably been a decade since I've seen it
@GarethMcCaughan - According to the archaeological dept of India, hammer's and chisel played a crucial role in building the Taj. Which is also a symbol of love
...hammers probably played a part in every building ever made?
well, maybe not quite all, but the majority
I was about to refute that :P
@dcfyj I already solved the puzzle; this is just about getting the last details of the clues in the riddle.
ah ok
(I agree that in general it's bad form to give hints where not everyone can see them)
I believe you will add them in your answer. So, I have no worries
I think the 'little guy who stands upright' is probably a nail
@Sconibulus Exactly
Hello everyone
@incesterror21 Hello!
What are you guys up to?
Then, for the hint?
Also, not many know about the piano hammers.. Hence, "not many sense the truth,"
Solving Gareth's CCCC @incesterror21
The white star on the right
Why not say C4 or 4C
I usually use C4 to avoid being found in the searches :P
And Thor fits perfectly!
How can I access it?
It's just sitting there on the right hand side of the chat
So it's only the few lines there?
I see. I thought it was only an excerpt
If you can't see it I can link it. Yes, it's a chat cryptic crossword clue, thus C4
@GarethMcCaughan- You can add @Sconibulus comments in there. "Nail" is that little guy who stands upright
If you think you can't see the whole message you can always click the timestamp and it'll pull up the chat log for that message
@dcfyj What about the second message? Also some kind of 4C?
What second message?
Also, skull part is again simple.. It has a head.. And being a non living thing, it can't think!
@incesterror21 To summarize: Gareth confirmed that anagramming "any that Hermione and Willow" is the correct way to approach this C4, and also that the anagram is particularly appropriate (i.e. it actually has something to do with Hermione / Willow). The def is most likely "Summary of morally acceptable actions"
@Techidiot no, that won't do: having a head doesn't guarantee having a skull. Hammers have heads but they don't have skulls.
HTML has head(er)s
Ah, okay. I intentionally didn't add head to make it a little tougher to guess
<head><title>This is the title</title><skull>This is the skull</skull></head><body>Blah blah blah</body> :-)
Yeah :)
You could create a skull tag :P
Then it wouldn't be HTML any more.
I forget which one it is, but there is a form of HTML that allows for custom tags.
The first synonym I get is "Skull
So, that was the reason
@Displayname I know that does, but I think this was a web thing
@Displayname anything you got from anagramming it so far?
@Techidiot "Skull" and "head" are not synonyms, I promise.
But they are similar
@Techidiot Synonyms don't mean "replace A with B everywhere and you still get a right thing"
they are context dependent
I've used synonyms in all my cryptics and riddles so far, doesn't seem to have cause any issues as yet.
In fact, they get solved rather quickly
Why can't I edit right T.T
I will break you brain/head/skull. Not sure how far I went with replacing head with skull.
@dcfyj because the edit button is on the left
Though again, that was just to complicate things a little
Look at the history of that chat post
@dcfyj it happens
...though not very often, fortunately
you can often replace "head" with "skull" or vice versa when talking about a human's or animal's head, but not when talking about a hammer's head. (Not always even with human heads. "On the wall was a painting of Einstein's head." =/= "On the wall was a painting of Einstein's skull.")
Anyway, enough whingeing about the clue; it clearly didn't stop the puzzle being solved :-).
Haha :) Sorry bout that. Can you add one line moreee
And you can't give others a 'skulls up'
@incesterror21 Nothing that seems reasonable, just some ridiculous things like "do my lawn thin or heal at wine", which is wrong on multiple levels.
Skulls or tails?
Sign's of love is not defined yet
If you call your headmaster a skullmaster, you are likely to get into trouble @Techidiot
@GarethMcCaughan Well, In all fairness, you can replace Einstein's head with Einstein's skull, it just won't be all that pretty to look at.
@Ankoganit - Haha.. Spare me. I haven't went that far here ;)
"The Prime Minister is the skull of the government."
And I guess, a riddle needs to be complicated. Isn't it :)
@Techidiot Not necessarily ;)
@Techidiot I thought "signs of love" was sufficiently answered by acknowledging that that couplet was about the Taj Mahal.
Or is there some further thing going on that I've missed?
This riddle is pretty simple :P
The simple ones can be beautiful
Not my original (as I stated when I posted it) but I like it :)
@GarethMcCaughan - Okay. Not sure if everyone knows about it. Anyway that's all
Let me put a green tick!
@Displayname how do you solve anagrams? What website you're ususally using?
@incesterror21 - For shorter ones you can use wordsmith.org/anagram/index.html
And for the huge ones try boulter.com/anagram
@incesterror21 Well, in this particular instance (since we have to anagram a whole sentence into another) I'm using my own prototype, sorry, but I saw Deusovi also found this which supports matchings like ?? ??. (I haven't tried it yet).
@Displayname Onelook doesn't solve anagrams AFAIK
I was using boulter until now. I think it's very nice because you can use crtl + F and look for words :P
Nevermind, then :D The links Techidiot posted for anagrams seem pretty good.
so many two letter words without 'b', 'f', or 's'
One problem is there are only 2 "O"s, which means we can forget about an enumeration like TO DO ????, DO ????, DO ????
Wouldn't you also have to indicate commas in the brackets of the c4?
Commas (if/when present) are not generally indicated explicitly.
incidentally there's only one D, so your do-do-do options are even more limited than the two Os would suggest.
True. I also tried TO DO WHAT ???? ?? ???? ??, but it doesn't seem to return anything reasonable :/
TO DO sounds like a plausible beginning IMO
@Sconibulus Damn
alright, Y probably can't go in any two-letter word (it would have to be MY, which seems unlikely in a sentence of general advice)
that's the first actually semi-plausible thing I've come up with, but I don't think it's plausible enough for Gareth
Probable four letter word with Y is ONLY
Then it can nicely match with WHEN
and get rid of one W
"we do only what" is a pretty good start actually
also, there's no S, so we can probably eliminate two-letter HE and IT
We do only what in Lima at hern! :P
...we alar in math?
@Ankoganit Not commenting on words in this particular solution, but there are at least the following 2-letter words with Y using only the available letters: AY MY OY YA YE YO. I agree that MY is much the most common of those, of course.
Morally acceptable actions... perhaps something under OATH?
@TheGreatEscaper you should stick to what you've got so far
@elias well done
elias isn't in here, btw :)
How can I ping him then?
i.e. make him come here
You kinda just did actually.
Who are you anyway?
And why are you responding to the ping meant for elias
I believe mentioning someone not in a room will send them a note that they've been mentioned in a chat room they're not currently in, and give them a link to join it
I see. Thank you very much for explaining!
Me? I'm ... just me. And I wasn't replying to it, just commenting on it :)
So you are not his secretary
Too bad. I could have sent you to bring Elias here
Oh, I'm certainly not as important as that. :)
@Rubio I don't think that works unless they've been in the room recently, but I'm not certain
Is your highness @GentlePurpleRain here?
Ah, yeah that's possible. It happened to me, once, but that was indeed shortly after I'd left a room
It seems Elias did solve it
Very well done!
It doesn't have to be that recent.
Like, I got pinged months after being in a room.
Oh. my.
Yes, the 3D model completely trivializes it, doesn't it. :)
It would have been too easy with the help of the model
I'm impresses how well he did! I think this one was easier to create than to solve.
@incesterror21 I tend to prefer "your majesty" or "your holiness". :P
Of course. Please excuse my behaviour
Your majesty
Q: 16 Two Colored Line up

OrayWe have a different type of puzzle which consists of 4x4 board with numbers on it; Your task is to put numbers in the correct order as given in the diagram above. In each step, you can take one number from a color and one number from another color and interchange them. In other words, if you...

A: Why am I being sued?

John DoeThis is merely a suggestion but: Because Also, I found a typo. You say your socks were "on your hand". They must have been "in your hand", right? No one puts socks on their hand, do they?

What is going on here? ^
He improved the answer in order to actually make it an answer (it wasn't one before). GPR undeleted it.
@Displayname that sounds unpleasant...
@Rubio @incesterror21 That's not actually true. If they're not in the room, they won't get a notification. You need to ping them in a comment instead.
Only mods can do out of chat pings
@Displayname I assumed it was Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Like Hermione, she's a young witch, although she's less apt to follow the "rules".
Oh... that's a decent point actually, didn't think of it for some reason
@GentlePurpleRain I've been (for sure) out of a room, and gotten pinged when someone referenced me a (shortish) while after I left it. So you don't strictly have to be in the room to get notified.
It's possible (likely, really) that if you've never been in the room you won't get any notification though.
I was initially thinking a tree, but now I'm thinking Willow
@Rubio Are you sure that you were no longer listed as being in the room?
It could also be that you only have to have been there at some point -- I'm a little foggy on the specifics. You may be right.
(In fact, the message said something along the lines of, I had been mentioned in a chat room I was not in, did I want to go back?)
Okay, so I guess you just have to have been there at some point (or maybe there's a time limit -- if you've been gone for x hours/days/whatever, then you no longer get pinged).
@GarethMcCaughan so you're not coming up with a good explanation for hanging words using that particular subset of letters either huh. (I got to CGLU. didn't notice M can work instead of U.)
@GentlePurpleRain yeah occasionaly I wake up to find 'CHAT REPLY' in my inbox. I think you get it if someone answers you
@Rubio Right. I thought I might as well post an answer :-).
@BeastlyGerbil Nah, those are different. You get those if you're still "in" the room though not online. (I believe)
Clearly a HW is one containing one of the letters of the German word GLUCK. Because, er, um, Gluck is kinda like Glock, which is a make of handgun, and being shot is a bit like being hanged. How about that?
oh ok, I usually don't leave the room, just shut my computer.
hehee. I was actually looking at GLOCK earlier, cuz it felt close
I think we're sharing a brain a little :)
yeah, but you can't use O
all puzzlers are a bit alike
(what a terrifying thought)
"Being shot is like being hanged?" The only similarity is you get killed both ways. Other wise, there is a hell of a lot of difference.
are we counting AK as a puzzler? I'm trying to decide if I should be offended, or deeply offended. ;)
He was pretty good at solving puzzles.
Yeah, I'm having fun
Clearly in order to be a true puzzler you also have to be good at crea.... uh, no, sorry, I've completely forgotten what I was going to say.
@Rubio AK was pretty good apart from the fact that he was too annoying.
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