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Hm. It's @Randal'Thor. xkcd.com/1769
in Mos Eisley, Dec 7 at 16:43, by ibid
So today's xkcd is about @Randal'Thor?
Hah :)
in Mos Eisley, Dec 8 at 0:25, by Rand al'Thor
@ibid Apparently, yeah. Except that I've got enough pride not to give in to the bullies and jerks who try to demean people for not having seen Star Wars. So the top half is like me, the bottom half not so much :-)
Is "I inseminate" a valid definition? If it is, LEO seems to fit, at a stretch.
Have I made a cryptic clue "too broad"? :-(
(LEO isn't the intended answer.)
"articLE Of" clothing, and it's a guy's name...
didn't think so :-)
Then "clothing" would be useless. That's generally a Very Bad Thing™ in cryptics.
yeah that's a big stretch :)
I meant "clothing" as a hidden word indicator
Ahh, makes sense.
Well, there's only 17576 possible answers. 17575 now that we've eliminated LEO. We can cut it to only 2028 if we insist "I" is literally in there, though I'm not sure we can assume that.
In general though, are first person statements valid definitions? (i.e. "I inseminate" vs. "it inseminates")
Everyone, start typing.
@Volatility How does "I inseminate" work with that interpretation?
As the definition.
Oh, I see.
That's a bit of a stretch.
yeah ;-)
Also, @Volatility, you must have a doppelganger around somewhere. I keep thinking you're a) a mod and b) Russian - must be someone else I'm thinking of.
Must be... *averts eyes*
Q: Breaking the rules for a purpose

Richard RoeNote: This question may spoil a future puzzle, thus it is in spoiler tags. However, I don't want to be banned, so I am asking it anyway.

Finding questions to make reasonable edits to in order to boost your sockpuppet's rep is harder than I thought... I assume grave-digging isn't OK in this scenario? ;) Can I just edit minor spelling mistakes?
@Displayname Why not just post a question or answer using your sockpuppet?
That's how Lews Therin got enough rep to chat.
Because I A) just need 10 rep B) am too uncreative to come up with a question that would be upvoted and C) am too stupid to answer any of the unanswered questions when it's UTC 00:30 :)
Why not just take some rep from others users like Rand al'Thor who obviously have more than enough
Is it possible to award a bounty and then delete the question?
Possible? Yes. Allowed? No. Bounties should not be used to give rep to sockpuppets.
I could award a bounty to someone else's sockpuppet though, if I'm feeling generous.
*your own sockpuppets.
That would be no different from awarding it to any other user (who isn't myself).
Hello your highness
You seem to know a lot about the site rules. How long have you been a mod here?
Oh, sorry, didn't see that - I was in a different tab.
About five months.
Q: 2016 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonPuzzling's first moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 3 new moderators are: They'll be installed as the moderator team shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! I personally ...

@Deusovi Ah yes, that link's probably better.
Not least because it says which of you had already been a mod before the election.
You two should battle in a contest of link-finding-speed
Rand would definitely win. He's been on SE longer than I have.
Yeah but he hasn't seen Star Wars so he always automatically loses.
Neither have I.
Neither have I
Star what?
what is this I can't even
Woo, kindred spirits! :-D
@incesterror21 Trek.
I tried watching one of them. (I think it was episode IV?) Just wasn't interested.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Me too. That's why I didn't watch it
How many are there of those movies?
The Star Waste ones
Oh, ok
@Displayname How about this?
I think Star Treck is better than Star Worse
that's Star Dreck
@Rubio ?
Ah, Google Translate
@incesterror21 Depends on what you count. There are 7 'main films' (with at least 2 more planned), but also a few more sideline films (including one coming out this week, I believe), at least a couple of TV shows, and more books, comics, and video games than you could shake a lightsabre at.
That's the fantasy mod speaking.
I think you know more about the movies than most of the people who have actually seen it.
Another link
Q: How is canonicity of derivative works determined for Star Wars?

MPelletierFor all types of derivative works, namely: Movies Novels Comic books Other written works (including RPG materials) Cartoons Video games Derivative movies (such as the infamous Ewok movies and even more infamous Holiday Special) According to what rules does something become "canon" and who is ...

It's an English word
I better stop the Star Hate now or else I might not wake up in one piece tomorrow.
I'll see you people later maybe. Have a good day!
@incesterror21 Or you might end up waking up tied on a chair, forced to watch Episode I. Over. And Over. Again.
@Displayname Sounds like the start of a puzzle.
"You are tied to a chair and being forced to watch The Phantom Menace. Can you determine the hidden message in the following video clips and use it to free yourself?"
Speaking of weirdly changed Star Wars clips...
(possible epilepsy warning?)
Someone took the time to do this.
this is ... disturbingly ... brilliant.
So... I don't suppose anyone has any ideas on what I'm missing with this puzzle?
Q: The ravens of peacocks

SconibulusMy grandmother told my cousin, a military man, that all the greatest wisdom in life came from animals. At first we thought she was talking about /r/adviceanimals, but then he received the following mysterious missive in her will... is the of

Nope, no idea.
LOL. Just made my first edit with my sockpuppet - Question got removed within seconds. I'm done for today. Good night :)
> I can tell it's Austria because I can hear kangaroos outside
... did you miss a couple of letters there? :-P
Q: What is a Symbiotic Word™?

OliverThis is in the spirit of the What is a Word™/Phrase™ series started by JLee with a special brand of Phrase™ and Word™ puzzles. If a word conforms to a special rule, I call it a Symbiotic Word™. Use the examples below to find the rule. $$\begin{array}{|c|c|}\hline \bbox[yellow]{\textbf{Symbio...

@Displayname Deleted by accident, perhaps? It's been undeleted again: puzzling.stackexchange.com/posts/46608/revisions
Oliver is @Displayname's?
Oh nvm I see. lol
RottersSlave, Some basement in Austria
3 2
Yeah I figured that out. Sometimes I can be a little ... s
@Sid @Rubio Tomorrow has arrived ;-)
A: Don't duck this story!

rand al'thorFirst person Solution method: Solution: i.e. Second person Solution method: Solution: Edit: huh, it turns out that "Hey, I thought for a second that I recognised him, but I didn't..." is meant to clue us to something similar but not quite the same as what we've just found. So the...

It has indeed.
Whoa, I just realized I might be able to finish my newest puzzle by tonight!
Mine is all ready to post, but I might still wait a few more hours until America wakes up on Wednesday.
Hopefully it shouldn't matter when mine's posted - I think it'll take a while to solve anyway. It's a variety cryptic.
(It's like a cryptic crossword, but more complicated!)
Solving time is usually hard to predict.
True. I'm fairly confident about mine though.
(Unless Gareth and GPR collaborate on it...)
Agreed. I thought my last puzzle would last at least until civilized daylight hours US, but noooo... M Oehm had to pull out his big brain.
Hey @boboquack!
Hi @Deusovi!
Any idea how to attract attention to my puzzle? I posted a bounty and didn't get any answers or edits to answers.
Oh, for RIDDÅL? I think the issue is just that people are stuck.
Yeah. Also, when one person is already heavily invested in a long puzzle, it's hard for other people to (a) catch up on where they are, as even reading through the post and lengthy answer connecting it all together is difficult, or (b) want to because they don't want to be That Guy who snipes the final solve out from the person who's put so much effort in already.
How can I make it more accessable then?
Well, at the moment nobody's figured out the first step.
And that's one of the easiest things I've seen on this site. I think people are overthinking it - a 6-year-old could do it
In Alconja's puzzle, it worked because it actually told you what to do. Here, it seems like it's just "read boboquack's mind".
There are more than 2 Xs in the triangle grid, so that won't work. And I don't see anywhere else that particularly screams "cut here".
@Deusovi Hmmm... I don't think so, but maybe that's creation bias
Yeah, I could also be missing something obvious.
@Deusovi That's what I mean by overthinking it! Ahhh... (Wants to pull hair out)
Step 7, I know exactly what to do. But I can't do it unless I've figured out steps 1-6 first.
I don't see how that's overthinking. It pretty much says "cut along Xs".
@Deusovi You would if you saw how simple it was.
Please, don't be so literal about the instructions
The only simpler thing I can think of is "cut along this line, right here, in the middle of the instructions".
...Oh, it's not literal. Welp.
I mean, it's not completely literal.
It's still not a guess what I'm thinking
Ah, the age-old dilemma. "When you see the answer, you'll see how it fits all the hints/clues." Yes, well, understanding how the hinting is correct after the fact is a far different thing than interpreting the hinting and arriving at the right answer.
It doesn't help any when your hints say you made this step intentionally ambiguous. I think we'd be hard-pressed to come up with, say, exactly two interpretations. It's either one, unambiguous one, or a huge number of unsatisfying feeling, unmotivated ones that, well, maybe fit
I really want to give away the answer. Alconja thought it was so simple it didn't even need to be mentioned, but I put the step it for the sake of completionism.
Wait, Alconja testsolved the puzzle?
No, Alconja made the Rebjas one.
...Is it just "cut out the hexagon and trapezoid, not through them"?
Is it just indicating to cut the hex into two trapezoidal pieces?
That's the simple "six year old" interpretation
But how? There are three ways to do so. I guess horizontally?
@Deusovi Almost. There is a small thing on the side of the hint
that's the way the cut line goes
@Alconja I don't think 6-year-olds know that much about symmetry
I do notice in step 12 it looks like there's a part hanging below. Maybe we have to fold a paper airplane?
(Not relevant now, just noticed it.)
@boboquack well, not explicitly maybe, but they understand "cut in half" (horizontally)
Alconja's instructions were (relatively) simple. They said what they referred to, even if indirectly.
But in step 2, I can't see what S^M could possibly represent, or how it could turn into spiral^M.
:) I was just thinking the same, if we work out the simple step 1, I still have no idea what to do at step 2.
With REJBÄS, it at least sort of seemed like it could be someone attempting to unambiguously give instructions without language dependence. Here, you've said it's intentionally ambiguous, giving us nowhere to turn.
Wait, is step one just saying literally cut the trapezium up into triangles (the X's actually representing the parts of the triangles in a cropped zoom)? And the crossed PZL meaning, don't cut the hex?
@Alconja Finally!
@Deusovi The reason I said it was intentionally ambiguous was because I didn't draw the whole trapezium and put scissors next to it (it's supposed to be a puzzle after all)
So we have to disassemble the entire thing into triangles? D:
That sounds like it'll take forever.
@Deusovi It won't take forever to do it as a . I definitely wouldn't suggest doing it virtually. ()
I don't have any scissors.
Then you may have a hard time. :)
On an unrelated note, I've noticed at least two 'What is an XYZ word?' where XYZ only holds the property of the word, not giving a clue to the property ABC that XYZ has. Is this commonplace or is this getting too close to a guess what I'm thinking question? In previous discussions on whether 'What is an XYZ word?' were too guessy the title giving a hint was mentioned as the line between yes and no, but the title doesn't give a hint in this case.
(Forgive me if I'm being too verbose)
Honestly, I really don't like those. However, I still don't think that makes it too broad. It just makes it a bad title.
the Aerious one hinted at the solution by supertypifying the property in question
the symbiotic one, was just bad.
Yeah. I didn't mind Aerious, but Symbiotic was... not very fun.
I only use a word that itself demonstrates the property if it does so serendipitously, but the title hints at the property in another way
I haven't done of those in a while, I am overdue. hehe
the next one I post, I am pretty sure people are not going to like, either. Muahahaa.
@Deusovi I have scissors! ...but not a printer.
@Alconja I have a printer but no scissors. D:
Ok, so just print out 2 copies, mail them to me, I'll cut them both out and mail you one back.
Brilliant! :P
Though even if I could print it, i'm not sure what i'd do... we've got 95 triangles, and it looks like we need to rotate some of them, but it's unclear which ones... the r0r180r0... could be taken as a repeating pattern indicating to rotate every second one, but the problem, is there'll be no way to validate a given guess without getting (much?) further down the steps
I will validate, and the r0r180r0r180r0 is not a repeating pattern
Q: What is a Cardinal Animal?

ZymurgeThis is in the spirit of the What is a Word™/Phrase™ series started by JLee with a special brand of Phrase™ and Word™ puzzles. If the name of an animal conforms to a special rule, I call it a Cardinal Animal™. Use the examples below to find the rule. $$\begin{array}{|c|c|}\hline \bbox[yellow]...

@Alconja Most of the tiles should be the right way up at the end of the second step
Ok, so without physically doing anything, let me try and see what we can guess at...
S^M maybe just refers to Shape m (i.e. each individual triangle), meaning the S^M -> @^M means rotate all shapes??
We already know (assume) that the PZL... indicates the hex, so maybe the r0r180... relates to that?
From the hints: the rs mean "both" things, so maybe rotate and reflect.
Arrow (S^M ->) could also indicate inserting triangles into the hex at the arrow, but they're clearly different arrows...
I'll let you ponder, and tell you if you've got the right thing
however... there's far more triangles than spaces in the hex, triangles can't be rotated by 180 and still fit in their existing position, there's possibly a M <-> W thing going on...
M<->W is font unfortunately. The triangles are meant to be equilateral too, they seem to have become a little skewed in the uploading to imgur.
Q: The English Department

boboquackAfter walking through the computer science department, the tour entered the English department. The interior was very spartan, and the only thing I could see was a pinboard with the following items: I tried to solve the crossword, but the clues were a puzzle in themselves. What information ...

Q: Triptych of Animal Cryptics

SilenusHere is a triptych of miniature cryptics for the animal lover in you. 1. Across 3. Slowpoke slain gruesomely (5) 4. Humpback turned up fourth of whales (5) Down 1. Gang of weasels tiptoe (5) 2. Very important person arrives at emergency room in sports car (5) 2. Across 3....

Gee, two cryptic crossword puzzles within a minute?
I have a cryptic crossword in the making too!
Seems like the chat chains have inspired people. :) I've got a few random clues written in my notes too (though they'll probably just get posted here if/when I actually solve one)
Haha, you know what? I do too! (at least, it's part of the puzzle) Except I'm still trying to fill the grid -.-
I hope people don't downvote because my crossword is not symmetrical.
(Do people do that sort of thing?)
It was a hand-made grid
People do all sorts of things that don't make any sense. :)
I wouldn't. Mine's not symmetrical either (though there's good reason for that - lots of other constraints)
A non-symmetrical crossword grid is ok if it's deliberately part of a clue. ;)
you're too damn fast @Deusovi
oh. it's not TIGER for #1
it's VIPER
Ah, alright!
Nice one!
Anyone want to work together on Boboquack's recent puzzle?
I'm doing a write-up of the plain clues after using the 3 simple rules
I still haven't quite figured out italic - is it just a vowel shift?
I believe so
There are a couple I'm not sure about: tries -> trees, team -> meat, and there -> three
Yeah, for the latter two I also had "mate/tame" and "ether".
Ah, didn't think of "mate", that would probably make more sense
Aha! I've figured out the gimmick.
@boboquack - You're from the UK or Australia, aren't you?
Ah, just checked your profile. Yep, Australia.
@Volatility Trees and meat are correct, there is ether as @Deusovi suggested
Oh ok, thanks
I was wondering why you had so many two-letter words and no enumerations. c;
BTW, I was wondering whether should still be a tag, as you can already combine and . We also have !
Welcome to Puzzling @TheJabberWalking!
Ah, I thought it was something like that, didn't realise it applied to the clues as well
I'm stumped on the remaining clues. Anyone else have any ideas?
For my puzzle: @Deusovi, there are only two highlights in open, and 2-down isn't completed. @Volatility 24-across/down has in, not is.
Ah, that makes more sense - thanks for catching the transcription error!
Whoops, typo, sorry!
25 across is "snows" in IPA (in "someone'S NOSe"), which means that 19 down is incorrect
Ah, nice.
Perhaps this?
That would fit the plural "Texts" as well
@Deusovi Are you using Excel?
Google Sheets.
Just the middle right and bottom right to go now... That didn't take long
I'm stumped on those - taking a break to work on my puzzle. (Only a few clues left!)
Are these cryptic clues good in your opinion?
13 down is "satires", 23 across is "this". 21 down may be "either"? If so, I think 24 across is "le" and 24 down is "la".
I'm not sure. There seem to be a lot of extraneous words.
Hey @Ankoganit!
@Deusovi Oh hi
Hey TGE!
Sorry was just reading back up a bit
That's fine - I do that too
I do that all the time
even really old transcripts
It's kinda fun
what clues are left for bobo's puzzle?
26A, 12A, 11D
@Volatility Oh, pronounced /iðə/, not /ɒiðə/.
Oh, lol, forgot you Americans pronounce it differently :-)
is 26 jerky?
bumpy = jerky
meat = jerky
Haven't looked to see if it fits in the crossword, I can't read phonemes to save my life
what's with 2D?
It seems to be correct, maybe 24 across is "the" with a schwa and 24 down is "the" pronounced like "thee"?
We don't know 2D.
what does 2D read right now
okay cool
Wait where'd the R come from
(r from highlights)
2D is "teapots" (hidden backwards in "hiS TOP EATery")
Does "tari" sound like "overstay" to you all?
Phonetically? Not at all
Well, something that means "overstay", I mean
i just googled it, it doesn't seem to really exist at all
it's tarry
The answer is Tarry
I read 'tari' with a long AR sound
So i didn't spot it
But i just solved the clou
Confused Arty R
Anagram 'arty r'
gives you TARRY
oh, so it's just letters, not phonemes
Well the cryptic clue used letters
others have used phonemes
Oh okay. Wasn't in that mode of thinking anyway
I'm off to bed. My newest puzzle's done: it'll be posted in the morning. See ya!
@Deusovi Looks like serves the same function that sounds like would in a normal cryptic.
@TheGreatEscaper To edit a comment you can hover over it, click the down-arrow on the left-hand side and click edit.
...and 12A is "patterns". Crossword complete!
@Volatility Yay!
1 hour later…
@BeastlyGerbil It's a secret...
Good morning
I'm still sleeping, and it's already 10:30.
That was quickly deleted...
@AK no need to be rude to new users
Just deleted that comment. :\
@Randal'Thor it could also be OAF, I suppose (def: "I inseminate", O(A)F), which is slightly less of a stretch than LEO
Why would someone make an advertisement for Valentine's Day Wallpapers in December? :D
@Displayname No idea. I hit the spam button and it poofed on me.
1 hour later…
@Mithrandir Dang, that could have been my first chance to use my shiny new dupehammer.
@Volatility Not OAF. I don't quite get how the wordplay part would work there?
I think that the hammer should be at silver...
OF clothing (surrounding) A (article). I guess the word order doesn't quite fit that interpretation.
@Mithrandir Do you have a silver tag badge somewhere? :-)
@Randal'Thor Not yet.
I'm hoping for a Harry Potter one eventually, though.
Q: Empowering tag-badge holders part II - let's look at silver?

Tim PostNot long ago, we gave folks that have a gold tag badge the ability to instantly mark a question as a duplicate of another. This has worked out exceptionally well in practice. While there have been some disputed closings, the process is completely transparent and community oversight has worked jus...

@Mithrandir Interesting (and I'd already upvoted it). That was back in 2014 though, and no news on that front yet.
@Mithrandir I've already got enough score for HP gold; I could just spam 80 crappy answers and get the badge. But my name isn't Himarm, so I won't I value quality over quantity.
Hello all
Is core a synonym of central?
Like, in a word, central letter(s).
I was hoping my CCCC would be solved quicker than this, especially since I'm going away soon. Maybe @Deusovi or @Gareth should have a go at it.
@IAmInPLS Sure.
Thank you. I'll have a nice riddle for all of you, I'll post in an hour or so!
Has anyone looked as this?
@Techidiot Yes: you have.
Also Crimson Guard.
Looks simple but requires a slightly higher IQ than what I have :D
Urgh. It irritates me when I find old puzzles tagged which aren't riddles at all.
@Randal'Thor Upvoted your answer now... :-)
Thanks :-D
@Randal'Thor Is your CCCC answer TIE?
rather cheeky if so
inseminate = in semi nate = inside half of NATE = inside TE
and of course a tie is an article of clothing
@GarethMcCaughan Ding ding ding! Gold star for Gareth again.
Cool CCCC and cool solve!
I hope that's a valid way of doing wordplay?
Trust Gareth to come to your rescue...
@Randal'Thor- You left this one unsolved? Felt like you were going to get it
@Techidiot I got a bit stuck trying to work out what to do with those letters and the rightmost inscription :-(
damn, now I have to make another clue. I've got to stop solving these.
Wow, what the heck. @humn's puzzles can be downright terrifying at times.
Impressive, isn't it?
No surprise it was M Oehm who solved it.
Looking for a synonym of distant, rhyming with "close" or "were"
"far" almost rhymes with "were".
in the middle of nowhere :P
@Randal'Thor I can use it!
Always hard to come up with a good title
Archaic for joy
I'm guessing the words we're looking for are 4 letters long.
Not sure why, just a hunch.
I got a question, speaking of joyance: as a non native English speaker, where can I check the validity of a word?
well, the number has to be even ("two core letters")
and the shorter the word, the more drastic the change you can make by swapping two letters :-)
yes, this ^
@IAmInPLS I'd just type it into google and see what you find
@IAmInPLS A dictionary?
or, indeed, if you have a good dictionary you could use it
but if you use any obscure words then it'll need to be a decent dictionary
I mean, online? Sometimes, Google is not enough
Plenty of decent online dictionaries (Oxford, Cambridge, Merriam-Webster, ...)
Ok, Merriam-Webster is what I used for joyance
And Oxford is pretty useful too
Q: Close, they were. Now, so far

IAmInPLS One happy pair, they just wed, And their love, they will spread. Saw them once, they pass by; With joyance, cheered by nation, A single word, thought I, Can itself, sum the situation. Years have passed, love is slain, Now they go, different ways. They divorced, but again, ...

actually it's not so much that you can make drastic changes by swapping two letters in shorter words; I also suspect that the property "swapping two middle letters yields another word" is more often held by 4-letter words than by 6-letter ones
or longer
because longer words tend to have more readily disturbable structure
however, for my part I suspect longer than 4 letters

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