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@BeastlyGerbil- Is it a single word or sequence of words pointing to a word ? :D
Single word
I'll probably make a community wiki like the last one
Hm. @BeastlyGerbil But the first three lines are connected? Kinda thought that was leaning toward them forming a single word. (Also, I saw someone quote you on that, but never saw the original statement nor found anything in the puzzle that suggested it)
Okay first line you've got - 2 and 3 give 3 letters, you have 4, 5 and 6 give 2 letters.
And the word is related to the puzzle
Well that was way more than I was looking for but thanks :)
Well @Deusovi stayed up half the night, went to sleep, woke up and it's still unsolved so I kinda owed it to him and the rest of you to give a hint
@BeastlyGerbil Nah, I just have a weird sleep schedule :P
I didn't stay up half the night just for this puzzle (though it definitely did contribute!)
TAKING ORDERS doesn't work, does it?
No single word
For the cryptic? Rubio already confirmed that "following" and "directions" were separate.
I think he's talking about Rubio's
And the first word is indeed imp
Oh ok
oh, following and directions are seperate? Never mind
Yep. We think it's ______ PERIOD.
Maybe something like IMP + ??? + BAD + ON + ED + ?? for BG's puzzle?
IMPRISONED? @BeastlyGerbil
@BeastlyGerbil I call shenanigans. :) It's a 15 letter word? Starting with IMP?
Rubio confirmed that it's not DOUBLE PERIOD, I don't know what you're thinking exactly though
Well done @Techidiot
oh. 2+3 is 3
Can you provide reasoning? @Techidiot
Deciphering the letters with Vignere gives...
go lkxwejpg folvh numoww sybpdvcc
Right that's the bit you need, but I can tell you now some of the algebra is wrong so the next step won't work. Home soon and I can point out errors
Well that must be the answer! :P
Go ???????? ????? num(ber) ????????
Yeah there's another thing you need which is in the algebra but hasn't been transcribed properly
That's a start
@BeastlyGerbil - I deduced something like this
well, poo.
I'll tell the reasoning:
Merged with danger but things were not alright - RISK - K (OK)
bah. ok would have never got that.
@Techidiot Is your hint really a hint or not a hint just meant to annoy anyone who checks the hint?
And learning - education shortened to ED
ED makes more sense obviously.
Yeah said the danger but was hard
Yeah, I got ED. Wasn't sure if I would've gotten RIS, but it worked out well having the other clues.
starting to recheck algebra. whee!
I think the issue is just the N/S.
Oh @Deusovi - TechIdiot found the B in paragraph 4
@BeastlyGerbil- We could have never figured that out without the length of word and the letters to be borrowed from each. Atleast not me :D
apparently we're both blind. I read that thing 4 times and never saw it.
I found that paragraph online, copied it into another text document and used Ctrl+F!
@Rubio - I found it when I was looking looking for something else :D Lol
And I still didn't find it!
Yes the N/S is a bit of an issue with which letter is above/below depends on position
@Sid- I saw someone doing that.
Oh, I think I know one issue.
Its a little of this and that.
3E+1N isn't necessarily the same thing as 1N+3E.
But they're the same algebraically.
ohhh. true.
No it's different
spaces matter.
(Imagine a lot of skinny letters in one of the rows.)
No wonder. I grouped all those together.
Keep it in the order that the letters appear
There's our issue.
You're a very beastly gerbil, sir.
:D Haha
this is fun, though :) nice job.
but now i REALLY want these equations as text. Punk :)
It's always satisfying as a puzzle maker when your puzzle gets talked about and discussed all day in chat :P
yeah, that would be helpful :P
@BeastlyGerbil And doesn't get solved in a day... That makes it all the more satisfying
I didn't want to put it as text because then it would be incredibly long
Could you copy-paste the text in here?
so I assume we can group (e.g.) 2P .... - P as they're nondirectionals, so I'm going to start doing that
@Sid yes very satisfyong ;)
You can pastebin it too
(In case if you have it) :D
I don't actually have the equations on me, they're on my laptop
But yes will include a link then
I have all of them
Let me paste it here.
You transcribed them? Nice!
I hope there are no errors
Paste them in the spreadsheet?
Oh wait
I copied half from the spreadsheet when I discovered there was spread sheet :p
Where's the spreadsheet again? Can't find it
You might want to put it in your answers, but someone could sabotage it
Why the edit @BeastlyGerbil? Check is perfectly fine
Hmm. It only made a difference in one equation. And I found one error, apparently I was in mid-simplification on #13 when I pasted it to the spreadsheet, sorry
So, got the final text?
We haven't resolvedwhich letter to use for #5
Are you up to no good Deus :)
so that 13 seems wrong
Does that count as "no good"?
Yes, that definitely counts as no good :)
@Deusovi 4-11 are imgur fodder. we need to know uc/lc though
26-33 unvig'd are also apparently imgur fodder but I can't find an image there. that'd be one heck of a coincidence though.
Time to check all possible caps/LC combos?
i'm on it
can you recheck those letters at least so i'm not burning time for nothing ;)
Sure, I'll do that
Yep, they seem good to me.
no uc/lc combo of lnxwe.jpg gives an image
Is there really an image involved?
Well, considering the message ?????JPG appears, I'd say it's likely.
Twice even! Once in ciphertext, once in plaintext.
Can you give me the final encrypted text?
What we have right now:
Ooh. Rubio, try with LUXWE?
Are we treating void as space as well? What if its a 0?
He said it was a space
also GAP and BLANK
(Any luck with LUXWE, @Rubio?)
Can we have only alphabets in an imgur link? Never seen that before. Isn't it alphanumeric?
it's finishing
It can have numbers, but doesn't have to.
and no. nothing there either.
Why L for 5?
We don't know if S goes to the U or the L in "bull".
that would make it B or E
...Shit, that's west, not east.
Or may be a blank
No, probably not a blank.
Otherwise JPG wouldn't work.
lkxwe.jpg is a thing.
it's not a HELPFUL thing but it's a thing.
Can someone smarter than me see if this image is hiding anythign?
A torn is all I can see
torn card sheet I mean
There's some non-white in the tear but it doesn't have anything interesting in it that I can see
I can only think of Luxembourg
With the plain text
Image was posted Dec 1 so it's highly likely it's part of this puzzle, just don't know what it means yet
Okay at home but my computer won't connect...
WB @BeastlyGerbil
And that image is part of the puzzle
Oh no! :(
Zoomed 500% but no clues
I should still be able to get the equations though...
Wow, all lowercase. Huh.
Okay what message do you have so far?
Huh. Ok so @BeastlyGerbil - I've got "1B" for one of these, from "3B - 2B" - but there's more than one B in paragraph 1. are we intended to know how to resolve that, or do we just guess at it?
this is #22 btw
Hmm seems like an error on my part, let me check
Image seems like a flag as well
Not a flag.
Okay the message before it's changed
A path
@Deusovi #19-24 should be NUMBER, so there's 3 wrong in there. first one is #22 the ambiguous B. haven't looked at the rest. #22 looks like "F" was intended.
Yeah what's he message before you decide it?
The last one also looks like an Imgur URL.
that X/C is definitely X.
the C i think flags "capitalize", but it hasn't helped me any
Oooh, maybe.
Yep C means capital
So everything else is lowercase
good. i figured that out yesterday, but it didn't help :)
ensXv doesn't give a valid URL.
No that's weong
no sifting of ensXZv gives anything useful
er. yeah whatever
I can no longer type apparently :)
It should be fizfhze ansXv.jpg
that was quick
21 1 6 22 41
damn. that's a 4th root, not a square root.
Aaah there you go
Alright, now what do we add it to?
Think @Deusovi think!!!
Maybe the ASCII codes of the imgur URL we already got?
Surely you can get this
Er not quite
21 1 6 22 41 in A126 is U A F V O. ish.
Yeah, I tried A1Z26 but 41 stopped me.
Yeah but you have to add it
41 would be uc ?
Use the imgur you've already got and add the numbers
That gives rksbQ
(assuming the 41 clues capital, which is probably not a good assumption to make)
No not a good assumption
There's no caps
You are using he torn paper right?
Oh, hold on. I was subtracting. Didn't modify the autoVignere right.
yeah you got it!
Community wiki?
Pheww.. She could have just killed herself :D
yeah durn it
um Rubio :P
yeah yeah. :)
Why 41 for the last one?
was scrolled up, didn't see :)
@Deusovi because I couldn't subtract as that would result in a longer sentence and many more algebraic equations
One question @Deusovi, reason being I am terrible at maths..how you got 21 1 6 22 41?
I am still there
Why not just 15 though?
it's roman numerals
@Techidiot Roman numerals after converting letters to numbers from that message.
But if you do 5+41 and then - 26 you get 20
A1Z26 to letters, then interpret as roman numerals. yeah.
Wait hang on why did I do 41?
Yeah. Why not just 15?
We don't know. hehe
Oh, that was silly of me
Erm I have no idea... I'm questioning my own actions now...
Sorry. Didn't see you deduced ADD XXI I VI XXII XLI first
I'm curious - can you re-upload an image and keep the same url?
So how many uploads did it take you to get all those lowercase letters? :P
Well that's weird. Oh well you worked it out so :P
Didn't think so. Oh... nevermind, I see
Dude. That's mad cool :)
@Deusovi I did some calculations and worked out it was almost exactly a 1 in 100 chance of getting all lowercase. One took me about 20 goes the other took about 150...
So if we look, we'll find IMGUR splattered with this image, huh
Haha :) Sensational!
@Rubio yep :P
@BeastlyGerbil Whoa! 150 uploads? Wow, that's dedication.
It'd be nice if you could mark them to be cleaned up. I left behind a handful when I was uploading my physics graphic a while back
@Deusovi it's sufffice to say that my finger had lost all its feeling and I was worried it would drop off
I would write the community wiki myself but it's hard on mobile, would someone mind?
Lol as soon as I write that it all goes quitw
That's ok I'll write it up later
so there still seem to be errors in the cipher text from the equations
Did you look that over?
I will later if nobody else has.
Ahh. I think you skipped an equation in the puzzle somehow
Or mis-ordered them or something
@BeastlyGerbil - You can add cipher tag to your question if required
I think so..
@Rubio I'll check when my computer begins to work
Until that community wiki is on hold ;)
The posted equations 22-24 don't give what you have for them, and I think the last two are off by one spot. Also you have 7 letters where we only have 6 equations. So yeah - something went amiss there, hope you can find it
Yeah the equations and what they are supposed to be don't match up on mine. I'll investigate
And I'll probably have to update the image
Don't forget that lowercase x in #5 then ;)
Okay now I can right up a community wiki and check the problems
I did expect I may have made a mistake in the algebra, simply because there were so many of them
If @Techidiot makes his a community posting (can you do that after the fact? I assume so?) then half the work is done already
Or whatever. Hehe
I don't think you can. I can just copy it.
Yeah just pick it up.
I'll try to fix the errors first
Yeah. That will take a bit
@GarethMcCaughan Lol :)
it's OK, I feel stupid and ignorant most of the time
I actually did laugh out loud hehe
seriously, human brains are just Not Good Enough
surely we should be able to do better
but alas the Glorious Transhuman Future remains obstinately future
Okay apart from the oddity of 22, think I got the rest working. Worked out I was missing the e.
Rest is fine now... I think you didn't see one was a fourth root not a square as well...
I finally noticed that, yes
it's right in our spreadsheet now
this one -
2 hours ago, by Deusovi
Okay updating image...
Hang on I've made some other mistake here, I have 1 too many...
Oh yeah I have one that repeats itself....
don't forget #5 ;-)
Yeah I fixed all the little other mistakes too.
I'll add a google doc sheet as well
this one?
I was gonna update it when you post the new equations
Heh, it occurs to me I'm the only one who didn't post an answer, so I get no rep for this hehe
No I created a new one with just the equations for users who want to have a go at solving it.
Now for that community wiki
The one we were working in is now updated
Not that you need it, but yeah - how we solved it is in there
So mainly you, deusovi and techidiot solved this. That is all isn't it? Don't want to miss anyone
Mainly, yes. @Volatility was helping as well, I think, for a while last night while we were filling in the spreadsheet. Not positive.
OK will add him
I think @Techidiot found the "b" we were too blind and stupid to see, and solved the riddle; I simplified most of the equations and Deus filled in most of their letters; I found the imgur fodders, figured out C for capital; Deus did the spreadsheet and added the vigenere coding, solved the 2nd image, and found the final image. a minute before I did, I think, lol. Volatility helped fill in letters and equations. Tech posted updates along the way in his answer.
I think that's largely accurate. It was a nice group effort.
Yeah I'm just going to say at the start 'solved mainly in chat by xxxxxxxx....'
@Rubio have you updated the doc sheet?
It's updated with the new equations and corrections
Oops. I forgot one minor minor thing.
ok fixed. It should be good now :)
Thanks I'll provide a ink in the community wiki. Don't want to write it all out.
I'm assuming you were 'anonymous lemur'
You are "Anonymous Aurochs"
Oh :P
I changed the link sharing to 'can view' instead of 'can edit'. Its finished now, so no edits necessary and we don't want anyone to sabotage it.
I'm pretty sure Anonymous Gerbil is a thing
what about Anonymous Kangaroo? hehe
Nice answer on the scrabble dice btw @Sconibulus. +1 from me.
Anydice was a pain to work with for that, it took me hours
but it ends up with pretty charts and such, so I guess it was worth it
I'm curious: I've heard that a code can be thought of as a function on whole words, and a cipher as a function on individual letters (only dependant in some cases on past values, not future ones). So what is the correct terminology for a transposition code/cipher/what's-it-called?
Neither of those. :)
@boboquack "Anagram"? :P
Rail fence Cipher is a transportation cipher I guess
@GentlePurpleRain Don't think anagram really fits when you're turning whole passages of text into seemingly random gloop.
@boboquack Hence the ":P"
@Techidiot Its not really a cipher though-that's just a misnomer it has adopted.
@Techidiot Your riddle, I'm just gonna ask - when it says "One of us reside in each line", is that literally so - exactly one occurrence of the "us" of the riddle can be found in each line of the riddle? Someone in a comment sort of asked that and didn't get a meaningful answer.
Posted the final answer with a short epilogue as well
Now working on a wrap-up for both FYW and SYW
Thanks @Rubio
I've visited for 123 consecutive days :P
next aim 1234 days! :P
I'm at 53 consecutive
visited 67 days, 53 consecutive
Halfway to fanatic badge then
I'd have got it ages ago but I went on holiday and had no wifi so lost my streak
I've visited 268 days total
There should be a gold badge for visiting a site on 365 days
Consecutive? that's a bit excessive :S
@dcfyj I just check in after school.
Sometimes I just look for 1 minute and that counts as being active that day
Its annoying how you can't upvote your own community wiki...
Or accept it for 2 days...
I upvoted it. Doesn't that make you warm and fuzzy?
The problem from my perspective is that its not at the top of the answers. So people who see the puzzle won't see it's solved or what the answer is.
hmmm 3000 views...?
Ah that makes more sense, its on HNQ...
(AK....) :P
I KNEW he was secretly a marsupial.
Good morning everybody, and nice solve!
@Volatility it took all day but people finally got it..
Dang, used up my daily votes.
Gotta wait 2 hours and then go and upvote all the good stuff that's been posted today.
I see you lot have been busy in here today.
Oh god yeah :P
@BeastlyGerbil Even when you accept it, it won't automatically float to the top, because it's technically a self-answer.
@BeastlyGerbil 365? Pffft.
Q: Anyone with a "visited: 2048 days, 2048 consecutive" in his/her profile?

VonCBack in May, 27th 2009, the Stack Overflow team introduced a little counter to monitor the consecutive days you visited the site. And 30 days later (June 26th 2009), the first "Enthusiast" badges were awarded. Today, 04th January 2015, is two thousand and forty-eight days later. Today, 17th Nove...

I'm working on a long puzzle and a short . Just trying to work out which to do first ...
@Randal'Thor 2048 days visited, consecutively? that's.... words fail.
I honestly don't know if I should be more impressed or appalled. :)

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