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@Randal'Thor DASHBOARD (def: console, one's father (about) = DA...D, hasbro (broken) = SHBOAR)
@Alconja Good job!
Ah, nice!
What about "toy" though?
And "his", for that matter?
yeah... I'm assuming slightly rule breaking for readability
Like I said, it was hard to get a smooth surface reading. I had to introduce a couple of superfluous words.
Originally I was trying to use "abhors" instead of "Hasbro", but couldn't make it fit.
Nice @Alconja - I tried dozens of words for console, never thought of dashboard
"Console father about boarish disarray, forgetting one (9)" might've worked better.
those are all 9 letter one or two word game consoles, btw. ;) in case you ever need that again
@Rubio: You could've saved some time - if it were two words, it would've been indicated. For instance, "Sega Nomad" would be (4, 5), not (9).
Oh, I know
I got carried away ;)
...question about clue validity... can i use a single indicator word to indicate a process applied to multiple following words? eg. [I] [A] [B] [C] [D], where [I] is an indicator, say for an anagram, where the anagram is produced collectively from [ABC]
Yeah, sure.
"smooth surface reading" is lovely but much less important than not having superfluous words. I guarantee I would never in a million years have solved Rand's clue as it stood because it simply wouldn't have occurred to me that the word "toy" might be aardvark there just to improve the surface reading even though it hatstand destroys the syntax of the crossword clue.
But they have to be consecutive and not indirectly clued.
Yeah, I wouldn't have gotten it either.
Superfluous words that aren't connectors (is, or, of, and) are typically Very Bad Thingsā„¢.
@GarethMcCaughan Sorry :-(
I didn't realise superfluous words were that bad.
In fact I wasn't even sure whether @Deusovi was joking when he said "what about 'toy' and 'his'?"
Nah, I wasn't joking. It seemed right to me, but I was confused about the extra words.
Also, @Gareth, I wouldn't use an aardvark as a hatstand if I were you. A moose makes a much better hatstand.
Ok, I think this is valid:
The point of the wordplay part of a cryptic is that it can be interpreted as instructions of a sort (though sometimes they're very tenuous grammatically).
CCCC: "Again and again! Strike back!" - the killer (8)
@GarethMcCaughan Oh, and congrats for making me spend about a minute wondering what on earth those words were autocorrect fails for :-)
And @GarethMcCaughan - I hope that your thoughts on the Cleverly Disguised Word are on point, cuz that's some good thinking there
speaking of tenuous grammar :)
@Randal'Thor No need to feel bad about it. Just don't do it again :-). And I'm glad to have conveyed a little of how superfluous words feel to a cruciverbalist :-).
man. Like fish in a barrel.
@Alconja No clue where to start on that one. I'll leave it to D and G the crossword heads ... oh wow, Deusovi already got it.
That was, like, maybe a minute.
@Rubio It's almost as if Deusovi is good at these.
@GarethMcCaughan Bah. Couldn't be that.
@Alconja is just obviously bad at making puzzles that take time to solve.
@Rubio (as for the cleverly disguised word, GPR says I'm doing the right kind of thing but not the actual right thing, which I guess is better than nothing)
@Deusovi, you got another one ready for us?
@Rubio yeah, Alconja's whole history illustrates that
Yeah, that's clearly the right explanation. Come on Alconja, step your game up. :P
Most. Definitely.
I'm about to go to bed, but might wait a bit if there's another CCCC upcoming.
@Randal'Thor: Let me think one up. Haven't written one yet - I could do a simple one from my upcoming post on writing good cryptic clues, but I'd like to do something more clever.
You win. I'm officially retiring from puzzle making, an abject failure...
@GarethMcCaughan Yes, while you're the best puzzle writer on this site ;-)
Well, you could be - who knows.
I'm still looking forward to seeing your first puzzle here.
Ideally it should combine elements from all of your existing answers.
That would be a neat trick.
If you take the initial letter from every answer Gareth has posted, they spell out something very interesting.
... hey!
hoping for stars on that
My mother is NOT that
OK, bedtime for me. Good luck with the next CCCC, everyone.
@Randal'Thor See also: oreilly.com/pub/e/1598
oh no, wait
CCCC: It makes wet god - disgusting! (6)
I thought you were making a different joke from the one you actually were
(if you take the initial letter from every puzzle I've posted, it spells out something interesting, namely the empty string)
(You all are going to either love or hate this clue...)
I hate it already.
Ah, don't you love the sense of community we have here on Puzzling?
I know, the way our mutual hatred of each other brings us together...
Remind me to make my next cryptic, if I ever get another shot, all about my deep and abiding dislike for Deus and his chronic inability to make, or solve, good puzzles or clues.
In fact, here it is.
Ooh, got it. Is the answer ?
Yes. It's Gareth's most recent puzzle.
I don't quite get the wordplay half, though. :P
^^ I just explained it. Sheesh, do I have to do all the work here?
Ok afk a bit, back later. I'm not sure if I hope this latest clue is solved, or isn't.
Alright, see ya! c:
Wasn't clued very well tbh... it needed a "?" at the end to indicate the wordplay was also part of the def.
I need to go to bed; apologies for not contributing to solving D's latest. I will make the following remark: I think you're "supposed" to look at it and think "oh, anagram of WET GOD", and I bet that doesn't work, and I suspect "it makes wet" is the definition and "god - disgusting" is the wordplay part. But having observed that RAVILE doesn't, so far as I know, have anything to do with wet-making, I'll leave it there.
@Alconja On the contrary, the wordplay and the definition didn't overlap at all.
@Deusovi Wait... is that the new clue? (only just realised... since it didn't have the prefix)
Whoops, yeah!
@GarethMcCaughan Ahh.. my bad, I misread it :P
@Alconja You sure did. I don't think there's any part of it that you read correctly.
@GarethMcCaughan My failure once again shines through.
@Deusovi I'm wondering if it's somehow related to deus (god) => odious (def:disgusting), but not sure how "it makes wet" could perform that transformation...
Interesting theory! I'm not going to confirm or deny, of course.
You'll definitely know it when you have it.
Also, without looking for clues, just as a cryptic rules clarification: I'm assuming "It" has to be "it", and can't be "I.T."?
Yep, that's correct.
3 hours later…
Hey, @Ankoganit!
Hi @Deusovi
5 hours later…
@Randal'Thor: I've written up a guide for cryptic clues, since you and several other people wanted a full explanation of all the rules behind them. Hopefully this was clear enough - if you see anything I should add, please let me know!
Q: Cryptic Clue Guide

Deusovi This post is not a puzzle. There is nothing puzzly hidden inside it or the self-answer, posted at the same time. What exactly is a cryptic crossword clue, and how do I write one?

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd bookmarked.
@Deusovi Thank you sir!
Nice, @Deusovi
This is and will be really helpful!
Great, glad I could help! Let me know if you have any more questions - I'd be happy to answer anything that I haven't covered there! c:
Did you see the comment regarding the (apparently missing) explanation for "?" cueing?
Could a hyphen clue minus e.g. in your CCCC god-disgusting be some word from god with the letters from some word from disgusting removed?
removals have to be complete, so it would have to be ALL letters from something meaning disgusting
@Rubio @LukasRotter @BeastlyGerbil @Sid I am MBB.
I, like almost everyone, noticed that completely crappy questions are filling up the site, and while I was told that this ultra low quality "puzzles" are "seriously downvoted", I was skeptic about that.
I made up a super crappy insta-thought rough hypothesis of what affects the upvotes, and I had a. Quality b. Effort c. Instant gratification (I don't really know this term) as the three main factors (and I'm sure I'm wrong).
So, I decided to open up MBB account, and while keeping the quality and effort to ultra low (to make sure these are ultra low, I strictly, before making each puzzle, thought various ideas + sorted out the crappiest idea in strictly under 3 minutes, and typed each puzzle within less than 5 minutes, to make sure I don't give too much effort), vary the gratification each time to see how it affects the upvotes.
While the first post, being extremely related, was downvoted (for good), the others was upvoted, and I seriously don't see how they are "puzzles".
Also, I decided to check how pilagarism is handled (@Deusovi), so the last riddle is verbatim copied form a William Cowper poem (which is in my school textbook :P), and nobody even noticed !
I stopped this experiment because I don't really care much about crappy puzzles being posted on this site as long as there are good arty puzzles, and I spended too much time (~10 hours +) in collecting datas from other puzzles to verify my hypothesis, which completely took up my time.
@Rubio I realise that, but would that be acceptable? @Deusovi?
@boboquack Yes, that would be acceptable.
At least, I think it would. Some people may disagree.
This is copied verbatim from this.
@ArbitraryKangaroo In fairness, puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/45820/… was actually a decent puzzle; and for Quick n Easy the premise was sound, but I'm not sure there's a good way to execute it without requiring almost explicit hints (as we collectively found). The others I didn't really spend any time looking at, they seemed pretty bad but some were well received. (Surprisingly well, in a couple cases)
@Rubio I find all of them completely crappy super nonsense. And yeah, the "puzzle" you linked is super trivial, and is a rote exercise than a puzzle, because the idea is instantly obvious.
As for plagiarism, it's actually ok if (a) it's not already here and (b) it's given proper credit. I personally would add (c) it's expected people don't just mechanically copy some source(s) for everything they post, as we don't just need to have some copyrighted work reproduced here in toto, and a little added personal creativity wouldn't hurt. There's rules for all this, in any case.
No sorry, I thought some people will immediately notice that the "riddle" is plagiarized, but to my surprise, nobody did. And just to say, there's no personal creativity except ditching the first and last para and ctrl+C and ctrl+V-ing.
It's not like people go plagiarism-checking every submission. If someone didn't recognize it, there'd be no reason to immediately identify it as such.
In any event, as for your experiment, I think the results are interesting.
No okay, but still nothing is done to it, But I read somewhere that "strict" stuff are being taken against plagarism.
Ok, so Gareth gets +500, Sid and Beastly get nothing. Just to make it official :)
Of course the user who needs it the least (the one with most rep) would win, lol.
I thought I remembered another comment about an actual valid rep reward. I couldn't find it in my search, but I didn't try particularly hard.
@LukasRotter No. you spotted it first, didn't you ?
[By the way, all but one of my messages are perfectly consistent]
@ArbitraryKangaroo Maybe (at least the one who mentioned it in chat first), but I purposely didn't participate in the competition I set up.
Now I just need to find the answer @GarethMcCaughan presumably put the most effort in.
Any suggestions? This one looks pretty decent.
Just wait for GMC to speak for himself.
BTW, did MBB even mention himself that he is AK? If not, MBB should do so to remove any doubt...
Yeah, so I am lying perhaps :P
Well, it's definitely a possibility. :)
Q: Help! I am infected with the puzzling bug!

AnkoganitArgh...I can't get this bug of puzzling off my head! It's really weird, and so annoying, you know...I can't help thinking about puzzles all the time. It's like... when I see a word, I think of anagrams...when I see tiled floors, I think of sudoku on them...when I see a door, I look for loose bric...

x lm ... cpy tijq ? pyyciy, z ie fev. (10 letter obvious key) — Mushroom Bang Boom 20 secs ago
The obvious key is: Plagiarism
I tried SOCKPUPPET first. :)
@Rubio Well, there was another bet between Beastly and me: If MBB = AK/TPK, then nothing happens. If MBB != AK/TPK, he wins 500.
@LukasRotter I see. So you win a big fat nada on that one.
If Beastly entered the second bet and said "I think Mushroom Bang Boom is: Arbitrary Kangaroo" first he would've won 500 either way, I don't remember me stating any rule against it :D
Nobody mentioned tpk, but MBB is handled from the mail with the chat account tpk, so I think Gareth doesn't actually wins :P
On plagiarism: it's not ok to copy something and post it here verbatim, even with attribution (unless you have explicit permission from the author, or the content has been released under a permissive licence).
@Rubio Yep :P If I don't have any unsolved question of me (there hopefully will be one soon), I start a chat game where I can only loose or win nothing.
Actually he mentioned you specifically by name. :)
@Alconja Yeah, sure, that's obviously true. That's why to test that (after how long someone finds out) I posted that one.
I removed my message because it was a duplicate of this one. I refreshed the page and somehow jumped from editing to posting a new comment.
welp. I only stayed up to satisfy my curiosity. Now that what was the generally accepted "obvious" identify has proven to be the actual identity, I can hop off here and get some sleep.
Yeah, but I guess it was obvious for overuse of "trivial", I suppose.
@ArbitraryKangaroo And because of the the style of the name, the removed comment on an answer and general writing style :P
What's the general writing style ?
But yeah, the "trivial" ultimately gave it away completely (although I thought MBB was actually trolling with that)
No, actually not joking, they are infact trivial.
@ArbitraryKangaroo I meant that I thought he purposely used the word "trivial" so often to make it seem like it's you.
Oh yeah, mimicking me is super easy.
@LukasRotter It's not at all clear to me that there's any sense in which I actually deserve +500 for solving the "Who in the world is Mushroom Bang Boom?" puzzle, especially as I was far from the only person to guess. (I suppose it's actually +500 for "being able to follow instructions in exchange for 500 rep".) But if you really want to do this, pick any answer of mine. Perhaps actually better to pick one that extra-obviously isn't deserving of a big bounty, and explain in comments.
@LukasRotter Or you could make a new question about MBB, say explicitly in it that its only purpose is for me to answer it and get a bounty, etc. But that might reasonably be held to be a misuse of the site and possibly both question and answer would get a ton of downvotes.
I think I'm going to award it to this answer, seems like it didn't took very much effort.
One of @Rubio's, then?
oh wait, wrong tab
yeah, that one didn't take very much effort. (And it was a kinda silly puzzle.)
Q: ASCII Puzzler 2: Arrows Depicting Movement, Things, or Pointing Out Objects

PeanutThis is a sequel to ASCII Puzzler 1: Part 1 and a prequel to ASCII Puzzler 3: The Trees and ASCII Puzzler 4: Not a Rebus!. Here is the second rebus I have for you to figure out: | V --- O <--- B --|--> -|- --- /\ ^ | Here is another rebus I made. The main theme of this is a...

Incidentally, clearly I'm the person who needs the +500 most. I'm on exactly 19500 right now :-).
@GarethMcCaughan I can only award the bounty in 23 hours, unfortunately.
@Randal'Thor A big apology to you....
Haha. The hilarious-est bounty line ever.
What's the current CCCC?
10 hours ago, by Deusovi
CCCC: It makes wet god - disgusting! (6)
@ArbitraryKangaroo I knew you were MBB
@oleslaw Any further hints to your puzzle? The latest hint only throws further doubts and the obvious try doesn't work out.
oops... That was meant as a comment on the question...
@ArbitraryKangaroo As for plagiarism -- that puzzle had been on the site for what?, two hours before you owned up and said it had been plagiarized. I don't know how many people even saw it (certainly I didn't).
Would someone have said to themselves "that's remarkably assured versification for a mere puzzle" and looked it up? Would a Cowper enthusiast have happened by and recognized it? Either is possible, but there's no reason on earth why either should happen in the first couple of hours after posting.
1 hour later…
(Some comments on MBB's puzzles, in order of appearance. "Overseen chat" was very bad and I'm actually not sure why I didn't downvote it. "A stupid cipher?" was clever and funny despite MBB's attempt to do something stupid. I upvoted it and regret nothing. "Quick n easy" was OK. I upvoted it because I though it deserved to be around 0 rather than at -6. "A true deep quotation" was OK and the misleading absence of spaces was (I think) a neat feature. I neither upvoted nor downvoted. [continues]
"Riddle who is he?" was bad because too easy (and also because copied without attribution, albeit from something not intended as a puzzle). It was solved before I ever saw it. I downvoted it.)
In general I think these were baddish but by no means all terrible despite MBB's/AK's attempts to make them low quality. Clearly AK is just so much smarter than the rest of us that what is nontrivial to us is trivial to him. His intellect would be much better used solving puzzles than telling the rest of us how stupid we are.
Or might be better used doing something else entirely. AK said earlier that he was leaving PSE. I would be sorry to see a skilled solver go, and I suspect he could be a good setter if he attempted to set good puzzles rather than bad ones, but I would not be at all sorry to lose the endless stream of complaints about how stupid the community here and its taste in puzzles are.
It looks like of the five questions, two were well-received, two were poorly-received, and one was terribly-received.
Based on my question history, 5 or less is pretty bad, 10ish is good, not great, and 20+ is very well-liked
I'm making a pattern puzzle including a GIF (what a surprise), but want it to be solvable without viewing any image. The problem is that there are hundreds of instances of a certain pattern included in the GIF. So while listing a few of those would probably be enough information to solve the puzzle, there's still technically more information in the image. Do you think just listing a few examples is enough? (maybe include a link to a full list on pastebin)
Depends by what you mean by "a few" but I don't see why that would be a problem
It's like 10 examples from 1,000 (maybe more, haven't checked how much the total amount will be).
throwing 1000 frames at a gif will probably make it incomprehensible, or too big to fit on a hosting site
@Sconibulus I don't mean it like that, but I unfortunately can't tell you what exactly it is without spoiling anything... There are probably around 50 instances of the pattern in every frame of the GIF
so 20ish frames?
No one will bother analyzing the GIF anyway and will rather focus on the text form, so I think it shouldn't be a problem.
I wouldn't assume things
@dcfyj Not necessarily... As I said, I think I can't say anything else without spoiling too much :P I'll just link to a full list on pastebin and list some good examples in the actual post.
Hm... I just realized that even describing the GIF in text form doesn't really make it solvable for people relying on screenreaders... ;_;
Q: Is it OK to make a puzzle which requires distinguishing fairly similar colours from each other?

rand al'thorI was playing with some puzzle ideas this morning, one of which involved messing about with different colours in a way which might be impossible for someone colour-blind. I won't go into details (spoilers!), but instead will make this a general question: are puzzles OK which require distinguishi...

@GarethMcCaughan It's bit hyper sarcastic :P
Can someone turn bitter? I mean, a wine can, but a person?
Is there more to this than just a bottle of vinegar?
@ArbitraryKangaroo What is?
@Sconibulus Why not put it together and find out?
because that would require better image manipulation skills than I have :)
Isn't that what Paint is for? :P
@GarethMcCaughan One of my what? Heh
As for the MBB thing, Gareth summed up pretty accurately what I was thinking. I didn't even see the question, and Cowper isn't exactly a famous poet. His comments on the questions themselves also matched my own (though I did downvote the chatlog question).
@Deusovi Can CH be an abbreviation for god? I've seen it stand for Bible and Church, so I figure it might...
Can someone answer my question please? :-(
@Ankoganit I don't think so. I've never seen it that way, in any case, and I don't see how that would work.
@Deusovi Oh, okay, nevermind then.
Cryptic abbreviations don't come out of nowhere - they're commonly used abbreviations (though sometimes field or region specific).
Can someone turn bitter? I mean, a wine can, but a person?
@IAmInPLS Sure! Bitter as in "angry".
Yes, a person can turn bitter. No, CH can't mean God. Yes, it can mean church. I can't see how it could mean Bible. (Though e.g. OT and NT are often clued by "books".)
@GarethMcCaughan Yeah, I was wondering about "Bible" too.
@GarethMcCaughan (CH -> Chronicles -> Bible ?)
Thank you!
@IAmInPLS I'm not in the habit of cannibalism, but I image that human meat doesn't last forever
@Ankoganit Chronicles is a specific book in the Bible, not the entire Bible.
@Ankoganit That should probably be CH -> Chronicles -> Books -> Bible :P
Well, yeah, I know that's a stretch
@Sconibulus That's better
The Last Battle was weird
How so?
(BTW, for CH=GOD, I thought PUVPXL(rot13) would be the answer)
CH=GOD makes me think of Cthulhu...
@Ankoganit ...What.
@Deusovi You got how it would work? ;)
No, not really.
@Ankoganit How does that work? lol
CH=god, ICKY=disgusting, and It makes wet (in a ,erm, naughtier sense) is the def (?!).
How in the world does "Chicky" mean it makes wet?
@Deusovi I think I hate you
disgusting being the def, how's the wordplay fit in?
@dcfyj Well it doesn't really... well, forget that
wet rot 10 = god
lol, oh that's wrong
@Sconibulus Whoa
That's genius!
and It makes?
@Deusovi Any confirmation/denial of @Sconibulus' answer?
That's correct!
"It makes wet (into) god": definition 1
"Disgusting": definition 2
@Sconibulus :D
you're evil lol
@Deusovi Man, that's nifty
@Sconibulus New one? :D
Took me ages to find a pair of words that worked.
@dcfyj Thank you!
Someone should have an epiphany on my meta piece, I want it solved :(
Hey @BeastlyGerbil!
The first thing I see is that somehow 'you're evil lol' has been starred 3 times.
I bet @Deusovi can see what the answer is in my puzzle :P
@BeastlyGerbil Look at @Deusovi's CCCC
What was it?
and @Sconibulus' answer to it
"It makes wet god - disgusting (6)"
answer: Rotten (rot10)
Oh nooo........
@BeastlyGerbil You've turn into Mr. Bill!
I'm laughing thats so bad :P
Hey, I thought it was a great clue. :P
@BeastlyGerbil Like I said, he's evil, lol
Okay now I'm also starring that comment
15 hours ago, by Deusovi
(You all are going to either love or hate this clue...)
@LukasRotter lol ;)
Hi @IAmInPLS! Nice puzzle
@Deusovi See, I never saw the original posting
@Deusovi Is there any way to link the cryptic clue tag(Its definition) to your puzzle/answer?
Thats a good idea. We should add that in the tag wiki
cccc: A good score after active Athenian worship. (9)
@BeastlyGerbil Sure - I'll give it some time to see if anyone else has noticed any errors or omissions first though c:
@BeastlyGerbil Thank you :-) it is much better with the previous one with matchsticks... And it should keep you busy for a while :-P
I'm assuming each 'thing' relates to an actual object
I think it may relate to a board game
@Techidiot Interesting puzzle...
Inspired by @Deusovi's post :D
Lot to learn though. Hope I didn't break any rules :)
applicable in italics?
Well, it can be solved using only 2 methods.
@Techidiot hey, I choose to not answer your comment on my puzzle :)
Hmm, I don't think I get "Entertainer is most grating without tail (4)"
It says the answer is "HO(-arse)ST" but I don't follow
@Deusovi Very nice clue.
@Sconibulus arse = tail
Err, Arse=tail?
@Techidiot Made some edits to your puzzle. Feel free to rollback if it changes anything...
Ignore that
Not another AK..
It's something that people shouldn't see
Actually, I'd love it if a mod could remove it from existence
@Deusovi @GentlePurpleRain Could one of you delete my deleted comment? i.e. get rid of it completely?
@Sid "tail" is US slang for a woman's rear end (I think specifically a woman's rather than a man's).
@GarethMcCaughan Yes, usually when someone says something like "chasing some tail" they're referring to a woman
I don't think I've ever heard it used for a guy
I don't think that's used in UK English. Typical slang is arse rather than tail(At least, the one that I know)
I've pretty much only ever heard it used (1) by men (2) about women (3) with sexual meaning and (4) decidedly crudely.
yup, people are crass
@Sid yes. And "arse" as opposed to "ass" is specifically UK rather than US, so using "tail" to clue "arse" is a bit odd :-).
I wouldn't be astonished to hear of it being used by gay men of other men.
Quite possible, but they tend to be less crass from what I've seen/heard
If not, it's incredibly similar to the other ones
there are certainly lots like it; is there an exact dupe?
@GarethMcCaughan I didn't notice that you had already answered...
I don't find any other hits on searching PSE for "eight balls".
(But then, you could do 9 as easily as 8.)
no hits for "nine balls" either
(it's kinda a shame that we don't have a "too easy" close reason)
There is a 12-ball problem
this question puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/18036/… states the question here and its answer (including the generalization) in the question and then goes on to ask a different question
should that count as a dupe?
it's marked as a dupe but the question it's alleged to be a duplicate of is different, being about the heavier-or-lighter case rather than the lighter-only case.
Possibly, it states 9 balls and we have only 8
yes, but I don't think we should reckon something not a dupe merely because an earlier question solved a slightly harder version of the same problem that's solved the same way.
I think, the final question saves it... I don't think it would be found anywhere else on the site
Except that the question I just linked to has, essentially, the answer to the generalization -- again, in the question rather than in an answer
It's not made entirely explicit, but it says 9 with 2 weighings, 27 with 3 weighings, 81 with 4 weighings
I don't think it's really very important whether it explicitly says 59049 with 10 weighings or not
@Mithrandir Your puzzle has a few strange things in it...
@Sid Which one?
With the help of Rubio, I had gone through the gif image which led to an E-mail which only said to read the books
Yes. There's more stuff hidden in the books.
oh, wait: actually the question it goes on to ask is the generalization to any number of weighings. I'm not quite sure why the questioner wasn't able to read that out of the Wikipedia page they quoted.
That is, Back to square one...
It specifically refers to homework.
Such as, math.
I.e, Life of Fred.
(My homeschool math curriculum.)
Anyway, @BeastlyGerbil found two out of... five? hidden letters for another link, and the image type is also hidden somewhere, so....
And the photos? Nothing in there, I suppose
@Mithrandir FYI, knowing the image type isn't actually necessary
@Rubio No?
if you retrieve ABCDE.gif when ABCDE.jpg was posted, you still get the image.
and if your browser is anything reasonable, it does the right thing
Those files have many photos mainly of characters from "The Hobbit"
Only two are from there
And Mithrandir is very importat
@Rubio Do your thing and Try Q3h2 and something else and see if you get anything remotely close to the puzzle (If you have time, that is)
Those are only 2 and 3 of the link
that search space is too big
You still need 1, 4, and 5
btw @Mithrandir is there anything hinting the case of these letters? i had to brute force to find the last one
the one in the gray rectangle
What gray rectangle? o_o
Those things,whatever they are, are they important? On the life of fred thing
@Mithrandir lkGRy
@Rubio Which one is that? I honsetly don't remember
But they all have cases
All of the ones on the bookcase can just be copypasted from the tinyurl
And the hidden ones do show their cases.
@Sid What things?
It's the one on the front of the desk in the grey rectangle
And if its case is supposed to be evident, it's a mystery to me how :)
These weird shapes- i.sstatic.net/RXkZe.png
@Sid That's Fred.
@Rubio The big ones are capital.
Bah. That's hard to see. I guess that makes sense.
They're like, two pixels taller. ;)
I am wearing a high-power lens and yet everything looks pretty much same to me...
I can tell.
I was looking at it at 800% zoom and the capitals are actually maybe 4 or 5 pixels taller. If you know that's what you're looking for you can see it, but the font doesn't make it any easier to tell if you don't.
@Mithrandir @Sid @BmyGuest your three icons together almost look like a singular image (look at them on the chat room user list)
Well, that font has small caps, which is important for like l and I.
@Mithrandir You ruined the image!
@dcfyj We don't have that power. If it's really important, you can talk to the Community Managers (use the "contact us" link at the bottom of any SE page). When it's deleted, though, it can only be viewed by SE mods or CMs.
ok, It's important-ish, but there's no way anyone will know what it's for
@dcfyj @BmyGuest left anyway.
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