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And someone solved it. Woot!
@Randal'Thor my phone number is a prime. :)
@Deusovi - is there any reason a state like this could never be reached in normal checkers?...
X . X . X . X . - .
. - . - . - . - . -
- . X . X . - . - .
. - . - . - . - . -
- . O . O . - . - .
. - . - . - . - . -
O . O . O . O . - .
. - . - . - . - . -
- . - . - . - . - .
. - . - . - . - . -
@Alconja Didn't you tell us all that you were to post up a lot of wrap up on this site ?
@ArbitraryKangaroo I say a lot of things... :)
@Alconja My day, month and year (both YYYY and YY) of birth are all prime :)
@JonathanAllan 10x10 board eh. Probably not. I took the question to intend four in a row (no intervening spaces) though.
and I am now a prime age too
@Randal'Thor So, which one are you going to choose?
I have not played draughts since I was about seven...
In seriousness though, 1) I have written one for rejbas, but was unsure if it was if value. 2) I'll get around to writing some more at some stage, but my time is limited, so things move at a fairly glacial pace
@Alconja :)
@Rubio isn't 10 by 10 the normal board?
Checkers is usually played on 8x8
@JonathanAllan my age, DD and MM are factors of my YYYY
Draughts (UK /ˈdrɑːfts/) or checkers (American English) is a group of strategy board games for two players which involve diagonal moves of uniform game pieces and mandatory captures by jumping over opponent pieces. Draughts developed from alquerque. The name derives from the verb to draw or to move. The most popular forms are English draughts, also called American checkers, played on an 8×8 checkerboard; Russian draughts, also played on an 8×8; and international draughts, played on a 10×10 board. There are many other variants played on an 8×8, and Canadian checkers is played on a 12×12 board. ...
@ArbitraryKangaroo and ruin the mystery?
@Alconja Yeah, why not. But mystery, is, a mystery. (Well, did you check the gif ?)
I saw. (of course I posted expecting people to understand the origin of that image to begin with)
Probably overestimating the age of people here...
@Alconja That's not a very important observation if you are born in first of january :P. Is your DDxMM = YYYY
Paired up, Pared down, hides the truth, lies with lies / Heading onwards FCAI, Alconja terrorizes.
Everything I post here, including this comment, is part of a ludicrously elaborate 10 year meta puzzle... All will become clear some time in 2024...
@Alconja So there's more to the eye than what is revealed in first glance at the picture ?
OK chat meta puzzle: given that I am at least 13 and no older than 130 and that my day of birth, month of birth, year of birth, year of birth mod 100, and current age in years are all primes then how many dates of birth are possible for me?
"meta" um I mean "mini"
2 hours later…
I thought questions with MathJax in title aren't allowed in HNQ...:o
They aren't. But TeX.SE doesn't use MathJax.
It's not MathJax there.
(And I guess the filter only applies to sites that actually use MathJax.)
3 hours later…
@JonathanAllan Is 495 the correct answer?
@LukasRotter hmm not the answer I got when I did it...
@LukasRotter tell me how you counted and maybe I'll see if I am wrong
@JonathanAllan Oops, I misread your instructions... I didn't see the "mod 100", I thought you meant that the day, month and year all have to be primes. So you mean the sum of year+month+day mod 100 must be prime?
my DoB is DD-MM-YYYY. DD is prime, MM is prime, YYYY is prime AND YY is prime, and my current age in years is prime.
so just year%100
like 2016 and 16
Probably wrong again, but now I get 270... I have to go AFK anyway now, it was a really bad idea to do this when you're under time pressure, lol :P
@LukasRotter not what I got either. Come back to it later if no one else bothers :)
2 hours later…
@JonathanAllan I would probably copy that question to the main site and give you a small credit for coming up with it. :P
@Sid, I think it's a bit too much of a "solve this mathematics problem" for a real puzzle, no?
Ahh, yeah... gotta bribe someone to do it... :P
Anyway, let's see how many different times you can be born...
Err, I am getting far too many answers.....
@JonathanAllan 119,790 to be precise.... Pretty sure, I have messed up somewhere
Oh, sorry, multiply that by 5 again.... That's what I am getting..
Oh, shit... I am an idiot...
@JonathanAllan Does DD mean only 2-digit numbers? And are DD and MM meant to be distinct?
DD means day of month, so 02 would be prime, no reason for day and month to be distinct, I could be born on the 5th of May...
...so 5th of May 2013 would be a possibility for a 3 year old (but I am at least 13)
As I said, I am getting 598,950 possibilities...
err actually 2013 is not prime, but if it were.
Allow me to show you my work...
I think this is going to turn out to be a "who's the closest" guessing game :D I'm still getting 270 somehow...
I hope I have not made a mistake :p
Although, I am sure, I have messed up somewhere on the combinations...
1889,1913,1973,1979 and 2003 are the only years that meet the required conditions
And there are only 5 months meeting the conditions as well... Month no. 2,3,5,7,11.
Also 1907 and 1997...
@JonathanAllan It must be really annoying to be bombarded with false numbers, but: It's not 294, right? (made a deliberate mistake in the calculation now)
I don't make it 294
but I do see 1907 and 1997
Ohh, shit... Sorry, I get 260
@Alenanno I already upvoted , so I guess I can downvote if there's still a tie on Monday. (Or whoever else makes the new "topic challenge" meta post can cast their vote(s) accordingly.)
Then I think I should officially give up now :P My best guess is 270, I can just hope I'm somewhat close :P
@Sid closer to what I have - shouldn't it be a multiple of 7 though?
@Randal'Thor I know this is arbitrary, but can I ask you to do pattern this time around? The thing is that I had one planned for geography and it's gonna take me a while to build it (maybe late for the challenge) lol
@Alconja Hmm ... the fact that your age is a factor of your YYYY should narrow down the possibilities a lot ;-)
9 dates for feb, 11 each for march,may and july while 10 for nov. A total of 52 days.
In a year that is. We get 7 years. So, multiplied by 7 and 364?
not quite :)
@Randal'Thor @Emrakul I just found an answer from a CM on main meta advising people to use onebox feeds rather than ticker feeds. How much more canonical can you get? :-P
@Randal'Thor WHy are you pinging yourself?
@Alenanno We'll see ;-)
(I may very well not be the one selecting the topic and making the new meta post anyway.)
@Sid @LukasRotter you are to either side of my answer...
@Sid To link my two messages together.
@Randal'Thor I see. :P
@Randal'Thor I thought that would be a nice idea to link you to Mushroom bang boom. I could say that you forgot that you were signed in with your original account and not your sockpuppet account and so pinged yourself. :P
@Deusovi Ah, now I get it. Thanks :)
My new guess is 288, LOL
My new guess is 336, lol
I see, today's date and month are primes...
@LukasRotter How are you getting lower numbers as that? I see there are 7 years only and 5 months and some "x" number of dates that meet the conditions..
Oh no ping...
@Sid that's what I got...
@LukasRotter ^
Oh, So, the dates after 13 nov. are not to be taken into account....
yep you needed to discard the days in Nov that have not come yet, because I would have been born on an even year if my current age were prime :)
So, that sounds like your birthday is yet to come....
Jul 2nd
old fogie :p
Not quite, age is but a number. :-)
oops "fogey"
Ok, gotta attend classes (Yeah, even on sundays)... Glad I cracked it earlier...
OK tc
Do you coincidentally have a list of all dates? I want to see what I missed.
one sec..
Month:(days): {2:(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23),3:(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31),5:(2,3,5,7,11,13,17‌​,19,23,29,31),7(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31),11:(2,3,5,7,11,13)}
@LukasRotter is that what you're after?
so (9+3*11+6)*7=336
... I didn't include 2003 ... (9+3*11+6)*6 = 288 ... I think I need to reconsider my mental condition.
ah yeah I was going to say 288 is not a multiple of 7 but didn't notice it was exactly 48 less.
It was '6734' in the original post of this question, not '734'. Can someone please edit that? (I can't make edits under 6 characters)
@LukasRotter done.
@Randal'Thor the 6 was in the first version
@Alenanno ^
I am not going mad am I?
@JonathanAllan Oooops! Sorry!
I had to double check - I don't want to roll it back and be wrong :p
@JonathanAllan Well, you might be going mad, but you're certainly right in this instance.
I have now found more than 50,000 solutions to the Poetry-Sudoku :p
I wonder how many can also make a poem?!
@JonathanAllan Ops.
@Randal'Thor The last line is not aligned anymore though :P
@Alenanno Looks it to me ...
Oh, the last last line!
One sec.
Yep. :P
Fixed :-)
Thanks. I'm still chained to the low-rep limits.
Wow, what an edit history.
@Alconja I think "and will span from the 31st of October to the 14th of November" - It should be from 31st to 13th. Could you please edit that in order to avoid confusion as the next topic will be announced tomorrow?
@Emrakul: You around?
Or whoever, not sure if any non-mods can edit meta questions.
@LukasRotter Of course we can! Each meta site is just like another SE site, except that rep figures aren't shown.
And suggested edits aren't allowed. Not sure why.
@Randal'Thor I.e. everyone above 2k rep can edit?
@LukasRotter Yep.
@LukasRotter Fixed.
@Randal'Thor Thanks. BTW, would you like to officially guess who Mushroom Bang Boom is? :P
@LukasRotter I haven't examined their activity in enough detail to be sure, but someone's guess of it being @ArbitraryKangaroo seemed pretty good.
Damn it... Almost everyone thinks it's AK :P And I think it was me who brought that up first, so no one would win 500 rep if that's true...
Yeah, I go for AK as well. Not Rand anymore... Rand's English is too good but not Mushroom Bang boom's. (Of course,he could fake it)..
"Mushroom Bang Boom" also fits AK's habit of random names.
I think, that "trivial" and using the first letters of users are also give aways.
@Sid Didn't got you. What that means? I could not fake bad English.
You can. But my initial instinct was probably wrong.
(I hope nobody was offended by that. I didn't mean to mock anyone :-) )
I am actually thinking, someone here is an FBI agent. Probably on a recruiting mission.. :P
Probably, that's why Puzzling was actually created.
@Sid That's @Deusovi.
I'll put a "Solved some trivial riddles on PSE" on my resume from now on.
Maybe,puzzling was created to get an army of puzzlers who then design puzzles to confuse the police and the main guys complete the main job. :P
hey guys
A: 2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

CodeNewbieDISCLAIMER: This is simply a set of mock funny answers to the questionnaire. I am NOT contesting the moderator elections and I urge you to read the answers posted by the serious contenders before reading this answer for a few laughs. Any light jibes or attacks at moderators or SE staff are simp...

There's a moderator lock on this question put by @Emrakul. Anyone aware of any discussion around this post?
@CodeNewbie That actually worked. I blame/credit you for Trump's victory :P
moderator lock on this answer*
> This post has been locked while disputes about its content are being resolved. For more info visit meta.
1) What disputes? 2) We're already on meta!
@Randal'Thor Meta meta! The site about the site about the site.
@Sid I blame myself too. Some jokes just turn into nightmares.
@Randal'Thor That link opens up the front page of the SE main meta.
No mods, here?
(I actually know more about the history behind this, but I can't tell you because it's a secret.)
@CodeNewbie I'm honestly a bit disappointed that you didn't use "tremendous" anywhere :P
If there's actually some discussion around it, I would like to be involved. That answer is one of my masterpieces in creative writing.
@CodeNewbie Post a new PSE meta question about it?
"Why was this answer locked?"
And link to where you got permission from Grace Note.
@Randal'Thor I knew the meta police would be up in arms, so that link is already present, right at the top of the answer.
"This post has been locked while disputes about its content are being resolved. For more info visit meta." If there are ongoing disputes, maybe there is a question already open. I'll wait for a while and see if I can get Emrakul to clarify or point out the relevant question in chat.
err... New fortnightly topic to be Pattern? Don't we have enough pattern puzzles already?
@Sid Do we have good ones? lol
@CodeNewbie There isn't an existing meta question about it.
The wording of that banner on your post is pre-determined and doesn't really apply perfectly to every post it's put on.
There are usually downvotes with pattern puzzles. Probably the reason why established users don't usually go for it and rather go for the TM puzzles.
BTW could we make a rule that questions with a negative score can't get into Fortnightly?
(because with pattern as the topic, there's a risk of...you know...)
I just think the content is "disputable" just because it isn't a serious answer. Also, only answers from actual candidates were allowed IIRC
@LukasRotter But CodeNewbie got permission from a CM to post that joke answer.
@Ankoganit Here's the thing. users,here vote for the person and not for the post. So, users whose puzzles have a negative score are unlikely to post it on meta by themselves,anyway
@Sid Ummm but that's not how votes are supposed to work
Not everything works as it is supposed to work :-)
Rather surprising, it was from the same user
@Sid No, people don't vote for the person and not the post. That's serial voting and against the SE system, even here on Puzzling.
I am pretty sure new users do that. People see the rep and vote.
Q: Music-Related Rebus puzzle

margaloThis is a music-related rebus puzzle, for the fortnight challenge of mixing unconventional tags, hence this music rebus. What famous quote from a movie is suggested in the above rebus?

Any one seen this? I know precisely nothing about music.
Q: Has the scope of the site changed?

2012rcampionI noticed that this question (about shortening existing solutions to the Rubik's cube) was downvoted and migrated off the site. To me it seems like an on-topic question. After all, the help center says: If you have a question about [...] A specific method of solving a type of puzzle [...] t...

Q: Has the scope of the site changed?

2012rcampionI noticed that this question (about shortening existing solutions to the Rubik's cube) was downvoted and migrated off the site. To me it seems like an on-topic question. After all, the help center says: If you have a question about [...] A specific method of solving a type of puzzle [...] t...

@LukasRotter "Has the scope of the site changed?" Oh, the stories I could tell ...
Is it possible to have a discussion with someone without it being public?
Yeah you create a private room
Only mods can create fully private rooms.
Oh... Well @SId if its a mod you want to talk to you can ask them to create a private room.
Otherwise you can check if they have an email
Anyone here know how to use Crossword Express? I've installed it, and the app starts, but then I'm stuck. All the documentation I've found online has proved useless.
Nope, never used it.
me neither
Oh.. Well.. It might be tough to carry out the idea I had in mind
Hm? What is it?
Can't be made public.
Are you trying to incite a revolt against the Puzzling mods? :P
Lol.. No.. It is more practical than that
I dont get what this means by opposite directions. I've assumed he means back and forth in my answer but its not exactly clear
I got something to prove, here.
No, I don't think so. I think he means a word like "aaaabbbbcccc" that is sometimes commonly abbreviated as "bbbbcccc" and sometimes as "aaaabbbb".
@BeastlyGerbil sorry for the late reply. But I don't prefer emails. And the idea can be carried out within the site.
@RosieF What's that? You want to generate a crossword scheme?
@Randal'Thor can you create a private room?
@Sid I can, but technically we're only supposed to do that for moderation stuff. What's it for?
You know, I am a mod. I could make the room for you. But typically they're supposed to be used for Serious Mod Business, so I'm gonna need more information.
Well, I'm a mod too. I can also make the room, but technically it's only for moderation purposes.
OK, fine.. I should drop the idea...
Not necessarily. We just need to know what it's about.
@Deusovi I suppose Puzzling could be an exception to that rule, since discussing a question before it's posted can spoil the whole thing. After all, you made a private room for that metapuzzle thing.
@Randal'Thor Yeah, but even that was bending the rules a bit.
@Randal'Thor MOD ABUSE!1!eleven!!
If I tell it here, it won't have the necessary impact
paints Sid's name blue so that he can tell us in TL
@Deusovi Got a few comment flags waiting for you, btw :-)
Alright, I'll check them out!
@BeastlyGerbil I've VTCed as unclear, but will retract my vote if the question is edited to clarify.
Right, the idea.. Now that I have decided to drop it...
@Randal'Thor Well, as it stands, it also seems pretty broad.
@Sid Why are you against using emails? If you're concerned about privacy, create a temporary email.
Yay, I now officially have the highest helpful-flag count on PSE!
So that's why you kept making all those comment flags... :P
@Deusovi Nah, just kept coming across obsolete comments when browsing old posts.
I didn't use to be much of a flagger, so didn't flag them way back when.
The pattern tag is next. So, I decided that I could have a high-rep user to post a puzzle which isn't too clever and see how the community reacts. Sort of an experiment. So, I didn't want to disclose it.
Figured that private chatroom didn't merit that
Yeah, probably not. Email would've worked fine.
@Sid Oh. Well, you can always delete that message to hide it from future users.
At least a couple of high-rep users publish their email addresses in their profiles.
And I've published mine in chat before.
@Randal'Thor He didn't want to use emails, I think.
Mods can see deleted chat messages, I think?
(I even wrote a riddle once with the solution being my email address, which I was thinking of putting in my profile, but never actually did so.)
Unless it's edited, then someone purges the history.
@Alenanno I want to generate a crossword. But using a custom dictionary. Crossword Express can do this but I don't know the correct way to do it.
@Alenanno e-mail isn't actually my thing. And don't ask me why. I don't know. I am just not comfortable with it. :-)
@RosieF Oh ok. Well, if you needed a blank scheme to fill (either random or decided by you), I could help you generate it. But you also want to generate the words inside of it?
@Sid Eheh it's fine.
Just got the latest idea for my new puzzle. Will wait till the pattern fortnight comes out.
@Alenanno Thanks for the offer of help, but I'd rather do it myself. Just need some help with what to do in the app.
Doesn't have to be Crossword Express, if there's some other freely downloadable crossword app which can do the job.
@RosieF I was just talking of generating the blank scheme by the way. That's what my code does lol But sure, anytime. :)
Would it be OK to post a puzzle that features PSE moderators not acting like they're supposed to (i.e. just bad mods)? I'd fabricate the mods of course (no association with real mods intended), I'm just asking about the general idea.
As long as you make sure you make it clear its a joke then probably yes
I think that would be fine.
Maybe add a disclaimer at the bottom of the question if you want to be super-sure. :D
@BeastlyGerbil I wouldn't call it a "joke", just a fabricated story, really.
Which is based on a real question...
Ok well as long as its fake
@Randal'Thor Would it be OK if the same puzzle where bad moderators will be featured I'll make strong references to one of your posts? (some parts of it will almost be the same format, I'll just make a puzzle out of it)
Q: Moderators' communications leaked!

rand al'thorAn online community has three moderators: Doorknob, Kevin, and Emrakul (in no particular order). In between making posts on meta, they decide to set up a code for their private communications, and start sending secret messages to one another. First Doorknob sends Emrakul this message: $2211+1211...

@LukasRotter Sure. Which one, out of curiosity? (if you can say without giving too much away)
@Randal'Thor I don't want to say it publicly now, I want it to be somewhat of a surprise :P But if you really want to know: Do you have a spam mail address I can send it to?
@Randal'Thor *distributes email in every big city from an airplane*
@Alenanno Meh, I'm not too worried. I've published it in SE chat before.
@Randal'Thor :D
Though technically I could now go and delete those messages now that I'm blue and have no time limit on deleting chat posts.
Actually, no: I think I may have published it in meta chat, so I can't even do that.
@CodeNewbie It's accruing flags from people who think it should be deleted. I'm locking it to hopefully signal that we're aware.
@LukasRotter Feel free to include me as a corrupt overlord. I won't mind. :P
@Randal'Thor In case you're still waiting for me to confirm I have the address: You can delete it, I already sent the email.
@LukasRotter Got your email, replied to it.
Uhm when you're creating a logic grid or something of that sort, how do you know which clues to give?
@Alenanno You generally have to test it. Include a set of clues that you think will lead to some interesting deductions, then see how much is solvable. Keep adding clues until it's fully fill-out-able, then go back through it from the start.
@Deusovi So you start with like, 3 clues and test it? And then increase from there?
Basically. Make a couple interesting deductions as starting points in different "areas" of the grid. Then add clues until it's solvable, building off your previous work.
@Deusovi Aren't there any "solvers" that can tell me how many possible solutions are there from a given grid? That would make it easier lol
Maybe? I'm not sure. But if you want to include an interesting nontrivial deduction, solvers probably won't be able to do it.
@Deusovi I just want to avoid the "there are 283789473 solutions to this puzzle" situation. :P
That's why you solve it as you add clues!
Oh, thanks. I'll try.
3 hours later…
Word-pattern puzzle with an extra twist. I hope people enjoy it.
@GentlePurpleRain My sudoku poetry answer was never accepted - was that intentional? I think it's correct and complete at this point.
1 hour later…
Yay, just got my 2nd Yearling badge.
Wow, 2 years since I first signed up to PSE. In some ways it feels so much longer.
@Randal'Thor Who's supposed to create the new challenge thread? The one who proposed the tag?
@Randal'Thor Huh. Got mine yesterday too. Thought you'd been around here much longer than I
@Alenanno Whoever can be bothered when the time's right :)
@Alconja We both signed up on the same day, I believe :-)
Though you spent longer lurking than I did.
@Alconja When is the time?
I believe I first signed up in order to upvote this answer which I'd found on the HNQs.
@Randal'Thor Yeah, looks like I joined nov '14, but didn't actually post until feb '15... maybe it was the same Q that brought me here :)
@Alenanno *shrug* Sometime on the 14th I guess. It's a pretty loose schedule. The new "fortnight" starts whenever the most impatient person posts the meta post. :)
If you look back, you'll see some multi-day (or even week) gaps between fortnights
@Alconja Until I came along and started organising them properly :-)
It's always good to have some compulsively tidy people on board :P
@Alconja Oh it's fine by me... as long as they choose lol :D
@Alenanno Just for you. Added a +1 to pattern, so now it's in the lead
@Alconja Ahah thanks! :D

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