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Q: #!/bin/puzzling_bash

CipherRiddle > exe find plaintext SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to analyze image. > exe show ciphertext WMJS LX BN HCBMSQF MHXTAJJ UO GJNOQXURDYF HRB UHH HJPKJS PUT (UM) VTGTZFSE ZTSKV. > exe help file INSTRUCTIONS: THE IMAGE SHALL HELP YOU DECRYPT THE CIPHERTEXT. SYSTEM_ERROR: "puzzling_bash" I...

2 hours later…
Q: What is a Breech Phrase™?

SilenusThis is in the spirit of the What is a Word/Phrase™ series inaugurated by JLee with his original Phrase™ and Word™ puzzles. If a phrase adheres to a certain rule, then I call it a Breech Phrase™. Use the examples below to find the rule. In case you want it in CSV: BREECH PHRASES, NOT BREE...

1 hour later…
I'm going ahead and making the change from my comment on this question, just to see how it works out.
Emrakul has made a change to the feeds posted into this room‌​
@Emrakul *sits staring, waiting for the next question to appear*
@Alconja waiting... waiting.....
(Note that bountied questions and meta questions still appear in-line.)
@Emrakul Oohh! I think I sa-- ..no, just a smudge on my screen
Q: The mess of Adrian Puzzlinger

humnAdrian Puzzlinger has gone missing again. Even worse, for puzzle lovers, the latest puzzle under construction is a mess. The only shred of order in the chaos of Puzzlinger's puzzler parlor is this puzzling chart, which, predictably, puzzles the perpetually puzzled puzzle police. ...

Hmm, why does the star on Emrakul's message looks different?:o
@Ankoganit Assuming it's some sort of self-mod-star...
@Alconja That's a thing?:O
Wait, the history of that message says "pinned by Emrakul", so it must be something like that...
Mmm, nice
@Ankoganit Your recent wordplay puzzle is fun and good . How did you manage to find the words, though?
@ArbitraryKangaroo Thanks. Python ;D
@Ankoganit Oooh. How did you manage to get so many words to perform brute search?
I've a wordlist with 435k words that I made by union-ing three or four wordlists available online
@Ankoganit How long it took to perform the search ?
@ArbitraryKangaroo Umm..not much, like <1s for each digit IIRC
2 hours later…
Re: "Click here to toggle grid" at Square number of sequences: @Rubio, you are a MathJax ManiaC!
Happen to see the puzzles? (not many users have) Care to add one sometime?
I've been doing MathJax for like 4 days now. I'm just good at locating useful bits from other people's postings and putting them together to do what I want.
I wanted to show those answerers' results in something other than the plaintext digit dumps they did, but doing anything with fg/bg color in a Spoilers tag makes the color bleed through. I figured there had to be a way to prevent that. Turns out there isn't, but I did find the "click here" toggle bit in another post, and put that to good use to sidestep the issue :)
oh. man. what have you done. now i'm looking at those puzzles and discovering more fun that can be done with MathJax. @humn you monster.
Who's scaring whom? The \toggle command you found is just what many puzzlers here have wanted to incorporate. Talk about interactive! Especially when combined with state tracking. (Variables can be tricky but are certainly possible.)
Hiya Jonathan, does your superdoku solver work on small grids? (Thinking of basing a puzzle on a small one.)
I just read through the first 4 or so puzzles that came up under the MathJax tag and I'm now deeply and tragically aware that I've barely scratched the surface on MathJax. Hehe... Seems like an interesting environment to get to know, and powerful in the right hands.
at least not all of those puzzles revolve around \def tricks
but it is really is great to have a programming language built into each post
I think testing your own puzzle to see if it works is the hardest part of puzzle creation.
The link won't open on my laptop showing some sort of error...
@Sid Yes. I wondered if it was written especially to be obfuscated (a 256-entry look-up table would be slicker).
@Sid And seeing as it's a programming puzzle, should we say that it belongs at PPCG and not here?
Not sure, I am not a member of PPCG and haven't seen any of their stuff...
Not an expert but have seen many of them say that the P for "Puzzling" in PPCG is vestigial.
puzzling.stackexchange.com/users/31614/mushroom-bang-boom - I have a weird feeling that this guy is a sockpuppet of some user here... Maybe I am wrong. But that question sounds like the guy is an established user who is pretty familiar with everyone around here...
Are they you? (open question to whoever reads this)
No kidding about test-solving being the hardest part, @Alenanno! And when test-running results in revisions, it becomes the hardest part of solving many puzzles that never even get presented. But at least it's never a race against some of the sprint-solvers around here.
@Techidiot Is the rhyme tag really necessary for your puzzle? Given, that you state that you could use other tags which might be relevant to your question..
@Sid-Rhyme only due to the fact that the lines rhyme.
@humn yeah the revision part is horrible, I hope I don't have to do much of it.
@Techidiot Nothing to do with the answer?
No. Nothing to do with the answer.
@Techidiot Just the riddle to solve in it??
"Follow the rhyme and reach your destination!" is for a reason. :)
I see that an RSS feed of questions posted to the main Puzzling.SE has been set up here and is on by default. How do I switch it off, please?
@RosieF I don't think you can...
Mods can, you can't lol
If I understood what you're talking about
are you referring to the drop-down announcements?
@Alenanno Yes. They are even more intrusive than the "Sphinx" feed, because they stay on screen even if you scroll the transcript.
@RosieF There is a "remove" button when they come out. :P
But I guess that's not enough for you.
@Alenanno A "remove" button? Where? I see a "dismiss" button at the right-hand end of the drop-down (with the RSS logo as a background). But that just dismisses that particular drop-down.
@RosieF Ah yes, that's what I meant.
@Alenanno You're correct. It's annoying to choose: either move hand from keyboard to mouse to dismiss the drop-down, or have it obscure three or four lines of transcript.
the tradeoff is having every new puzzle appear as a (large) chatbot message, or not seeing new postings in here at all
@Alenanno I know many sites have RSS feeds, but IME those feeds are off by default. Rather than on by default and not turn-off-able.
@RosieF Well, if it was a regular user, you could use the "ignore this user" trick. :P
Personally, I'd turn them off, or allow them to post only some questions.
I just realized that you can't start a bounty of lower value than the ones the question had before.... I guess dcfyi will also get +500, lol.
I can't decide if I want my answer here to be right, or not.
Lol. Messed up puzzle :D
No use of pattern anywhere I guess :D
Yeah that was kinda odd.
Given the error, I didn't actually expect that to be the right answer - but OP accepted it, so I guess that was the intended solution.
Yeah. Indeed. I am still lurking in 4 sheets of excel with "AABCEHMUH" :D
@LukasRotter Just saying, why are you giving away most of your rep ?
@ArbitraryKangaroo Because it's fun :P
@ArbitraryKangaroo I think he said previously that he doesn't really care about rep, and just wants to keep enough to be able to get around without undue restrictions.
Or, well, ^ that^ :)
@Rubio The things that you said are also correct, I obviously wouldn't do this if I cared about rep. My minimum is 125, though. (so in that sense I do care about it :(( )
@dcfyj Are you here?
@LukasRotter Ah, good thing.
BTW, I think TBB finally improved the quality of questions he posts. (at least it looks like it)
@LukasRotter TBB?
@Rubio TheBitByte (he changed his username)
Ah. Gotcha - haven't been here long enough to see someone do that, let alone know who he is/was.
That one is ... er ... puzzling. The image is just two colors that I can tell, doesn't all that practically lend itself to redimensioning, and isn't tagged steganography.
@Alenanno What's up?
@dcfyj I was wondering if you knew how to copy formatting of a table... As in background/borders. :D
In excel?
Format painter usually works pretty well
It's on the home tab in excel, no idea where it would be for you
2 hours later…
@dcfyj Sorry, wasn't here lol Format painter? Thanks, I'll check it out.
1 hour later…
@Rubio Even with known plaintext I still have no idea how to decipher the image. Kinda sad, the way to decipher the image looks rather complicated, but the ciphertext was extremely weak... And because of that I'm not sure whether the shown ciphertext is the "real" ciphertext... A trap? :P
@lukas it kinda looks like, maybe, possibly, if you take only the horizontal and vertical lines of the image with Stuff™ in them—basically, cut out all the rows/columns of pixels that are totally black—the resulting collapsed image might be intelligible. i don't have a good way of doing that, though.
@LukasRotter Honestly, the white stuff in the image reminds me of monospace fonts, like the ones you see in bash or terminals. Also, if you zoom, there are small 5s as exponents.
I keep testing my puzzle, but it's hard to emulate a group of strangers cooperating to solve it lol
Why? Don't you have multi-personalities to help? :P
Yup. But not much beyond that. What it looked like to me is what you'd get if you put black text on a white background, and then bucket filled all the areas around the text in black - leaving just the gaps inside the letters in white. But it just reminds me of that; it doesn't actually seem to BE that, and even if it was, it'd be hell to recover the letters as everything but the white bits are uniformly black.
@dcfyj They're all on vacation :D
I'm really hating this form control right now...
@dcfyj Form control?
Specifically a panel on the form
I want it docked left, which works fine (for the most part), but for whatever reason it insists on not being anchored to the bottom of the form when docked left...
@dcfyj Are you creating a form?
Modifying, but yes
I think I'll just post my puzzle. If it turns out to be too hard, I'll add a couple of hints. I honestly don't know how to check for that.
And I've been doing it for days now. I'm fed up. lol
It's a guess really
@LukasRotter Honestly I think they just wrote a message, then paint-bucketed the outside of it and expected us to recover it.
@Deusovi I was thinking something similar lol
If that's it, I guess I'll take my comment about how TBB improved question-quality back :P
I mean, it's possible that they improved. And I don't mean to be rude or seem like I'm "calling them out" or anything.
But considering puzzles like this...
Q: What is an Isolated Word™?

CipherRiddleThis is in the spirit of the What is a Word/Phrase™ series started by JLee with a special brand of Phrase™ and Word™ puzzles. If a word conforms to a special rule, I call it an Isolated Word™. Use the following examples to find the rule: Isolated Words™,Not Isolated Words™ Reclusive,Affable ...

Not sure that's really a puzzle lol
More of a Thesaurus
@dcfyj lol
I made another puzzle, that might maybe qualify for Tag Fusion
Ooh, can't wait to see!
is the ball a specific piece right now?
@Sconibulus The puzzle itself / the idea is unconventional IMO... But I'm not sure if the tags are... Isn't chess considered a sport?
I believe so, for whatever reason
@LukasRotter I still don't see how you were able to Kasiski that ciphertext. i only found one usable repeated substring. how'd you find the potential key lengths you found, if I may ask?
@dcfyj The ball is never a piece between turns
@Sconibulus Then I don't understand your rules
When the ball is captured: e.g. by a pawn on E4, it then moves immediately as a White Pawn to D5, E5, or F5, and reverts to being the Ball
ah, so if the bishop on f1 captures it, it can go to h3 or anywhere from f3 - a8 (on the diagonal)
It would then be Blacks turn, if black play F5, it could move the ball to E4, F4, or G4. E4 would turn it into a White pawn, which could play the original moves again.
it could also go to where the Bishop moved from, F1
or the corner
@Rubio Turns out I changed "43" to "44". Nice. So I accidentally found the correct key length. How do I explain this in my answer O_o :P
"Serendipity". :)
@Sconibulus Can chain reactions be done (passing)? i.e. Say it were Black's turn, Knight to ball, ball to queen, ball to other knight, ball to goal
@dcfyj that's how I read it.
Yeah, that's rule 3 I think
Do we have to play smart? because if not I found a solution for black :P
So do those count as moves? Or are you counting a "move" as a half-turn in chess?
True, there's that too
@Rubio True, even though my generated Kasiski table displayed the correct 43, I assumed it made a mistake and tried it with 44... A very bizarre way how to arrive at the solution, but hey! At least I didn't brute-force it :P
Hehe. So basically you found 44, factored, picked 4, tried it, it worked, huzzah ... only you started wrong from the get-go and you only thought you Kasiski'd it. I love it
Oops, I may have meant turn
@Rubio I found 43, but assumed it was 44. (i.e. not trusting technology) The other parts of your comment are correct :P
@Sconibulus And one more clarifying question - if (say) white captures ball with knight and then uses his knight move to "capture" Black's queen, does Black then get a free move of the ball as a queen before his turn starts - and then gets to play out his turn?
I'm interested in that answer :P
Yes, black would get a ball move, without using his half turn
What if, in capturing the ball, the pawn changes to another piece, does the ball move as a pawn or as the other piece?
It would have to move as the other piece. It can't move as a pawn because it'd be on the top row.
That's what I was thinking
The problem I have with puzzles like these is I suck at playing against myself...
So, the king is the goalkeeper?
Not much of one, he can only move on their turn...
@dcfyj How is the long diagonal bad for white? The bishop gets almost a free route to the back
I said most of it is bad for white. The four spots before the Black Rook all cause black to win if the ball stops there
Say, Bxg2. Then, if Nd5, Bishop can capture on d5(I think) or does it mean, that black gets the ball as he intercepts the bishop's diagonal?
So you're sending the ball to g2?
The ball is on g2, right?
yeah, Ball is on G2, if BxG2, Ball needs to move off of G2
I meant d5 sorry
If the ball stops on d5, Nxd5, ball passed to f6, passed to h4, passed to f2, goal
That diagonal send the ball that way every time for black
Like I said, it's bad for white
Ok, that means Black wins this.
It's possible white has an optimal play that gets the win
If White wants to wins I'm pretty sure it has to use the Knight as it's first move
Probably needs to capture that annoying black knight in f4
we decided it didn't count as unconventional tags though?
Unconventional puzzle, but I don't know on the tags
I am hoping that I can end up doing more than one of these
can the ball go over the black king?
If it's a Knight I don't see why not
Only if it's being kicked by a Knight
@sid your answer doesn't address the (out of "turn") ball moves that should be triggered by capturing the ball. if white makes Rxa4, he loses immediately when black moves.
That's what I said :)
You said it faster than me, because I went through the whole notation :)
Wait, so, if black takes g2, he has a free move? And white can't capture him?
He doesn't have a free move, the ball does
Once a side "captures" the ball, they can keep moving the ball as long as it hits a square that they have a piece on
where is that mentioned in the question?
Rule 3 I think
Combo of Rules 2 and 3
Ok, with say, Nxg2, white can keep moving the ball as long as he wants, till it reaches a square a piece is on?
@Sconibulus your edit just made me think of en passant
The ball could probably be captured via en passant, but it hasn't come up yet. I'd say yes, but I don't think that can be relevant for this puzzle
For example, If the Bishop on F1 moves to G2 (where the ball is) the ball may now move to any square that a bishop could move to.
@Sconibulus There are only 2 pawns that could do it anyhow
@dcfyj without black's move?
@Sid The ball would get one Knight move, if that move lands on another piece, that piece moves it again
Before black's move
Just imagine the ball as a morphing chess piece, it moves (once) in the same fashion as the last piece that "captured" it
So if a Knight "captures" it, it moves like a Knight once; if a Rook "captures" it, it moves like a Rook once; etc.
We have been saying 'Kicked' but that seemed like extra terminology
I would say, white's knight is its only hope. It sort of looks like, it can escape from black clutches....
Maybe, Bxg2 Ob7 and then try to pass it to the white queen...
no, because Rxb7, OxF7,OxF6,OxH4,OxF2,OxGOAL
Black is very well positioned
And has a sizable material edge
@dcfyj OK I posted it. U_U
@Deusovi Are you here? I posted the puzzle, that's what I meant.
@Alenanno Rather confusing. I think I understand the instructions, but regardless not a puzzle I'll be attempting as I suck at these too :(
@dcfyj Why confusing?
The whole gray square with a wall thing took me a bit to even think I understand it.
Is 'cipher' right?
He said the words were encrypted
oh, wait, I see, the name in the gray boxes is enciphered
@dcfyj Feel free to ask if you have doubts about that kind of stuff.
So the 'pieces' are straight lines of words that can cross wall boundries?
but the words we want do not cross the wall boundries?
and when there are letters in a square, that means one of those letters is the correct letter for that square?
@Sconibulus Basically, it's a grid, so one letter per square. You must follow the thicker borders to place the words. The thinner grid is just to show you the ... squares. :D
The gray cells share a letter so two words can both start from there, or cross there, etc.
But you must always follow the thicker borders to place the words.
I see no way to place s next to r while maintaining the bold borders...
@dcfyj yeah, that's what made me start this questioning :)
@dcfyj Are you talking about the small letters? They do not indicate what letters you must place there... ;)
They are supposed to be cryptic clues.
ah ok
@dcfyj For a moment, you had me scared, I thought I had miscounted the fragments.
You should make your dots easier to see :P
@dcfyj But it's stated in the first point! :D Did you not read it? lol
> The gray cells with the dotted border are cells in common. Therefore each one of such cells shares two words. The gray cells at the center, which appear without any particular border, are not shared by any word (but still important for the solution, of course).
I did read it, but I still think it should be shown better in the image lol
so the fragments... will they be straight lines, or may they bend?
it says it's a broken mosaic, so we'd probably know the shape which makes me think straight lines, but I could easily be wrong
@Sconibulus They bend according to the thicker borders.
@Sconibulus Mosaic is just an image broken in smaller pieces (of any shape). I just reused that idea figuratively. :D
Can anyone suggest me an unconventional tag couple by the way? I want to try the challenge.
If the mini-letters on the board are just cryptic clues to the cipher then I'm definitely not doing this puzzle lol. I don't have that kind of time to try and guess at a random collection of words.
Minesweeper/crossword? :P
@dcfyj You did that! lol
@dcfyj I think you can easily guess what the letters mean. Just observe! :P
I think the problem is that to solve it at all, you have to solve basically the whole thing
I know, but not for the fort.
And to solve the whole thing you have to guess and check where the fragments go
Ehm guess? No, you don't have to guess.
Maybe you don't, but I would, I have no way of knowing what goes where.
The thing to do is probably count the word lengths, then try to make words of those lengths from the fragments
things like 'quez' will probably only have one available word
@dcfyj Well, the no-computers tag implies no scripts or just no tools at all?
Because I have no problem if you use a crossword solver to see what a fragment can be used where. I just would appreciate if you didn't use automatic scripts. :P
I believe no scripts, Since I tried to use it as no research (no googling) and they used google anyways :(
For example, those solvers like *nanno, or ?l?n?nn?, are fine.
Is it me or is the site deserted lol
I don't think it's deserted?
Well, it's only the 3 of us in chat.
Not that I don't enjoy talking to you guys lol
Chat has been pretty quiet this week
By the way, I thought about adding some letters here and there to make it easier. If I see that the solving process is not working, I'll do that. But I wanted to try making it harder first.
Oh wow, apparently Alconja had a very similar idea
When? Where? lol
in Unconventional Tag Fusion, Oct 28 at 4:46, by Alconja
So a soccer/football version, where pieces move normally, but there's a "ball", and if you "take" the ball it moves equal/opposite to your move
@Sconibulus Ah to your FootChess?
now I feel bad... I don't think that I saw that, but if I did then I was half asleep at the time and I totally stole it
@Sconibulus I think @Alconja is going to hunt you down! Quick, hide! :P
I think you should elaborate on what you mean by no computers if it isn't obvious
But stopping google usage is nearly impossible anyway
On a happier note, the Puzzling T-shirt has now been officially introduced to the andes mountains
We must take over the world
@ffao I did, check at the bottom of the question.
Only automatic scripts are forbidden.
@ffao Meanwhile, rand al'thor is still waiting in the UK for his shirt...
Where is he by the way?
@Alenanno I think he mentioned something about being "busy in real life".
@LukasRotter Yeah, but I thought he meant that temporarily...
@Sconibulus did you ever answer what piece the ball moves as if you "capture" it in the process of pawn promotion?
Well, since it can't move as a pawn, it has to move as the promoted piece, because it's not allowed to stay in place
makes sense.
The only scenario where it could theoretically move as a pawn, the game's already over, so it doesn't matter
@LukasRotter @ffao @Rubio Do you have any suggestions for an Unconventional tag question? :D
@Sconibulus That sounds nasty
+ or + would both be ... er ... interesting
Yeah, I worked on one for a while before giving up
It seemed impossible
but I'd love to be proved wrong
Depends what kind of rebus you're trying to use methinks
@Sconibulus I have a rebus ready. Not sure how to add steganography to it lol
well... it wasn't a REJBÄS
A rebus like this:
would be much easier to add stegonography to than an image one
In my mind at least
awww man
@dcfyj just showed us his long underwear
What about this one?
probably better than his entirely-too-short underwear :)
@dcfyj Airline ahah you showed that before :D
What's that supposed to be, an airstream?
ahhh. Airline works too
@Alenanno I know, but he hadn't seen it before, oh ruiner-of-puzzles :P
@dcfyj T_T
. love velo
. ve ve lo ve
. lo love lo
. ve ve le ve
. love love
ew. that got wrecked
Not sure what you were trying lol
Shift+Enter is handy for inserting a newline
. . . love . . . velo
. . ve . .ve . lo . .ve
. lo . . . . love . . . . lo
. . ve ve . le . .ve
. . . love . . . love
the chat software condenses multispaces to single spaces, apparently
there. that.
@Sconibulus It does, just like most of the stuff on this site
@Rubio Infinite love?
more or less.. i missed a dot or two on the 4th line
ENDLESS love. :)
@Rubio Tomayto, tomahto.
You did the infinite sign, so...
bah. It's a song, so it matters. ;)
But if you do ∞, I think infinite
@Alenanno Not sure where you saw the ∞, but ok lol
oh never mind, I see it
@dcfyj Starting from bottom left, follow "love" syllables.
Going top left
More or less
But it can't be endless love since there's an le in that rebus :P
@Rubio You also wrote a "le" in the middle :P
ninja'd again!
ninja'd ninja'd :D
Oh dear ;)
Well you got the idea. Pedants. hehe
Mine's better because it has an ! :P
@dcfyj There you go.
Oooh, @Angzuril has an interesting line going
The one I made better?
yep :)
Yeah, the moves he had for that part were weird. I was wondering why he didn't just do that instead lol
@GarethMcCaughan Do you really know the answer? O_o :D
@Alenanno yes
at least I think I do
and I think you are being a bit sneaky about the name
in a way I will not specify
@GarethMcCaughan Whisper it in my ear :D lol
@Alenanno any suggestions for how?
(I thought the remark about the name might be sufficient evidence)
(if I have got it right, of course)
@GarethMcCaughan The remark as in the title? "Famous Artist"?
no, my remark that I think you are being sneaky about the name
@GarethMcCaughan Well, not sure how you mean it. :D ahah
hmm. maybe that's evidence that I haven't got it right
@GentlePurpleRain See added example. Need to run for now, I'll be back later.
@Sconibulus Just one of the things we have to cope with when making text art.
Does "I personally did something" sound arrogant / as if you're some important person and it's noteworthy that you did this? The intended meaning is that I just want to express what my personal opinion on something is and what actions result from it. I think "Personally, I did something" sounds better? Just want to make sure :P
@LukasRotter Not sure. But if you want to state your opinion, wouldn't you say "I think..." or something like that, rather than "I did something"? Or have I misunderstood?
@RosieF It's more like "Personally, I did x because I think y". So an action and then the reason why I did it. If the full context matters: Here is it
@LukasRotter for what it's worth I think you expressed yourself just fine, with no arrogance coming through.
It reads exactly as you meant it to - this is what you personally did.
Thanks. I also read that it's more accurate to write "I, personally, ...". But that's not worth an edit :P
In some contexts it might sound arrogant, or at least not the way you probably intend it, because "I personally did X" can mean "I did X myself, rather than getting someone else to do it" and usually when that's noteworthy it's because "I" am someone who would normally not do things personally. "We ordered a sample and their CEO came around personally and set it up for us."

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