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06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

Well there's another board-game puzzle available now :P
@BeastlyGerbil is a medieval rook different than a normal one?
maybe that should be modern
By medieval rook I mean a rook in medieval times, so same as a modern one @Sconibulus
@ArbitraryKangaroo ?
The deletion request has finally come, but I have to wait for another 23 hours :(
@ArbitraryKangaroo good day
Bleah, this is to basically fully solve the game
@Avigrail: (?? It's night here, late 12 past 30 at night ) Yeah, good day.
It's also night here :D
@Sconibulus, I couldn't think of another question :P
So why day ? Its 12 past 30 now.
I move in mysterious ways
@Avigrail: You are AWESOME, Avigrail, and Jack Sparrow, and mysterious , and I am a slow sod. But, hey, I still can't understand why you mentioned good day.
Whoever's doing the monopoly board, I recommend marking the doubles stops (places you stop while rolling doubles) since it might be relevant, rather than only marking the end of turn landings.
For anyone working on my puzzle, be aware that I give the checkmark to the best answer, not necessarily the first.
@ArbitraryKangaroo there are mysteries in life. Some of them you will never understand
@GentlePurpleRain I'd work on it, but I really should work since I'm at work :P
@dcfyj are you not paid to work at work? So work on puzzles!
@dcfyj Later, then. You can whip up an amazing answer that will steal the check from any other answer! :)
The puzzles I get paid to work on are called programs :P
@Avigrail: But I perfectly understand 42, the biggest mystery in life :)
@dcfyj I bet you could write a great program to solve this...
I'm joking, of course.
@GentlePurpleRain If I have time, but I'm awful at solving so the idea I have in mind is probably wrong anyhow.
@dcfyj People made some collaborative progress in chat, shortly before you started talking.
@GentlePurpleRain I thought about it. Unfortunately, my computer at home isn't plugged in at the moment, we're doing electrical work so I'm wainting for that room to be done.
@GentlePurpleRain Do notice that I was part of that :P
I work so terribly under pressure that I literally waisted 5 minutes because I accidentally counted 13 as 13, not 4... I think I can definitely give up by now, lol. :P
@dcfyj Oops. Didn't scroll back quite far enough to see your name...
Pretty sure I found all the game reference, but I may have missed one or two
On the plus side I have a monopoly board at home ^^
I think i got the correct sentence for the monopoly puzzle, but not sure about the word RETO respectively 8ETO... Is reto a word? :P
not to my knowledge
@LukasRotter: What is you getting ?
@LukasRotter You might have the space in the wrong place
...re to seems more likely?
@LukasRotter If you're posting an answer I'll look at it :P
I think I'm going to post an answer, yeah. :P
Does this make more sense? "Re to me"... no idea.. I have to check if I spelled all the locations correctly :P
I bet it's "Be to me" since it's B&O railroad
you wrote B&O as 8 8 O
@LukasRotter: Add the poetry slashes
@dcfyj Thanks, I read that "8" as a "0". lol :P
@BeastlyGerbil: Not any plant, a potatoe
I was just about to say, there'd better bloody be a clue in the question to point to the American version of Monopoly. But there is, so it's all good :-)
Why a potato?
48 chromosome, has "eyes"
I would've got bogged down with Mayfair and the Old Kent Road and Fleet Street and whatnot.
@BeastlyGerbil: That's extrmely nonsensical hyper insta thought riddle.
I'm sad that the meter died on that last line @GentlePurpleRain
It could have been 'Please be my loving wife' and that would have worked
No, that's short 1 syllable
@dcfyj How so? Just read it with the first beat on the "be", not on the "please."
And I couldn't use "my", because of the lack of Y.
2 hours ago, by Beastly Gerbil
Let me guess the answer: 'Marry me' :P
@GentlePurpleRain All the lines are 7 syllables except the last line
It took me a long time to come up with a phrase that didn't use D, H, Y.
I bet lol
It's not about the syllables; it's about the stress.
I think @BeastlyGerbil should get the check, he was the first by far :P
COMpleMENting ME in LIFE please BE to ME a LOVing WIFE.
@GentlePurpleRain The syllables are important to the meter too though.
Sorry @Randal'Thor :P
Yes, but an unstressed syllable at the beginning of the line doesn't break the metre.
@GentlePurpleRain Wait, are people proposing marriage in the Sphinx's Lair now? I thought that was just Mos Eisley!
Are there even any active females! :P
@BeastlyGerbil: Maria Deleva, Rosie F
On the site, yes. In chat right this second, I don't think so
@BeastlyGerbil Rosie and Maria spring to mind immediately. There are probably others too.
and active isn't the question at hand, available is.
Do we even know whether @GentlePurpleRain is male? Their profile says "parent", not "paternal parent" :-P
@Randal'Thor: Why the moustache, then ?
I am male, but I don't think the presence of a female is necessary for a marriage proposal in this day and age...
Yes but it says wife so...
@BeastlyGerbil Good point. I thought we were referring to your proposal.
Hey you can call your significant other "wife" regardless of gender nowadays
@dcfyj: I never heard the opposite.
Me neither
Anyhow, I'm off for now.
Umm, husband?
Wow, consecutive repcaps, first time ever
@BeastlyGerbil: What's that ?
@ArbitraryKangaroo what repcap?
You can only get 200 rep each day - that is the repcap
@BeastlyGerbil: Oh ! Rep cap.
@GentlePurpleRain Please advise me how I could improve my answer (assuming it still lacks quality). Is the formatting bad or didn't I see all the hints? :P
@LukasRotter It looks better now. You are still missing one of the hidden game pieces; but that's not a big deal. The only other thing I would mention is that Monopoly exists pretty much worldwide. There are many different varieties in different locales, which is why the "American" hint.
(i.e. If you tried this with the U.K. version of Monopoly (as @Randal'Thor mentioned above), you wouldn't get very far.)
@GentlePurpleRain Ah, I forgot "hat". Thanks for the suggestions, I will edit it soon. :P
@LukasRotter Also, I'm not sure why you call the gameboard spaces "fields." They are generally referred to as "properties."
@GentlePurpleRain Because "field" the literal translation of what it's called in my language. I'll fix that too. :P
@GentlePurpleRain well, the Taxes and Go aren't exactly 'Properties'... I'd probably use the generic 'Square' or 'Space'
@Sconibulus Good point.
Hey all
I'm not sure if should be added to the tags of the Monopoly puzzle, since it's essentially an encoding? So I'm not sure if an encoding is a subcategory of cipher here. Is it not tagged with it because if you have to move +7 it can be encoded in multiple different ways, therefore it's not a "standard" code? :P
2 hours later…
@dcfyj @ArbitraryKangaroo The third puzzle is basically finished. I have to check it to see that there are no mistakes, but it seems ok.
06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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