also @Oblongamous - just because you don't like someone disagreeing with you isn't a reason to tell them to not participate. You aren't the dictator of the community either. You seem to tell people to go away if your arguments bother them but they are just as entitled to the view that you are being a pita. Personally, I do agree that there are some interesting points that you have, but your attitude about it puts people off from listening to you
@Oblongamous you should consider that the reason shog9 considers the site a joke is because of the petty arguments and squables though. Was he a bit harsh, yes, but it was out of the tremendous amount of frustration felt over the communities inability to work together and resolve issues, preferring instead to bicker and fight and hold past mistakes over people's heads unreasonably
@randal'thor because a) it isn't an edict and b) it isn't how meta works. People propose ideas and the community votes on them. Moderators don't have any special power in forming the standards of the community. They likely haven't made another post because the community is discussing it now, though, a compromise would probably be to edit the start of the post to reiterate those poorly understood parts of how meta works to avoid confusion
@randal'thor the basic problem with that is that it is another edict, while the statement the mods made was technically inaccurate, making another statement telling the community what it's will is isn't the answer either, but rather just making it more obvious that substantial portions of the mod post were determined to be unneccessary
@Emrakul what do you think about the idea of simply editing the existing post to clarify to people what the state of the post is. It's a bit abnormal for meta, but it wouldn't hurt anything and would put minds at ease and eliminate any chance of it causing confusion amongst those who don't understand SE well. I'm just thinking a couple sentence note added to the beginning of the post and pointing out that people should read the marked answer from Jon
@SabreTooth you may be waiting a while
@Oblongamous they were trying to do right, they just didn't quite understand how much flexibility they actually had. The community was going off the ropes, but the mods tried proposing taking out too much slack because most of them are more familiar with the more technical, less subjective side of SE sites
@Oblongamous the way things work with SE is that the community proposes communities. Those that get enough support go to beta. SE has metrics they look for in order to have a viable site that is worth it for them to host. The community can have a fair bit of flexibility in how they fill those requirements, but sites close when SE doesn't believe the site can meet those requirements.
if the community is tearing itself apart, that IS a reason that sites could be closed
so yes, being too obnoxious can be a major contribution to getting a site closed
@Oblongamous when the site is closed or promoted to live
it isn't up to SE or the mods to figure that out, it's the community's responsibility, but they need to do it in such a way that SE doesn't lose confidence that SE's goals will ever be accomplished by the site