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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Q: 6 Points in a rectangle

Wen1nowHere is an (unoriginal) question which I found quite nice. I've got no idea where the original question came from. Given 6 points in a $3\times4$ rectangle, prove that two lie within $\sqrt{5}$ of each other. This might help: Pigeonhole Principle

3 hours later…
CCCC is SWALLOWING. (@GentlePurpleRain)
S(W(ALL)OW)ING - vocalize [SING] about surprise [WOW] surrounding [ALL] = consuming action [def]
@ffao Finally got to look at your Boggle puzzle - very very cool.
oh hey rubio
hiya awesomepi
this was an awfully coincidental time for me to do my nightly quick check of the lair
Why's that?
Because you sent a message in the maybe 5 second time period I was planning on being here
Timing is everything. ;)
This was all planned wasn't it
I've been stalking you. For days. Learning your patterns. Observing your arrivals and departures. Planning my move. Lying in wait. And, finally, ...
you cheeky crap
(He's ensnared you into the bottomless pit of StackExchange addiction)
oh nuuuuu
although, I haven't been getting like any notifications, so I'm not very addicted right now lol
(Initiating loop)
@awesomepi Here is your half-hourly notification.
why must you do this to me
Now you're doomed.
oh god what has this come to
By the way, does anyone know how to get NASM linked to the command line?
@Rubio Correct. (Though I'm sure you don't need confirmation.)
I suppose I should actually post a new one, eh
We'll try this one
CCCC: South America perhaps is temporary shelter keeping in succeeding felon? (9)
Did you miss a word there?
I don't think so?
oh wait
lol. I changed something and broke it
@Rubio Thanks! I'vê had this idea for a while, but I struggled a bit with finding a grid that worked
there fixed
It looks like CON + T(IN)ENT
the CCCC description pin needs moar pins
CCCC: Descartes's conclusion in the days before Easter follows standard assembly. (10)
Rubio, can you pin? I'm on mobile and can't see the start board.
Already did. :)
par + L(IAM)ENT
CCCC: Regarding e.g. Keystone XL Pipeline legislation, I'm almost on the opposing force! (8)
Correct, by the way.
If that had somehow been wrong I would have been quite shocked. :)
Didn't you use LENT in contact earlier? or was that someone else
Yes, my word in Contact was LENT.
I'm thinking FRICTION, but haven't quite figured out how things fit...
No, it's RE + ACT + I + ON.
there it is
CCCC: Father, holding mother with dying embrace, finally collapsed. (7)
i found DA( MA + _G _E)D but I'm not thrilled about it
That's correct. Probably not my best CCCC.
"broke down" maybe would have been better.
Not sure :)
I liked the surface a lot though. (and "dying embrace" really threw me hehe)
Yeah, "collapsed" is not the best def. for DAMAGED.
I was going for a good surface reading, though.
And succeeded.
gonna need a little for my next. These quick back and forths burned out my bank of clues! hehe
I need to get to sleep, so I'll check out your clue in the morning, if it's still there
CCCC: Sense in niche problems becomes inability to be understood. (20)
Quicker than I thought it'd be ... :)
20 o_O
Oh, it's an anagram!
I was looking at INCOMPREHENSIBILITY, but that's only 19 letters (and not actually a word...)
@n_palum If you want to get to know someone find out what makes them angry
Or you could, you know, look back through their history, instead of deliberately antagonising people for your own personal science experiments...
so @ffao you're up next to post a new CCCC
Ah, I should really have a clue bank
it's just that I never expect to actually solve one
Bah, should've played contact when everyone was here
@Rubio can you unpin the other one? On mobile, can't
"Unitiated"? That should probably "uninitiaded", shouldn't it?
Yeah. I think so..
neither, it should be "uninitiated" :P
@MOehm Typo :p
But I can't edit anymore :(
@Rubio or @Mithrandir can I guess
If they are here
Well let it be, then. The typo is obvious, as was mine.
I can't edit in any case
If you repost it I'll pin the updated one
Yeah. That sounds better idea
CCCC: Uninitiated green blue knight loses heart, deserts leader, is now rocked to the core (6)
2 hours later…
@Rubio D: Guess I'll need 21 to take back my record
(nah j/k, long words are annoying to clue :P)
Gah, just sliced my finger open on a thorn >.<
Q: How many squares can you make with equal ranged points?

OrayThis question is directly related to How Many Squares on the Peg Solitaire. Is it possible to formulate with a given dimension of equal ranged points $m\times n$ where $m,n\geqslant 2$? For example; $2\times2$ there is only $1$ square possible: $3\times2$ there are only $2$ squares ...

@Sid Hm, yeah, I have been thinking the same for a long time; but I tend to procrastinate too much apparently >.<
3 hours later…
Q: How to train your dragon book deciphering

HiccupToday I was watching the movie How to train your dragon (First part), and in the part where Hiccup Horrendous Haddock reads the book (at 23:10~24:50, you will find it online easily), I made probably a new but trivial discovery ! ... The book is in normal English, but in substitution cipher. The...

Q: Add the parenthesis to make this true

AnonAdd the parenthesis to make this true 10-9*8-7*6-5*4-3*2-2*1=1

@incesterror21 You could always just ask, I don't think you really found out what makes people angry with your experiment. But again I don't think that's the right way to go about things.
Do we have an existing for spoilers in comments yet?
@Mithrandir Don't think so - as far as I can tell
@JasonC [feature-request] spoiler markup in comments and we'll get to it. #NoPromises — Adam Lear ♦ Apr 22 '15 at 2:38
Q: Not too many banknotes

mauEuro banknotes come in the following denominations: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 euro. You must distribute 5000 euros among 10 sealed envelopes, so that the following conditions hold: it is possible to pay whatever amount is a multiple of 5 euro by handling a single envelope; the total number o...

Q: A Weird Puzzling Machine!

Techidiot PRESENTING A WEIRD PUZZLING MACHINE Can you tell me what this machine has to say?

Oh very nice
But the above doesn't work on mobile (there's no way to see the hover text).
Well mobile is gross
@ffao I feel like this CCCC is supposed to be QUAKED but something seems off. (Uninitiated green blue [-aQUA] knight [??K??] loses heart [??E??], deserts leader [D_], rocked... [def.])
I also thought about SHAKEN for that
@n_palum I've got to say, I like the above much better than ROT13 (drives me crazy!). And ROT13 is just about as useless on mobile. Who's going to open a separate website to decode ROT13 on their phone?
Yeah the hover text is definitely cleanest (imo) and ROT13 stuff is just tedious. But if you want to cover mobile, you're best just writing Spoiler
@Rubio I think you're probably right. It all makes sense to me (K is acceptable as an abbreviation for Knight, I think, even though chess usually uses N), except that "loses heart" should be S, because that's at the heart of "loses". But the intention must be to use the E.
yeah that's what I'm thinking too
Well yeah, I've used both of those at times
I'd be fine with the K vs N, but the E is off
@Rubio QUAKED was also my guess but likewise I can't reconcile the KE, and while I considered GPR's comments as well I doubt ffao would do that... (I think)
For myself, if I see Spoiler followed by some text, it's awfully difficult to avert my eyes, even if I don't want it spoiled. I prefer it to require some sort of action (hover/click).
Yeah that's true
@n_palum Maybe not that but still a lot!
Anyway, how is everything?
272 votes cast thus far, at 19 hours in. whee!
How long can I wait with my vote?
last election, based on badge awards:
165 votes in hours 0-3.
218 in hours 0-11.
260 in the first 24 hours.
303 in the first 48 hours.
395 in the first 72 hours.
416 total.
plus or minus 1 or 2 per time interval; the numbers were changing on me there :)
@incesterror21 until the time runs out
I was just thinking to myself, is it better that we have lots of people vote, or is it better that only those who have a vested interest and/or a knowledge of the candidates vote? I'm actually not sure what the answer is.
In "real life" elections (electing leaders of a country), it's generally considered best if as many people vote as possible. But if you vote without a real knowledge of who you're voting for, is your vote actually worth anything?
^ That's really a nice thought..Agreed!
@GentlePurpleRain In real life, yes. There is the 5% border
Sometimes 10% in some countries? I don't know.
5% border?
Yes, parties can only have a seat if their votes are >5%
I'm just looking at the star board (to starboard), and realizing that we have, uh... "interesting" opinions of our existing moderators: "Deusovi is ... twisted and evil" "Emrakul is an eldritch horror".
@incesterror21 You mean 5% of the total population or 5% of votes cast?
and I am campaigning for my own banishment.
And purple rain, while gentle, is probably toxic
Rubio, yes, that too.
And yet the election will be quite close, according to Sid. :)
@GentlePurpleRain Of the votes cast as far as I know
That way it makes voting important to keep radical parties below 5%
@Rubio With soooo many votes, I guess, anything could happen..
@incesterror21 So you're saying we need to count on flooding the election with uninformed votes in order to make sure that no new ideas are brought forth by less "established" candidates?
I don't understand how that keeps "radical parties" below 5%, since uninformed voters can vote for the "radical" party just as easily as an "established" one.
I mean, ideally the campaign process gives anyone interested in voting the chance to become somewhat informed
@Sconibulus Yes, but unfortunately real life does not reflect ideals very closely...
I think SE needs live debates
There's nothing preventing anyone from organizing one.
I'll set up a chat room for it, if anyone is actually interested.
a big part of the problem with recent elections is that it has become incredibly easy to be misinformed
so that you think you know things, but really don't
@GentlePurpleRain It seems like the existing election chat room would be handy for that, no?
That's what the election chat room is for, partly, no?
And people are no longer being taught how to think critically, so they can't distinguish between truth, lies, and misinformation.
@Rubio @Mithrandir Yes, that would work fine.
@Mithrandir That's a terrible idea. My idea is clearly superior.
We could set an event sometime over the weekend maybe? Feature a post on Meta?
That would be too late for the election.
@Rubio :O
@Sconibulus Fake newz
Or may be we can have a common Debate Room with a new topic everyday..
My suspicion is that about half the votes that will be cast have been cast already
probably, but votes can change
@GentlePurpleRain Room set up?
I think I've changed mine twice already because I'm indecisive :)
@Techidiot that strikes me as a bad idea
@Techidiot Just make a Area 51 proposal for a Debate centered SE
Timezones might be hard, we've got candidates spread over something like 14 hours?
ItIt eowould prprobably attrattract flagaflags sbdandand srgumargumentatargumentative ppeople.
@incesterror21 Uh... I was kind of waiting until the idea was fleshed out a bit more. You just want something called "Puzzling Debate Room" or something?
what in the
(Healthy Debate Room)
"Important room"
@Mithrandir That was... wow!
@Mithrandir Why does that keep happening btw? hehe
I've seen that happen a few times from you now
@Rubio SwiftKey
Why not just ask questions you have in the election chat room, rather than set up a debate room
Exactly that playlist I was thinking about
Not sure if it'll take off, but here you go: Puzzling Healthy Debate Room
I was assuming a debate for any topic(not just the elections) .. Like the other day we had a different topic where a debate took place..
I feel like running for mod doesn't really warrant debating over things.. it's not like we've all got legitimate platforms and policies that we intend to implement
I'm debating whether to go in there or not.
Egad! You mean to say that @Rub *
Debating the debatable decision to go debate debatable topics?
won't it actually ban himself? Excuse me, I have to go switch my vote.
(where did that it come from
So if PSE ran a debate for the candidates, would they generally just agree on most topics?
Worst debate ever
That's debatable
I'm here all week, folks. Try the chicken.
@n_palum well... why not? @Rubio want's to ban @Rubio, @GarethMcCaughan wants to ban questions, @Mithrandir wants to mine diamonds, and @n_palum you can be the Transparency guy? : )
@Sconibulus Again, even in that fictitious scenario, are those really debatable topics :P
Well, is not banning @Rubio really even an option? ;)
I mean, right?
well, the relative merits of mining diamonds vs. going to war with deBeers is pretty valid I think
Diamonds are better. Don't drink beer. Simple :)
I mean you could have an ethical debate on mining diamonds.
Drinks > artificial diamonds
Diamonds > artificial drinks
@Sconibulus Didn't someone want to ban moderators, too?
I thought that one withdrew, but I might be wrong
actually, there are some platform differences
I think that was a speculative platform
Glorfindel seems to be new-user-experience focused
I tend to think more about the flags
cast my votes and got a nice shiny silver badge
@mith and reviews
Stack Reader is time zones
Yeah there seems to be a couple different focuses for the various candidates
Gareth and Rubio both have a sort of elder statesman vibe going on
Although I do try to welcome new users also, I tend to do that more over on SFF
not trying to say anything bad about anyone, just looking at focus difference
@Sconibulus That's the Dad showing through xD
@Sconibulus I would have put that in mine, too, but no room
but I need to head out for a minute or two
@Techidiot nice puzzle!
or longer, really
^^ agreed
@Sconibulus JMP is all about being concise
If you want I know a way to get central text without annoying codeblocks
And then you can make text really large too
~^.^~ I hit 3k and cast my first close/reopen votes
nice! grats
@BeastlyGerbil Thanks. Up for the Semifinals? :)
yeah come on sunrisers!
:D What about today's? I thought it would turn out to be a 200+ game..
rps aren't doing great
Yeah. And now, they don't have Stokes as well..
(and that codeblocks comment a few up was directed at you btw, just forgot to ping you :)
CCCC: partial answers welcome?
Oh..Yeah sure @BeastlyGerbil
You can redirect me..
@Forklift We speculate sometimes sure, if you go back a couple hours there was debate on making QUAKED fit the current one
CCCC: I think it is SHAKEN. Knight from chess leads to ROOK, uninitiated to ROOKIE. Something happens after that, he is SHOOK and now at last is SHAKEN. I am not familiar with the puzzle type though so I might be insane.
If you're not familiar with CCs you can check out the guide give by Deusovi pinned on the right side
I also thought it was SHAKEN for what it's worth.
Knight != Rook, a Rook is a tower, a knight is a horse...
LOL, yeah, I read through. Lots of varieties.
Yes, but they are certainly more than tangentially related.
Yeah, that's too indirect for a CC
Ah, ok. Back to your conversation then! Sorry to interrupt.
No worries, speculation is a-ok like I said
@Forklift if you look at the archive, you'll see a lot of CC examples
@Tech see it now, and I can tell you how to change it
you can change font or size of text, or size of spacing
even colour actually
Looks cool.
Yeah, I can play with mathjax. Thanks
Oh fancy
lol it certainly catches your eye from the home screen now too :P
You're just asking to be on HNQ
@BeastlyGerbil Lol. Looks like headlines of the day. :) Nice.
CCCC: Taking the clue from @Rubio, I propose YANKED (Uninitiated green blue [-cYAN] knight [??K??] loses heart [??E??], deserts leader [D_], rocked... [def.])
That still is a bit off because we don't know where that E comes from
What about the "is now" part? Could that be significant?
Noon on the dot :P
@MikeQ feels like connector verbiage than anything else
Any chance the unitiated knight is a squire?
^^ agreed
and uninitiated and knight are separated by green/blue so you can't really connect them
Ah, alright. Back to my cave :)
I forget, what are the rules for using synonyms, as in what is ok and not ok?
Synonyms straight from the clue are okay. You can't assemble a word, and then take a synonym of it.
As in, "knight loses heart" -> "sir loses heart" -> "sr"
Anagramming synonyms (aka indirect anagrams) is at least bad form, if not invalid.
It's possible.
Bad form, but still possibly valid?
But I don't think so.
Fifth box from the right, bottom -_-
Indirect anagrams? They're pretty much always unfair.
@Rubio almost has what I intended for the CCCC, but "Knight" is a 3 letter abbreviation
Then it has to be K_E ?
KBE? (according to wikipedia)
ok well then it's QUAKED as originally theorized
Uninitiated green blue (AQUA - A = QUA) knight loses heart (KBE - B = KE) deserts leader (D) = QUAKED, def = rocked to the core
Credit goes to everybody tho
Oh. Yeah, goes to Rubio then.
I'm sure that @Rubio will want as many CCCCs as possible before banning himself.
I have already upvoted and provided a bounty to that thing. It was that good
you gave the 500 bounty?
Debates upvoting or downvoting
100. GPR provided another 500.
ah ok
thats alconja's fourth puzzle thats reached 100+
I saw that a long time ago but never upvoted until now whoops
huuuh but how can you not upvote an alconja puzzle on sight!?
Which was the 4th? I remember only 3(including this)
door, listen, gang meeting, this
I don't give in to cults
Ah. Yes. That was an inspiration for one of my puzzles. How did I forget that?!
@n_palum Um, I have bad news for you.
@n_palum You say that like you encounter cults on a regular basis
No. I can't find any recruiters, so I have to send the resumes and applications myself.
I would consider PSE a cult, but I don't think there are enough robes. Real cults have robes.
although I don't think anyone ever got them....
Pretty sure at least me, Deus and Rand have theirs
oh maybe alconja did
A lot of people didn't I know that
Or ours, since I'm included
@BeastlyGerbil that means that I should get at least 1k more rep before I am able to get shirts for PPCG
Only issue is I can't use mine since my mom loved it so much she stole it to herself
Oh. Well in that case, then congrats folks, you're all cultists!
Not me, no way no how
Do you consider yourself part of a community that's built around a not-entirely-common interest?
Even now, you and other members are gathered in a small room to communicate in arcane codes and recite cryptic clues.
And some of you have robes.
Searches for the eject button
I wonder if that will ever happen again
I'm in the top 70 now I think :)
@BeastlyGerbil I got mine!
oh, so I have the next CCCC to set eh?
CCCC: Moderator, resigned from backing me up with policy, nearly overwhelms PSE troll, briefly. (7)
How so?
EM< + R(AK)UL (-e)
I just saw the 7 and Moderator :P
^^ that'd be the other
That was my puzzle in honor of the departing.
def is "moderator, resigned"
Such as it was. ;)
oooh, neat
yeah, that was a nice clue
Deus is finally back in the ring
Where's the AK from?
@Deusovi danke
"PSE troll, briefly"
I almost left the briefly off, but then you'd get grumpy. hehe
I think it would have been ok
Should have put the knowledge tag...
Yeah, I'd've probably been fine with it
oh no now deus makes a clue
Cracks knuckles and brain muscles
@n_palum cracking your brain is not a good idea
I've had two concussions, I'm aware :P
I've had my skull cracked, and I can definitely advise against it
No skull cracks thankfully
1 was a football (American) getting kicked into the side of my head from point blank
the other was getting pushed (falling over a chair) and hitting my head on our heater
the second sounds like a prank
I slipped, hit my head on a railing and had a hole that went down to the skull which had been slightly cracked. Hospital 3 days for plastic surgery. Now I look a bit like harry potter with a round scar :P
Oh dang
We were tossing a foam ball around the room (in my uni dorm last year) and I missed once and hit my friends computer
so he came over and pushed me (a lot harder than I think he intended) and I fell over my chair
so he pushed you because a light spongy foam ball hit his reasonably solid computer
@BeastlyGerbil The matched turned drastically ;)
Quite a time walking across campus with a bleeding head to see a nurse
@BeastlyGerbil It lightly bounced off without so much as a smudge
@tech so rps vs srh hopefully
Lol. You never know. But, hope so
@n_palum theres a word I'm looking for here. I think it begins with over and ends in tion with react in the middle
Do not start that again @_@
@BeastlyGerbil The same word my other roommate used
I was not expecting that
'that' being?
I facetiously guessed the word you were looking for
And for reasons I do not understand, @ffao thinks it's hilarious
My sense of humor is a bit... peculiar
'that' being the constant reuse of the word LOADED to mock my mistake
Hm? I missed that conversation
You weren't around for the LOADED conversation this weekend?
You should be able to find it by searching that word
Wasn't aware that there was a mistake to be mocked. I must have joined late.
CCCC: Rockers' side-splitting laughter left behind (10)
ooh I don't think I've seen the 'side splitter' indicator before (if thats what it is)
@MikeQ I was speculating what words could fit into a CC we were stuck on, and accidentally typed LOADED 2x in the same list
I'm sure he knows, @n_palum
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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