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Whatever I answer for "the official name of the chat" is incorrect.
Is this question bugged?
@Dharman Dunno. Depends on what you're guessing.
Chat Stack Exchange, StackExchange Chat, Chat
It doesn't have the word "chat" in it.
It's a single word.
Then why does it say this on Google
It has an official product name that most people don't know about.
I have occasionally referred to it by this name on MSE. I know of at least one answer I wrote that refers to it with this name.
^^^ Dig.
Sorry to whoever was looking earlier, I figured 22 was an easier target than 60+
I went by the string chat instead of the tag .
@Catija Meh :-)
The answer to the mindless reviews question eludes me though, the meta questions didn't seem to help?
It's called robo reviewing
but I don't know if that's the answer
I doubt it
Well, I got a question run without that specific question, so I'm fine for now.
nope, I can't see the pattern for the letters after the first (expected) decoding. Guess I will try later, or simply stop there.
yay, I got both hats now
@SPArcheon did you see the comment in HTML?
@SPArcheon You had to apply variants of an algorithm to get the note (which is written in proper english after decoding). Did you take note of the variants?
@nohillside Oh, I did, but I can't see a way to apply the "variant" to the "line" if that is what you mean.
You don't. Think letters
@Dharman it isn't.
@nohillside yep already tried variations->letters , in both styles to since that "algorithm" has two different notations. Got two sets and neither is an anagram that I can solve (or any online solver can, for what it matter)
if one of the letter strings has an f in it, you are probably on the right track. there is a link somewhere in the transcript of the last two days which helped me with the rest.
@Slate dammmmm, spent 5 hours for nothing
@nohillside It does, and if you are referring to the link I think, already tried :P
@Dharman if you fail the quiz can you also go back and complete the quiz
doesn't seem to produce anything that makes sense, and I don't really want to try every possible option . Will try later, after resting.
@RedzMakesErrors You can do it multiple times whether you fail or succeed.
so you can get both hats
Worked for me.
still trying to brute-force the second page
is the pounds even in the url?!?
@RedzMakesErrors "On the wall next to the gate is an alphanumeric keypad"
it doesn't have a pound sign
thank you so much otherwise i would have been sitting here for 10 more hours
@Catija to clarify, if you succeed you get defender and if you fail robot and you can get both?
@JamesRisner yes 😇
@SPArcheon there is one which doesn‘t only find the longest word.
dam, stuck on the third question
oh, sparkles has a hat!
All right. For those who have been thinking about the first puzzle for a while and are tired / feel stuck, here are two hints to (hopefully) set you on the right track. They're encoded in rot13, so you don't see 'em if you don't want to.
Hint 1: Gur abgr fnlf lbh arrq gb qrevir bar yrggre sebz rnpu yvar. Ubjrire, ubj lbh qrevir gung yrggre vf pevgvpny gb gur chmmyr; cnl nggragvba gb jung punatrf sebz bar yvar gb gur arkg. Lbh znl arrq gb qb n ovg bs fuhssyvat nsgre lbh unir gur evtug yrggref va unaq, ohg vs lbh unir gur jebat yrggref, gurer'f ab tbbq jnl sbejneq.
Hint 2: Na rnfl jnl gb purpx vs lbh'er ba gur evtug cngu vf vs lbh svaq guerr 'E'f naq guerr 'F'f va gur yrggre cbby. Vs lbh unir ybgf bs 'U'f, gel syvccvat lbhe ahzorevat fpurzr nebhaq - vg zvtug or onpxjneqf.
@Slate What puzzle???
puzzle puzzle
stuck on 7th question XD
@Slate i got a 4 minute penalty for a correct answer?
still working on the quiz
34th quiz XD
is there a better way to get the >1mil users than going through the entire stackexchange list
anyone got a hint for the mindless question
@Slate i got ANOTHER 4 minute penalty
for a correct answer
is the system bugged
and again
what is the 'farewell' question talking about
got it
this is cringe
it says 'you have are almost there'

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