@SPArcheon You had to apply variants of an algorithm to get the note (which is written in proper english after decoding). Did you take note of the variants?
@nohillside yep already tried variations->letters , in both styles to since that "algorithm" has two different notations. Got two sets and neither is an anagram that I can solve (or any online solver can, for what it matter)
if one of the letter strings has an f in it, you are probably on the right track. there is a link somewhere in the transcript of the last two days which helped me with the rest.
All right. For those who have been thinking about the first puzzle for a while and are tired / feel stuck, here are two hints to (hopefully) set you on the right track. They're encoded in rot13, so you don't see 'em if you don't want to.
Hint 1: Gur abgr fnlf lbh arrq gb qrevir bar yrggre sebz rnpu yvar. Ubjrire, ubj lbh qrevir gung yrggre vf pevgvpny gb gur chmmyr; cnl nggragvba gb jung punatrf sebz bar yvar gb gur arkg. Lbh znl arrq gb qb n ovg bs fuhssyvat nsgre lbh unir gur evtug yrggref va unaq, ohg vs lbh unir gur jebat yrggref, gurer'f ab tbbq jnl sbejneq.
Hint 2: Na rnfl jnl gb purpx vs lbh'er ba gur evtug cngu vf vs lbh svaq guerr 'E'f naq guerr 'F'f va gur yrggre cbby. Vs lbh unir ybgf bs 'U'f, gel syvccvat lbhe ahzorevat fpurzr nebhaq - vg zvtug or onpxjneqf.