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Okay so, our current top non-10 question is +7, so we've got a minimum of three people before we get another +10
But, once we do, they're going to come in a wave
There's three +6s under it (and actually, the +7 was a +6 last night, someone randomly upvoted two first page questions last night)
So in a week or so, we should hit 7 questions remaining
If I remember, I'll see if anyone in my CS class has an SO account, and have them follow and vote
We're barely getting a trickle of followers, but they're almost all regular SE users now, who take the time to vote
So we probably won't hit 200 followers
We need some way to tell new users immediately that they should only vote for questions close to but below 10
Hey that's actually a good idea
Idk if A51 meta would consider it spammy tho
Probably would be struck down by other people on meta but we can brigade it to keep the question alive
@RydwolfPrograms They absolutely would lol
We can just use all our allxy socks and confuse the heck out of them :p
Also since when is the site name "and Implementation" did we get 11'd
Didn't we decide on that?
Yeah but unless the A51 software includes an NLP a meta consensus can't change the site name on its own :p
It is Area 51
room topic changed to Programming Language Design and Implementation: Room for discussion of area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/127456/… [discussion] [site-definition]
Oh wait anyone can edit the proposal name if they have enough A51 rep
Wait so we can just vandalize other people's proposals to siphon votes toward ours :p
Sorry cryptocurrency, you're now a proposal for people who WANT TO VOTE ON THE WONDERFUL QUESTIONS OVER AT PLDI
Oh, apparently warren just went and edited it
@user Took me way to long to figure out "meat" was supposed to be "meta" :p
I was like "is this some weird colloquialism for hosting", as in like "metal"
Aaaahhhh how are we going to get 11 more questions
Maybe all of us TNBers can remove all our votes so that when people come in there's questions for them to vote on right on the front page
It's only 62 more productive votes, we have 338 already
Then we can put our votes back

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