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Fun fact: We also now have over 200 followers in definition stage lol
Okay the reality of this just sorta hit me we're gonna have a site
With like, the default light blue and our own little default logo and everything
Ooh what will the letters in it be?
LD or something?
CGCC's was...PP, right?
Or was it CG?
Or maybe we'd get PL
@RydwolfPrograms PDI maybe
I'd assume it'd be LDI before PDI
I think the weirdest one to me is conlangs, which is "art"
I guess for "artlangs" or something?
Or is it a word in a conlang?
A: Is the icon for this site supposed to be "art"?

Robert Cartainoart — the ISO 639-5 code for constructed languages and prefix code for conlangs not assigned a code. ref. List of ISO 639-5 codes

I just realized
oh huh i always thought it was for artlang too :P
and yeah my vote for the default icon is pl
I assume at some point the CMs will ask us this stuff
Probably tomorrow
@UnrelatedString alas, Portuguese language exists
Given that it's a weekend that's probably why we haven't heard anything yet
does portuguese language actually use pl
stole it from poland stack exchange smh
I wonder if CMs work on weekends like, on-call or something
wait that's a t
that's pt so no
@UnrelatedString A site for the discussion of Poland would be kinda funny ngl
Like, not the polish language, just...use and implementation of Poland
So we're still leaning toward langdev.stackexchange.com if they ask?
that'd be the network icon
yeah langdev
We might also want to check that PLDI is okay and that there won't be any issues with the conference with that name
Our backups were, IIRC:
1. Programming Language Implementation and Design
2. Programming Language Development
PLID would be my preferred one since it's clearer about our scope
Maybe that's for a meta post once the site launches
and although the design part is the one we "care" more about we're probably going to have more implementation in practice
Also we've never resolved a question I keep halfheartedly bringing up
Which is questions involving actual code
Like how gamedev has questions about, e.g., Unity
That could get us some bulk once we start running low on "purer" design/implementation questions
And people would perhaps get better answers than they would on regular SO/CR
Scope-wise it means we'd be intersecting more with existing sites, but Gamedev gets away with it
something like a or tag?
And for them I think it works really well, since they get their quantity through those questions, and the quality (high voted, HNQ, etc.) ones through design and general implementation questions...exactly like what we do
@lyxal No, I mean more like, "this Rust code that's supposed to be a MyNewLanguage compiler isn't working. Am I using ANTLR wrong?"
that's what I meant
a tag to show it's a real language in progress
I don't think those tag names really communicate it very well
we could also just have specific tags for, like, existing technologies you'd use for parsers and compiler backends and such
Since it wouldn't necessarily be a prototype implementation
@RydwolfPrograms the tag names themselves were a :p
Like idk for sure if we'd allow questions about like, plain JS or Python implementations, but I definitely think things like ANTLR should be allowed
yeah i feel like there's nothing a real-code-focused question without something like antlr being involved could meaningfully be pldi with
I think there's kind of three places we could draw the line:
1. No physical code questions
2. Only physical code questions involving frameworks/DSLs specifically for langdev
3. Any physical code questions about implementing proglangs
like either it's broad-strokes implementation stuff that's language-agnostic, or it's not meaningfully pldi
i'm a hard 2
And 3 could be subdivided into just "this code errors :(" or "this code is too slow; any parser-code-specific tricks to speed it up", etc.
i'm for number 3
3 would mean you could ask questions that are indistinguishable from so questions minus happening to be used in pl implementation :P
@RydwolfPrograms I think this second one should definitely be allowed, not as sure about the first
I might need help with a custom lexer/parser or a specific interpreter methodology
like the visitor method for transversing asts
Since 3.2 could just be rephrased in pseudocode/talking about algorithms in general
@RydwolfPrograms i think the second case okay yeah you beat me to it lol
We should probably make a meta post about this
Or should we just wait 'til beta?
wait till beta
I have a list of meta questions for beta btw: gist.github.com/Lyxal/7393961ab1f65286cc33643b976a97ac
I prono'd that in my head as "maytuh question for beh-ta" I am tired
Quick preemptive argument for why we shouldn't be merged with CS if any CMs get funny ideas while I'm asleep:
I've been a CGCC user for five years, a site that kind of only sort of fits with SE's format. We have to make a lot of compromises as a result of being a part of that bigger thing. I think that's exactly what would happen with PLDI if we were made a part of CS or another site.
We'd be held back by having to stay within, or only moderately change, that site's rules. They might be fine with more theoretical questions, but what about questions dealing with physical code? Using parser generators? Our freedom to expand to topics we think would help the programming languages community would be hampered, and questions that could be answered by the same knowledgable experts would be fragmented across half a dozen sites.
it would be like merging conlangs and linguistics :P
except with probably less user base overlap
An overwhelmingly common sentiment in the responses to our advertising posts for this proposal, and our commit comments, has been that the programming languages community needs someplace like this, where Q&A about it can be centralized. There's a lot of people from very different backgrounds involved in our scope, and I don't think they're unified nearly often enough.
Anyway, I'm going to go finish folding my laundry and go to sleep now o/
@RydwolfPrograms Even within academic CS, language design work is a hard sell in more generalist venues (as opposed to more formalised PL work like type theory, or optimisation, which have a more empirical patina), so I would not expect a good community fit or reception within CS.se even for the non-code questions. Most questions on the existing site are really in those areas (or just bad questions).
(This is endorsing what you said, just noting that it represents a pre-existing dynamic in the field and it's if anything likely to be an even wider gap than just actual-code questions)
yeah while cs intersects with ld, ld is cs like ux is cs
just because academia considers human-computer interaction to be a subfield doesn't mean a q&a platform should merge them either
...though i guess hci isn't exactly ux
but yeah in any case the bulk of cs is nothing to do with ld and the bulk of ld is of no interest to cs
type theory is an interesting case, where the theory itself is squarely cs but i can't imagine a cs platform would love to talk about the practical advantages and disadvantages for implementing a type system :P
Applied PL work is often really dealing with HCI questions, too ("how can a person best communicate about X with a computer"), but I wouldn't expect UX.se to be a match either
pld is fundamentally just ux where the user is a programmer
make it easy for them to make sensible choices
1 hour later…
Goal has already been achieved but I finally got my first referal
5 hours later…
102% there
so close
@RydwolfPrograms 2, not so sure about 3
8 hours ago, by lyxal
I might need help with a custom lexer/parser or a specific interpreter methodology
something not covered by a library or DSL
@RydwolfPrograms 2 but also maybe things like implementing algorithms specifically for langdev
@RydwolfPrograms 2 as a lower bound, 3 as an upper bound
"How do I make this tokenizer handle double spaces properly" might be a decent question
"How do I turn this depth map of names into a suitable structure"
"How do I take over Eurasia and Eastasia"
You'd need to define suitable structure a bit better but yes
@UnrelatedString yep
@Ginger "with a lexer"
a really aggressive lexer
Lexers are always aggersive
1 hour later…
We're at 204 lads
as I said, 102%
3 hours later…
A common question is when will our site go into private beta. The true answer is it really depends and things can get in the way such as holidays or certain staff members being absent.
The general rule is about 1 to 2 weeks after the proposal hits 100% on a Tuesday some time after 12:00 PM EST.
thanks for the clarification
@HenryWHHackv3.0 what if it goes above then under 100% before it hits beta?
@Seggan Nothing really.
itd still be valid?
@Seggan I never seen a proposal go under 100%.
we were close :P
21 hours ago, by Seggan
Someone uncommited
I have to say I am not an SE employee. I cannot predict the future. All the things I said is assuming nothing goes wrong between now and then. I had to make it bold.
The most important thing to everyone who wants to build the community is when the site comes out start using it, invite new users, ask, answer, vote, review, participate, etc... You need to show the SE CM team it's a perfectly healthy community to prevent it from being shut down.
2 hours later…
@HenryWHHackv3.0 I hate to say this, but the first 2 weeks it looks a lot like gaming the stats.
well, we love gaming here
Vote like the future of the site depends on it (both up and down). Post questions. Leave comments. Post answers. Have engagement.
in The 2nd Monitor, Nov 12, 2022 at 14:52, by Mast
Vote like the future of the site depends on it, because it does.
@Ginger If you manage to mobilize most of the people who have committed, I don't doubt the stats will go through the roof.
Big if, big reward.
Something like that anyway...
time to flood Reddit again!
I'd wait with that until after the proposal has launched :-)
take that up with our Head of Advertising
@Ginger A programming language dedicated to playing Risk?
we need that
call it Risky Business
Go for it.
@Mast Just out of curiosity, what does your PFP depict?
@Ginger Trademark violation :p
I already made Risky
yeah, this is free advertising!
It actually has nothing to do with Near Earth Asteroid Tracking, but thanks?
I've had a soft spot for nuclear fusion experiments since before I became an electrical engineer.
4 hours later…
So we should be hearing from someone either tomorrow/the next day, or next week, based on what we've heard
Come to think of it is this even an official chat room
Like would the CMs even know about it lol
Or I'd imagine it'd just be a meta post?
Ah okay yeah looks like it'd look something like this:
Q: Choosing a name for the Proof Assistants site

Andrej BauerProposal: Proof Assistants According to this answer, we do not really get to choose the name of the new site. Instead, the StackExchange overlords will create one for us. (They have had some negative experience with people quarreling over the naming of their site.) As I understand things, unless ...

Oh and we need to make sure to say we want MathJax
Since presumably we would, for big-O and stuff

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