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REFRESH! There are 7843 unanswered questions (89.7407 answered)
It seems that your code currently works, and you are looking to improve it. Generally these questions are too opinionated for this site, but you might find better luck at CodeReview.SE. Remember to read their requirements as they are a bit more strict than this site. — gunr2171 just now
It seems to me this question is more suited to be asked in the Code Review Forum. Code Review is a question and answer site for peer programmer code reviews. Please read the relevant guidance related to how to properly ask questions on this site before posting your question. — itprorh66 19 secs ago
give codereview.stackexchange.com a try. you have a question specific to your own code, which nobody else will have, so it's unlikely to be a good fit for Stack Overflow. SO is for problems that many people might encounter. — Christoph Rackwitz 53 secs ago
3 hours later…
Q: Building HTML in JS and append

JeffersonI am working on this project where I need to building html from this object. There a a lot of loops and counter and wanted to see if there is a better way to do this Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated to improve the code further. Thanks. full function https://jsfiddle.net/tjmcdevitt...

3 hours later…
Q: A not so simple C++20 circular queue

Gerard TorrentThis container reduces the number of memory allocations on queue-type operations (push + pop) compared to std::deque. Basic performance tests indicates a performance similar to std::deque where main cost is the calculation of index ((mFront+pos)%mReserved). A first review was done by G.Sliepen. I...

1 hour later…
Q: How to optimize the code and reduce memory usage Python

VagnerThe peak memory usage in my code is too high 3200mb and I'd like to optimize it. How can I reduce it without breaking the test? I tried to add __slots__ but it didn't make any changes. Converting data into np.array reduced CPU times: from 13 s to 2.05 s but didn't affect the memory usage. import ...

Q: TKinter using OOP approach

homunculusI'm starting to build an application for automated network troubleshooting. It's going without any issues so far. I'm using an OOP approach @ which i create the widgets in the init method. what's bothering me is that when the application starts getting more complex (Ex: Adding way more widgets); ...

3 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by Mast on question by homunculus: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/281155/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Mast on question by homunculus: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/281155/revisions
I have read the last two days about multiprocessing. But no one gives advice about the structure in a complex program with many classes and modules and functions. My question simple was: Where do all my classes and functions go(that have nothing to do with multiproc), so they are not loaded into every single process,....inside main or inside other files? or should all my multiprocessing functions go into a separate file, to avoid loading unnecessary classes and functions into the processes. None of all the stackoverflow, written tutorials/videos talk about it. thx for the codereview tipp. — Leonick 55 secs ago
This would probably be a better fit over at codereview.stackexchange.com, but please read their help first (1, 2) to be sure. — T.J. Crowder 29 secs ago
1 hour later…
@TobySpeight While I agree that this question should have been closed as MRC originally the answer does provide some good general guidance to programmers. I'm considering up voting the answer even though it is vague.
@Mast Your thoughts on this question
Yea, I was just reading it.
Q: Is this a good algorithm for getting the mode of a data set?

souplessI am currently interested in implementing statistical measures. Other measures like mean, variance, and covariance are easy, but the mode feels harder than I thought. Is this good enough? #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; int main () { int N, uniques = 0, j = 0; // N:...

Q: Structure of project, when using ProcessPoolExecutor in larger projects to avoid loading unnecessary things into the processes

Leonick My first python program is a file explorer(Work-in-progress),..already pretty complex and perfectly working.(1000lines).I learn about new concepts as I need them, after watching some initial tutorials. Now I read and tested for 20 hours with all kind of methods regarding processes. And following...

@Mast there has been at least one leave open vote in the queue.
Had it been new, it likely would've been closed.
Consensus here is that we don't review design in the abstract. I understand the question is old (I will have missed it when I was offline due to Covid restrictions; otherwise I would probably have picked this up when it was new). I don't think you'll be allowed to delete it because it has an upvoted answer, so I've asked the community to decide whether it belongs. — Toby Speight 22 hours ago
Yes, I would have voted to close myself.
The answer is by a user that has since self-deleted their account, so I don't think they'll complain if the answer would happen to disappear.
There's value in the answer, but OP has already commented on it that the answer may not apply.
I'm surprised time and again poor questions don't get downvotes.
Usually we put questions on hold so they can be fixed before iffy answers come in.
@pacmaninbw I didn't upvote the answer, as it was hobbled by the missing question context, and is necessarily full of supposition and guesswork. With a complete question, we could have got a much better answer, I think. This question really demonstrates why the context is important to answerers.
We can depend on some of the community to VTC, but not to downvote.
@pacmaninbw Why not? You got 40 votes a day. Use them.
@TobySpeight You're absolutely correct about the question, there isn't a good way to write a great answer.
@Mast I do these days, any time I VTC, but that is only since you mentioned it previously.
I think I should mention it to more people...
A: Reviewing "design"

rolflCode Reviews in general (not specifically at Code Review Stack Exchange) will often review the design. The people doing the review also have influence on the design too, so it is natural. The design itself though, is a very broad, and unsubstantial concept. On Code Review (and Stack Exchange in g...

> (yes, exactly, only when the design review is not requested, is the design review on-topic.... and that is why we are Code Review, and not Design Review).
Left a comment.
I think closing and re-asking once the issues are fixed is the proper course of action here.
@pacmaninbw You've missed a couple, but that's ok, those questions will be picked up by the Roomba anyway unless someone starts upvoting them.
@Mast Is Roomba the reason the the open percentage Duga reports daily has been improving?
@pacmaninbw Partially. Turns out there were a lot of questions posted in '13 and '14, inactive for many, many years that were just a downvote shy of being automatically removed. Roomba calls this RemoveAbandonedQuestions.
> For questions, if it no longer adds anything to the site, it should be deleted. Basically, this includes most closed questions that cannot be improved and reopened.
Turns out part of the reason we got all those zombies is we're not voting enough.
I feel like I heard that one before :D
Which, surprise surprise, we've known for years.
Q: Call of Duty - We're on a mission

Mathieu GuindonThis is a direct reply to Grace Note's recent CR review, more precisely the following part: (emphasis mine) Unanswered Tying in to all of the above is one of the most pressing concerns about the site I had in my own review, which is the gigantic pool of unanswered questions. There are, ...

@Vogel612 We used to talk about it. A lot. Which helped. I don't think we do that enough lately.
I am sometimes surprised at the questions I see with an up vote.
It only takes a single downvote to fix that.
Most of the old, abandoned posts being removed were a matter of a single downvote.
Only 77 posts were forcibly removed by moderators in the past quarter, for completely different reasons.
You don't need moderator powers to keep the site clean.
Vote like the future of the site depends on it, because it does.
Upvote good posts, downvote bad posts.
Definitely reward good posts from newer users. Give them an incentive to stick around.
Back in September '15, I had 1,806 votes on my name.
I don't know why, but someone put my activity tab in the Wayback archive...
I'm on 16,732 now.
Anyone can do it.
The interesting thing about the voting on the activity tab is that it doesn't show close votes. I have 7,369 votes, but if I click the number it shows I have voted 11,079 times including voting in the queues.
When I add the upvotes to my downvotes, I'm at 18,193. It's not a complete number.
There is probably a meta post somewhere explaining the difference.
I think your question is better suited forhttps://codereview.stackexchange.com. — jraufeisen just now
If your code works and you just want our thoughts on it, you might want to ask on Code Review instead. That said, I see that you're using :: for comments inside of parentheses, and that can sometimes break things, so you should use REM there instead. — SomethingDark 35 secs ago
Before you post at Code Review, make sure to read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users, as some things are done differently over there - e.g. question titles should simply say what the code does, as the question is always, "How can I improve this?". Be sure that the code works correctly; include your unit tests if possible. You'll likely get some suggestions on making it more efficient, easier to read, and better tested. — Toby Speight 50 secs ago
This is not how Stack Overflow works. We do not do code review here (That is what CodeReview is for). And we do not rewrite your program. We answer specific questions. So please provide the necessary information. I recommend taking the tour. — Turing85 27 secs ago
Q: Needing advice on structuring a larger scale batch file game

DeanSo I've started getting familiar with Batch for the last year off and on, all self taught, and I've made a few little dinky projects here and there but I'm wanting to find out the best way to go about expanding my code. Using other programs for inspiration I've learned just the tip of the iceberg...

Q: calculate mean and mode in rust

Muhammad Najib I am reading the rust book, I am on chapter 8 this is the assignment Given a list of integers, use a vector and return the median (when sorted, the value in the middle position) and mode (the value that occurs most often; a hash map will be helpful here) of the list. and here is my code for it ...

Q: Simulate 2-bit half adder with 2-bit inputs on Arduino without using logic gates

Casm byte numberOneFirstDigit = 3; byte numberOneSecondDigit = 2; byte numberTwoFirstDigit = 5; byte numberTwoSecondDigit = 4; byte sumFirstDigit=7; byte sumSecondDigit=6; byte carryDigit=12; byte numberOneFirstDigitButton = 9; byte numberOneSecondDigitButton = 8; byte numberTwoFirstDigitButton = ...

Q: Loading... animating dots in python

Austin0xThis loading bar is really just for fun. I want to know other peoples ways of writing a loading bar that's considered animated like using time.sleep to give the "Loading effect". I know they're easier ways of writing it compared to mine, wanting to know how other people would code an animated loa...

You really made me soo happy, because everything works, but I want to fully understand things before I implement and use them. I asked this question now 3 times, 2 here(differently structured), one on codereview,...but was told my question is not for stack, and I should try codereview, where they closed my question, because they said it's a design review, which they don't do. I know that it was probably my fault, by not phrasing it right, but it seems you understood me perfectly. — Leonick 50 secs ago
Monking Oh wait, I already was here today
possible answer invalidation by pi4aga on question by pi4aga: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/281072/revisions
possible answer invalidation by pi4aga on question by pi4aga: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/281072/revisions
@Duga Violated an observation about line length.
Rolled back and commented.
possible answer invalidation by pi4aga on question by pi4aga: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/281072/revisions
@pacmaninbw And one about spelling (or was that just a comment?)
possible answer invalidation by Edziju on question by Edziju: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/280954/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Edziju on question by Edziju: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/280954/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Edziju on question by Edziju: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/280954/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Edziju on question by Edziju: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/280954/revisions
This question appears to belong on Code Review… — aschipfl 38 secs ago
1 hour later…
@Duga Rollbacked
@danronmoon, the question needs work before it's suited to Code Review. You should have pointed the asker at A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users, as some things are done differently over there - e.g. we need a good description of the purpose of the code to give context, and question titles should simply say what the code does (the question is always, "How can I improve this?"). It's important that the code works correctly; include the unit tests if possible. — Toby Speight 10 secs ago
Q: Make an array of names and if the names are the same add a number at the end of the name

EdzijuI'm writing something like the Unity's shader graph and I'm kinda stuck on a property panel. I add a float property, which name is Float, and then I add a second float property, which also is named Float (until I rename it). I'd like the second property name to be rearranged to Float(1) What I tr...

Code Review is the place to ask for reviews. :) — Taco タコス 50 secs ago
@Taco: I would have asked the same question if the post were at Code Review. — Robert Harvey 59 secs ago
Sorry I should say, I am new to c# and happy to take any suggestion on code review. — Srini 20 secs ago
2 hours later…
I’m voting to close this question because it is asking for a Code ReviewDaniel A. White 38 secs ago
@DanielA.White I'm not sure that asking for a solution is equivalent to code review. — CFlat 43 secs ago
@TobySpeight You were the only one that mentioned the spelling and that was in a comment. You should have answered.
I strongly recommend against passing 0 as flag and explicitly specifying O_RDONLY. This code should be rejected in a code review. — Cheatah 14 secs ago
@TobySpeight make sure you down vote when you VTC.
Roomba might help then.
What is the question? If you are looking for a review of your proposed methods, you could be looking for codereview.stackexchange.comray 27 secs ago

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