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Is HopelessN00b serious about his "surly cruelty and snarky sarcasm" and "crushing users' spirits"?
Apr 25 at 20:58, by HopelessN00b Genius of network
@Malachi So long as you support my platform of handing out snarky sarcasm, surly cruelty, and swift retribution to those who deserve it, I would gladly support getting you a modhammer of your very own.
You can decide for yourself ;p
2 hours later…
@Seth it's on the sidebar
so damryfbfnetsi withdrew from primaries
updated votes from primary:
  1. Journeyman Geek      [  499] ( 63k rep, 2187 helpful flags)
  2. DragonLord           [  310] ( 10k rep,  745 helpful flags)
  3. Mokubai              [  297] ( 23k rep,  918 helpful flags)
  4. Canadian Luke        [  283] ( 10k rep, 1066 helpful flags)
  5. MaQleod              [  143] ( 10k rep,  350 helpful flags)
  6. Moses                [   35] (  4k rep,  370 helpful flags)
  7. Raystafarian         [   32] (  7k rep,  233 helpful flags)
  8. mdpc                 [    1] (  2k rep,   59 helpful flags)
3 hours later…
How can I do this in Chrome?
> Copy + paste in this code in Election page for some fancy graphs & sorted votes
Never mind, figured it out. Right-click > Inspect Element > Console > Paste > Press Enter =) But I think there are bugs. Negative votes show as positive.
@ADTC that's how the data returns
negatives arent shown
But, I see the vote count on one candidate is -1 but your script takes it as 1...
@ADTC that's one you downvoted. negative votes are recorded but not displayed, except your own
@Sathya Really? Is there any point downvoting then?
@terdon yes, top 10 move to elections
@Sathya So they're counted even if not shown?
downvotes also indicate the candidate is not a good fit
@terdon yes, it was shown long back, but the negative votes were hidden at a later stage
Right, thanks.
so your script can detect the hidden downvotes? are they somehow encoded in the page even if hidden from display?
@ADTC a. not my script. b. No .The script just shows total number of votes fetched from each candidate & sorts it
actually i meant to refer to your point "negative votes are recorded not displayed". unless the script can query SE servers and fetch the negative vote count, it only has the information in the page code. the question is, does the page code have the negative vote counts even if they are not displayed?
@ADTC no, it doesn't.
fyi, @terdon & @ADTC
A: Election primary vote count is no lower than -1

Johnstatus-bydesign It was decided to be too cruel to display a person as having a score less than 0. There was talk during the SO election that massively negative scores was unnecessarily demoralizing; the point of the primary is to find the 10 best candidates, not to say "this person is ridicu...

Interestingly @JourneymanGeek has only 8 downvotes till now
@Sathya: Actually less surprised by that. I can only think of two or three people who would be mad at me. ;p
out of curiosity, how did you determine the number of downvotes JG got?
oh, looks like the split vote count shows it. i can indeed see the actual negative score for a candidate using this feature even if the final score is just shown as no less than -1
@JourneymanGeek haha. I'll throw in one to balance it out :P (j/k)
@ADTC yep.
2 hours later…
@ADTC What makes you think I'm not serious? "surly cruelty and snarky sarcasm" are just what a lot of the lusers need. Well, that and a swift kick in the fun bits, but until the technology to kick someone in the genitals over IP is developed, I'll have to settle for hurting them with words.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Please define "luser". Who qualifies as such?
1. (computing, slang, derogatory) A person who does not have the ability to use computers.
2. (computing, slang, derogatory) A user (especially in IRC) who disobeys the rules of the servers that he or she is using and usually resorts to disruptive or offensive behavior/behaviour.
So, which case are you talking about here?
Both types could do with a swift kick in the genitals.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork You realize that users who have problems with using computers (in one way or another) sort of make up the majority of question askers?
And they deserve a "kick in the genitals" for asking about their problems, or...?
I don't get in which cases you propose to act so harshly.
@slhck When asking stupidly or crappily, sure.
@slhck In those cases in which harsh action is merited.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork That's kind of circular reasoning.
Can you give an example of such a question and how you would respond?
@slhck Probably not one the both of us can see, given that I'm not 10k on SU, and you're not 10k onSF.
And it's not circular, so much as... subjective. And lacking in examples.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Well, maybe you can post an example next time you see such a question during review on SU. Just out of curiosity because I'm not able to imagine how that'd look like in practice.
This was posted as an answer, but does not attempt to answer the question. Please consult a dictionary for the meaning of the word "answer" before attempting to answer another question. — HopelessN00b 18 secs ago
I apologize for the relatively tame nature of my response... it's a busy morning here at the office. I'll line up something snarkier and crueler for the next one I see like that.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork If that's "tame" I sincerely advise you against being any more snarky than this.
@JourneymanGeek you didn't even post my reply? way to smear my name..... LOL
@Malachi: I quoted, and I was referring to @HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork's platform, not yours ;p
@JourneymanGeek I know hence the "LOL"
I don't think you could smear my name much worse. I have already had people downvoting my answers, even accepted answers
I came out at +1 overnight....lol
@slhck Yup, that's tame. I made the generous assumption that he was unsure of the meaning of the word "answer," rather than other possible explanations, such as him being an illiterate idiot, a wildly inconsiderate jackass, some combination of the two, or something else completely.
@Malachi: ow. damn dude, that's harsh
@slhck Oh, and that jackass posted another not an answer. You sure you don't want to instruct him on the meaning of the word, and or smack him around with the modhammer?
well someone upvoted one of my questions and one of my answers, otherwise I would have been -14
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork I think it is more of a "mod stick" than a "mod hammer"
@Malachi Whatever it is, it's meant for thwacking people. People who can't even figure out that questions go into the questions and answers go into the answer need thwacked with it.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork the stick isn't for "thwacking" it is for guiding
@Malachi Thwacking is guiding. It guides people to not be moronic jackasses. Or it guides them out the door and into being someone else's problem.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Yes, we're sure. You can try informing them politely once. If they keep doing it, then you can go for snark but not as a first resort. Please.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork thwack too many times and the stick breaks, whereas guiding with the stick it stays firm and isn't feared so it is respected and keeps the flock safe
eh, I think snark is best used on actual people who're spammers. I try to be nice to real users.
Just FYI in case you didn't know, our awesome community contributed elections app is working again.
occationally its wasted, but it makes more sense to be nice to the user, then brutally muderate the question
hm, muderate. I meant murderate, but burying in mud sounds good too
I am still debating whether or not it would be worth my time to answer the questions for the election or if I have already been kicked out of the room...
@Malachi: why would you be kicked out of the room?
@Malachi ...pretty sure that modhammers don't suffer from the same physical degradation as real hammers. For that matter, I have a hammer at home I've had for 20 years, and it hasn't broken despite heavy use and being run over by a car.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork like I said it isn't a mod hammer (that the moderators have) it's a mod staff (stick)
a hammer wouldn't apply here, the users are the community, it isn't built, so what need do we have of a hammer?
@JourneymanGeek I am second from the bottom of the rankings, I am pretty sure that I don't have a chance. wish I did....
@Malachi: And? ;p
I've lost two elections so far
@Malachi Except that someone who wanders by and posts something barely comprehensible and/or moronic is not a member of the community. Such a person is worthless. Worse than worthless, in fact, because in aggregate, they drive away talented people who are part of the community and do contribute something of value.
@JourneymanGeek if I thought I had more of a chance I would write something up, but I have work to be done at my real life job
They need to be gotten Old Testament on. Smite 'em!
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork no offense, but I am glad you haven't been upvoted.
@Malachi: actually, he has
he has just been downvoted more
I am sure you are just trying to funny and/or troll a little bit, but I don't see how you show the traits of a moderator.
@JourneymanGeek as have I. scary to think I am on roughly the same level.....
(and oh, at this point, as someone who has stood in past elections, I don't recommend folk withdraw)
unless of course, you have a very good reason
@Malachi Actually, you only got 30 upvotes. Less than half. =D
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork my view shows that I have 51 upvotes
and most of the candidates have a chunk of downvotes ;p
(so cheer up!)
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork" you do have the most downvotes of any candidate as far as I can tell
I am not down about it. I knew that I was not going to get a large amount of upvotes unless I showed something that no one else was showing,
@JourneymanGeek As usual, first in my class, w00t, w00t!
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork No, we don't need a mod hammer. He posted the answers almost at the same time. Also, he's not a jackass.
And it goes without saying that if you continue to insult community members like this, you will be suspended.
@slhck can you as a moderator stop a user from posting new flags if they are abusing the flag system?
@Malachi Only by suspending them.
I don't think this case supports that punishment. but it is a pretty vague case
thank you @slhck
@Malachi: though, usually mods just warn folks when that happens. Nearly everyone gets warned for using close flags when they're newly minted with VTC powers
@slhck How's he not a jackass? At the very lest, he's being inconsiderate and wasting the time of everyone who reads his crap. Not to mention, as an SO member with a few hundred rep, he does know better, he just chooses to... well, be a jackass.
Question 9 is a little bit different than that @JourneymanGeek otherwise I agree with you.
Current Moderators, would you agree with this phrase?
> moderators are really just referee's
@Malachi: Unlike @HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork I'm a fan of gentle use of mod powers
can we sub referees for janitors? ;p
how about Janitors with Referee attributes?
officially mods are human exception handlers. Basically they're meant to help clean up things that the regular users can't
Referees with janitor powers.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork The user was just granted their association bonus. His first answer wasn't just pure crap. One last time: stop calling a user a jackass.
I decided against Referees and janitors
A: 2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

MalachiI am only going to answer a couple of Questions, there are several Mods already and I believe that one Mod will not be required to do everything all the time, meaning that I should specialize in a couple of mod aspects to compliment the rest of the mods creating a good team atmosphere. Quest...

@slhck Right, he got >200 rep on another SE site, so he ought to know how the whole question & answer thing works. But, whatever, coddle new users too inconsiderate to bother reading or following the rules. Still leaves the question of how to get quality community members who'll contribute quality information, because I suspect that people who can't even get the answer part of Q&A right might not be up to the task.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Point them to the appropriate help section at the first "offense". Then, if they continue to do something against the rules, we'll find other measures.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork you seem to think that all sites are SF. We want clueless users here, that's the whole point of the site, to help people who don't know.
Your approach makes sense on a site for professionals, the point of SU is that your grandmother should be able to post here and as long as the Q is clear, she should get an answer. At the very least, she should be treated with civility and not "snarky sarcasm".
@terdon Clueless is one thing, unable/unwilling to read the very user-friendly tour, and put questions in the questions and answers in the answers is a whole other level.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Do you always read forum rules before posting? Yes, people should but they often don't and usually because they didn't know. Users should help guide them, not be pricks at them. That goes triple for mods.
^-- that.
I usually do
@JourneymanGeek We know you do. Most of us do.
I do get snarky with users with more than 1k rep who don't bother googling but not with newbies.
I tend to get snarky with spammers I know have real people rather than bots behind them
@terdon I do, actually. Must make me a superlative human being, or something. But if someone doesn't even to bother to read the rules before posting something, what are the odds they'll end up being a useful contributor/member of the community? Pretty close to 0. It's like showing up to a first date smelling like an open sewer.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork I sort of agree with what @HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork is saying with out the snark. If someone tries to understand and puts forth an effort, and follows the rules, than they're ok no matter what skill. I can't standup for the people who blatantly disregard the rules, and or put no effort into something.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork We've had enough cases where we messaged users, without punishing them, and they turned out to be good contributors.
Well, looks like it'll take more than a minor miracle for it to matter, but the extra effort involved in converting someone into what amounts to showing common courtesy is probably not unrelated to the large (and growing) size of the SU mod team.
@slhck Yeah, the reaction to the first polite-but-corrective comment or non-suspension mod message is usually a pretty good indication of how the user will turn out. It always makes me happy when new users respond well to feedback, and then stick around to be awesome.
Wow! Only 2 candidates have the sportmanship badge! Bad, selfish users!
@terdon Clearly, that means more of my answers need to be upvoted.
@terdon: I think I'm the only one with a complete set
@terdon I will get there, I don't have any badges yet
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork When people discover our seemingly intuitive system, and see lots of questions getting answers, they just .. well .. start asking questions. That's precisely what we want them to do because we do force them through some of the initial help before they can ask their first question. If they miss something, it's ideal if there's a civil, polite and helpful community of people willing to guide those that can be guided.
2 hours later…
for those of you who haven't voted for me, or who have down voted me based on a lack of a base knowledge of me... ▼▼▼▼
A: 2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

MalachiI am only going to answer a couple of Questions, there are several Mods already and I believe that one Mod will not be required to do everything all the time, meaning that I should specialize in a couple of mod aspects to compliment the rest of the mods creating a good team atmosphere. I do rea...

@Malachi thanks to your answers, I can now downvote you based on a plethora of knowledge of you!
@nhinkle I am glad that you could make an informed decision
3 hours later…
Any candidates able to get me my unicoins back?
little hint for candidates: don't start with things like "I probably need no introduction" or "what can I say about myself that the community doesn't already know?".
I'm a regular user who comes here, eventually ask and answer questions, frequently upvotes this or that. I know nothing about you, it's the first time I ever saw you, and even if I had seen your user before I would still not know anything about you, because I don't use my time to go stalking other users. And I believe at least 90% of the other people voting are like me. Be humble.
2 hours later…
I don't even come here and I know journeyman .. So I suppose it's all relative ;P
Cool, "suspicious request" when I try to edit my entry in the election
hehe ... that's been going around today.
Has it just happened again?
@msb: I'm slightly internet famous, least as far as SU goes. Besides, I said, "many of you" not "All of you". (I also wrote that part of the candidate introduction on a phone when I was in india with no desktop access. It probably could be better).
Shall we call you... rips off glasses The Travel Mod?
I don't travel much. My granma broke her hip, and there was a reasonable chance I would have missed the nomination period ;p
Oh shit... Nevermind then! Is she OK?

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