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Welcome all! This room is intended as a place to converse with candidates, discuss moderator traits, etc. For general discussion related to Super User, go here:
If you have questions about the election process itself, please ask your question on the Super User Meta Site. Remember, folks stepping up to lead this community are committing a significant amount of their time, please keep all discourse civil and constructive.
Hey @Sathya
@GraceNote hey Grace
> moderator positions available 10
that's a... typo right?
...not in binary!
@GraceNote :))
Fixed now.
@GraceNote thanks!
obviously the number of candidates open was written in binary, which is not all that unusual for a tech-oriented site... ;)
1 hour later…
and we're open for nominations ;)
Hey the link to the stats is dead.
@Spack seems fine here
YIPPEE KAI YAI YAY! or somesuch... (╯°□°)╯
An election? Cool!
Where's journeyman?
@Seth I think he's in India spending time with his family, so he's been around a lot less the past couple of days
I would be surprised if he doesn't find time to run, but this is pretty much the worst possible time we could've picked to run an election if we want to get him elected
right after I said that my display manager crashed and dbus wouldn't let me restart it o_O
@allquixotic :(
Will you be running?
@Seth I already put in my self-nomination...
@Seth graphics drivers, yo... dmesg or less +G /var/log/Xorg.0.log
@allquixotic facepalm I haven't even looked yet.
@allquixotic Yeah, guess I'll have to take a look.
Evan already? sigh.
on the one hand, I feel like my raw numbers of rep etc. don't really reflect my overall contribution to the site, since I have tons of helpful comments and many hours of "live tech support" and discussion about moderation issues with people in chat, which has to count for something... on the other hand, I expect most people to vote by rep, as they always do
historically almost every election is decided on the basis of reputation on the main site, and I'm not close enough to the front-runners to convince the rep-based voter majority, so I don't expect to win.
Usually happens like that I'm afraid.
I predict harrymc (if he even runs, which he may or may not) and JourneymanGeek will win.... if harrymc doesn't run then someone like grawity or techie007 could sneak in
maybe I should visit this place more often.
@allquixotic Has harry evey showed any interest in moderating?
@IvoFlipse honestly I have no idea. if he ran last election, he didn't make the cut to the finals.
far as I can tell, he's a professional googler who hunts bounties. while(true) { findQuestionWithBounty(); googleRelatedTerms(); provideLinkFilledAnswerWithPossibleShotgunOfStuffThatMayHelp(); } describes the general pattern of his brain activity, as far as I can tell.
it's the "I don't really know, so let me suggest a bunch of possible things to try" approach... if you hit on something helpful, and it turns out to solve the user's problem, you probably get the bounty :P
Would it ruin HopelessNoob his nomination if I deleted all those questions?
@IvoFlipse LOL, possibly :D
I have nothing against Hopelessn00b, but I think (1) his name, (2) the way he worded his nomination, and (3) his low SU rep will probably not result in him being chosen... but I say that as an observer/voter in many past elections on many sites, where low-rep users consistently aren't voted in
heck even JourneymanGeek wasn't able to get elected on, -- what was it, ServerFault? -- because he didn't have more than a couple hundred rep on the site
and he's mod material, so that says something
@Moses Nice.
someone else running who's not a troll.... always welcome
Posted. I suspect my stats would be all I need
So allquixotic said ;P
Anyhow, you got my vote!
@JourneymanGeek You can use your Moto G to voice dictate
@JourneymanGeek lol hi doggy. sorry for the bad timing
easier than typing sometimes, although somewhat error prone.
I like to say, everyone else running for mod is running for the second spot, because the #1 spot is practically served on a platter to you, @JourneymanGeek :)
you could make your nomination post say "hi. woof." and get elected
except for the 30 character limit.
then "hi. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof." or so
that'd work :P
@seth -alas, I break voice recognition
> I don't want to nominate myself,
> posts nomination
*VTC NaN* (Not a Nomination)
@HopelessN00b No I meant that it would mean most people couldn't follow your links :P
Oh, well, yeah, that it would. Still, it's frightening how many views those have. Probably shouldn't delete those cashcow questions, no matter how awful they are. (We have a bunch on SF too.)
@HopelessN00b I never know for sure whether they just disappoint people or somehow end up being useful
Well, they generate ad revenue, so they're useful to someone in that way.... but otherwise, hard to say.
It's going to be a tough race for the one remaining position (@JourneymanGeek has practically won the first position by default)
With the second worst nomination ever
I may not be as popular as @allquixotic, but I have more actual experience with moderation and making the site more "noob-friendly".
Remember that this isn't supposed to be a popularity contest. The elected moderators should be those candidates best suited to leading and moderating the site.
Elections so are a popularity contest
I'm serious about making Super User better for everyone.
@JourneymanGeek I encourage everyone to vote with an open heart and choose the candidates you feel will best lead the site.
Oh, naturally, and don't forget, there's stv
So your second and third choice may still have a chance
I'm surprised at the number of less-than-serious nominations this time around.
Not much more than usual
Hmm. Looks like I am the candidate with a complete set of notable badges :p
@all :p get cracking
Canadian Luke looks like a good candidate too.
Looks like a three-way race for a single position...
@DragonLord I don't think it's constructive to make these kinds of claims from the perspective of someone who is nominating themselves. If someone else wants to run an objective analysis of who "has more actual experience with moderation and making the site more 'noob-friendly'", that's great, but I don't think any serious candidate would be able to remove their personal bias in order to make such a claim accurately.
Also, I see that as a bit of smear against my reputation, and I'm not very happy that you made that statement, here, as if you need to provide some reason why I'm a worse candidate than yourself. Isn't it much better to prop up your own nomination?
@allquixotic My apologies.
Regardless, it's fine. I'm not angry or anything.
Whatever happens, happens. I'd love to see some existing SU mods or "observers" (participants in the election who are not running) run some numbers/analysis/whatever and post it somewhere. It'd be educational.
But I'm not going to say anything negative about any of the other nominees, except Evan Carroll. I reserve the right to belittle him at every turn.
@allquixotic You can use this:
@allquixotic: I've never realized why politics during the presidential election season here in the US are so "dirty" until now...
Yeah, there's the stats page, and a lot of that is very informative... maybe someone will attempt to "interpret" those numbers and pass some judgments one way or another, which would be great to see as a meta post.
I guess I've fallen victim to "dirty politics". It's so hard to resist the temptation to attack other candidates...
I'm not against making a lot of noise about these numbers -- they matter -- but I'm not sure this chat room is the time or place for it. People tend to make more level-headed and fair statements when they post in the Q&A site, versus making a one-off statement in chat.
You get more room to write your analysis there, too. :P
> I've edited my nomination to clarify my position on newcomers. – DragonLord 1 hour ago
OOH!! You just gave me a GREAT idea! :D
A: 2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

allquixoticQuestion: What is your current approach, overall, to handling new users when they come into the site and appear not to understand our rules/customs/guidelines? If you became a diamond moderator, how would that approach change, if at all? Note: Credit given where credit is due; DragonLord made me...

@allquixotic I'd use comments to nicely let the user know what the problem is and be as nice as I can in helping the user fix the problem. Where appropriate, I'll direct the user to articles in the help center. If necessary, I may set up a dedicated chat room for beginners who need help understanding the system.
I take civility very seriously and wish to create an environment where users feel welcome to participate.

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