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MrPop: had to use the ? : thingy because there's no .to_bool method, apparently
bgordon86: im using combination as well
MrPop: Though now I think I'd switch to this:
MrPop: !! array.combination(2).to_a.find { |e| e[0] + e[1] == n }
MrPop: As the not operator converts anything to boo
MrPop: l
bgordon86: use a block...
MrPop: Oh?
bgordon86: i think
MrPop: So do I, I pass it to find :)
bgordon86: hang on
bgordon86: !! array.combination(2){|x, y| x + y}.find(n)
bgordon86: the block after the combination returns an array
MrPop: We've done the same thing, only you had combination do the summing, while I had find do it
MrPop: Mine is slightly more efficient on average, think
MrPop: As if it finds one the rest of the array don't get processed
MrPop: Though since we're only summing that's not a factor
MrPop: I wonder what other methods people used
bgordon86: Ive been trying for ages to get that
MrPop: Get what? :)
bgordon86: I couldnt figure out how to get the result out of the combination
MrPop: Oh yeah- it was a bit weird
MrPop: .to_a it seems
MrPop: My pair partner found that
bgordon86: ha ha yea seems so easy after the fact
MrPop: I just assumed that it would return it as an array unless you passed a block
bgordon86: my way of doing it isnt working...
MrPop: How come?
Hatem11: Joined the course a few days ago, setting up now and will start on ruby on codecademy tonight.... is it too late to keep up with the class? any advice?
MrPop: Hatem11: Nah, you've got time
MrPop: Go for it!
bgordon86: I dont think the .find part is using the array returned from the block
MrPop: hm
MrPop: It looks like it ought to
Hatem11: I will! Thanks.
bgordon86: could be that the combination isnt actually adding the x and y
MrPop: Yeah, it's not
MrPop: [10] pry(main)> [1,2,3,4].combination(2){|x, y| x + y}
MrPop: => [1, 2, 3, 4]
bgordon86: hmmm
MrPop: Oh I see
MrPop: [16] pry(main)> [1,2,3].combination(2){|x| p x }
MrPop: [1, 2]
MrPop: [2, 3]
MrPop: [1, 3]
MrPop: It returns the original arr
MrPop: => [1, 2, 3]
MrPop: If you pass a block
MrPop: But you can access the combinations within the block
MrPop: Kind of a weird way to do it
bgordon86: yea
bgordon86: I didnt understand what combination did
MrPop: The docs are not very clear
bgordon86: First time with ruby as well :)
MrPop: Seems like you're doing great :)
bgordon86: whats the !! do
MrPop: ! is not
MrPop: !! is not not
MrPop: :P
MrPop: Basically it's a way of converting anything to boolean
bgordon86: thats how I read it...
MrPop: Because there's no nil.to_bool
MrPop: Which is kinda sucky, I think
MrPop: Although most the time you wouldn't care
MrPop: As nil works as false
MrPop: But here were are being specifically asked to return false, so I used !!
bgordon86: so your combination and find will return nothing if it doesnt add up
MrPop: Yep
bgordon86: and then the !! says if its blank then its false
MrPop: Find takes a block, and returns the first element for which the block evaluates to true (or something non false or nil)
MrPop: Pretty much
MrPop: If find finds nothing, it returns nil
MrPop: Select works the same way, except it returns ALL, not just the first it finds
MrPop: and I think it returns an empty array if it finds nothing
bgordon86: MrPop, have you done part 3 of the homework?
MrPop: Yep
bgordon86: if I set up a google hangout would you peer program with me?
MrPop: I can in future, but I'm at work at the moment I'm afraid
bgordon86: fair enough
MrPop: :)
bgordon86: what do you do?
bgordon86: for work?
MrPop: Mm. Bit of web dev, automation, site administration
MrPop: I was mostly admin and site admin, but then I wrote a load of ruby scripts that do all my admin for me
MrPop: Now it's mostly dev
bgordon86: nice.
bgordon86: I've just started in web dev
bgordon86: been working for a year now for a bank
MrPop: Financial print here :)
bgordon86: I dont really know what that is...
bgordon86: do you do the printing of Financial docs
MrPop: Yes, for investment bankers mostly
bgordon86: I see why you would be interested in a software service based system then
MrPop: Yeah, we've diversified into saas
MrPop: Though honestly I think the way we've done it isn't the best
MrPop: Though I hope to resolve as much of that as possible
bgordon86: suppose this is as good a place as any to start then
MrPop: Yep :)
MrPop: I'm planning to use Sinatra rather than rails though
bgordon86: never heard of it
MrPop: It's just another ruby web framework
MrPop: Less magic in it
bgordon86: I'll take a look another day
bgordon86: from a quick glance though it looks like it would be very quick
MrPop: Yeah, I'm really enjoying it
MrPop: I feel like I have a better understanding of what's happening
bgordon86: we use a java + spring stack at work
MrPop: I'm not familiar with either
MarcusGadbem_: MrPop: sinatra is good but there are some missing magic that would save your time throughout the course
MrPop: Do you like them?
bgordon86: makes things so much faster to code but I agree dont always know whats going in the background
webgen: hello guys I got stuck here if anyone could help!
MarcusGadbem_: honestly I love sinatra but... :)
bgordon86: Im use to java so yea I like it
bgordon86: feels comfortable :)
MarcusGadbem_: webgen: ( ) for .select, not { }
webgen: MarcusGadbem_, haha i know i can be pathetic... thanks :D
MrPop: Hey, you're doing great :)
MrPop: Not pathetic at all
MarcusGadbem_: Yap. Ruby syntax can be little confusing at first :p
webgen: MrPop, lol just hungover a bit :S
MrPop: <3 ruby syntax
webgen: MarcusGadbem_, ye but its still attractive, when I got to know ruby even a bit, i started to hate php lmfo
andrem74: Hi, the Aaron Patterson video clip is still missing ... has anyone reported that already?
MarcusGadbem_: I moved from PHP to Ruby either and been working with it for 2 years so far
MarcusGadbem_: <3 ruby
webgen: MarcusGadbem_, cool, i wasnt even php pro but I get the feel of how it works and ruby seems to own it in just one pocket out of a lot
PaulDozzy: ACTION slaps PaulDozzy around a bit with a large fishbot
MarcusGadbem_: !!!
MarcusGadbem_: must confess I love JS as much as Ruby
MarcusGadbem_: nodejs ftw
webgen: MarcusGadbem_, if i only knew it at all :P
hugoestr: JS is JavaScript? It is pretty cool. :)
hugoestr: Ruby is so nice. I keep learning other languages, but then I keep reaching for Ruby when I need to get something done.
webgen: hugoestr, oh well i know the abbreviation just not too much experience at the language itself ^.^
bgordon86: if anyone wants to join me for part 3 of the Homework plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/…
Lohhari: sweet, the quiz is out
hugoestr: Nice
hugoestr: I like JavaScript, altough it has some rough edges. But the cool parts make up for a lot of its faults.
hugoestr: clojures and the ability to refer to properties via dot notation or array notation are my favorite features
Lohhari: oh, unlimited submission. i thought we had 1 attempt
hugoestr: nicer!
hugoestr: Maybe unlimited until the due date?
blackratdog_: will we have to submit videos on every homework assignment or just these first ones?
MrPop: We don't have to at all
blackratdog_: yeah well if we want the ten points I mean
blackratdog_: it pretty much is compulsory if you lose points by not doing it
MrPop: It's 1 point
MrPop: Not 10
MrPop: That's nothing
MrPop: The hw is worth 300
blackratdog_: "SUBMIT URL TO PAIRING VIDEO (10 points possible)"
blackratdog_: and there is a separate upload box for each section of the homework, which would make it 30 points?
MrPop: Oh, I see
MrPop: You're right
blackratdog_: yeah I just wondered if it would be like this all the way through the course or just on the first homework to give us a taste of pp
MrPop: I wonder if you opted out of the videos you wouldn't have to
blackratdog_: don't think there is the option to opt out, you can just not do it and lose the points
MrPop: Email them and ask
blackratdog_: yeah i might ask on the discussion forum
Ale_A: does anyone join hangout that doing HW0
Ale_A: this is link
narendra: I mean how many times are we allowed to submit solutions to the assigments and quizzes?
bgordon86: as many as you want to, its unlimited
bgordon86: hey MrPop, are you still here?
Wagman: @narendra but they'll redact points if you send it in past the deadline
bgordon86: if its late you get no points for a quiz
narendra__: Wagman: bgordon86 thanks.
bgordon86: ha ha oops
bgordon86: thats a question
MrPop: Hey bgordon86
bgordon86: hi
MrPop: You called?
bgordon86: just wondering if you would take a look at this for me
MrPop: Sure
MrPop: You're using OR for the conditional for the first error
MrPop: Shouldn't that be AND? &&
MrPop: You want it to be a string, and empty
MrPop: (I'd just do if isbn == '')
MrPop: Oh wait, you've got a not there
MrPop: I didn't think you had to
bgordon86: probably dont need to specifically check if its a string
MrPop: Right, time for lunch. seeya
bgordon86: enjoy
Harvey56_: is there a way we can get a certificate delivered with this class, like they do at coursera ?
fritzi2000: I think you just get like like they do at coursera.
fritzi2000: This ID-verfied track is similar to coursera's siganture track afaik
Harvey56: yes, that's what i mean. i couldn't find where you can apply for this ID verified track
Lohhari: dashboard
Harvey56: oh ok lol. it was written in big some more. i was browsing the class itself to find the link to ID verified class
Harvey56: thanks !
Lohhari: man that quiz question 5 is killing me. just can't seem to get it right and there are too many possible combinations
fritzi2000: what question 5 do you mean?
Lohhari: statements about the content of the class
DSkinner: Hi. I'm trying to add a new remote to my github repo following the directions in appendix A. It took the git remote command, but on the 'git push origin master' command, I'm getting 'fatal: No path specified. See man git-pull for valid url sytax'
MrPop: DSkinner: Did you setup the remote?
DSkinner: I entered
Mr-Jonze: type git remote to check
DSkinner: Yes, it came back with origin
DSkinner: However, i used my email instead of user name when i set it up. would that make a difference?
MrPop: What URL did you use for the remote?
Mr-Jonze: ok try git remote -v - that should show you the url also
zcassini: quiz question #5 conflicts with the syllabus
MrPop: zcassini: oh?
PK: disable join
Mr-Jonze: how so zcassini
PK: help
zcassini: yes, break down in hours.
DSkinner: url is [email protected]:
Mr-Jonze: PK - that depends what client are you using
MrPop: DSkinner: That is incorrect
Mr-Jonze: thats not a valid git repo url
MrPop: It should look something like this: originhttps://github.com/user_name/repo_name.git
Mr-Jonze: it should end with .git
Mr-Jonze: yea what pop sayd
MrPop: sorry, drop the origin at front
PK: Mr-Jonze, sorry, I am trying to setup IRC in my VM machine as a separate tab. I am trying to disable the join/depart notifications
Mr-Jonze: what client ?
Mr-Jonze: xchat ?
MrPop: PK: What client is it?
Mr-Jonze: the eaiest way i know is this
Mr-Jonze: sudo apt-get install pidgin
MrPop: Before we start installing other clients- let's see if we can do it with that client
Mr-Jonze: then run pidgin go to plugins menu and check the checbox "join/part hiding"
MrPop: Got it! PK: /ignore join part quit
DSkinner: Ok, I did a remote add without the origin up front. Now do I replace orgin with the same url in the push
Mr-Jonze: im sure it can be done on nearly any client
PK: thank you MrPop
MrPop: DSkinner: I'm not sure I follow. You don't need to specify a URL when you push, it uses the one for your remote
MrPop: np PK
JacobStl__: some help with questions 9 and 10?
Mr-Jonze: if you have a specific question just ask it
MrPop: I like you Mr-Jonze :D
Mr-Jonze: nahh
DSkinner: I'm still getting the same error, and git remote -v returns origin [email protected]: (fetch)
Mr-Jonze: git remote rm orgin
Mr-Jonze: git remote add origin [email protected]
Mr-Jonze: or git remote add origin github.com/the-correct/repo.git
DSkinner: I'm sorry. I'm not sure what the correct address is. directions say git remote add origin [email protected]:myusername/myrepository.git. for url I used [email protected]:'Deborah Skinner'/Hello.git. is that wrong?
Mr-Jonze: thats very wrong
Mr-Jonze: there are no "" quotes in urls
Mr-Jonze: no spaces either
Mr-Jonze: did you create a repo on the github website ?
Mr-Jonze: named hello perhaps ?
DSkinner: right. silly me. Yes created repo named Hello
Mr-Jonze: and what is your github username
Mr-Jonze: it is not "deborah skinner"
Mr-Jonze: no spaces allowed
tansaku_: definitely prefer https over git@ ?.
tansaku_: log in to github to get your username
DSkinner: in git config my username is 'Deborah Skinner'. on the github website I log in with my email
Mr-Jonze: not gitconfig - github website
Mr-Jonze: log into github and go to your hello repo
DSkinner: its my email [email protected]
Mr-Jonze: there you will find on the right hand side a button you can copy to clone this repo
DSkinner: userame on git hub looks like DebSkinner
Mr-Jonze: ahhh
Mr-Jonze: do yo usee your hello repo ?
Mr-Jonze: or a link to it ?
DSkinner: yes, i see the repository and the url. that's what I use in the remote command?
Mr-Jonze: no
Mr-Jonze: click on the link to get into your hello repo
Mr-Jonze: then look on the right hand side of that page where it says "HTTPS clone URL"
Mr-Jonze: you see this yes?
Mr-Jonze: then click the button beside that will copy to your clipboard - that is the url you want
DSkinner: I clicked on the repo. Seeing Quick setup
tansaku_: ACTION probably shouldn't mention you should prefer private bitbucket repos ...
Mr-Jonze: did you click initialize an empty repo
DSkinner: I initialized it before when I was working thru git immersion but not since then
jsoto008: how is question 8 right? one of the principles of agile is : "The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams."
Mr-Jonze: in either case you will see explicit setup instructions at the bottom with the exact command line
jsoto008: sorry question 7*
Mr-Jonze: its right because thats what the instructor said in the lecture
jsoto008: pfffft
Mr-Jonze: its from the agile manifesto
DSkinner: Yes, I see the directions. I'll try that. Thanks so much for your help.
Mr-Jonze: rock on deborah
jsoto008: second to last agilemanifesto.org/principles.html
Mr-Jonze: that page is blearly marked as "Principles behind the Agile Manifesto"
Mr-Jonze: is you click the link at the bottom of that page you will see the actual maifesto
aimclasses: help desk hangout is on air
jsoto008: oh thanks for that distinction!
Mr-Jonze: yep
vallabanana: Do i have to do git tutorial within the vm?
aimclasses: not necessary
jsoto008: anyone would like to peer review sum_to_n? pastie.org/9146153
aimclasses: jsoto plz dont paste your code
aimclasses: here
jsoto008: got peer review earlier and benefited hugely. why would I not do that?
aimclasses: its against honor code
aimclasses: try pair prog
jsoto008: oh wow. there goes learning
aimclasses: u can ask for help in some parts of prog
aimclasses: but not right to paste whole
jsoto008: no one has to look at it if you don't want to. I'm asking for critique, it's working code.
jsoto008: it benefits both the critique-r and myself. we both learn. nothing wrong with that.
RobedX_: Were BDD and RSpec covered in the videos or reading assignments so far? Did I "space out" and miss them?
Alehanz: Hey, jsoto008, can I ask you where did you get the sum_of_two_distinct from? I am currently doing this part of the homework and am feeling rather stuck.
aimclasses: check out link edx.org/edx-terms-service
jsoto008: >_>
lokeshhh: I am asking for help for two days and havn't got the solution
lokeshhh: plz help
MMan: return false if a.empty? or a.size == 1 wouldnt be same if just return false if a.size <= 1
jsoto008: Alehanz: search for 'combination' method here : ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Array.html
Alehanz: Gotcha, thank you
jsoto008: ah yes thanks MMan
lokeshhh: help help help
lokeshhh: I can't setup a hangout
lokeshhh: plz help
lokeshhh: here's the error I got
lokeshhh: though I did exactly as the instructions read
jsoto008: Alehanz: you can give a variable any name between that 'block' | | in that case I used sum_of_two_distinct
lokeshhh: Am I blocked or what? Can anyone see me?
blackratdog_: lokeshhh like we said before try not inviting the whole of edx, even if that's what the instructions say
Alehanz: ohh, right, right, sorry I am being rather dumb, thanks again
blackratdog_: seeing as that's exactly the error message you're getting, inviting too many people
Ale_A: this is link for HW0Part2
terra43110_: alehiro?
Ale_A: yeah
lokeshhh: I don't have anyone to invite
Ale_A: if someone can come, please
blackratdog_: well i haven't set one up myself but I didn't think you had to invite people specifically, you just made the hangout and post the link here
blackratdog_: ii joined one guy's hangout and he hadn't invited me
blackratdog_: worth a try anyway, because obviously it won't let you invite all of edx
lokeshhh: I don't want to invite everybody I just want to display my hangout on edx saas page
Concadoro_: lokeshhh. the number following Edx Saas shouldn't be there. Delete that and try again. I'll go through the steps..
Concadoro_: 1) Click the x to delete edx saas
lokeshhh: I deleted. Now what?
Concadoro_: 2) Click on the picture os a man on the right hand side
Concadoro_: 3) type edx saas into the box at the top
lokeshhh: ok wait let me try
Concadoro_: 4) Click on Edx Saas and then click Done.
lokeshhh: didnt worked
Concadoro_: After step 3 did the edx saas icon appear in the screen below where you typed?
lokeshhh: brb
lokeshhh: im eating
lokeshhh: gv me scrnsht plz
Concadoro_: OK. Just a minute.
Ale_A: I made new one
Mr-Jonze: if you do not want anyone to join your hangout then why would you want it listed ?
terra43110_: i can't join it
Mr-Jonze: looks like some funny unicode chars in that url
terra43110_: ACTION slaps Ale_A around a bit with a large fishbot
Ale_A: ?
Mr-Jonze: that hangout is not loading for me either - i think the url is borked
Ale_A: hold on
Concadoro: I've just typed "edx s" in the box and you can see that Edx SaaS has appeared below. If you can get to that point, click on Edx SaaS to highlight it, then click Done
blackratdog_: what's the pass mark for the quiz? Is 8/13 enough?
Mr-Jonze: there no pass mark for ech quiz
Mr-Jonze: it is 75% for the entire course
blackratdog_: oh i see, you just get whatever number of points from the quiz, thanks
justom: You can check your overall progress on the Progress tab.
blackratdog_: ty
Mr-Jonze: yes click "progress" tab youll see how yer doing
blackratdog_: I hate these kinds of questions where you have to choose the 'least inaccurate statement' lol
ananiask8: Trying to share an event in hangouts
ananiask8: but wont let me because the community is too large
ananiask8: just me?
blackratdog_: ananiask8: someone else just had that problem and Concadoro is helping him sort it out, but the original guy is away for a bit at the moment
Mr-Jonze: there is a thread on the forum about that - but idont know if it has been resolved ?

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