Hatem11: Joined the course a few days ago, setting up now and will start on ruby on codecademy tonight.... is it too late to keep up with the class? any advice?
MrPop: Find takes a block, and returns the first element for which the block evaluates to true (or something non false or nil)
MrPop: I was mostly admin and site admin, but then I wrote a load of ruby scripts that do all my admin for me
MarcusGadbem_: MrPop: sinatra is good but there are some missing magic that would save your time throughout the course
bgordon86: makes things so much faster to code but I agree dont always know whats going in the background
webgen: MarcusGadbem_, ye but its still attractive, when I got to know ruby even a bit, i started to hate php lmfo
webgen: MarcusGadbem_, cool, i wasnt even php pro but I get the feel of how it works and ruby seems to own it in just one pocket out of a lot
bgordon86: if anyone wants to join me for part 3 of the Homework plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/…
hugoestr: I like JavaScript, altough it has some rough edges. But the cool parts make up for a lot of its faults.
hugoestr: clojures and the ability to refer to properties via dot notation or array notation are my favorite features
blackratdog_: and there is a separate upload box for each section of the homework, which would make it 30 points?
blackratdog_: yeah I just wondered if it would be like this all the way through the course or just on the first homework to give us a taste of pp
Harvey56_: is there a way we can get a certificate delivered with this class, like they do at coursera ?
Harvey56: oh ok lol. it was written in big some more. i was browsing the class itself to find the link to ID verified class
DSkinner: Hi. I'm trying to add a new remote to my github repo following the directions in appendix A. It took the git remote command, but on the 'git push origin master' command, I'm getting 'fatal: No path specified. See man git-pull for valid url sytax'
DSkinner: However, i used my email instead of user name when i set it up. would that make a difference?
PK: Mr-Jonze, sorry, I am trying to setup IRC in my VM machine as a separate tab. I am trying to disable the join/depart notifications
DSkinner: Ok, I did a remote add without the origin up front. Now do I replace orgin with the same url in the push
MrPop: DSkinner: I'm not sure I follow. You don't need to specify a URL when you push, it uses the one for your remote
DSkinner: I'm still getting the same error, and git remote -v returns origin [email protected]: (fetch)
DSkinner: I'm sorry. I'm not sure what the correct address is. directions say git remote add origin [email protected]:myusername/myrepository.git. for url I used [email protected]:'Deborah Skinner'/Hello.git. is that wrong?
DSkinner: in git config my username is 'Deborah Skinner'. on the github website I log in with my email
jsoto008: how is question 8 right? one of the principles of agile is : "The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams."
jsoto008: no one has to look at it if you don't want to. I'm asking for critique, it's working code.
RobedX_: Were BDD and RSpec covered in the videos or reading assignments so far? Did I "space out" and miss them?
Alehanz: Hey, jsoto008, can I ask you where did you get the sum_of_two_distinct from? I am currently doing this part of the homework and am feeling rather stuck.
jsoto008: Alehanz: you can give a variable any name between that 'block' | | in that case I used sum_of_two_distinct
blackratdog_: lokeshhh like we said before try not inviting the whole of edx, even if that's what the instructions say
blackratdog_: well i haven't set one up myself but I didn't think you had to invite people specifically, you just made the hangout and post the link here
Concadoro_: lokeshhh. the number following Edx Saas shouldn't be there. Delete that and try again. I'll go through the steps..
Concadoro: I've just typed "edx s" in the box and you can see that Edx SaaS has appeared below. If you can get to that point, click on Edx SaaS to highlight it, then click Done
blackratdog_: I hate these kinds of questions where you have to choose the 'least inaccurate statement' lol
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