Anthonyking: Hi yall, the courseware says complete sections 1-10 of the CodeAcademy Ruby Track during week -1 and then sections 11-19 during week 0. The Introductory Ruby Track goes from 1-16. Am I doing the wrong track?
McCoyBoy: I'm trying to run the rails server on my VM and I keep getting the the error "Could not find gem 'therubyracer (>=0) gem in the gems available on this machine. Run 'bundle install' to install missing gems." Anyone know where I can find this "bundle install" they're talking about?
wspicer: the gems should already be installed. Is this the stock VM download or did you do your own iso VM install?
wspicer: this will take some time as some gems need to compile locally, (libv8 about 20 minutes) but after it will not take as long
JoeC: the machine will install the gems in the right place. Possibly /usr/local/bin or somewhere default.
McCoyBoy: Ok. I ram the rvm set and I got "gem sets for ruby -1.9.3-p448 (found in /home/saasbook/.rvm/gems/rubi-1.9.3-p448 => default (next line) global
McCoyBoy: I will try to run the bundle install of of the rottenpotatoes directory and see if that gives me anything
McCoyBoy: I did have to use Ubunto x64 since the plain Ubunto was not given to me as an option when I was setting up my VM, but everything else has been the same so far.
McCoyBoy: It's still running/installing things. I'll run that in once it's through with installing everything
wspicer: ok so as long as the bundle install is going that's good. It will take a while because libv8 needs 15-20min to compile a local version to your computer. So take a break and just let it run ;)
McCoyBoy: I was wondering what was taking that one so long. Thanks a lot, wspicer. This has probably saved me about 12 hours of painful google searching. :)
McCoyBoy: @wspicer: ran the lsb line you gave me and got 12.04 as a release number. And, in other news, the rails server is running just like in the video. Thanks for helping me out!
McCoyBoy: I do have a question though, the instructions on the Bookware website imply that you can turn on copy/paste bidirectionally (from VM to, say MS Word, and vice versa). Is that possible? Because their steps just give me an error.
wspicer: Go to the Devices menu and select install for the guest additions. This should activate the menus
McCoyBoy: The exact error is "Unable to insert the virtual optical disk C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxGuestAdditions.iso into the machine Sasscourse. Would you like to try to force insertion of this disk? Could not mount the media/drive 'C: \Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxGuestAdditions.iso' (VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED)." And I have the options of "Force Unmount" and "Cancel".
wspicer: basically reset the guest additions. I did this with the stock VM and it helped activate all the device menus
wspicer: is the bundle install done yet? if not wait until its done then reboot the VM. The guest additions iso is just a file included in the installation of VirtualBox. I don't know why they don't just add it, but when it's on it allows the menus to not be greyed out.
wspicer: you're welcome. I've done both the saasbook VM as well as a Lubuntu iso VM, so this is fresh in my mind
wspicer: my saasbook VM had stuck guest additions so I ejected it and reloaded it and then my menus worked. This won't affect your rails project just your ability to connect with your host OS. For example, I run in Full Screen mode. Without Guest Additions I'd be forced into a small screen only.
McCoyBoy: Yeah. I just noticed that I seem to be locked into the small screen, even if I maximize the window it's held in. I'm sure it'll work eventually.
wspicer: if everything is ok you can reboot the VM (it'll happen fast) and you can try the iso again
AndrewGoett: howdy all. I've been working on getting everything in order on my virtualbox and had a question: Do I need to take these updates from Ubuntu's update manager seriously ?? I've installed some, but others fail to install
wspicer: The updates should run okay. While they don't matter to the software already on the VM and as such would run okay, I'd still be curious what the error message says!
wspicer: if you're Host OS has its firewall turned on it may not see the VM, so leave it in a training mode or off during updates
AndrewGoett: just closed my updater window.... going to reload it ... but this time I will try the updating with my firewall off and report back in a few . I am not host
AndrewGoett: wspicer: I tried reinstalling updates with my firewall off but I kept geting these error messages.... i.imgur.com/N5yBHQx.png <---- screen shot of my installation
AnandNadar: AG: if your browser is working fine for other sites, this is probably a mirror site issue...otherwise, this is a network issue...
AndrewGoett: AnandNadar: Cool, thanks. My internet connection has always worked fine on this virtual box.... just thought I'd ask the community what they thought. Thanks
Sydharth: I saw the same update issue as Andrew, I tried turning off the firewall, even thought VirtualBox was allowed through the firewall. From the VM I am able to connect to Google, edx etc
Sydharth: If it helps, all the updates that failed had to do Generic Kernel Headers, other updates seemed to download fine
AndrewGoett: Sydharth: yes, I found too that some updates installed fine and all that are left are the generic kernel ones... I dont have much experience with this stuff, ping? how? haha so thanks for letting me know how the updates wend on your side
Sydharth_: Andrew: I just opened a Command Prompt and typed in "ping". I gave up trying to install the updates. I am just happy to get as far as getting the Guest Additions and Shared Folders working so far.
Wookiejm: Is the codeacademy ruby course working for anyone? Just hangs loading, tried some basics such as clearing caches and what not but no go. Using chrome, latest version
Wookiejm: Hanging in IE..must be my firewall or something. Will continue troubleshooting, just wanted to be sure it was on my side
Stratos: just spent the last 2 months learning node instead of ruby, but i want to take this course :(
tracyjeannine: anyone know: I have an older version of the textbook, from last summer, I see the current course info recommends the 2014 version, will it make a difference? pls/thx
zkay: I don't think there's any "better", it comes down to using the proper tool for a job..or whichever you prefer
Oliver_Schafeld: Question 2 reads "According to the course info page corresponding to CS169.1x, how many hours per week are you expected to spend on the course?".
Oliver_Schafeld: However, the course info page doesn't mention hours. (The syllabus page has three average values for time required by students.) Is this question meant to introduce students to the "show answer" button? ;)
Oliver_Schafeld: ... I wanted to put that into a comment on the page, but (maybe) the comments aren't open yet?
dahalco: Guys, I have ruby 2.1.1 and rails 4.1.0 installed on my mac , do I still need to install VM?
StevenJD: Right. I just came online to see if anyone's around. I have an especially stupid question and I thought I'd give it a shot.
StevenJD: When people say "the cloud" they're speaking loosely, right? There's more than one cloud, I assume?
StevenJD: I was trying to explain the topic to my parents and I was reasonably sure that there was more than one cloud. But we got hung up on semantics.
StevenJD: I thought saas was mostly useful in the context of cloud computing. But I barely understand what the term means and am just trying to go with a definition someone gave me before I think
StevenJD: Are you a TA? I think you were here last time I was on too. Seems like some harsh hours depending where you live.
dahalco: No I am not. This is my first time here. I live in Houston. Just thought about checking on whats going on before going to bed.
StevenJD: Thanks for the answer! It was nice that you were available to help! I'm up late too. I live in central Minnesota.
StevenJD: I have prior experience in Several languages, but not ruby. C++ and Java are probably most relevant.
StevenJD: I am a beginner at Java. I have done OOP C++ but mostly for scientific purposes. So I don't know much about hashes, lambda expressions, or other advanced techniques.
joaopapereira: @alfatomes1: are you trying option 1 with SAASBook VM or trying to install ubuntu by yourself?
joaopapereira: @alfatomes1: you have 2 option or use the VM provided by the course and you just need to do "bundle install" in the folder
2 hours later…
joaopapereira: so you finished the installation going through all the steps in saasbook.info/bookware-vm-instructions and now it doesnt start?
joaopapereira: did you get to this point: This screencast explains how to set up, boot and log in to the VM.?
joaopapereira: i need to go ill be back in 10, if you were not able to solve it and need help ill be around after that
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