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StevenJD: When I was job searching recently it seemed like Agile, RoR, and SaaS were all things that people were looking for.
lpoulain: And the course is not just about Ruby but about other aspects as well that apply to other languages (testing, writing good code)
StevenJD: Well, the good news is I'm going back to grad school next fall. Hopefully that plan will play out. But I'm hoping to do scientific computing in case industry is in my long term future
brianhonohan: there are two distinct things ... SASS (a way to compose CSS) ... and SaaS (Software as a Service)
brianhonohan: ... Dropbox can be considered SaaS because they are providing the service of file storage across devices
StevenJD: I'm interested either way, but is SaaS the kind of thing used to run programs on supercomputers? Or is this more specific to the web?
wspicer: however while I don't need to download a program and can use it from the browser, there's also a download to make it a shell extension so I'd say it's also a saas app but not limited to it
AnandNadar: if you type a couple of things on the browser and magic happens whether you are shopping of watching a movie, there is probably some SaaS going on somewhere...you never know for sure, but that is what is probably happening
StevenJD: Yeah... but I'm a bit confused about what the cloud is. I know it's some really big computers accessed over the internet. But they have those in science, too. Are those also the cloud?
digitalx788: so a web app where one s uses a comibination of technologies=database,js,css frontend backend etc is a sass
AnandNadar: cloud = virtual servers in large datacenters plus geographic redundancy and rapid scalability to new virtual instances based on demand...
AnandNadar: bad sentence: Our cloud has a heavy load, we have dispatched an engineer to the data center...
AnandNadar: even amazon is not true cloud in certain cases, example, some network outages for Netflix recently....no more IT support team for cloud, that is millions of dollars...
brianhonohan: in my mind, "in the cloud" means that its not on your computer, and as an end user, you don't really care where the software is running
AnandNadar: saas runs on any hardware, not necessarily cloud....cloud accounts for geographic redundancy and quick scalability....
Hubris: It's a buzz word at the end of the day. It's pretty meaningless in terms of being a developer. It means something to the hiring manager though.
AnandNadar: if you know number of endusers and load for your product in advance, no need for a cloud...if your app can explode in popularity, you need a cloud....
AnandNadar: Agile methodology implies that the software engineer is not the lonely introvert that hates talking...
AnandNadar: or arrives late in the office to make sure that he or she misses the early morning coffee meeting where discussions are held...
lpoulain: No db programming (check the syllabus courses.edx.org/courses/BerkeleyX/CS_CS169.1x/1T2014/…)
lpoulain: On top of that, Cucumber and RSpec are great Ruby testing tools which are covered by the course
lpoulain: Python has multiple frameworks, Ruby seems to have the killer framework as you never hear about other frameworks for this language
lpoulain: As far as Ruby and RSpec, they can give you ideas about your tests even for other languages than Ruby
frivera1: Does somebody know if VMWare is compatible with virtualbox ? I mean if I can install the image provided for virtualbox in VMware
lpoulain: VMWare has a KB article with the same recommendations: kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/…
afshinator: Hello everyone!! I am trying to get the VM image to work on my VirtualBox. Has anybody tried Ubuntu 14.04 (the latest) as opposed to 11 ?
McCoyBoy: Hello. Does anyone know why the saasbook- link only gives me a blank .zip folder? I've downloaded the 7zip program and it's giving me the same problem
afshinator: Did the install of both the VirtualBox and VM last night, I dont remember getting an option to choose disk space allocation and it looks like it defaults to 10gigs. Today while trying to install a rails4 app I ran out of space! (QT for capybara itself is 3+ gigs).
afshinator: "installing the software yourself' section of beta.saasbook.info/bookware-vm-instructions seems to indicate you can choose how much space to give it.
afshinator: McCoyBoy; I'm also on windows and that file was definitely not empty. I downloaded it from the second link on beta.saasbook.info/bookware-vm-instructions
wspicer: afshinator, the VM is about 5.6GB unzipped and fully installed with the remainder as available space
afshinator: mrwharfsnort: I use nitrous for rails a lot. One major disadvantage is that there is no browser... so if/when you want to do testing with capybara, you're out of luck.
afshinator: wspicer: so you're saying my manual download and install of Ubuntu will work, given I have enough total disk space on my machine? Thats what I'm hoping for. And then I hope it lets me pick how much space to allocate for the VirtualBox
McCoyBoy: The second link seems to actually be downloading something. Maybe the first link is broken? Or maybe my computer has just decided to hate me tonight? Either way, thanks for you help in solving my mystery link conundrum. :)
wspicer: afshinator, the VM then plays within that space. 20gb sure, whatever you like. The default is 8gb so just make sure to expand it in VirtualBox config
wspicer: AnandNadar, it's already inside the VB installation, you just activate it from Devices/install menu after the VM loads
afshinator: wspicer: and do you know whether I can change that after I set it up? Or once its set up are you committed to that size?
wspicer: afshinator, it has a dynamic checkbox but I'm not sure if it grows beyond or if you then edit it again. Best to make it an appropriate size at the beginning config. Under linux, it's not a 1:1 space need to Windows
afshinator: mrwharfsnort: so when you run your rails app in nitrous, you can view its results in your local browser at an address it gives you on the net... but you're not looking at a local address like localhost:3000. Capybara is for doing gui tests and it needs to be running on the same machine as the browser which wont be the case.
zkay: afshinator: even after making a fixed size drive, if you later decide you need a dynamic sized drive, you can clone the original drive and make it dynamic. See streamwave.com/systems-administration/…
wspicer: javabr, I don't think that would be good as you're updating gems that are not meant to be updated in the Gemfile. The gems don't limit themselves to rails 3.2, we do through the Gemfile
afshinator: mrwharfsnort: Otherwise Nitrous is a good option and I'm not sure how long it'll be in the course before we hit testing with capybara (if at all??).
mrwharfsnort: ah -- wasn't sure. i'm mostly switching between my work computer and personal laptop so having it accessible from both computers is helpful :)
afshinator: mrwharfsnort: Yes its good for that. Though you shouldn't let that keep you back from getting good with git, thats really the right way to do it.
webgen: does codeacademy.com show up in a weird way for you guys too ? for me it just shows plain html without styles
wspicer: afshinator, it takes a long time to configure with the config script. I did Lubuntu 14.04 and I left it for 5 hours haha
afshinator: oh really??? snap! configuring the config script??? where is that? I was hoping to unzip and feed it to the VirtualBox app like the link from beta.saasbook.info/bookware-vm-instructions
zkay: I just built a new box for my wife, i5 4670k, 16gb ram, 2 samsung EVO's...her VM is far and away faster than my host OS :(
wspicer: I'm sold on fresh installs and not pre-packaged stock VM's, just the quality and speed has no equal. It's time to get it going, yes, but the end result is that I have barely touched the host windows OS for three days now haha
AnandNadar: I do not seem to have the file C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxGuestAdditions.iso even though there are references to it everywhere, including the Settings...
zkay: AnandNadar: Start a VM from the GUI, then click on the menu "Devices" and then "Installed Guest Additions". The ISO get's mounted automatically.
wspicer: zkay, nice build. It must scream. I think in terms of regular installs the computers today with linux are beyond the need while windows will never be satisfied
AnandNadar: the Guest edition seems to be necessary for cut and paste between real and virtual OS.//
webgen: wspicer oh i figured why it took so slow, you probably have vm :D cause I also have core 2 duo 4gb ram
binarypulsar: I tried creating the VM. When I try to bundle install gems it appears to hang at libv8?
wspicer: binarypulsar, afterwards nothing will take that long again. libv8 is compiling a native extension on your computer
webgen: wspicer haha its ironic cause i had lubuntu too but since new ubuntu released I just installed ubuntu :D
wspicer: binarypulsar, but if you ever load a gem and it says loading a native extension, always prepare to wait it out
binarypulsar: I also have to login to SaasBook once it is created, is that the way it works. The scrrencast had an autoprompt I think.
AnandNadar: recreating my virtual instance...i must have fat fingered something and lost an .iso....
wspicer: webgen, anything that is complied for your exact hardware tends to be faster than generic code, especially for older hardware. With new hardware, it's so beyond the linux requirements that it would rock regardless. In fact complied it would just scream
wspicer: I've used lubuntu on an older laptop (compaq V2000) and it still performs better than Windows 7
wspicer: for me it's just OneNote. I love this program and there is no linux equivalent. Some honourable mentions but not equivalents. Next time it's a Lubuntu host and a Windows guest
wspicer: beta.saasbook.info/bookware-vm-instructions . Follow the instructions and download the saasbook- file to get the stock VM
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
eoinzy: how familiar do i need to be with rails at the start of the course? I have been doing the code academy path and iam up to number 7 now
ToBeBeto: Hi all just out of curiosity how many are using aws and how many are working locally? Is there any reason you chose one or the other?
PeteBouch: in the past students on older hardware, not enough memory and disk space, have prefered the aws option which is more difficult to set up but needs fewer local resources
PeteBouch: cloud9 is also an option for those who want a dev environment separate from their local machine
puppeter: it is true when we jump to saasbook server , the Ruby gem or Ruby tools is installed by default?
PeteBouch: ToBeBeto it can take a while for your EC2 instance to 'spin-up' when you first load the webpage
Dean101: , thanks Joaopapereira...in step 2 it specifies Ubuntu 11.10, but the latest version is 14.04, does that matter?
Dean101: second step: Download the 32-bit Ubuntu 11.10 installation image (iso) from ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu
joaopapereira_: is only if you want to configure the VM yourself installing it and all the needed software
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