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@trogdor Disco Elysium has an interesting take on skill checks and retrying
You have Red and White checks. Red checks aren't retriable, white ones are. All checks are 2d6 + skill bonus + situational bonuses, with double-sixes always succeeding and snake eyes always failing.
(I've double-sixed improvising a poem so far, and sweet-talking a cargo-container open (yes really :D))
Anyway, they limit the white check retries so that in order to re-try something, you need to either spend a skill point to upgrade the skill or gain a new situational bonus. This means one'll often save a few skill points and spend them to pass an important check
sounds similar to some games I have played
or at least that retry mechanic
It feels like it nicely abstracts the "learning from your mistakes" aspect, and also has the intuitive touch that a real person wouldn't usually try a thing they can't do again and again until something gives them a reason to think they'll succeed
but I'm blanking on what exactly they were
It might be a common CRPG trope that I just missed because I'm not into CRPGs :D
The situational bonuses (or maluses) can come from eg. being given a tip by someone or a part of your own personality
Or choosing advantageous dialogue options (or disadvantageous)
I think some check had a big bonus for me because it was something that was easier seen at night and it was late
sounds cool
12 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage "Guideline for Performing Islamic Rites At The International Space Station (ISS)" (PDF link) published by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia.
I hadn't actually thought about people having to adapt thier religions practice to space
Makes sense though
There's a lot of assumptions you make based on,.... being on the planet
I wonder if the ISS would count as travel for Baha'is.
We've got obligatory prayers that require facing our Qiblih, though there's a variant that doesn't require specific movements during the prayer. But there's also an exemption for traveling (and a short verse to say when you stop traveling, once for every time traveling prevented the prayer).
@BESW I've thought about this a lot, will have to read later though
@BESW interesting
I think it would for Muslims
Timing wouldn't be much of an issue for us; the time-of-day requirements for our prayers are pretty broad, and there's already a provision for using clocks in places where using the sun isn't practical, like near the poles.
@BESW I have to assume it would
oh wait you mean once you are already in space?
nevermind XD
I thought you meant the travel going into space specifically and I was all set to ask how that is any less worth some kind of exemption given due to travel XD
It should be easy to face the Muslim Qiblah, becuase according to hadith so long as you're not more than 90° out you're good
The Baha'i stance on facing the Point of Adoration is basically "Do your best, you can help each other figure it out but nobody can tell you you're doing it wrong."
I think that's honestly the best way to do it
one of the things I dislike about religion generally is that people judge each other on it even when the judged are actually putting forward honest good faith efforts
that should really be the most important thing, rather than technical criticism
What little specific guidance I've seen says nothing about physical directions, and instead focuses on understanding the significance and meaning of the gesture.
"5 Ways to Show Up for Your Fat Friends as We Start to Reunite Again" by Aubrey Gordon for SELF. Showing up can look different thanks to the pandemic.

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