First thing first. Pinkie is probably the most "anime" like character in the show, she indeed goes into extremes and exaggerations, but that is mostly done for laugh purposes. She IS the one character that is totally aware of the fourth wall, she is the one who defies physics, she is the one who often talks to the viewers directly.
So, in a way, what I am trying to say is that if she seems over the top, that is also due to the fact that she is a sort of "comic relif" character.
As for the family, give me a second
this is her original house.
> "My sisters and I were raised on a rock farm outside of Ponyville. We spent our days working the fields."
A rock farm. Back in season one you would actually think she was making thing up on the spot. Later you discover that the farm actually exist and that was actually her life before.
Basically, up to a specif event, her life was constant depression, moving rocks around in a gray valley with a gray sky.
Then a specific event happened and she started trying to make other people happy.
Basically, at least based on my interpretation of the plot, the character is indeed overcompensating her previous life.
But that is on purpose - the character was actually planned to have that flaw.
And you know what's funny?
If you look at the other characters, you see that they also are overcompensating things and they are flawed in similar ways.
Twily? shows extreme signs of anxiety of being judged. Why? Because she has always been a fan of Celestia, still thinks she was lucky to become her apprentice and has a constant fear of be a failure.
Notice that if you take EG in account, she probably also was aware that a failure did indeed happen before.
AJ? Probably orphan, it is somehow clear that her parents went missing pretty soon (at least soon enough that she never got to know their full story). She lives in a farm with her Grandma, her brother and her smaller sister. Result? She thinks she has to be responsible for them and has big problems in admitting she need help (there is a full episode where she goes with no-sleep for days because she wouldn't ask for help with the harvest, for example)
Dash? Her big ego that makes her seem a "better than you" character? Fast forward to the discovery that actually she is very insecure about herself. Again, she is not boasting because she thinks she is better, she is doing it because she needs someone to tell her she is good (Did I mention that her parents used to basically put her on a pedestal for everything she did, including praising her if she lost in a competition or anything? She hate it, yet that still scars her personality).
And I could continue but you get the idea.
Anyway, back to Pinkie, there is a song in the first seasons that I think summarize the initial vision for the character quite well.
there are two lines there that summarize that quite well.