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@Miniman wait, so why should I stay away from it?
@trogdor Because there's a set encounter there with some very high-level enemies.
You should definitely do it at some point, the rewards are great, just probably not yet.
oh,... is this another of those things that was gonna be a thing but they dropped,... but that they also didn't actually like, remove completely?
@Miniman so going in there at any old level isn't gonna be the same as doing that in a lot of other places
@trogdor Could be? Might also just be an optional fight for phat lewts.
@trogdor Yeah.
cause BESW has mentioned the reason Myles can accompany you to the Rapax Rift a few times
it's kinda funny
Heh, phight phor phat lewts.
@trogdor Wait until you hear my theory! It involves a lot of spoilers, so it'll have to wait.
yeah, I appreciate not getting spoiled on stuff, that is for sure
I am interested, when there is nothing left to spoil, on hearing it at that point though :)
@trogdor I do hope I haven't spoiled anything; Wizardry 8 has a really great story, with some awesome twists to it.
well, you both sorta spoiled a little T'rang and Umpani stuff
In particular, there are a few of those "Oh s**t, my actions have consequences?!?!?" moments that I love getting in videogames.
but like, not enough to be too bad, and I honestly needed some help figuring out what to do there
so right now I am still on the way back to the Umpani base to grab one of those flags
@trogdor Ah, the joys of traveling.
the travel in this game is a little much
It's possible I should've taught you how to break into the portal room, but ah well.
it's ok, I will either ask you how, figure it out for myself, or never feel like doing it
that last one isn't too likely
@trogdor Once you've got portals of your own, I promise travel will improve.
I figure that my second run, I will probably want to know how
@Miniman I have one
@trogdor Hooray!
it isn't much but at least I can immediatly teleport back to the T'rang after getting a flag
cuts my travel time in half
@trogdor Wait, did you find the item the Umpani want from the T'Rang?
I did give the portal to Rover though, cause she was the first person who was high enough level
@Miniman no I didn't, I couldn't grab anything in there
and none of em would trade with me
@trogdor Hmmm. I really thought you could find it at this point. Still, by the time you reach the Umpani you should have another portal.
@Miniman yeah, as soon as Sleepy levels up I can just put one spell point in Return to Portal and he will automatically learn Set Portal right?
@trogdor I'm going to trust BESW on that one, I don't actually remember either way.
that's ok
I am a master save scummer
I have used that magic to great use in this game
I can save right before applying his level and see if it works
if not I can spend two points if I have to
thankfully the first set I got was from books
I think I spent fewer of Sleepy's points on any spells anyway
than I did with Rover I mean
Yeah, the Priest just has so many useful things.
oh, and I don't want too specific information, but can I disable the Savant Tower in Arnika just any time, or do I have to find something specific to use for it? (or just generally wait for something specific to happen)
@Miniman they do indeed
@trogdor You go inside eventually, I can't remember if you actually stop it from spawning though.
I would love to just learn a whole bunch of things from books, but some of them I felt like I immediately needed
@trogdor This is why I don't use Bishops :(
@Miniman but I can't just do it any old time right? it's triggered by something specific?
@trogdor Yeah, it's pretty late in the main questline.
cause I have been tripping over needing to apparently eventually do that since before the Shaman in the Seventh Bough told me I would eventually need to mess with it
@trogdor I'll be honest, I don't even remember why or how you go there.
Well, I sort of remember how.
But not really.
cause it SEEMS pretty obvious that I can't go in there yet
It's hard to explain in a non-spoilery way.
but you mentioned that I could break into the T'rang portal room, and I tried every avenue I could think of in my time there and any place other than the front entrance of their base seems locked up pretty tight
@Miniman that's cool, I will just continue doing the things I know I can do for now
if I get REALLY stuck I can ask you and or BESW for some specific info on my next move
for now, I do actually have things I know I need to do and that I know I CAN do right now
I was just curious if I was missing something that was supposed to be more obvious than it actually was for me in that area
it kinda sounds like that isn't the case
with this game I can't be too sure in that area
I think
@trogdor Yeah, it's definitely one for later.
Which is annoying, because the Savant Droids make Arnika unnecessarily painful, but I suppose if they weren't there there'd probably be some other pointless enemy.
my perspective is, most games I have played, if a huge problem like that is sitting right in front of you, 9 times out of 10 you can fix it immediately, even if it takes some work
@Miniman they already have like, seemingly the whole rest of the Higardi population showing up there to loot XD
I did run into like, a bit over twenty Savant droids once though
and that was back when that many probably could have killed me
@trogdor Nah, that's just everyone who used to live in the abandoned houses - they just all randomly decided to start roaming the streets.
@trogdor That was on your first visit, right?
but thankfully I was just coming out of the bar, so I battled them in a choke point and they were actually no issue
@Miniman yep
@Miniman but I have killed like, too many of them at this point
@trogdor Yeah, I think that one's preset too. I've never not gotten into a huge savant group on my first visit to Arnika.
I get that the game isn't designed to recognize that way too many Higardi have been killed for them to still come out of the woodwork, but it's still hilarious and silly
@Miniman [raises hand]
I still remember the first time I played the game, I was hella worn out from the road. I saw a huge group of droids, ran for a house, and frantically picked the lock. Shut myself in just before combat started.
@Miniman fair enough I guess, it just seemed like it was coming out of nowhere cause I had already had fights with patrols of them, so it seemed abnormal for that many to show up
@Miniman yeah, as I said, these guys jumped me while I was leaving a building
so on one hand, I could not possibly get away, on the other hand, they had actually killed their chance to use numbers as an advantage and actually be a real threat
@BESW As in have, or haven't?
so I guess I was kinda lucky
I've walked into Arnika the first time and encountered no enemies at all.
@Miniman he got to Arnika last restart and it looked like they took over
@BESW Wow.
@BESW oh, wow that is weird
Not often, but it happens.
@trogdor It's nice when it works out that way. There's a weirdly large number of enemies with no reach, no ranged attacks, and no spells.
More often, I only encounter bandits.
@BESW Sounds like you have a bit more self-control in the Monastery.
I'm usually level 5 by the time I hit Gregor, because I get into a fight, decide I want to rest afterwards, which naturally causes another fight, and so on until either I lose a character or successfully rest. Which almost invariably causes overleveling.
It got a lot worse once I started playing on Expert, of course.
All I do differently is find better places to rest.
I generally try to do that, but it just leads to "enemies lurking outside a door" instead of "enemies interrupting rest". Which is better, but still means I gain XP. Any tips?
Tuck yourself into the corner beside a doorway so nobody can see you unless they come into the room.
(Or otherwise minimise your visibility to passing mobs.)
@Miniman hey I am glad that enemies with those traits are rare
I feel like, if they were more common, some things about the game would need to be changed
@trogdor I find reach the most annoying. First, they move into their attack range, which looks like your frontline should be in melee with them but isn't. Then, once you move properly into melee with them, they start attacking whoever you have in the centre slot, which is usually your squishies.
@BESW yeah, I think I am getting a lot better at hiding from mobs now, my next run might be a little easier to get out of the monastery with
Part of my problem is that I really like the Monastery, especially in contrast with the horrors of the road.
@Miniman This is also a thing.
@Miniman yeah, I am toying with having two valks and picking Vi up as soon as possible next run
but then there might be issues with the places she doesn't go to,... not sure how to deal with that in that kind of party comp
as is though, I do like that I made Rover carry a shield, so she can just turtle one of my flanks
[watches Miniman twitch]
without being like, a fighter who needs to actually hit stuff to be useful
@BESW hey it's working
she never died "officially" single fiasco run doesn't count (neither does stupid glitched Trynnie patrols throwing me off the tree that one time)
@BESW Wait, which bit? The exposed priest, or the RPC?
The exposed priest.
@Miniman RPC?
@trogdor Recruitable Player Character. The official name for the NPCs you can have in your party.
ah ok
thing is, I really don't want THREE valks
which seems like the only way to sort of negate reach enemies like that
@trogdor @BESW Vi goes everywhere except the Rapax, right?
@trogdor Well, Fighters can use polearms too.
I think she avoids water.
@Miniman is that a particularly good idea for them?
@BESW Ah, don't we all.
@trogdor Honestly, as long as you don't try to make them dual-wield, Fighters are awesome with any weapon.
I figured they probably mostly did sword and board
And polearms are, themselves, awesome.
fair enough
The only real problem there is having multiple characters using a single weapon type.
maybe two valks and a fighter who will pick up a polearm as soon as possible then
@Miniman yeah,... but I see no other way to let all my melee people hit the thing in front of me AND negate some of the annoyance of the reach enemies
I want to see @trogdor's face when he first witnesses the glorious power that is a berserking lizardman fighter.
also, if enemies with spells and real ranged attacks were more common, I have noticed that the game punishes you pretty hard for moving up to them,... in the middle of your move they can attack you, but you can't do the same thing to them
They're a one-trick pony, but it's this pony.
@BESW I wish I had fit one into my party this time, but I actually really do like my current party
@BESW lol
that is fine by me
for the moment, Ryu is already semi impressive in melee combat
@trogdor One of Wizardry 8's greatest strengths: I've never made a party I didn't like. One of it's greatest weaknesses: I've never made a party I was completely happy with.
I certainly expect the lizardman fighter I expect to make next run to be better at it, but for now he is working
@Miniman That sounds like the perfect "replay value" combo.
@Miniman it seems like everyone wants those two NPC slots to be open for two actual PCs you can fit in XD
@trogdor No. 1 on my modding list if I ever get around to it.
I do like Vi a lot, but when it comes down to it, she is the same party member you get stuck with every time
so I might technically get just a little sick of her eventually
@trogdor Or don't use. XP split makes "don't use" a perfectly viable option.
even if the only ACTUAL reason for it is just because I have no way to switch her out with an actual PC
@Miniman well I feel like she rounds my party out a lot
I am trying to see if RFS is keep or drop
Myles has been underwhelming for sure though
he does decent melee dps, but everything else he is supposed to be able to do, Nat at least matches him at
I'm planning to use Myles for picking pockets, then blame him and run.
@BESW you can't actually do that can you? XD
that is actually too bad
as long as saving Vi and the Bank job are the only things even effected by Myles, I think I can reasonably not use him anymore on these runs
heck, I don't actually know if he does effect those things
I didn't get exp from him for breaking into the vault, I think
though I do think I got some exp from saving Vi with him in my party
I might be confusing that with the xp I got from bringing her to see people though
In search of a battle unforgotten, we shall forge on relentless till the end of time. https://t.co/qsg6F47409
hah, this one looks like my cat, if she wasn't really fat
1 hour later…
@trogdor Wait, Myles affects the bank break-in?
well, he told me about the tunnel
he gave me what I thought was a quest to break in
but no quest reward other than the loot itself
2 hours later…
to make it as clear as possible, I thought he was giving me a quest for it instead of simply informing me of it, because Vi gave me a quest to bring her to talk to people
but unlike when she did that, when I looted the vault he didn't give me exp or anything
at first I thought it was because he was still in my party, but Vi gave me exp as soon as I talked to the people she wanted to see
so that is what confused me
I don't know whether he is literally just being used as a way to inform me of the vault or if I somehow missed triggering completing a quest for it
I do assume the former at this point though
No idea, quests in Wiz8 are weird at the best of times, and I didn't even know about that one.
you probably dropped Myles for good faster than me
actually, it's weird cause he gave me the quest when I went back to Arnika after he left cause I went into the Umpani base
so that doesn't work
maybe you encountered him the first time or figured that thing out for yourself before he ever told you, and then every time after took care of it the very first time you got to Arnika
Actually, I kept him around for a long time. That's why I like Rogues so much - he wasn't very good, but I could see there was potential there, so I tried making a Rogue on my second playthrough, and true love bloomed.
@trogdor I think I found the vault by accident pretty quickly.
@Miniman that could be it too
he waited till I got almost all the way as far as I have before telling me
it's a little odd that they would pick him out to tell you that particular thing
cause it seems like eventually he is bound to tell you, sure, but if you have him in your party long enough, the loot in there is no longer worth very much
and it seems like he won't tell you till you meet him back in Arnika (when he hasn't been in your party for the latest foray) after a certain amount of progress
@trogdor I don't even remember what's in there. The only bank loot I remember is the awesome sword that Ferro gave Antone.
@Miniman is that the Bloodlust one?
@trogdor Yeeeeeeessssss.
Antone,... commented on the fact that Ferro must have made it for me
the weird thing is that I had talked to him at least 3 times before he said that after I had taken it
and no one in my party is using it because it is cursed and my only sword user is using Demonsbane
@trogdor In case you didn't notice: Berserking gives 2x damage. Fighters can do it, but the sword lets anyone do it. (Well, makes them do it.)
I have not used it
for the above reason
I don't have any way to remove a curse when I need to use Demonsbane
@trogdor You might consider trying it on Ryu.
@Miniman he is the only sword guy
is it just all around better than Demonsbane in pretty much every way?
@trogdor You'll certainly never need to use Demonsbane - tbh, I've only ever used it because it's a really good sword when you get it, not for any demon-based reasons.
ok then
@trogdor Isn't it two-handed?
@Miniman oh bloodlust?
I never checked that
From memory it is.
he has skill points in dual wielding
There are definitely good reasons to stick with dual-wielding on the Samurai.
That's why I suggest you try it, to see what it's like, rather than suggesting you should be using it, if you see what I mean.
the problem with that is, I will be stuck with it when I equip it, until someone learns remove curse
though to be fair, the second weapon he uses isn't helping much right now
@trogdor It'll improve.
the way I see it, it will do more when he has a better chance to auto kill stuff and more attacks per weapon
@trogdor I don't remember this being an issue, and I didn't have a Bishop...maybe Braffit can remove cursed items or something?
@Miniman my reasoning is, perhaps Bloodlust will perform better until the secondary weapon is more useful
Memory is failing me here.
@trogdor Definitely a possibility.
so I'll try it out
I can very easily see it being one of those weird cases where the mid game is better served by switching to this weapon and in the endgame I will want to go back to a dual wielding thing when auto kill is more likely to happen
@trogdor You can buy Scrolls of Remove Curse, which folks use their Artifacts skill to activate.
And later on priests learn it as a spell.
Bishops just get it as a bonus spammable non-spell feature from level 1.
I will check my inventory, cause I have picked up too many scrolls, I don't remember what they all are
@BESW wow, how OP
sorta, anyway
@trogdor There's no denying that Bishops are OP, but...4 level delay on Resurrection? It's too much for me.
@Miniman I don't know about other things about them, but it does seem like being able to learn all spells eventually is pretty OP
I mean yeah, delay on learning those spells is a thing
but that doesn't seem tooooo bad if you only want one caster for your party
which it seems like some people would
not everyone, but certainly some people
Since physical damage is generally superior to caster damage, a five-physical-one-caster party can easily become a meat grinder.
But you're shorting yourself on portal spells and some very nice utility that consumables can only partly compensate for.
Note for Hollywood: You'll annoy less people if instead of remaking classics you remake films that didn't quite work but have potential.
there is that
I can not wait currently to have at least two Portal casters
and I am not too unhappy that I will even eventually have a third one
@trogdor Or even 5...
that is too many casters for me
@trogdor I meant Vi, McTank, and Ryu.
three seems as far as I want to go
@Miniman true enough
So 6, really.
maybe my next party is, lizardman fighter, lizardman valk, something bishop, something samurai, some other valk, and like a rogue or a ranger or something
Lizardman Bishop!
Lizardman Samurai!
I'll do it
I'll make an all lizardman party
you fools
you underestimate my determination, and the Lizardman strength I have within XD
Actually. Lizardman priest might be.... interesting.
@trogdor When you do, and you fight a Nightmare, and your entire party gets Turncoat-ed, would you mind telling me what happens? I've always been curious.
@Miniman [popcorn]
@Miniman hey, you don't know, they will kill him in one turn
Lizardman for life
@trogdor ...I take it you haven't met a Nightmare yet.
I have not
I assume they are freaking nightmarish
and that wasn't meant to be any kind of pun
@BESW Seriously, though. Do they all just stand there? Does combat end? I really want to see it happen.
@trogdor They're pretty evil. They usually come in pairs, and they always seem to spot you from a long way off. They they just keep casting Turncoat, over and over again.
sounds even more annoying than the Siges
I assumed you would realize I probably have not seen a Nightmare because they are too high level for me at the moment
still like, level 11
@trogdor You're getting close...
the cap is 50, as I understand, and most parties get to around lvl 30 or so?
@Miniman I suspect they all start attacking each other.
@trogdor My experience has been closer to 20 than 30.
ah, ok
still 9 levels away, and each level has been coming slower
It gets a bit weird towards the end with the different XP reqs.
so, how does that work?
do my guys level up differently because they are getting finishing blows?
@trogdor Amount of XP required to level: Mundanes < Casters < Hybrids.
@trogdor Nah, it's split evenly among everyone.
so that is why my casters level up first
@trogdor Yep.
cause I have,... no mundanes?
I don't remember where the Gadgeteer fits into that, though.
is Gadgeteer mundane?
cause for them stam is basically mana XD
@trogdor RFS should be, because he can't cast spells, but he's technically a Monk, so he gets counted as a hybrid.
@Miniman I have not even used him in one fight yet
I will later today, but I just picked him up sometime yesterday and then stopped playing shortly after that
@trogdor Sadly, even though he's an awesome guy, unarmed fighting is distinctly lacklustre.
There's something beautiful about a boss sitting there irritated, afraid, slowed, webbed, insane, poisoned, asleep, and unconscious.
so far he seems to just be a Savant Guard who thinks my party is the Savant
@Miniman There's a lot of disagreement on that in the threads, I've found.
What's your take on the best monk weapons?
@BESW Apropos of?
Unarmed fighting being underwhelming.
@BESW I haven't really used Monks at all much, but there's some great stuff lurking in Rod & Staff.
@BESW Wait, what?
Oh, sorry, read the reference link wrong.
@BESW Btw, from memory, RFS can't equip weapons, right?
@Miniman Bored priest with nothing to heal + psionic sitting the back spamming their whole arsenal.
@BESW Heh, nice. Of course, it's also just what an alchemist does.
At least in early game, I'm finding the psionic's debuffs much more amusing.
@BESW How's the Psionic? Also, which boss? With one notable exception (you know which one), I always found the boss fights significantly less dangerous than random encounters.
@Miniman I'm pretty sure he can.
@Miniman Agreed. I'm poking around under the monastery right now.
Well right now I'm talking to the Mook hologram to see if I can get him to say amusing things.
@BESW Huh, yet another case of my younger self making bad decisions and then treating them as fact.
"Alliance" responds "You have nothing to offer us that would make an alliance desirable. No offense."
@BESW Ah, how little they know.
@BESW oh I was playing that game for keeps for what seemed like forever
Speaking of which, Braffit will tell you what the Mook want.
I was hoping I could make him say something amusing AND force him to open that stupid door
it seems like half the time in Arnika was me trying to get that guy to open the door
If you ask him about the Mook, he'll say they "do not seem much inclined to talk," and "are awaiting a represenative from the Umpani or the T'Rang."
fair enough
the problem is, I can't be expected to ask every NPC everything on that list of stuff
it's pretty dang big even early on
but anyway, I certainly know now that I gotta get those guys on my good side first
well, get on their good side too
@trogdor The best strategy I ever found for that was to find the most significant NPC in an area, then ask them everything.
Anna will also tell you that the Mook are "waiting to hear from the T'Rang or Umpani" before they let anyone in.
(But you gotta pay her to get that info--it's worth it though, as she'll tell you they have another of the orbs.)
yeah you do
@BESW You already knew that from the opening, though.
I payed her eventually
but it was after having spent all that time on it
@Miniman From the intro off the main menu, but not from the opening cutscene I think.
@BESW I tend to conflate those, but I'm pretty sure you're right.
The intro is all the general backstory stuff, where the opening is just the stuff Whatsismookface tells you.
Doesn't he say something about the Mook finding an artifact, though?
[shrug] I skip it these days.
@Miniman I think he mentions something, but he definitely doesn't tell you what it is
@BESW Would you mind joining Wiz8 spoilers?
Do you know if there's any truth to the rumor that Samurai lighting strikes proc more often if you keep them well under the minimum encumberment?
@BESW I've encountered the rumor, and I'll admit to noticing more Lightning Strikes in early game, but beyond that, I don't know.
And, I'll be honest here, I find the "noticing more Lightning Strikes in early game" thing highly suspect.
In early game, we pay more attention, there's less going on, etc.
@BESW One theory: I can't recall ever seeing a Lightning Strike attack be a critical. So it's possible that any attack can only be one or the other, and we see more Lightning Strikes in the early game because we don't get criticials nearly as much at that point.
I've seen folks claim that all effects (like criticals and lightning strikes) are rolled on the same chart, so one roll can't get two effects at once.
@BESW Criticals get a lot more frequent as the Samurai levels, so it'd make sense.
Maybe I should try a non-critical samurai build sometime.
Except that's dumb, so I won't.
Although...Lightning Strike is more powerful than critical, so maybe it's not as dumb as it appears...
Actually, this could be a case for the non-dual-wielding, berserking-with-Bloodlust Samurai I mentioned to trogdor earlier.
so, if Ryu is attacking a lot in one turn, is that a lightning strike?
...now I have this vision of a naked Felpurr Samurai.
or is that only when one attack suddenly goes like 4 or 5 times?
@trogdor That one.
Plus you get a message saying something like "Ryu's sword moves with the speed of lightning! 4x attack!"
@Miniman I don't think I have been able to read that myself because the battle text is always moving so fast
@trogdor Yeah, preaching to the choir there.
There's a setting for that.
...two settings, actually.
One for combat speed, one for auto-scrolling the text.
I should find those, and then turn them back on later probably XD
I am fickle like that
[Ponders] I might ditch the Samurai from my next party.
As much as I love them, it's not really filling a gap like most of my characters.
but samurai seem so awesome
My Samurai is filling the "I can cast Enchanted Blade, Missile Shield, and Shadow Hound" gap.
and then he also hits things in face
when he isn't doing those things
which is great
@trogdor They are awesome and I love them. But in terms of raw effectiveness, they're outclassed.
fighters just hit harder huh?
Rogues and fighters both deal double damage on all melee attacks. It's hard to compete with.
by the way, Bloodlust is a Primary dual weilding
Ryu is beastly with it
it is waaaaay better than the improvement I expected
I should have at least tried it out sooner
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