While it's nice for him to add the spell, it's not always required - expert answers means that maybe if you don't have access to the spell you shouldn't answer.' plus his answer I take it
@waxeagle why? he'll just hand-wave and be like "you rules-lawyers are subhuman scum whose opinion is meaningless and this is obviously what the spell does and you and everyone who agrees with you is just an idiot"
and he'll be supported in that position by enough people to make it look inconclusive at best
@waxeagle censorship does no one any good. It was a slip, not intentionally ignoring your suggestion, but your response seems to me absurd -- literally as you did that, there was a "Hot Network Question" that used the same word repeatedly.
@KRyan write it. Someone else can edit it if it needs it. Just mind your tone and keep the profanity to an absolute minimum.
make sure you note the places where you've been specifically targetted. If there are places where you feel like comments that have since been deleted are relevant, link the post and people with that access can review them.
I think you're under the impression that taking it to meta makes it somehow a rhetorical debate between you and mxy, or a public Dear John letter. Challenging someone's behaviour on SE is neither a popularity contest nor a rhetorical wrestling match. Write it to the people who have the ability to influence Mxy, not to Mxy.
There should be no expectation of a public shaming or airing of dirty laundry; such investigations, and any sanctions deemed necessary as a result of them, happen without fanfare or spectacle.