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ANNOUNCEMENT: lambda.chat now supports full markdown formatting, including code syntax highlighting!
@RadvylfPrograms ?
: |
todo: make it so that error banners can actually be closed
which they currently cannot
My errors fade with each keystroke
(The cooldown ones don't, those count down)
hey lemme count how many modules I'm using
- replit db
- markdown
- socketio
- emoji
- bleach
- requests
- pywebpush
- flask
- jellyfish
- eventlet
- pygments
- os
- logging
- html
- json
- base64
Counting stdlib modules, that's 16
so do you want that key or
Oh, yeah. Just a sec.
should I encode it with base64?
Encode it however you wish
would base64 be more convenient tho
because I can also send it as raw bytes
(in general use)
Just make a private github repo, invite Radvylf as a collaborator and put it there
No, that's a bad idea
A text input on your website isn't?
I was going to POST it to him
@lyxal No, because it goes straight to my server, can't be intercepted, and doesn't stick around for the rest of time on GH's servers
or I could just post it here /s
My SE password is LyxalIsCool$$$144, just change my username to your key and I'll get HN to change it back
okay then
OR, I could encode it with your public key and send it to you
I'm getting the server set up, you'll just POST { "pass": "..." } as application/json to https://rto.run/lambda
I'll send it as base64 then bc I don't think JSON can do bytes
Okay try it now
Wait I'm an idiot
It's not forwarding yet
ok, posting now...
@RadvylfPrograms ^
502 again
@RadvylfPrograms ^
I'm getting 400s now, which is better, but none of my logging is telling me why
Ooh 502 now
so I just realized that replit doesn't let you modify secrets programmatically
so I guess I get to make an encrypted file with the key and store the key for that in secrets :p
Okay it should work now
here we go
I got it
32 bytes, right?
let's do a checksum check
Do sha_256("check thu-may-26-2022" + key)
@RadvylfPrograms This way, the amount of useful information we leak about the key is minimal
I'll encode it in base64 so I can post it here
I got RufRLxk8orM6JYd2sW/Ol5XlXzsBDT9DvQy2dvszAHo=
Did you add the strings before encoding?
I used this code:
base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(("check thu-may-26-2022" + key).encode("utf-8")).digest())
Base64 key or binary?
Oh, well what's the point of that?
We know I have the right base64 one
It's the proper decoding of it that I need to confirm
okay, lemme do that
I get di0QiGhNEKeKCE6LrXhr8KfTgEEv+/czDWw0Tl/OLL4=
My JS was btoa([...new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", new Uint8Array([...new TextEncoder().encode("check thu-may-26-2022"), ...[...atob(key)].map(c => c.charCodeAt())])))].map(c => String.fromCharCode(c)).join(""));
which I did using base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256((b"check thu-may-26-2022" + base64.b64decode(key))).digest())
it actually fits on one line lol
well, key verified
so don't lose that lmao
Instead of application/json, let's just concat sha_256(json + key) in binary to the JSON as UTF-8 and send that as binary
hang on I've just realized what we're doing is essentially an HMAC
That might be a simpler and more secure way to do this
which python has a built-in library for
Same w/ JS. So we can just do an HMAC, since our key's already a 256-bit random string we both know.
so I send a HMAC along with the data and we compare it?
Yeah. hmac + json
And I can just verify the hmac
and if it's invalid?
I just 400 it
but wait
the original reason for this key was so that only I could use this service
but anyone can do a hmac
or am I confused
Yeah, and only you have the key for the hmac
@Ginger An HMAC is like a cross between a hash and a signature
Basically, only someone with the key can create or verify an HMAC
oh right
what about the auto-key-update thing?
Not needed with an HMAC
okey dokey
if the key is compromised I guess I can redo this process
I'm working on doing an example HMAC so we can compare and see if we're using the same algo
python lets you choose which algorithm to use actually
should we use the b64 key or the decoded key?
@Ginger I did an HMAC with SHA-512
3OSuNeACZIzUh9npdXyWmM9I2tL1Qs4LQtnvl3XMvfxS9RWVF0b8lS9UpNOst3oFMS7p3AqIEVCmpS2WoA6gXg== for Hello, World!
alright, one sec
looks good
So we'll just concat that, as binary, before every message
Well, you will.
In the JSON, include a random 64-bit-or-more ID, which I'll check for uniqueness, to prevent replay attacks
is it constant length?
The HMAC is constant length yeah
Okay, message format:
- 64-byte SHA-512 HMAC
- the message, JSON encoded with UTF-8
- 64-byte random data
the HMAC is of the encoded JSON data btw
No, you need to include the random data in the HMAC
I'd do hmac(random + json) random json
The random data only needs to be 8 bytes btw
Or you can go the CoC route, and instead of running your own server for the transcripts, piggyback off of SE's :p
I finally did it
I added user profiles to room cards
next up: mathjax!
2 hours later…
@Ginger Your link UI sucks
Slightly lighter gray than the text, with no underline, smh
I know, I know
or not
@RadvylfPrograms hey guess what I just fixed
we're trying to restart
plz wait
i think i broke something
oh god
what did you do
i think it was because i forgot to end a multi-line codeblock
unable to wake up
restarting again
for some reason it takes like 20s to load all the modules
6 hours ago, by Ginger
hey lemme count how many modules I'm using
6 hours ago, by Ginger
Counting stdlib modules, that's 16
alright, here we go
So, the transcript storage
I think I have the HMAC and random ID stuff set up
also, I have finally fixed html stuff
my biggest question is why images do this when you hover over them:
upcoming feature
but yea do yo like my beautiful programmer art?
its amazing
I find the fact that it's taking 10 seconds to load the room list... sus
@Ginger Do you have a prototype of your code that would send requests to me? I've got it running now and I want to see if it works
The format is hmac(random + json) + random + json
64 bytes for the HMAC and 8 for the random
(The reason it's critical that the random is in the HMAC is that if you were to intercept a single "op": "transcript" message, you could copy the HMAC over to a new message with a new random ID, and then send it to my server to steal the transcript data)
working on it
@RadvylfPrograms Where should I send it?
Same place as before, https://rto.run/lambda
message sent
I got it :D
did it decode?
"{\"test\": \"message\"}"
Try resending the exact same message if you can
and HMAC verified?
(with different random sadly)
Worked. Now try sending two with the same random
sent first one
and sent second
Worked, the second one was blocked
anything else?
If you want you can try changing a byte of the HMAC or something to test that
But I'm pretty confident in this by now
okay, we'll go with it
thanks for your help
So, now we need to hash out the details of the JSON part of the protocol
[insert HMAC joke here]
transcript will read some data from a room, room will make a room, post will post something, modify will change a post with the same ID, drop will drop a post, drop_room will drop a room
Should there be one for reading individual messages?
You can add it in case it's needed in the future ig
We can just overload that onto transcript probably
So, the only data I'll need to store about rooms is a list of messages, right?
yup, I'll handle the rest
what parameters do I send?
Working on that
2 hours later…
Okay, it should be fully working now
you dont get these problems with CoC
@Ginger Docs

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