I get di0QiGhNEKeKCE6LrXhr8KfTgEEv+/czDWw0Tl/OLL4=
My JS was btoa([...new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", new Uint8Array([...new TextEncoder().encode("check thu-may-26-2022"), ...[...atob(key)].map(c => c.charCodeAt())])))].map(c => String.fromCharCode(c)).join(""));
(The reason it's critical that the random is in the HMAC is that if you were to intercept a single "op": "transcript" message, you could copy the HMAC over to a new message with a new random ID, and then send it to my server to steal the transcript data)
transcript will read some data from a room, room will make a room, post will post something, modify will change a post with the same ID, drop will drop a post, drop_room will drop a room
Should there be one for reading individual messages?