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...wait. Those of y'all who live in the US but not Texas...are y'all's stoplights seriously all vertical?
What does that even look like?
you have horizontal stoplights?????
yall have horizontal stoplights in Texas?!
like, traffic lights? three colors?
I thought that was normal
But I just heard someone say it's not
show me a photo
I figured they were joking
I can't believe you're not
like this shit???
that is so weird
That's just how stoplights are [shrug]
@RydwolfPrograms i would make a name joke here but wow
this is too much even for me
@RydwolfPrograms the first thing that popped up when i searched texas traffic lights was literally vertical
The only time I ever see vertical stoplights is on the pole like in that picture
i knew there were horizontal traffic lights
can't believe yall live like that
but i never knew someone would think that was the default
I just don't see why they'd put them vertical
Like that just seems silly
@lyxal i wasn't even sure he meant horizontal traffic lights and not, like, those weird 5-light ones with extra signals for turns
Also do y'all not have ones with more than three lights? Those gotta look so dumb vertically
You put the left turn arrow to the left of the regular green when there is one
for a moment i thought he meant stop signs and was even more concerned
@RydwolfPrograms those turn into a matrix :p
. .
like that
@RydwolfPrograms because people with impaired color vision can probably remember top-middle-bottom easier than left-middle-right :P
I've seen ones with all 5 vertical
at least that's what happens here
they're uncommon tho
I've seen four vertical (with no yellow arrow) but not all five
i've also seen some with 4 lights vertically but i have absolutely no idea what those are about
2d traffic light placement
I see ones all the time with 4-5 lights. Today I was in Georgetown and kept seeing ones with double red arrows
Not sure what those're for
turn left at your own peril
Maybe just to make it stand out more? idk
that's what they look like here
apparently that's a thing somewhere here
but as i said
okay what
T for tram
that is unholy lmao
@lyxal boston be like
@lyxal what the actual hell
as i said apparently
never seen it myself
but it's on the goofle
g o o f l e
inb4 someone actually posts this there
> Lawmakers might ban dogs from sticking their heads out of car windows
What, will the dogs get a fine?
Kennel time?
ell hnq vibes
they're gonna be put in the pound
Okay but I keep seeing pictures of vertical stoplights on this search page and they look so goofy
@RydwolfPrograms cone time :p
Doesn't horizontal make way more sense for like attaching them
Vertical has the advantage of being able to be tilted down for people on hills
Even if it looks condescending
You can do that with horizontal too...
@RydwolfPrograms if it's dangled from the wires instead of on a rigid pole then you don't need to add any extra weight to balance a vertical one in place
Seems like wind would make that a bad idea
oh yeah people do that
been ages since I've seen one of those
@RydwolfPrograms well yeah, in strong wind they aren't exactly visible
How would they not whip around and destroy themselves even lol
...good question
I mean I don't think Texas is particularly more windy than other places right
So I don't think it's a regional thing
i guess they're probably too heavy for non hurricane weather to do that and if it is a hurricane you just accept the risk :P
I mean if wind can make the whole pole lurch like I feel like it could still pick up the traffic light
...i can't say i've ever seen that
my upstairs neighbor is watching pirates of the caribbean
1 hour later…
… horizontal traffic lights exist?
i hope not
1 hour later…
Lol I just tried to apply for a credit card and got instantly rejected
Bit of a chicken and egg problem lol
I guess I should apply for a secured credit card
Only problem is my credit union has two and one seems clearly better so I'm wondering what the catch is
But I also don't wanna get rejected from a second one lol
It's still got 1% cash back (and 2% on some things and 5% on some more things) which seems good
Welp, applied for a secured card with a $1k line of credit
Through my credit union
1000 kromer
uh oh
@RydwolfPrograms @Ginger @UnrelatedString you better watch out
I probably won't use anywhere near that much but since they say not to use more than 30% of your credit limit, I figure $300 is probably about the max I'd use per month for now
@lyxal Well I guess now that I (might) have a credit card I can be a bi consumer in a different way
function's gonna eat you
nom nom nom
Jokes on it, I'm probably still covered in paint and thus poisonous
Y'all it came out SO GOOD
Some of my friends helped which I'm really really glad they did
does your school have some kind of like senior art exhibition
Like look at that logo. Look at the skull. It literally looks photoshopped in
@UnrelatedString Don't think so
Ooh that might be a good fundraiser idea for senior committee tho...
@RydwolfPrograms it looks really close to photoshopped in but luckily you took a good enough photo that i can see your impressively detailed brushstrokes :P
Nah the skull was all my friend
@RydwolfPrograms wait so did you just like make this on your own initiative on a canvas that... has tire marks on it...?
Y'all she's so cool. She brought me a giant helium balloon and little cakes on my birthday
She spent hours helping me make the stencils and everything
@UnrelatedString Paint-your-parking-spot
i would think that qualifies as an art exhibition :P
very cool either way
@UnrelatedString I guess :p
I almost don't wanna park in it lol
there's enough negative space around the sides that you wouldn't be at too much risk of scuffing up too much of it at least
@RydwolfPrograms wait hang on don't you like graduate this year (or next year)
that would be what the '24 means
Hence the '24 :p
so it's only there for a year
that seems
It's so cool tho
for something that'll inevitably be removed
It's very zen ig
presumably painting parking spots is a thing for seniors to begin with
that too
@RydwolfPrograms when next year?
May 2024
This is my last year of high school :')
that seems like a fair bit of effort for 7 months of usage
less than 7 actually counting for school breaks
And it was expensive :/
$35, plus the $40 parking pass
But so worth since mine's clearly the best of anyone's
I like how I had one starboard message a day for four days straight :p
TST's birthday present to me ig lol
@RydwolfPrograms nice lmao
did nobody else have good ideas or just not nearly enough energy to actually execute as well as you did
There were only like half a dozen other people, and while I might be biased I think mine's just cooler and better executed
The marching guy's got some imperfections (we only stenciled him out partially, it was mostly freehand), but the logo looks PERFECT
And the head and chest of the marching guy looks amazing (it's just the thing he's holding and his right leg that're a bit messed up)
We tried to mix the same paint color as the background using our black and white paints, but it seems the gray I used for the background is a warmer color temperature than the paints we used for the foreground
(it's not as visible in person, luckily)
the gray mismatch is weird around the foot but i kinda like the vibe it has on the baton lol
i appreciate how y'all know me well enough to not even acknowledge this :P
6 hours ago, by Unrelated String
CMSR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXxqTe5t1T4
6 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms ... did you actually do that
@UnrelatedString tbh I didn't even notice :p
and even if I had I wouldn't have clicked it because I can probably guess what it is
@lyxal well that's not good
@mathscat I could've sworn the mcr part was done by a computer
@RydwolfPrograms waow
very nice!
@Ginger *woag
@Ginger I think I asked you this yesterday but I didn't see an answer: using sechat, how do I get the full message text for a long message with a 'see more' button? I just get the preview in a <div> or <pre> with class="partial"
well, that's the funny thing: you don't :p
fortunately, I happen to know how to do it manually
Also, what is SE's character limit? I find it unlikely that it's the same as Discord's, which could cause problems in translation
it's about 200 characters for single-line messages and like a billion for multi-line ones
500 for single line
theoretical billion limit for multi-line
A: What is the maximum length of a chat room message?

reneThe limit of a normal single line message in chat is 500 characters. If you enter an explicit line-break (shift+enter on a Windows machine) you can lift this limit of 500 characters. but in the transcript you'll still see only 500 characters. Users would have to click the See full text link to ...

@Bbrk24 send a GET to <chat server>/messages/<room ID>/<message ID>
iirc it caps out at roughly a million
Discord has a hard limit of 2000 either way, or 4000 if you pay for it (no literally)
there's some trick with ^^^ regarding raw messages, I think it's a query string parameter
4 million
give or take a few hundred thousand
this is why Tragic Wormhole works
in Sandbox, Aug 4 at 13:35, by lyxal
Well maybe I don't expand it then, so far the partial has always fit
hard upper limit of ~4.5 million
huh, imported comments aren't length-restricted
imported from where?
Well comments have their own length limit
*adds another coin to an oil drum labeled "chat inconsistencies"*
Oh speaking of which, we didn't test imported comments last night
To the sandbox!
@mathscat With help from my friend, yes :D
@mathscat I know right
It came out so good, we used a stencil then added the scratchiness with a brush
@lyxal IIRC I've gotten just under 5 million
I think it may actually be variable
Maybe there's a 10 MB limit for a row in the database
c h a o s
You want chaos?
There's your chaos
@lyxal petition for this but rydwolf.
I saw the video that made this in photoshop I am not making rydwolf Tesla :p
If you do I will give you a picture of me wearing cat ears
That is your incentive
lyxal, do it
It's 12:07am so no :p
do it later then
Do it yourself :p
can't, no photoshop
can you at least link the video then? :d
@RydwolfPrograms that's the opposite of an incentive
@user yeah I don't want the photo anyway
That'd only motivate one to not do rydwold tesla
That's right
If anything it'd be a punishment
@lyxal PURE ART
@lyxal that actually took an knsane amount of skill
I do not have that level of photoshop skill :p
I don't even have photoshop
The internet will have to (thankfully) remain free of cat ear rydwolf
And that's a sentence I didn't think would need to exist
do it anyway to spite lyxal
It wouldn't just be spiting me it'd be doing the whole world a disservice
Spitting? Spiteing?
How spell
@lyxal gimp
I thought you were against the image being released
Alwo your uni might provide a free license
I am but if you need photoshop for legit stuff you have gimp
I know my university provides adobe stuff
And other software too
Anyhow, I'm off to bed for the night. I better not see any furwolf pictures when I wake up.
I've been gone for like five minutes and this has already happened
2 hours later…
@Ginger if I want to define the sechat event handler as an instance method on a class, how would I later connect that to the room? Would I be able to @room.on(sechat.EventType.MESSAGE) thing.on_message?
Impossible challenge: Open Spotify without the UI having changed
@Bbrk24 room.connect(EventType.MESSAGE, handler)
idk if that's the exact function name
got it
can I just say thing.on_message or does that lose self the way that JS is prone to
no self-loss here
async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
    if message.author.id != self.user.id and message.channel.id == self.CHANNEL_ID:
        await message.add_reaction(WAITING_EMOTE)
            await self.room.send(f'{message.author.display_name}: {message.content}')
            for attachment in message.attachments:
                # How to get ratelimited 101
                await self.room.send(attachment.url.split('?')[0])
            await message.add_reaction(ERROR_EMOTE)
@Ginger room.handle takes a dict as its second arg
oh it's register that I'm looking for
What are the rules to having multiple accounts? I want to create a separate account for this bot to make it easier to test
@Ginger @RydwolfPrograms you seem like you'd know
It's perfectly allowed as long as you don't do anything you couldn't do with one
Like double-voting
Alright what's something I can do to get it chat privs
I haven't done codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/88653/… in Trilangle yet
So I went to a career fair today and had to describe what I've used Python for in the past
I tried talking about how I've worked on Vyxal, but how do you explain a golfing language without it sounding silly?
I don't think the recruiter understood me at all (which is fine because it seemed like he was already pretty unimpressed lol)
But in the future I'd like to say it in a way that sounds cool. Any tips?
"A custom programming language designed for competitive coding, to minimize code size"
whereas I can say "I wrote a compiler" and it'll sound cool no matter what
@RydwolfPrograms Ah "minimize code size" is a good way to describe golfing
I started trying to describe code golf and how it had nothing to do with golf, which was probably a msitake
@user Yeah I've made that mistake too
@Bbrk24 Downvoted, mwahahaha
cool thanks
@bbrkbot Say something funny so we can star it
ideally referencing butter
I can't get the automated sechat login to work, but there's also nothing in the console
oh there we go it finally errored
discord.errors.DiscordServerError: 503 Service Unavailable (error code: 0): upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure
just restarting it worked lol
Or do I need to edit my answer to contain the word "butter" first?
TIL tinylisp2 exists
in tinylisp, Apr 22, 2022 at 14:54, by DLosc
So yeah--very very alpha version of tinylisp 2 is out and can be demoed on Replit! Most of the core language is there, it's just missing a lot of the "nice" features and a lot of library functions.
I think I've implemented the "nice" features by now, tho I'm not sure 100% which features I meant by that. The library's still hit-or-miss.
@emanresuA And that reminds me I should get back to golfing my QBasic tinylisp interpreter sometime.
@UnrelatedString Yes. Since recursion is the only iteration construct, the language would be pretty useless without tail-call optimization (though exactly how useless depends on your host language's recursion limit, I guess).
@Ginger and I can say "the amount of serious projects I have made is exactly zero" and they'll throw me out on the spot no matter what
1 hour later…
Just leaving this here for future reference, seems like a good reaction quote:
DUH! WHAT A GREAT IDEA — Fattie yesterday
That is an... interesting... way of cooking...
The thing that really surprised me was how unsurprised the commenters and answerers seemed about cracking eggs over a pizza. Not something I've ever heard of before.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were some that got mod-nuked
You mean comments like "What the heck, that's weird," which would be deleted for being unconstructive?
Yeah and/or answers
My initial reaction was "If you're not following the cooking directions on frozen packaged food, there's no guarantee the result will be edible. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" But of course, if there is a way to make it work, that's a better answer (provided it doesn't come with heightened food safety risks).
@DLosc I suppose it should also be said that my code-golf solutions in tinylisp are often non-tail-recursive because it's golfier that way. But that's code golf for ya. The library functions are all implemented using proper tail recursion.
@emanresuA i hope that's it
@DLosc I usually try to make my solutions tail-recursive so they work for arbitrarily large inputs- which basically means I can’t use recursive techniques at all and have to do things iteratively. The tinylisp prettifier was particularly annoying
@emanresuA Hm, not sure how using tail recursion means you can't use recursive techniques. Do you have an example (that's smaller than a kilobyte ;P)?
@user "I'm a core developer for a community led effort to create a programming language that performs optimally in competitive coding competitions where the key metric is code size"
"further, I am second in command of the organisation managing the language, and I am responsible for key infrastructure for an upcoming overhaul of the language"
A little bit like that :p
@lyxal That's good too, thanks
The phrase "competitive coding" that you and Rydwolf suggested is very nice
I hate you
Always making me hungry :P
This costing 7¾ dollars feels a bit expensive but whatever
10000 KRW; that's roughly 7¾ USD, I guess.
But you can't directly convert the price, there's cost of living differences, right?
Dunno what you mean by "living difference"?
I meant differences in cost of living
I don't think that difference is considerably big. After all, South Korea is a well-developed country.
It's not about how well-developed a place is
Big cities have higher costs of living than small towns, for example, right?
I'm assuming if you live in a big city fast food'll cost more?
I thought that said "if you live in a big, cat food will cost more"
And somehow I thought "yeah that makes sense I guess"
@user I also thought this said that "it seemed like he was already pretty uncompressed"
Well I should hope so
A recruiter would probably not be paying too much attention to you if they were compressed
boutta compress this man into a zip folder
Make sure to DEFLATE him
"Breaking News: people being reduced to bitstrings as man goes around 'Vyncoding' everyone"
"man"? I thought you were a lyxal :P
who said I was doing it? :p
Oh am I the man
could be any man
preferably a man from florida
"Update: Man reveals motivations for Vyncoding spree, says he wants to 'golf everyone's life'"
"Update: copycat compressor going around hissing at everyone, yelling SSS at them before turning them into garbled unicode"
@user Judging by that it was a franchise, I don't think there is a difference.
@DLosc Example: The tinylisp formatter. Your example program is recursive in a way that can't be made tail-recursive, because it recurses on multiple branches at once, so I had to do it iteratively
@DannyuNDos Fractional dollars is cursed
Why? Do you hate coins?
No, it’s always a decimal
and if it’s only one decimal place you add a zero, 7.50
Nevermind, my calculation-in-mind was wrong; 10000 KRW = 7.38 USD, accordingly.
still fairly close for a mental estimate

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