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But conspiracies are fun >:|
You spoiled it
You mean I actually fact checked it :p
Exactly :p
oh and uh
> So really, only 4% of our revenue in the last three years came from videos sponsored by organizations, only 0.9 % from the Gates Foundation/Ventures.
Well percentages wouldn't matter
Like to use an extreme example if I got 0.001% of my funding from the National Socialist Movement you still probably wouldn't want to trust me
depends on how you let that percentage influence your actions
because all money has some sort of history attached to it
anyhow completely different but
music to ask "where are my fingers" to
If you're so concerned that Kurzgesagt is spreading propaganda about billionares, just do some fact-checking.
They're fairly optimistic, yes, but not enough to raise red flags.
My biggest concern is simply that they too often assume people in power will always be smart enough to look ahead and consider selfish altruism, but this is sometimes not the case.
I'm joking, but a Go game should be written in Go.
@DannyuNDos you're not JoKing
That's JoKing
smh stop impersonating the mods
@DannyuNDos You're Dannyu NDos
That's a good one
@Ginger Now you're joking.
no, I'm Ginger
we just had this discussion
And this is why cases matter.
You know I'm increasingly skeptical of intelligence
I was thinking about thinking while working in the parking lot at 8 AM as one does, and came to the realization that my memory probably isn't all that much better than most people's, which up until now was my assumption for why I do better in school and stuff than others
See here's why
We remember things by like, making connections, right
Like nodes on a graph. The more vertices the better you remember it. Well, since I'm just so curious about so many subjects, there're nodes all over the place for new facts and ideas to link onto
So I hypothesize that, while better pattern matching might make that process of attaching to similar nodes more effective, and "better" memory might allow you to store more nodes or more nodes per hour or whatever, that primarily your curiosity and ability to act on that curiosity is most of what makes you smart
LMFAO how did I find out I'm a national merit semifinalist from the LOCAL NEWS before my school told me xD
There I am on page 54/78 of the list of everyone in Texas xD
> Leander
for when you lead something but you also like lean
I'm one of only four people from my town of like 100k who got it (and one's from some rich white kid private school) :D
uh oh
I'm on the run
stealing cars?
I thought you were a drug dealer
Sep 14, 2022 at 13:33, by lyxal
I like to be well rounded yk
@RydwolfPrograms for example, i feel confident that i'm smarter than average, but my memory is absolutely horrible lmao
Just got a new computer, replaced the windows on it with Fedora + KDE
@Seggan I've heard Fedora KDE is super buggy
Lemme know if that turns out to be a rumor 'cause it sounds cool
not super but i definetly ran into at least 2 bugs alr
not anything bad, just a touch annoying
one was a flash when i switched desktops (havent been able to repro it), the other is that the installing bar is half hidden behind the menu bar in Discover
I wish GNOME had a mascot like KDE does...
Konqi is super cute, I mean.
7 hours later…
Never seen anything like this
5 hours later…
> This is a much better project with excellent research. Good job. I hope you don't actually move that far.
I went from a 59 to a 100 lol
for a moment then I thought this was TL and that you'd somehow posted a message there :p
(from the chat sidebar)
You didn't hear? I'm a mod now. Of Off-Topic Stack Exchange, the newest site, where all of the questions are off-topic
@lyxal (fwiw it's actually pronounced "Lee-ander" not "Lean-der" :p)
Like I thought that the TL room header referred to the message above :p
@RydwolfPrograms Lee Ander?
I thought your name was Ryan Tosh
goofy idiot can't make up his mind :p
I had to switch names after they busted me for stealing cars and being a cocaine dealer
that sure is an interesting car stealing method you got there
lol I like how it made my shirt into a buttoned one
Also what happened to my eye xD
@RydwolfPrograms i can confirm it is
sure, a minor bug or two, but usable
@Seggan how can it be usable?
that's the name of a golfing language
a laptop isn't a golfing language
or is it?
Wait there's a golflang called "usable"?
@RydwolfPrograms it's a pronunciation of 05AB1E :p
also I was going for a different joke but I just can't
I always just call it "osabie"
I just can't
it's too perfect
that's like the second rydwolf meme format I've made
the picture was supposed to be "photo of a man holding a laptop running Fedora KDE"
but this is way better
ight forget this software engineering stuff I'm moving into the rydwolf meme template industry
help i'm hurting from laughing :p
you know rydwolf had to do it to em
really wish I could see these images
do images on github show?
I'll upload them there
cool cool
I was originally going for a mocking spongebob kind of thing (to complete the meme type trifecta of drakepost, change my mind and mocking memes)
but it didn't really work out
and i forgor to change the file name
Colleges are desperate for me
> Because you're a top candidate, I'll waive your application fee, I'll make your admission decision a priority and I'll make sure you're considered for scholarships automatically. Plus, you'll be given access to a personal admission dean.
Like calm down Hofstra
LLVM: 17.0.0 had an issue and was yanked, use 17.0.1 pretty please
me using 17.0.0:
javacpp-presets doesn't have 17.0.1, so I guess I'm downgrading to v16
I guess this is what happens when you use like three layers of FFI lol
I'd assume there's API/ABI compatibility between 17.0.0 and 17.0.1 tho right?
probably, but I'd have to figure out how to make javacpp-presets play nice with it
and I absolutely do not want to do that
my new laptop can start intellij in like 4 seconds
my old one took ~20 seconds
what have i been missing out on
haha, my lazy codegen can be optimized easily!
generated code for adding two numbers: (I wrote this by hand but it's about what the compiler would output)
define i32 @main() {
    %ptr1 = alloca i32
    %ptr2 = alloca i32
    store i32 1, ptr %ptr1
    store i32 2, ptr %ptr2
    %lhs = load i32, ptr %ptr1
    %rhs = load i32, ptr %ptr2
    %resultptr = alloca i32
    %result = add i32 %lhs, %rhs
    store i32 %result, ptr %resultptr
    ret i32 0
optimized result:
define i32 @main() {
  %result = add i32 1, 2
  ret i32 0
@lyxal The fedora made out of his own hair reminds me of that meme format with a guy whose chair is formed out of his own brain
@Ginger what is this. why is this. how is this.
could you be more specific? :p
is that what the compiler was outputting?
that's what it would output, if it existed
@Ginger alloca more like cloaca amiright
@Seggan About 16 seconds
the reason that code is so verbose is because it is an extremely literal translation of Vyxal to LLIR
good thing I'm so averse to making a language
mostly because it would suck and probably look like spaghetti code
so it turns out that what I wrote there actually wouldn't work, because LLVM's "stack" isn't actually usable as a stack
I want a STACK dammit
I can't seem to figure out how to do arrays of variable length in LLIR
and I need to do that in order for this whole thing to work
What even is LLIR?
LLVM Intermediate Representiation
it's technically called LLVM IR, but I like my name better
That explains why I found nothing when I looked it up.
it seems I'm going to need some Runtime Supportâ„¢ for dynamically sized arrays
not sure what that'd look like tho
how would input work with that?
sounds like a delicious nutritious memory leak
probably :/
that would require hard limiting, and…
ce n'est pas bien.
@Ginger and LLVM is that good at optimization?
im impressed
yup lol
okay, I need to find a suitable runtime for this project
what're my options here...
libc obviously
ah yes, a classic. (I think.)
@Seggan this is the part where CGR would be useful :b
to provide implementations of stuff like malloc
is a malloc implementation necessary tho?
I can already tell you're about to be in way over your head
wait, is this for Vyxal?
@Someone yup
@RydwolfPrograms I'm already drowning in the deep end d:
hahaaa wish i were skilled enough to help with that
the closest I've ever gotten to working on an actual project is watching other people work on fastify-throttle
@Someone probably not, but I do need an implementation of a stack
or at least a resizable array
and you did say dynamic arrays were necessary.
so you're stuck between somehow messing around with C to make one, and creating 99999999 memory leaks by accident by using a runtime array
I don't think any memory leaks would be happening here right?
yeah I'm not really sure what they mean
It's stack-based, as soon as an array's used it's popped off the stack
I don't even think the arrays are heap-based from what Ginger's said (tho that seems like a very fast way to blow the stack)
if I don't use an external implementation of a dynamic array I'm forced to limit the stack size
since LLVM's built-in array type requires a fixed size
that's what I mean
if stack size is limited, potential is as well
but if it's not, input can be misused to make memory leaks
I really don't see what you're on about with memory leaks
Once a piece of data is used it's popped
And it can just be deallocated
Or for better performance refcounting could be used
paranoid idiot strikes again!
these are just theoreticals
by someone who doesn't know what he's talking about
I can't tell if you're insulting yourself or Rydwolf
Rydwolf knows what he is doing
he/him (if you don't have it I'd recommend the pronoun userscript: stackapps.com/questions/8440/pronoun-assistant)
I'm not sure where to proceed from here
it's done
@RydwolfPrograms they're not rn
I'd need a runtime to make them heap-based
I just realized the SE chat trolled me. (this is a test to show that)
If you start editing a message before the timer goes off, it'll warn you. If you then finish editing and submit after it goes off, it just gives a popup saying "too late!"
I'm going to take a shot at using the C stdlib
or maybe the C++ one, since that has a dynamic array implementation
but C++ has name mangling and such
> Senator Susan Collins, the 70-year-old Republican from Maine who favors modest, tailored skirt suits, joked that she would protest by showing up to work wearing a bikini, an image so incongruous she didn’t have to say anything more.
What an insult lol
My dream is to give a speech at graduation
I wonder if I could somehow make that happen
Maybe being a national merit semifinalist would be enough cred for that?
I am going to throw my laptop out the window
remember earlier when I said the only casualty would be me, from insanity? we've about reached that point and I haven't even started working on the actual compiling part of the compiler yet
hallelujah, I got part of it working
I have now managed to confirm that Clang links against libc by default
which means I can use libc externs in my output without any issues
unfortunately, this doesn't save me from the stack
but it's a step in the right direction, and additionally lets me use the heap
I'd like to not have to use a dynamic array for the stack
let's goooo, something is working
so is there any way for me to use the OS stack/heap directly as a stack instead?
well, most languages don't have a stack-type object
I have access to everything in libc to play with
does the OS use a stack?
yes (I think)
@Ginger You could use the call stack yes
But it's of limited size
I'm trying to figure out how to use libc's memory management functions to store pointers as if they were a stack
ideally I could put all the pointers right next to each other and shift them around
Is it a FILO stack?
good question q:
I think so
Then popping would be relatively clean.
A FIFO stack would require a ton of overhead if using pointer spam.
I don't really see an issue with overhead or memory leaks in a FILO stack unless I completely misunderstand Vyxal.
Since when has anyone used "stack" for fifos :p
Me, now.
The cal stack is filo
it feels stupidly inefficient to store the pointers to the stack entries on the heap
but I can't figure out how to store them on the stack :|
I'm sure I'm fundamentally misunderstanding something here
Does C have builtin support for messing with memory like that?
Seems more like an assembly thing.
I doubt it, but I'm pretty sure LLVM doesn't either
@Ginger Wait wait what
Pointers to the stack in the heap?
Some weird storage stuff.
I dunno
my head hurts
@RydwolfPrograms tHe IrOnY
memory management is janky
I feel like I'm overthinking this
One issue with using the call stack as the stack-stack is variadic commands or ones that manipulate the stack
If you've got call stack stuff mixed in, you're gonna get weird issues I think
is the heap any better?
I'm p. sure even Forth uses a separate stack from the call stack
why "even Forth"? Is it particularly predisposed to taking advantage of builtins?
So that's what I'd do, just use a dynamic array (or possibly even a linked list) for the stack, in the heap
@Someone Forth is a low-level stack-based language
but that just goes back to the issues with dynamic arrays.
like "how da h e c c is this going to work on LLVM?"
@RydwolfPrograms and the array directly stores the items on the stack?
regardless, there's still ^^
@Someone Dynamic arrays aren't all that hard to implement
I'd still probably use a linked list tho
@Ginger Sort of. There'd be a bit of complexity because of data types and stuff
Unless...how smart do you want this to be? You could statically analyze it and make it statically typed I suppose
Which I suppose you might as well
I'm sure there're a few ways to obtain values that could be multiple different types at runtime, but you could just use tagged unions for those
And you might even be able to do away with the stack entirely
By compiling it into more imperative code
how do imperative systems work?
@RydwolfPrograms this is what I wanted to do
but I have zero idea how I'd do it
Okay then you probably don't even need a data stack
You basically just have RPN with some special stuff
@RydwolfPrograms isn't it a lot of struct-based overhead, though?
So you'd want to compile from Vyxal to a more regular RPN intermediate representation with no variadics or swapping or anything that requires being stack-based
wait, so is this about another type of compilation for Vyxal?
to LLVM? or am I completely misunderstanding it?
No it'd be to LLVM
that's what I said
so is this an offshoot or something?
I'm pretty sure RPN is a pretty common IR even for traditional imperative langs, I think going from RPN to SSA would be pretty easy
Offshoot of what?
@Ginger Does Vyxal have any variadics?
If it does, that's a problem
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