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@RydwolfPrograms Me writing vague, opinionated syntax questions:
2 hours later…
One of my favorite things is how everyone hates "liberals"
Because it's just a word that shifts to mean "the other side that we hate"
^ ???
I thought no politics in chat?
Not as far as I'm aware
I talk politics here all the time lol
Well, as long as it's not radical.
Who decides what's radical :p
Electrons do? (Jk)
That said, hope we'll confirm X17, the fifth force carrier.
Physics will have one step forward
Having headphones good enough you can finally hear all the annoying background noises YTers complain about is something
@DannyuNDos Not betting on it
Okay why is an employer I interviewed with 9 months ago now emailing me about a job opportunity that pays $1/hr less than then lol
1 hour later…
When I'm president I'm banning talking to people through wireless earbuds
One time I spent over 30s nodding along to some guy/customer in my workplace before realizing he wasn't talking to me
Probably figured that out once I remembered we don't sell goats
And that I'm not named Margaret
3 hours later…
nah i feel like there's a reasonably large camp of people who consider themselves liberals and do not hate liberals
and like a buffer zone around them
it's really just conservatives calling the entire left liberals, and leftists using it for more or less social progressives who are still on board with neoliberal economic policy
or at least the very loud faction of conservatives who also call the entire left communists :P
in other news i feel scammed by my local thai place
i decided to take a gamble on ordering my yellow curry "thai hot" and
this is just normal hot
this is how spicy i'd expect a curry to be
maybe i'm just spoiled by the local sichuan place where they don't even ask about spice levels because i'm not sure i even remember the last time i saw other white people there
that being said i'm also kinda glad it's within my limits :P
absolutely perfect for getting my sinuses loosened up without overwhelming the rest of the flavor
5 hours later…
@Ginger plates
3 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms Wait what
It's often used to mean "those other people who are more socially/politically liberal than us that we hate" but I've only seen it used by conservatives
I don't see why actual liberals would use the word "liberal" to describe people they hate
Ewwww don't describe us lefties as liberals please
It's so 2016
Big difference
What's wrong with the word liberal?
bruh I'm not watching a PragerU video
When the lefties and PragerU agree on something, especially terminology, you know it's correct
Is it just that liberals are centrists and leftists are more to the left?
Not really
"Liberal" has connotations of free market, limited government interference in people's lives, etc.
That's the old meaning, isn't it?
Yes, but that connotation still carries over to a lot of people, probably not helped by the term "neoliberal"
If I wanted to use the "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas" definition, I'd use words like "progressive"
or "not an asshole"
This is confusing me too much I'm gonna ignore this until the next election
The antonym of the word "conservative" is "progressive" (or sometimes "reactionary" if they don't want to keep things the same, but want to go in the opposite direction of progress). Even the newer definition of "liberal" is slightly off of that axis
So framing things as "liberal vs. conservative" is like having a debate about whether the sky is "blue or colored by quantum mechanics"
Their dot product isn't 0
Scrolling through old messages, found this gem
> ssh doesn’t have motion blur
ugh, I swear Bluetooth's handling of multiple devices is an ascended bug
like during development Jebediah Bluetooth went "hmm, how shall I handle multiple hosts trying to connect to the same device? ah fuck it, whoever asks first gets it, I'll fix it later" and then the next 2.5 decades of development cemented it into being intended behavior
@Bbrk24 don't joke about things like that, you make me want to actually do them
context: I was using my phone to find my glasses and complained about the lag. My then-partner remarked, "ssh: 'first time?'", and my response was that
why were you using SSH to find your glasses
I had to read that sentence a few times lol
although I'll note that I only rarely have issues with SSH being laggy
and my SSH setup is cursed as hell
1 hour later…
are you agreeing with me not experiencing lag or specifically with my SSH setup being cursed? :p
Only time I have to deal with laggy SSH is when I'm proxying it through a server in New York, so it's taking like a 1500 mile round trip, with the shitty school internet filtering software adding latency
When I'm SSHing to the server in NY from my house, it feels like it's in the same room as me, no lag whatsoever
DigitalOcean's based in NY?
Well they've got a ton of datacenters
But NY is where my droplets are
It sometimes impresses me how bad cellular data can be
I can download an hour long podcast on my wifi before my thumb has uncovered the download button
like, it's 2023
At work...I can't even load search results on Spotify
I shouldn't have to wait for 10 minutes to download an app
What does it matter when I only have 1GB/month
1 hour later…
alright, time to get the actual Chat Bridge interface working
I suppose I should create a new account...
Q: Is the "leftist" tendency in academia restricted to humanities?

Paul JohnsonThis answer to a question about "leftist" academia led me to wonder if the observed tendency towards more progressive and liberal views in more educated people is a product of a chance drift in the Overton Window within academia, or whether there is an actual causative mechanism here. One way to ...

I see nothing wrong here
Wake up babe, new rock-paper-scissors variant dropped
Bot-butter: Bot defeats butter, butter defeats bot
CMP: Anyone call it stone-paper-scissors instead of rock-paper-scissors?
ok now I just have to create a CB server
this should be easy
what is this bot gonna do
(internal screaming)
say butter every time someone says butter?
@naffetS relay chat from the Minecraft server I'm working on
I just rolled a barcode again
big brain
bruh, I managed to break VSCode tunnel by accidentally using its port for my Minecraft server
@Ginger Lmao brilliant
I think CB works!
at least in one direction
let's test it the other way...
(and also log in to the server for the first time)
hey @RydwolfPrograms how should I configure nginx for this?
What is this new bot?
actually after further research it seems nginx is not the right tool
@RydwolfPrograms plz send teh codez (or reconfigure your DNS settings)
yeah you need to open another port for me to use
and maybe set it up so that DNS sends the traffic to the correct location
(I'd like to use minecraft.ginger.rto.community)
1 hour later…
@Ginger For what
If it's a Minecraft server, like I said, there's going to be a conflict since we both want to operate servers on the same IP
And it'd be best to run any MC servers with trusted mods on rtowolf directly, not in your VM
If you're fine with an unofficial port I can go ahead and set that up this afternoon
(Can you include a port in a DNS entry for a Minecraft server at a URL? That would probably be the simplest option)

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