I used to feel all excited when I saw those red notifications saying I had comments/replies in chat but now I'm just scared there's comments saying my answer's invalid or can be improved
@UnrelatedString Nice
Channel that into langdev :P
By the way, everyone here has permission to steal any questions I suggested in the definition phase (username Original Original Original VI), tidy them up, and post them on langdev
For a while (before I learned to ignore it) I'd get really bothered by the AI's concession speech in Age of Empires II: "No wonder thou wert victorious. I shalt abdicate."
On that topic I still am absolutely in love with the fact that "ball-peen hammer" is a thing that exists and there's perfectly reasonable justifications for that name
@RydwolfPrograms See, that's why you should be using the headphones your school gave to you for free that are falling apart and are held together only by tape and sheer force of will
> [FAILED] Failed to start The PHP 7.4 FastCGI Process Manager. See 'systemctl status php7.4-fpm.service' for details. [FAILED] Failed to start MariaDB 10.5.19 database server. See 'systemctl status mariadb.service' for details.
They got these crappy portable projector things from some company that would've gone bankrupt had the school district not bought from them, even though the previous projectors were working fine. On top of that, classrooms that already had projectors got the portable projectors
@RydwolfPrograms But teachers are more likely to be altruistic and teach out of the goodness of their heart, so it's okay to exploit them since they won't complain as much /s
Elsewhere, among a group of high school math teachers, I encountered a discussion of the term 'cancel'. Most (>20) people in the discussion had very strong feelings about why the term should be eliminated. I searched among posts on this stack to find the word common used and its meaning seems wel...