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nice (2)
1 hour later…
@pxeger i got 100 :D
wait i'm 202
i love httpcat
How many of these are there
I need to see all of them
I am just plugging in numbers and laughing
what the heck is 308
Oh no not 405
@Bbrk24 http.cat for the full list
yeah i laughed through it too
406 is hilarious
lmao 304
and 408
and 415 lol
Idea: Star Wars but in Shakespearean English
"Thou killedest my father"
"Nay, I art thy father"
d'y'all want me to move the numbers to TST?
I don't mind either way
Star Wars already uses a bit of that fake archaic English
Anyone else here no longer feel a dopamine hit from the +10 notification?
You've also been less active on the main site, right?
i used to not but i've been so inactive that it's back :P
I used to feel all excited when I saw those red notifications saying I had comments/replies in chat but now I'm just scared there's comments saying my answer's invalid or can be improved
@UnrelatedString Nice
Channel that into langdev :P
By the way, everyone here has permission to steal any questions I suggested in the definition phase (username Original Original Original VI), tidy them up, and post them on langdev
North Korean cold noodles slap
Since you were curious
Why are these
good question
1 hour later…
26 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
7 hours later…
@user me
2 hours later…
since when is this called the sand trap
2 hours later…
I’m not online for a day and the next thing I see is 50 new questions
yeah you missed a lot
Well, down to 9 unfinished assignments for the year
And I don't think I'm getting any more
@Seggan Oof, bad fake Shakespearean English is one of my pet peeves
I made it bad on purpose for effect :P
i know that “art” is completely wrong there
That's a relief
For a while (before I learned to ignore it) I'd get really bothered by the AI's concession speech in Age of Empires II: "No wonder thou wert victorious. I shalt abdicate."
> I shalt
@RydwolfPrograms were you aware that when you nuked Canvas you also deleted the logs?
Which version of canvas
I don't remember nuking any version of it
the one on rust wolf
/srv/public/canvas is gone
Try canvas_old maybe?
I believe a lot of canvas iterations were hosted on rust wolf instead of rust drop
which is currently shut down
I don't think I have direct access to rust wolf
yeah, that might be it
The old disk image is on my external HDD at home
I can poke around it if you want
that would be appreciated
Whatcha gonna be doing with Canvas?
Today, in "what the heck is this comment":
// Edit blank new not we want Save/Cancel (adding a new one)
My ears are asymmetrical
My left airpod fits and the right one doesn't
What did I do to deserve this
fuck and I just skipped my whole queue since I accidentally clicked the last song
And they keep pausing every like second
Tbf it's prolly just since I have my left airpod in at work all the time, but never the right one
Since I need to be able to hear things well
@RydwolfPrograms a little trolling
Okay that's it I'm going wireless ear thingy shopping
hey @RydwolfPrograms your DNS is evil
they do the thing where invalid domain names return a webpage instead of NXDOMAIN
Oh did I forget to change your DNS to
Make sure to do that
Or if you're a cloudflare simp instead of a google simp
@DLosc “Master Qui-Gon, more to say, thou hast?” :P
I lov e the goog!
@Seggan "Verily, I ween the Chancellor Palpatine is a Lord of the Sith!"
@RydwolfPrograms just wanna make sure: will my VM come back up if I sudo reboot it?
@RydwolfPrograms Unrelated, but I just hate how phones and laptops are getting rid of headphone jacks
because, uh, I just rebooted it and it's not back up
My parents are getting us all new phones (our current phones are from 2016/2017) and they don't have headphone jacks
well shit
@user AGREED
Do you need me to SSH and restart it
@user ikr
@RydwolfPrograms yes plz
Why do devices keep getting rid of ports? I'm fine with chonky phones and laptops, give me my ports
@user The phones still come with adapters so it's fine IMO
I had to restart it for the DNS changes to work
@RydwolfPrograms the dongle life is no fun tho
@RydwolfPrograms Ah ok
@DLosc ween is a word?
unrelatedly, "dongle" is such a great word
@Ginger I just keep the dongle on my headphone wire
I use one wire for my phone and one for my PC
@Seggan I've heard ween refer to...something else, didn't know it was an archaic word
Yeah I know the… other thing
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Headphone jacks stay in more securely than USB-C cables but I guess it's not that bad unless the dongle isn't too big
Get your minds out of the gutter, children :P
On that topic I still am absolutely in love with the fact that "ball-peen hammer" is a thing that exists and there's perfectly reasonable justifications for that name
my brain is trash and I live on the internet
@user Secure connections can be a liability tho...like if your cable gets snagged
@RydwolfPrograms every time I see that I have to read it twice over
I'd rather my cable rip out and interrupt my music than have a zillion newtons of force be directed at my $150 headphones
@RydwolfPrograms Hmm, I guess so
@DLosc Ah
@RydwolfPrograms See, that's why you should be using the headphones your school gave to you for free that are falling apart and are held together only by tape and sheer force of will
What kinda school do you have
My school didn't give me any headphones lol
One that spoilt its students
We got a bag with chromebooks and headphones when we came back from virtual school, and they let us keep the headphones
My school spoils us, just in more financially sound ways
@user Free? We have to rent our laptops
It's not much, like $50/year or whatever, but still
(I don't rent one tho ofc, they suck)
I'm privileged 😎
To be fair, the headphones are awful, but for some reason, they got us brand-new chromebooks that bent all the way back and had fancy touchscreens
Even though the school already had plenty of (old) chromebooks to give out to us
I think the whole school district got them, actually
My school district just got a $500 million bond, for technology among other things
@RydwolfPrograms VM restart plz
So maybe we'll get like, functioning projectors
Server up
> [FAILED] Failed to start The PHP 7.4 FastCGI Process Manager.
See 'systemctl status php7.4-fpm.service' for details.
[FAILED] Failed to start MariaDB 10.5.19 database server.
See 'systemctl status mariadb.service' for details.
My high school would waste money on the stupidest things, even as teachers were going on strike for not being paid enough
Might wanna check that
I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that
They got these crappy portable projector things from some company that would've gone bankrupt had the school district not bought from them, even though the previous projectors were working fine. On top of that, classrooms that already had projectors got the portable projectors
err, I can't connect to the tunnel
Texas' minimum teacher pay should, and this isn't even a joke, be quadrupled
@RydwolfPrograms is code-tunnel.service running?
@Ginger Lemme log in and make sure the networking's up
is there Internet?
I might've Zucked up the DNS config
@RydwolfPrograms Is the cost of living super high throughout Texas? I'd thought it was pretty low there (outside places like Austin, at least)
okay what the fuck Mozilla
Pinging works
What did Firefox do?
@user It's pretty low typically I think
put a big-ass banner ad on developer.mozilla.org
But $33k for the people who teach children how to be functioning humans is downright ridiculous
and you gotta pay to get rid of it
Nothing wrong with ads
it doubled the height of the header
which, might I say, is sticky
@RydwolfPrograms But teachers are more likely to be altruistic and teach out of the goodness of their heart, so it's okay to exploit them since they won't complain as much /s
DNS works
maybe restart the tunnel?
@Ginger The upper part of the header isn't sticky for me, only the second (real) header
it is for me
You forgot to systemctl enable code-tunnel.service silly
I may be stupid
No you're a Ginger
Oh also
sudo: unable to resolve host gingersrv: Name or service not known
I am Ginger with a capital G
This keeps getting logged, check your /etc/hosts
hmm, shit
@RydwolfPrograms I added it to /etc/hosts
I keep forgetting I can SSH to your server instead of using the recovery console
well now sudo freezes
rip nice
haha it worked
and you can't do it to me because of how tunnel works
aw, I can't retaliate
rydwolf@gingersrv:~$ who
rydwolf  pts/1        May 17 18:12 (
Gotta go to lunch
I'm the ghost in the shell baby
Good luck with your sudo issue
I think it was a fluke
sudo seems fine now
Today in "deciding whether it is safe to put this in my mouth": school sandwich that appears to be attempting tuna or maybe chicken salad
I don't know if I'm brave enough to even try eating this or if it should go straight into the trash
I could probably make it 2.5 hours
I just ate two granola bars and there's still chocolate milk
Yeah nah this thing's going straight into the trash not even risking it
I might be able to salvage the top bread slice
Okay opening the container if you don't hear from me within five minutes you can find my location pretty easily
yeah nah not worth it
@Ginger ooh have you seen the anime
It was free on YT for a while so I watched it
I have not, I just know that joke
also my Canvas clone is now up and running
I'm not... really sure what to do with it tho
yeah lol
Do you wanna help me with wiggles nose and blinks twice the thing?
We can discuss it using one of your wack chat programs if you want
To ensure nobody spies
unfortunately I no longer have access to replit's copy of campfire
but if you can get me a copy sure
actually hol'on
shit, 403
403s are fun
I don't think it'll let me get a zip of it w/o logging in
and besides that's probably too much work just for this
Fine then. We're using one of my wack chat programs
cool got it
Oh god that would be cursed
yeah lol
I designed Scrollchat to make myself feel intentionally awkward and discomforted in the same way I am by in-person interaction
I can SSH to localhost to make myself a terminal and then you can write data to it
we can use wall
wait, would that SSH thing actually work?
@Ginger I was legit gonna propose this 💀
But in a screen session
sophisticated duct tape go brrrr
ooooh spicy
that's great lmao
I think I'll do something slightly less cursed tho :p
and now for something completely different; I just fired up Tinkercad for the first time in like 2 years and was greeted with this:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Omw to Hawaii then
I envy your innocence
Or maybe I just have self-control
you've made at least one crude joke in the past
Tho then again my list of plans for once school gets out is ITSSUMMERMOTHERFUCKERS.MD so maybe that self control part isn't so true
let they who are without sin throw the first stone
wow that sentence sounds wrong with singular they
let bro who is without sin throw the first stone
okay so what is your solution for private communication
I'm just pulling something old out of an archive
It'll be a sec or two
because if left to my own devices I will start proposing steadily worse and worse ideas
Okay problem I only have the back-end lol
Magic Wormhole's text transfer mode!
I'll just hack together a super shitty front end
okay maybe Campfire is a better idea
I'm going to save you from yourself and take 10m to set up Campfire again
I am having fun
it's for your own good!
haha got it
@mousetail reminds me of refactor by Espen Sande Larsen I can’t promote enough
@mathscat You know it's a good channel if it has 27 subscribers
Yup, that’s my benchmark if YouTube nukes the like button
alright, lemme just reconfigure nginx...
@Ginger make a meme out of it and post it to r/blendergore or something
Instant karma
holy hell
Campfire worked first try
Wait a sec
lemme try to remember
weird, this doesn't look like the new version
aw hell I downloaded old campfire by mistake
Okay server's up
lemme make that cursed front end
bruh I just got mine up
wasn't campfire that chat forum you were trying to code?
@RydwolfPrograms Campfire's up, you can probably guess the URL
@mathscat I did code it
static html isn’t coding
Ooh I guessed it right lol
alright, let's see if it worked
nope lul
@RydwolfPrograms v2 is now up
try again
I had to restart
Oh also you need to change your nginx config
It shows the nginx version
Bad for security
how do I do that?
It's really not that bad to show your server version if it's reasonably up to date
Takes like 5m to disable it tho
No reason not to
@Ginger whats that?
WAIT til "duck" the verb and "duck" the noun are related
Also ducks are heavier than I thought
Apparently 1kg is a light duck
Ducks are also just a lot bigger than you think
Oh probably yeah
I hear 90% or more of them can be underwater
Yea they are basically icebergs
@RydwolfPrograms The man who hunts ducks out occasionally
@RydwolfPrograms think I should officially announce the Return of Canvas? (it's not like it'd be hard to guess the link tho)
frankly I don't think anyone will care
@Ginger What did you want to revive it for if not to use it with other people?
because... I thought it would be fun?
I'm honestly not sure why I did it
@Ginger I care!
I need something to pass the time this summer
I might start it up later then
Are you planning on adding authentication so we don't get spammed, btw?
Or actually, the mod tools last time were pretty effective
I'm not planning on really doing anything to the codebase
I'm just running it
The mod tools last time were awful
Rydwolf had to manually edit the json file
And I never got around to adding proper admin tools
Also there was no way to prevent botting or even delayed placement
Q: Is it harmful to use the word "Cancel"?

JTP - Apologise to MonicaElsewhere, among a group of high school math teachers, I encountered a discussion of the term 'cancel'. Most (>20) people in the discussion had very strong feelings about why the term should be eliminated. I searched among posts on this stack to find the word common used and its meaning seems wel...

Here I thought this was going to be about "cancel culture"
@RydwolfPrograms CHAT BRIDGE WORKS
I got it to open a connection!
yes, very
had to screw with my firewall to do it tho, thanks Windows
I just discovered the parody 7xx status codes
> 737: FuckThreadsing

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