I have an example config file that the bot doesn’t actually use, it’s just a reference for how to make a config file. github.com/xsduan/conniebot/blob/master/config/… this line was added recently. If I were to push the bot code that tries to read migrations from the config without also updating the config to include it, it’d crash during startup.
@RydwolfPrograms i'm not very far in but already find it way too funny that she ended up having to dedicate an entire highlighter color to band merch that doesn't exist
come to think of it i have literally no sense of what kind of clothing i actually would want to wear other than my existing wardrobe of nothing but tshirts and sweatpants
Kinda same yeah. I'm pretty content with what I wear now but I feel like the options are kinda limited for guys when it comes to expressing yourself through your clothing
In the process of trying to make fun of my appearance my sister accidentally complimented me twice so I'm feeling pretty good about my current look tbh :p
though i guess speaking of band merch i would simultaneously really like to have the kessoku band shirt and struggle not to kill myself if i was ever seen wearing it
though if it was with a relatively competent outfit overall it might look innocuous enough to the general public
@UnrelatedString I've said it before and I'll say it again: there's a large gap between how I want to present and how my social anxiety will allow me to present
Going to my first concert was such a massive change for me social anxiety wise. Being somewhere so loud I couldn't hear myself scream with 10k other people in black t-shirts was like...I think it's the single event that contributed to ending my pandemic shyness
Would recommend
I guess I do also have the fact that in 18 months I will literally never see anyone I know again going for me tho
Never would've tried experimenting with my hair without that
At some sort of club advertising thing I was volunteering at at my school, some of my friends at the cheerleading booth were joking with me that I should be the mascot next year and I was like...damn I'd legit do that lol
Someday I wanna take a train to some random part of a city and just enthusiastically greet everyone I pass just to see what it's like to be an extrovert
Read a YT comment about someone doing that in downtown London and terrifying all the stereotypically introverted brits :p
I might try asking one of her friends who's one of my friends in vague terms if the things she's doing would be a sign a girl likes me, and I'm 90% sure if the girl (let's call her K) actually does, the friend would realize who I mean
Idea: you and the boys go somewhere like bowling or something like that with the express purpose of inviting her to see if she is interested in going along. Make sure the homies aren't that familiar at all. If she agrees to come along, the chances would be that she's only going along to be with you. If she doesn't then that's not to say she's not interested, but that we do some more brainstorming
...reminds me, i actually managed to get a conversation with an irl linguistics club friend to the point that he said he browses cg&cc off hnq every once in a while
because i also mentioned that it's something i do "occasionally"
I, the friend of mine, and my US history teacher, who is also the cheer coach, talk after class pretty regularly, and the last time, a few days ago, they were like "should we tell him" and glanced at each other and decided against it. No clue what that means, but the timing was a bit sus
I doubt people'd find you repulsive, you seem like a nice person
And even if you claim you're ugly irl, it doesn't matter, lots of people are ugly, people pay more attention to what kind of person you are once they get to know you
@lyxal Yeah tbh I'm a bit afraid to make friends because I know eventually they'll drift away and I'll be sad (and ending romantic relationships must be even worse, I'd hate to be dumped)
Not that I can make friends or get a girlfriend in the first place, so there's nothing to worry about :)
Well, okay, it does interest the stupid part of my brain that decides to get crushes and stuff but the rational part of me knows not to bother with that
When I was a little kid I was like "I'm never getting married" because I was a misogynistic piece of shit. Now I'm like "I'm never getting married" because there's not much reason for it (although it's not possible for me even if I wanted it)
@UnrelatedString Had a friendship slowly go away like that in elementary school, still sad
though i think i'm also weird for having literally no friends outside of the single club i'm in, i'd imagine most connections that are just through a single class fizzle out frequently
and i've tried getting the gaming circle guy i'm closest to to do cgcc but the most he's managed is occasionally looking at the solutions i send him :P
oh yeah and joining chat to argue about copyright law
The Korean holidays are: Jan 1st (Solar new year), Lunar Dec 31st – Jan 2nd (Lunar new year), May 1st (Independence movement day), Lunar Apr 8th (Buddha's day), May 5th (Children's day), Jun 6th (Korean war mourning day), Aug 15th (Independence day), Lunar Aug 14th – Aug 16th (Thanksgiving day), Oct 3th (Heaven opening day), Oct 9th (Day of Hangul), and Dec 25th (Christmas).
also this reminds me, after i brought some earbuds to do last minute preparation for the club's karaoke night, i realized it might be nice to actually listen to music casually between classes in general
but then i realized i would have to admit to listening to music if anyone actually saw me wearing earbuds without watching the screen or saying anything
I guess it's one of those things that you might love if you do them but there's no incentive to do it if you have no idea what it's like beforehand and the possibility of it sucking outweighs the possibility of it being great
@UnrelatedString Didn't you say before you could repel people passively? :P
But yeah I'm scared someone will ask me what music I listen to
I didn't even really listen to music before this semester
Because one big reason I started listening to music was so that I'd have something to say to people when asked to describe my interests but the music I listen to is just bland pop songs that may or may not be cringe
anything mainstream enough that most people would know someone who openly listens to it but not so mainstream that people would immediately call it mainstream
kill off user and then have someone who isn't there be like "user died", and then someone else says "how do you know", and then the first person says "-10 User was removed"