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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

the config is gitignored
but there’s— let me pull up an example
I have an example config file that the bot doesn’t actually use, it’s just a reference for how to make a config file. github.com/xsduan/conniebot/blob/master/config/… this line was added recently. If I were to push the bot code that tries to read migrations from the config without also updating the config to include it, it’d crash during startup.
That’s my problem, is how do I do things like that in CI
"Antichrist murder boi dementia raven way" is my new favorite character
I can't believe how much worse it looks IRL than it sounded from the story loi
21:35 LMAO
(rto13("V fnj fbzr cercf qevaxvat crevbq vanpphengr ohooyr grn naq V fghpx zl zvqqyr svatre hc ng gurz"))
> rto13
always be plugging
CNF got me feeling yeet
Chomsky Normal Form
@RydwolfPrograms i'm not very far in but already find it way too funny that she ended up having to dedicate an entire highlighter color to band merch that doesn't exist
> slutty (endearing)
The fact that "sexah MCR corset" is not a thing that exists is tragic
I like how many of the comments are people who grew up with parents who wouldn't let them dress goth and are finally doing it and just having fun
lmao nice
come to think of it i have literally no sense of what kind of clothing i actually would want to wear other than my existing wardrobe of nothing but tshirts and sweatpants
Kinda same yeah. I'm pretty content with what I wear now but I feel like the options are kinda limited for guys when it comes to expressing yourself through your clothing
(Currently I just wear an identical pair of black dress pants every day, with either a polo shirt of various colors, or an MCR t-shirt)
to begin with i hardly have any self to express :P
In the process of trying to make fun of my appearance my sister accidentally complimented me twice so I'm feeling pretty good about my current look tbh :p
The nice thing about having really obnoxious family members who point out all your flaws is that you always know whether you need to improve :p
though i guess speaking of band merch i would simultaneously really like to have the kessoku band shirt and struggle not to kill myself if i was ever seen wearing it
though if it was with a relatively competent outfit overall it might look innocuous enough to the general public
@UnrelatedString I've said it before and I'll say it again: there's a large gap between how I want to present and how my social anxiety will allow me to present
Going to my first concert was such a massive change for me social anxiety wise. Being somewhere so loud I couldn't hear myself scream with 10k other people in black t-shirts was like...I think it's the single event that contributed to ending my pandemic shyness
Would recommend
I guess I do also have the fact that in 18 months I will literally never see anyone I know again going for me tho
Never would've tried experimenting with my hair without that
i'm impressed you have the willpower to gamble that much time :P
At some sort of club advertising thing I was volunteering at at my school, some of my friends at the cheerleading booth were joking with me that I should be the mascot next year and I was like...damn I'd legit do that lol
that could be fun
Like completely fuckin' embarrass myself with no consequences
Honestly considering asking them if that's an option but I don't know how to bring it up :p
Someday I wanna take a train to some random part of a city and just enthusiastically greet everyone I pass just to see what it's like to be an extrovert
Read a YT comment about someone doing that in downtown London and terrifying all the stereotypically introverted brits :p
On the topic of my friends
I think this girl I've known for a while but haven't really talked to much might like me?
Like I know like all guys I'm terrible at interpreting these sorts of things
But any time we're in the same room she finds an opportunity to talk to me
i guess i'm kind of lucky to be unattractive in some ways :P
@RydwolfPrograms do you like her in the same hypothetical way?
I guess yeah
Hadn't really thought too much about her given that the last time we had a class together was 8th grade
oh so you think she just finds you, like, vaguely worth getting to know more
and not like already in love
that's a fucking relief
Nah it could be either
I have no clue how to interpret that sort of thing :p
I might try asking one of her friends who's one of my friends in vague terms if the things she's doing would be a sign a girl likes me, and I'm 90% sure if the girl (let's call her K) actually does, the friend would realize who I mean
@RydwolfPrograms Sounds like you need a wingman (or a group of wingmen)
do you actually intend to consider reciprocating or
@RydwolfPrograms But we always got along great (and she's a cheerleader :p) so I'd gladly reciprocate yeah
Idea: you and the boys go somewhere like bowling or something like that with the express purpose of inviting her to see if she is interested in going along. Make sure the homies aren't that familiar at all. If she agrees to come along, the chances would be that she's only going along to be with you. If she doesn't then that's not to say she's not interested, but that we do some more brainstorming
in that case you might just want to start approaching her as a friend more one way or another
Or you could do that
like, what does it matter whether or not she has existing romantic intentions
@UnrelatedString Problem is she's not in any of my classes or lunch periods
hs moment
I might have a chance to talk to her tomorrow morning before the AP test ig
that sounds unbelievably awkward
Not really a love-is-in-the-air type scenario tho :p
@UnrelatedString Nah, I feel like having an instant conversation starter would be way less awkward
yeah that makes sense
@lyxal Gotcha. I'll ask her if she wants to go bowling with my Australian friend and I ;p
Anyway, I should probably go to sleep
Big day tomorrow, two AP tests
just invite her to a cursed esolang dev party
@RydwolfPrograms but srs something to have some chance at somewhat logically deducting feelings
Unironically to subtly try and use your intuition to gauge how she is around you in a non school environment
This is probably massive confirmation bias but one more piece of possible evidence
...reminds me, i actually managed to get a conversation with an irl linguistics club friend to the point that he said he browses cg&cc off hnq every once in a while
because i also mentioned that it's something i do "occasionally"
@UnrelatedString one might say he could be among us
I, the friend of mine, and my US history teacher, who is also the cheer coach, talk after class pretty regularly, and the last time, a few days ago, they were like "should we tell him" and glanced at each other and decided against it. No clue what that means, but the timing was a bit sus
but then i remembered i maybe don't want to get to the point where he would ask for my username :P
though i also friended him on discord last week and i'm also unrelatedstring there, hopefully he just forgot
@RydwolfPrograms it means you should probably be careful where you walk. You might have your organs stolen
@RydwolfPrograms this could literally mean any stupid little thing and I'm wary of letting confirmation bias take over, but I wanna believe :p
Probably shoulda playfully pressed for details but time was short since lunch was about to start
Anyway 'night o/
@RydwolfPrograms o/
Watch out for your liver
Could get stolen while you sleep
@UnrelatedString No you really aren't /s but not really
I betcha attractive people are treated slightly nicer by most
yeah probably
And if you're attractive and people keep talking to you you can always dress weird or stare at them until they go away or something like that
Okay that's a bit extreme but you know what I mean
see, i don't have the balls to do anything that actively pushes people away from me
but being repulsive through inaction? can hardly blame me
I doubt people'd find you repulsive, you seem like a nice person
And even if you claim you're ugly irl, it doesn't matter, lots of people are ugly, people pay more attention to what kind of person you are once they get to know you
that's exactly the point
i don't have to worry about anyone giving a shit about me unless they actually know me :P
Ah lol
Big brain
@UnrelatedString You were right then :P
besides, why do people need to be desperate to be in a relationship like that anyway?
@UnrelatedString I would recommend buying a basketball and lobbing it at people who get too close to you
@lyxal Yeah tbh I'm a bit afraid to make friends because I know eventually they'll drift away and I'll be sad (and ending romantic relationships must be even worse, I'd hate to be dumped)
Not that I can make friends or get a girlfriend in the first place, so there's nothing to worry about :)
@user not even like that
Oh you mean the maintenance it takes to keep a friendship going?
Or something else?
Just more there's more to life than looking for someone to have a relationship with
I mean, I'm sure a lot of people are happier married
Friends are cool and all, but you don't need to be looking for romance
No one's saying it's the only thing to life (except everyone's nosy old relatives), but it can improve your life, I guess
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, and maybe one day that'll be something I do, but for now, it just doesn't interest me
Well, okay, it does interest the stupid part of my brain that decides to get crushes and stuff but the rational part of me knows not to bother with that
Like it's not even a self confidence thing. It's more "why would I? It's not something I feel like doing at all"
And not because of cynicism towards the world
I feel ya
@user make the drifting away mutual :P
When I was a little kid I was like "I'm never getting married" because I was a misogynistic piece of shit. Now I'm like "I'm never getting married" because there's not much reason for it (although it's not possible for me even if I wanted it)
@UnrelatedString Had a friendship slowly go away like that in elementary school, still sad
jokes aside all of the friendships i've lost are not ones i regret losing
like, basically everyone i knew in middle school
there was just nothing holding us together, even though we got along well
I mean, there are multiple ways to lose friendships
You might lose a friend because you graduate from school/college or move to a different job/city
my best friend from middle school, i grew to outright hate by the end of it lmao
And now that you don't have anything to talk about much and calling is awkward you don't really talk
but anyone close enough to miss is someone you can at least keep in touch with digitally
@user i only wish that it had happened sooner :P
Well I didn't have a phone back in sixth grade when I moved to the US and lost all the friends I'd had since like kindergarten :(
wait you moved to the us? did you move back or
i could have sworn you live in india
Nah I live in the US, grew up in India
Been here the last 7 years
Well I wish my parents hadn't moved back to India right after having me, sucks over there
And they sent me to an English medium school so I can't even speak Marathi or Hindi properly
that sucks
Is it normal to lose friends after a semester of school/college because you no longer have the same classes?
Or are all friendships based on something you have in common and school friendships just often happen to be based on what classes you have?
it's probably normal
though i think i'm also weird for having literally no friends outside of the single club i'm in, i'd imagine most connections that are just through a single class fizzle out frequently
even if some survive
@user This is you
@user man's really a self checkout
It's a parking ticket validator
Okay I should've chosen a better image
no you shouldn't have
Hmm yeah confusion is better
@user man's really a parking ticket validator
Quick, you can still edit your original message!
I don't want to
If anything, it's arguably worse to be a parking ticket validator
Number of times I've used a self checkout easily beats the number of parking ticket validator uses
1000+ v 0
come to think of it i genuinely just have three completely disjoint social circles and absolutely no connections outside them
casual gaming friends from high school, club members, cgcc
@lyxal You've just proven why it's better to be a validator
@UnrelatedString Obviously you must introduce all three of these social circles to one another
Wait if CGCC is one of them don't introduce anyone to us
This is an exclusive community
i've tried :P
one of the club guys turned out to be an old friend of the gaming circle before he disappeared from both
and i've tried getting the gaming circle guy i'm closest to to do cgcc but the most he's managed is occasionally looking at the solutions i send him :P
oh yeah and joining chat to argue about copyright law
Welp, best not to pressure anyone into joining something, I guess
@UnrelatedString Wait in TNB?
When have we had discussions about copyright law?
and there was also the one time we did a deep dive on that one old ti-basic golfer
or maybe it was free software licensing, idk
okay no it was both
Oct 16, 2022 at 4:00, by nfitzen
Wow, the Sand Trap's going to have its anniversary tomorrow
Wait not tomorrow
I'm dumb it's May 13
Today is just Children's Day.
May 5th.
May 4th.
It's like 13 hours faster here.
-5 here, I think (although daylight savings always confuses me)
That said, it would be fun challenge to decide Korean holidays in YYYY/MM/DD input format.
Any golfing language that accesses lunar calendar?
probably not, though if you include "evaluate in parent language" commands then i guess what languages have it easily accessible is a good question
The Korean holidays are: Jan 1st (Solar new year), Lunar Dec 31st ­– Jan 2nd (Lunar new year), May 1st (Independence movement day), Lunar Apr 8th (Buddha's day), May 5th (Children's day), Jun 6th (Korean war mourning day), Aug 15th (Independence day), Lunar Aug 14th – Aug 16th (Thanksgiving day), Oct 3th (Heaven opening day), Oct 9th (Day of Hangul), and Dec 25th (Christmas).
*Oct 3rd; What a beginner mistake
@DannyuNDos hi timezone neighbour!
I'm in utc+10
One to the right
Geographically down a little (a lot) though :p
That's right
Well, hi to Australia, hi to the southern hemisphere!
hello there :p
@RydwolfPrograms sounds like a sensory nightmare
also this reminds me, after i brought some earbuds to do last minute preparation for the club's karaoke night, i realized it might be nice to actually listen to music casually between classes in general
but then i realized i would have to admit to listening to music if anyone actually saw me wearing earbuds without watching the screen or saying anything
What's wrong with that?
I've recently taken to wearing headphones even if I'm not listening to anything just to keep people from bothering me
@RydwolfPrograms lmao I'm with Bbrk24 on this, that sounds like a nightmare
I got a headache both times I went to this small robotics event at my high school, those many people and that amount of noise sounds unbearable
I guess you could wear earplugs but that kinda defeats the purpose of going to a concert
isn't it basically standard practice to wear earplugs at a concert
like no matter how much it decreases the quality of the live audio, it's better than actual hearing damage
But then why would you even go to a concert
You could hear a cleaned-up version right at home if you have good speakers
the atmosphere i guess
i don't really get it either :P
@user it would then open up the question of what i listen to
I guess it's one of those things that you might love if you do them but there's no incentive to do it if you have no idea what it's like beforehand and the possibility of it sucking outweighs the possibility of it being great
@UnrelatedString Didn't you say before you could repel people passively? :P
But yeah I'm scared someone will ask me what music I listen to
I didn't even really listen to music before this semester
i have a very strict dichotomy between passively and actively repelling
Now I listen to random pop songs that used to play on the bus at school
lmao nice
wait your school buses actually played music?
@user I always just explain it away as "meme music"
or was it just stuff people next to you blasted on their own devices
@lyxal See, irl, I mainly act like a pretty serious person so that wouldn't really work for me
@UnrelatedString Driver played stuff on the radio (usually the same set of songs for like the whole year, top 10 pop songs probably)
@user "modern remix culture"
that, or video game music
Ooh that actually sounds fancy
ooh yeah lmao
Meanwhile the actual music is just spamton
i would definitely hesitate to say vgm though since that's like
the one thing you can just get dunked on for
like here's some modern remix culture I'm listening to right now:
@UnrelatedString Wait really
Math teacher used to play music from Final Fantasy all the time and everyone was cool with it
Does anyone else here listen to microtonal stuffs?
What's that?
@DannyuNDos i think i may have heard some like twice from the one friend i have with the most eclectic taste in music i've ever heard of
don't remember anything distinctive about it though
RIP headphone users: youtu.be/YaOI75_t0UQ
@user Microtones are tones that fall outside of our usual 12-tones system.
That's a pretty broad category of music
Microtonal musicians on YouTube include Sevish and Xotla Music.
@DannyuNDos wow, you were not kidding
My heart rate is now at 150
@UnrelatedString What's a genre of music that won't get you dunked on?
@UnrelatedString Yeah, 'cause it's mostly about math when I joke.
Because one big reason I started listening to music was so that I'd have something to say to people when asked to describe my interests but the music I listen to is just bland pop songs that may or may not be cringe
anything mainstream enough that most people would know someone who openly listens to it but not so mainstream that people would immediately call it mainstream
Classical music?
that's always a good bet
oh or anything unpopular/niche but without being associated with any kind of subculture
Aight time to go to the opera and become a Mozart-listening snob
@UnrelatedString Ah so emo bands are out
yep :P
Wanna hear a math joke, or the other joke?
Either works
You have the Option
you have the Maybe
Give us a whole List of them if you like
Oh yeah Haskell
A math joke I made: "Can anyone put a ring of wolves on their finger? Apparently Japanese algebraists can."
you have the data Joke a b = MathJoke a| NonMathJoke b
@DannyuNDos I get that rings are a math thing but beyond that I'm lost. Could you explain for us non-mathy people?
Something to do with alpha?
@user 'Cause its Japanese algebraists who chose "環" as the (mis-)translation for a math ring.
環 is a ring for fingers.
Does that character mean wolf?
oh that's amazing
Though it's still unclear why Abel chose "ring" as the term, it's commonly thought as in "a ring of wolves".
wait what's a ring of wolves
like just wolves, in a ring formation
"ring" = "pack" here
The other joke I made: "Fianchettoing the black queenside bishop would make a great chord, won't it?"
These jokes require like reading like 5 Wikipedia articles for context lol
Got it?
(the best kind of nerdy jokes)
@DannyuNDos Nope
Looking up Fianchetto rn
i'm assuming this is... something to do with chess notation happening to intersect musical notation?
Oh Bb is B flat
so i take it b flat 7 is some kind of chord
reminds me, aside from not openly listening to music, i'm also somehow in a minority within the ling club for not playing music
even the concept of a chord is kinda terrifying
i actually used to try composing stuff digitally but i can't even keep two notes straight when one of them's in my head :P
guys anyone here took ap stats this year
5 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms yes, the wiki DB
I managed to [$!X$] the initial transfer up and now I'm putting off fixing it
kill off user and then have someone who isn't there be like "user died", and then someone else says "how do you know", and then the first person says "-10 User was removed"
@Bbrk24 sure!
wouldn't be too hard
@Bbrk24 hmmmm
how often do you change the config file?
finally I know what it's like to work at a kazoo factory
yknow, I think this is the first time ever I've seen this XKCD from the Random button, or indeed at all
Covid? More like no-vid says the WHO
old news
> posted 8 minutes ago
I saw it in the news on Monday
So how come news sites like the wall Street journal are only publishing it now
maybe it was something else
> CNN — Covid-19 is no longer a global health emergency, the World Health Organization said on Friday.
You literally can't have seen it on Monday
it was something else, then
Unless of course you have a time machine and you're now covering your tracks
Don't think I'm not on to you ginger
what? of course not
Or as my phone's autocorrect wanted to call you, gingerbread.
Any more of this paradox creation and I will have to send you to time prison gingerbread.
Baked goods ahh mfer
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