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lyxal, I need your professional opinion as an epic troller
@user From here
@user that's not how it works?
idk they didn't teach me this in Precalc
Ah dang I've gotten mixed up with Latinx haven't I
ok what, latinx??
Oh no
latin is a language what now
latinx is a new language or what
da hell is this, latinx
I'd say you're one of today's lucky 10,000 but it seems like you're all of today's lucky 10,000
wait how did i fucking forget the 10000 xkcd is about mentos cola
@AidenChow A gender-neutral form of Latino/Latina, except it seems like the x suffix isn't actually popular among real latinos
Is latine what you're supposed to use?
latine now???
yo like realistically speaking how many pronouns are needed out of all these that are invented, like cmon
None, gendered pronouns are useless
@user i think that's at least an option
have also seen latin@ but not sure how that's received either
Oh wait are you referring to like neopronouns specifically
latino is probably safe tbh
@UnrelatedString That @ scares me
because it looks like an a and an o
why tf putting punctuation marks in their pronouns now
aint no way bruh
how da hell u even gonna pronounce latin@ or latine or latinx
like cmon
@user okay so if I've understood correctly, neopronouns are to remove embedded semantics from language?
(I've never actually understood what they are for)
I'm the wrong person to ask lmao, I don't know anything about neopronouns other than the fact that they exist
same lol
But yeah, he implies the person is male and stuff, same for she
well obviously
Wanna ping Bbrk?
Or I guess better not bother them
I need to work on that assignment in typst anyway ;p
lol is typst encouraging you to work on your assignments?
I remember when I started using Latex I felt like doing my assignments solely because it looked so pretty
no I'm doing a little procrastination
If I were an RO here I'd kick you but I can't, so I'll just say
thanks typst
very cool
I somehow broke the rendering
it's rendering text I deleted
Try using locally ig?
oop fixed it
did y'all expect anything less from me?
Also you better leave this room right this moment or I will flag your last message
damn reminds me, i have an ap stats test to be studying for and i havent even finished this online course i was taking on ap stats lol, thats what procrastination will do to u
Good luck
Protip: Use the Teacher's Test instead of Student's Test for better results
u mean a student's t test?
also ive never heard of a teacher's t test before
dont think thats in ap stats, or ive not gotten to it yet...
They really just played blinding lights by the weekend on a Tuesday in a store
Sometimes I wish they made trollies you can drive or steer like a boat in store so you don't have to walk
Because sometimes you just be tired
@lyxal i mean they kinda have those already with motorized shopping carts
they are mostly for handicapped tho
@AidenChow I want it unconditional
And to ride in the trolley
lol then i would think supermarkets would have to be larger in order to accommodate all of those trollies
@AidenChow no problem for the trollies you can ride
It'd be perfect
@AidenChow also I mean actually riding in the basket
Not on some auxiliary seat
Like a pirate ship but a trolley you are allowed to use in store
Sail the 7 aisles
just bring a paddle in and do it with a normal cart
or i guess something like a walking stick with a rubber tip so there's actual traction
bring in two of those ski rod things and just stab the store floor
@UnrelatedString yeah but then I might get banned from the store
Plus I'm too bif
I'd take up the whole cart with no room for what I'm getting
how small are your carts
I'd need something like captains quarters up the back and the deck down the front
@UnrelatedString average sized
like i'd probably take up half to three quarters of one of the carts here but there'd still be nontrivial room
like a basket's worth at least
Do keep in mind I'm 6'2
@lyxal the reason i ask is there's also these smaller stacked kinds of carts and ones that are the normal shape but half the size
i'm horribly overweight but only like 5'11 or something like that
So where someone might fit with 25% space left, I'd need the whole space
Unless of course you have bigger carts in America
wouldn['t be surprised
That's the biggest size
i don't get the strongest sense of scale from that :P
but it does look smaller than the american carts i'm used to
think i have seen mini-carts built similarly to that
is it wider than your shoulders
Need banana for scale
@lyxal I mean, it depends on the store. Some stores have tiny carts, some (such as Costco) have enormous carts
> only 5'11
Me here at 5'6"
taller than a lot of people but still doesn't feel like
That's tall
Average for men is 5'9" in the US
i'm not even sure i'm not like 5'10
it's been years since i've been measured and my posture has probably gotten worse :P
@lyxal You could definitely fit into one of those low ones like they have at IKEA
5'10" is still tall
nah, anyone shorter than me is short
That is an understandable way to look at it :P
the weird thing is i used to genuinely feel like i was tall when i was younger
but now it just feels like most people are short
What's the difference?
If you're tall, other people are short. If other people are short, you're tall, right?
good question
i think it's kind of like
how much i perceive myself as average, i guess
like when i was younger i was 1. an arrogant shithead and 2. able to write off people being taller than me as them being developmentally ahead of me
but now i'm 1. mostly not an arrogant shithead and 2. exposed to people who are taller than me at a point where nobody's meaningfully growing
@lyxal bruh sit in the basket, i would literally be so cramped in there... my legs are way too long
and it's, like, there are enough people who are waaaaay taller and waaaay shorter that i feel like i'm in the middle range-wise even if not mean-wise
though i guess the short extremes are shorter-er than the tall
@UnrelatedString i am definitely in the waaaaay taller range at 6 ft 7 in, at least that was my height last time i checked my height a few months ago. i might by 6 ft 8 now
holy shit
how sick are you of being asked if you play basketball
@UnrelatedString holy fuck u know that one pic on the internet where theres this card that this tall dude give out to everyone where its like the answers to the most common questions that tall ppl get. man that is soooooo relatable
i haven't seen it but that sounds amazing
except i play tennis instead
ooh nice
tennis is fun
ye i think half the reason why i decided to play tennis is becuz i hated everyone telling me to play basketball so just to spite them i said i wanted to play tennis
but it is fun, dont get me wrong
i also dont really like the "close up" physical contact thats common in basketball, like when u trying to defend someone
tennis is more chill in physical contact thats for sure
its also nice to see ppls surprise when i manage to overhead a lob that they thought i for sure couldnt get, one of the perks of being tall lol
also i swear every couple of weeks a random fucking basketball coach for some random fucking basketball program/team comes up to me out of the blue just to ask me if i play basketball and if i want to take up a great opportunity
like literally im minding my own business, sometimes walking with my parents, and some dude just walks up out of nowhere
also keep in mind that my dad is also super tall as well so ig they must assume that our family plays basketball or smth
that is fucked up
its hella funny to see their reactions when we tell them that i dont play basketball, its so transparent how half of them try to exit as quickly but respectfully as possible and the other half blatantly just say that im "wasting my height"
@UnrelatedString well u get used to it over time, its not just coaches too, its less common but just random ppl for no reason just ask how tall i am, maybe cuz they are shocked and never seen someone so tall before
yeah that much is understandable
every time i go to a new school (like elementary school to middle school, and middle school to high school) a bunch of random students and even some teachers sometimes ask me about my height too lol
the basketball coach at my high school literally walked up to me on the very first day of freshman year and asked me to join the team
like bruh
when i told him i played tennis he say that the offer still stood, and i could accept any time if i reconsider, then just two or so months later, just when the season is about to start and i have basically forgotten our first encounter, he comes up to me to ask if i have reconsidered my options
and it turns out our basketball team sucks
i guess thats why the coach was so desperate
like im 99% sure if i join the team i would actually be a liability to the team cuz i have like no basketball experience outside of PE classes
and i miss like 90% of my shots, even in the two point range
anyways thats probably enough of me ranting about how tall i am lol
not like there's another convo in here
dude i can go on and on about experiences of being tall
kind of a one-sided convo here tho ngl
3 hours later…
Hi everyone.
This is a semi-joke question, but why is the golfing language Jelly named Jelly? Is it edible?
i feel like there's an answer in some transcript somewhere
i know part of it is because it starts with j
(because it's inspired by j)
what was that the keyboard wasn’t even open that word just appeared
That's something more than a cat on keyboard, isn't it?
@AidenChow No, some of these have existed for centuries
> Created by Charles Crozat Converse in 1858, thon/thons/thonself is one of the first known examples of creating a gender neutral pronoun.
Another topic: Though I've never posted a challenge by myself, imagine if someone posted a polynomial-time algorithm for an NP-complete challenge. The entire site will blow up, won't it?
okay never mind
in Jelly Hypertraining, Apr 22, 2020 at 22:11, by Mr. Xcoder
I'm not really sure why "Jelly" was chosen, but that word appeared in the transcript of TNB quite a lot in the period immediately before the release of the language. That might be a cause
@user ah, a fellow decaying eyeballs club member
I can hear frantic cat scurrying noises from the other room
wtf are they doing
@user ΰ² _ΰ² 
@DannyuNDos I’m just imagining someone posting it in the sandbox and saying β€œI’ve managed to do it in n^5 but but that’s disappointingly slow” and then a comment just says β€œYou know that’s proven NP-complete right?”
@AidenChow ...yikes
I sure hope everyone else was able to adequately explain them to you
yeah I was about to go to sleep so I didn’t but I might be able to tonight
@Ginger Did you see my question that started that? Do you have any advice?
I see everything, Bbrk
I did, and sadly I do not
I'll explain why in a bit g2g rn
@Bbrk24 so in short, while I prefer to use they/them in situations where I can (such as here), because of how I identify I can also use a set of gendered pronouns in situations where they're needed, such as if I'm unsure of how other people will react to my preferred ones
I wish I could help more, but I can't
Aiden Chow’s response to my question highlights exactly why I don’t want to bring it up
@DannyuNDos making a golfing language is hard enough. Now you want me to make it consumable by humans?
Smh with these unrealistic expectations upon modern language design :p
@lyxal So you're the author of Jelly. Sure, but not by mouth, but by spirit.
@DannyuNDos well, chatgpt did call me DennisMitchell once
@lyxal I wouldn't advise eating raw Vyxal anyway
everyone knows you should at least dilute it a bit
this just in: vyxal is an AI language model
I only just noticed what it called the conversation
it even put an ! at the end lol
@lyxal go to whatever the Australian version of Costco is and ride one of the big flat-bottomed carts for moving washing machines and such like a raft
mfw I forget an l and the whole meaning of the sentence changes
Who tf even goes to Costco
like no one I know goes to the costco here
people who want five thousand cups of yogurt and ten washing machines, of course
There is one Costco in my city. Across the river, tho.
/s Costco is quite useful for acquiring lots of stuff in bulk so you don't have to make lots of small trips to the store
And dang it, there is only one KFC, and McDonald's is nonexistent!
@Ginger that would be good if costco was actually relevant here
why go once a week to get 7 cups of yogurt or smth when you can go once a month and get 28 cups for an overall lesser price
but it isn't
never heard of whole stores becoming uncool lol
1 min ago, by lyxal
like no one I know goes to the costco here
they're doing it wrong I guess
there's only one for a really large area
The mall I usually go to is Homeplus.
Costco isn't really something people know about
Right before COVID hit (and not because of COVID, just had lucky timing) my dad bought a β€œCostco infinity-pack” of spaghetti
@DannyuNDos incidentally, welcome to CGSE chat!
we're all sane, I promise
@Ginger That's a late greeting lel
@Bbrk24 like a single infinitely long strand of spaghetti?
@DannyuNDos I'm not late, you're just early :b
Yeah, everything is 9 hours earlier here in South Korea...
ooh, short story idea: one of those weird cursed shops that vanishes when you come back, except it's a Costco and all the products it sells are infinite
oh yes I like that idea
a ham that never seems to get smaller no matter how much you slice off, a pack of spaghetti that refills with more strands
a refrigerator that slowly and insidiously freezes everything near it
that took a turn
a washing machine that washes clothes until they disintegrate, a dryer that dries until its contents burn to ashes
the products start useful and then get slowly more dangerous
Sounds like an idea for SCP Foundation.
I mean there are existing SCP entries that are just stores
see: infinite IKEA
My fav ones are SCP-2521 and SCP-504.
> Description: SCP-504 is a species of tomato
we’re off to a great start
I'm going to try to remember this, maybe I'll actually do something with it later
or I could get @RydwolfPrograms to write a story about it d:
have yall ever played KSP
the first one, not the second one
its music is surprisingly good for a game about rockets and space frogs
I especially like the track I have named Space Ambience 3
My brother played KSP. Dunno if he still does it tho.
unrelatedly, Windows File Explorer's "compress to zip" progress dialogue looks weird
that bit at the top kinda... shimmers? as well
If you’re deleting or moving a large number of small files, that dialogue window slows things down and it’s way faster to do it over the command line
I know, but this device doesn't let me use the command line ;-;
in this case it's a few large files tho
Oh, at my new job I have two options for terminals: PowerShell and Git Bash
Should consider nix shell as well
Am I the only one here on NixOS?
@Ginger yeah they do that
i think it's a holdover from vista-era design language
@DannyuNDos I used Nix once
it's certainly something
Python really should replacing Pip by Nix.
mmmmmmmmm no
all that'd do is cause more issues
Python's packaging system is, sadly, unfixable unless major changes are made
that's why I'm making Rabbit, the better Python
Since when rabbits eat snakes?
it's a giant skyscraper-sized rabbit that crushes snakes by stepping on them q:
and it has a much better packaging system
oh I just remembered this error message I saw the other day: β€œerr.error is null”
smh, it should be a slug :P
you see, the error's error does does not have an error
@RydwolfPrograms nice!
"Error: Success!"
now what domain do I SSH to? :p
I tried to sign up for something I needed to at work, and the first time I clicked register it said that (it actually worked the second time)
mmm, janky
this is a project I will be working on so I may be tasked with fixing it
Another topic: Why don't anyone golf in HTML5+CSS3? It's Turing-complete anyway?
people do
it IS?!
mostly for graphical output challenges, but not always
@Ginger you didn't know?
I did not
rule 110 simulation iirc
@Ginger Yeah, you can do simple (1D) cellular automata using CSS pseudo-classes
what Lyxal said
that is beyond cursed
you can also make simple point and click games with HTML + CSS no js
probably a lot of it is just how masochistic it would be to bend into recognizable i/o
but even then we have c++ template metaprogramming answers
@lyxal I did see something like that a while back that abused checkboxes
like thousands of them
it was awful
Q: Does Baba Is You belong here?

Dannyu NDosIntroduction Baba Is You is a puzzle game. In this game, a level is a grid that consists of objects and texts, and the objective of the level is to, if there are texts BABA IS YOU and FLAG IS WIN, navigate Baba (a white cat-like creature) to a flag. The fuss is, there are so many variety of possi...

@UnrelatedString Right, because you can say foo<5>
I think I'm who is gotta make BabaScript or whatever.
@DannyuNDos already exists
Yeah, but that isn't on a grid...
@lyxal ooh this
i've played it before
couldn't figure out how to make any progress
still can't
ugh, I have no idea what to SSH to for Rydwolf's server
like seriously as cool as a proof of concept this is what am i missing
I’ve talked here about how my Discord bot is hosted
Did I mention that the VPS it’s hosted on is owned by an ex? That makes contacting them about anything a bit awkward
again, I'd happily host it for you if you want
i delete one of the intro dialogue boxes in case it's somehow blocking my downward movement and the game just fades to black
well now it lets me go down anyways
what changed? who knows
Btw, we have a bunch of esolangs, but do we have an eso-CPU instruction sets?
ARM is just kinda weird in general actually
but like in a good way
I have one in mind; it can perform addition without having an add nor addi instruction.
Guess how? (Master-level math required)
Before revealing the answer, I should ask, is MathJax supported here?
in chat? nope
chat markdown is, shall we say, appalling
Well, in plain English then
it breaks in multiline messages, its syntax for strikethrough is immensely confusing, it's a mess
okay cool little game now that i've found the tiny sliver of down button that disappears if you ever unfocus the page
@Ginger how do you even type a code-formatted backtick again
lemme figure this out in the sandbox
i know someone's figured it out
got it
Step 1: Implement the one-point compactification of the naturals as an iterator. Step 2: Implement the integers as a boolean-valued function space from this space. Step 3: Implement addition as bitwise add-and-carry.
wait no it wasn't about backticks, it was about backslashes
but yeah i keep forgetting you can double them
that was fast
double backticks seem to solve backslash too somehow
Let me hope that a CPU would have 4MB of registers.
maybe there's a space in there
I could get https://πŸ‡πŸ’Ύ.ws (aka xn--yn8hol.ws) for $4.99
so tempting
do it [little sponge]
domain or not [BIG SHOT]
we'll see
hmm, or maybe πŸ‡πŸ•³.ws

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