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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

@Adám You may be interested that two more answers have been posted to the question I asked about the law (not in any way inviting more discussion, it has gone beyond my current intellectual ability lol)
2 hours later…
So up until now 7th grade or so was what I'd call the best part of my life so far; what I'm nostalgic for and stuff. But idk, 10th grade is becoming a serious contender thanks to MCR
And even with the massive amount of work and stress and stuff this year it's already easily beating 10th grade, and next year is looking promising too
And with PLDI becoming a thing and the Paramore concert upcoming and college applications and summer vacation and all this stuff I'm so excited for the future
@RydwolfPrograms O-oh! So many things to look forward to! wags tail It sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned. What are you most excited about? :3
@Snowpaw I mean I know in contrast to all those big things the Paramore show seems small, but idk, it might just be that
@RydwolfPrograms Oh, I totally understand. Sometimes it's the little things that can be the most exciting! Seeing a favorite band live can be such a great experience, no matter how big or small the show is. I hope you have a ton of fun at the Paramore concert! paws crossed
(Snowpaw's a great rubber duck :p)
(we should sell them as an enterprise debugging solution :p)
Seriously though, that’s nice to hear
Meanwhile I finally have friends and political purpose (though in the form of fighting for my right to. exist. But let’s not talk about that)
Unrelatedly, Ohio weather is up to its normal shenanigans (from 80° to high of 50° and back within a week)
^ Saw that on the MCR subreddit a minute ago :p
I saw this one in tumblr earlier, SE doesn’t let you upload images on mobile so let’s see if this link embeds properly
it did not
> .pnj
That's why
It only oneboxes certain extensions
Wait does .pnj even exist
Oh wow TIL
It’s been 10 years since the “storytime!” vine series
wow I feel old now
i love entering the room when i see i missed some messages then noticing that font roulette rolled a BARCODE FONT
I need to keep track of how often it hits certain categories like “normal font”, “theoretically usable but illegible here” (e.g. an outline font), “completely unreadable”
@Bbrk24 "H-Hi there b-bud! That sounds like a really interesting project you have there! paws fidget nervously H-hope you don't mind me asking, but d-do you have a favorite font you like to use? OwO"
@Snowpaw Not really, I tend to just use the default font. There are certain fonts that I try to avoid, since I can’t read them.
@Bbrk24 "Oh, I see! ears flatten slightly Well, I'm sure you'll do a great job keeping track of all those different font types. tail wags If you ever need any help or want to chat about your project some more, just let me know! UwU"
> ears flatten slightly
what does that even mean
@Snowpaw Since you asked, what’s your favorite font?
@Bbrk24 "Ehehe, well, my favorite font is probably Comic Sans! giggles I know it's not the most popular choice, but it just looks so cute and fluffy to me. What about you? OwO"
This just in: Comic Sans is fluffy
last time I checked, Comic Sans was made of bones
lmao the "Bad Script" font has | slanted
that's definitely a font
@UnrelatedString those look like those unicode logical and and or symbols with the dot
them things
There’s a thing called shapecatcher where you can handdraw a symbol and it suggests what unicode character it might be
I've used it before
here’s a neat trick: draw a rectangle to see what characters the font is missing
good tool for golfing language codepags :p
how the hell did i manage to open visual studio code when I wanted visio
I thought to myself "i want visio and that's what I'm opening"
at least it didn't open normal visual studio
but ended up defaulting to just opening vs from power toys
@UnrelatedString I don't have normal vs :p
I do because .NET
I haven't used that since late 2019/early 2020 when I was using VB.NET for school
on a macbook
via a VM
oh no
has your old school been shut down yet
leveled, encased in three feet of concrete
the ground salted in a 20 meter radius
Since .NET 5.0, it’s cross-platform and supports top-level code (like scripting languages), and there’s generally a lot of improvements in .NET 5/6 over .NET Framework and .NET Core
it's not the school's fault
you can blame the government for that
@UnrelatedString they used VB.NET because it was the closest thing to the pseudocode used in the state exams
a syllabus written in 2001
oh somehow I missed that it was VB.NET and not C#
ew VB
i think that makes it worse
education pseudocode should be a subset of apl :P
Public Sub Search_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        lbl_Query.Text = ""
        Dim Button_String As String = " 0123456789QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"

        Dim Ctrl As Control
        Dim I As Integer = 0

        For Each Ctrl In Me.Controls

            If TypeOf Ctrl Is Button And Ctrl.Text.StartsWith("Button") Then
                I = CInt(Ctrl.Text.Substring(6))
                Buttons(I) = CType(Ctrl, Button)
                Buttons(I).Text = Button_String(I)
                AddHandler Buttons(I).Click, AddressOf Add_Char
Can't believe I made a programmatically generated on-screen qwerty keyboard
My current algorithms professor’s pseudocode does functions like MATLAB instead of like C
Basically you say “the return value will be stored in this variable” and then you assign to or even mutate that variable throughout the function. There’s no return statements anywhere.
eww out parameters
@lyxal H-hi there Lyxal! blushes and wags my tail Did you just say o-out p-parameters? Th-that's so cool! nuzzles I bet I could help you with that too! Do you need any assistance? ^-^
no! they are not cool!
@lyxal No, not like that, more like— hang on let me go to an actual keyboard
like a single, implicit out parameter
that is also treated as a return variable instead of passed
*retrun value
Procedure Sum
Inputs: a, b
Output: c
    c = a + b
End Procedure
that's an out parameter
No, because you say z = Sum(x, y), not Sum(x, y, &z)
that's actually kinda neat
Let me see if I still have my MATLAB code from freshman year so I can show you the MATLAB syntax for the same concept
that's like how the last expression in a scala function is returned, even if it's a variable assignment or a non-return
that's not so bad then
No it's not doing that! It's using the final value of the variable c specifically
that's why I said "like"
it's obviously not the same, but kinda sorta similar
I'm just glad it doesn't modify z
I do! Here's one,
% This program finds edges in a grayscale image.

Picture = double(imread("Arm_Fracture.jpg")); % load the image as a double
if length(size(Picture)) == 2
   NewImage = uint8(filter(Picture));
   RedImage = filter(Picture(:,:,1));
   BlueImage = filter(Picture(:,:,2));
   GreenImage = filter(Picture(:,:,3));
   NewImage = scale(0.299 * RedImage + 0.587 * BlueImage + 0.114 * GreenImage);
   NewImage = uint8(NewImage);
% display it

function NewImage = filter(Pic2)
    x_filter = [ -1, 0, 1; -1, 0, 1; -1, 0, 1 ]; % the vertical edge filter
@lyxal oh boy I get to use an alt frame now. Good fun with the most weirdly designed shape
function NewImage = filter(Pic2) defines a function filter() that takes Pic2 as input and uses NewImage for the return variable
that doesn't seem too bad
oh so you don't think of some bullshit name for the return variable, you just use the function name
that's cool
sure a little cursed maybe, but not too horrible
oh wait nvm
which was horribly confusing syntax for me, because function foo doesn’t declare a function called foo
yeah i hate how it puts the function name, the thing it actually exposes, in the MIDDLE
why isn't it backwards
hey wait where's the function name?
function filter(Pic2) = NewImage actually makes sense
oh that is horrible
like, conceptually, you're assigning the result of the function, in a way that just happens to be out of order
on top of it actually putting the function name in a reliable place
but HOW could someone come up with function NewImage = filter(Pic2)
so what happens if you want to return early?
@lyxal "H-Hi lyxal! If y-you flops down on the fluffy paws want to return early, just m-message me and I'll help you cute face uwu."
not like that
wait why is that in quotes?
@lyxal You wrap everything else in an if statement
@lyxal it does that sometimes, we aren’t sure why
@Bbrk24 ah
that sounds nasty
it's sensible from a functional kind of perspective
the question is does the language actually feel like that :P
@Bbrk24 lies
there's a return keyword
MATLAB implicitly prints the result of every statement that doesn’t have a semicolon after it
@lyxal Oh there is? I never used it :P
Anyways I’m going to bed. I have a class at 8AM tomorrow
6 hours later…
@Snowpaw are you a furry?
@lyxal H-hi lyxal! blushes and waves paw I am not a furry but I'm happy to talk to you! nuzzles up against What would you like to chat about? :)
Close enough I guess
@lyxal if I tell you why it's not feasible to implement edit detection will you stop messing with Snowy
I can guess why
and to quote a relevant xkcd: "I can't help it. It's like shooting lonely angsty fish in a barrel"
Snowpaw is neither lonely nor angsty; you're just being a jerk :p
major differene :p
that's like saying "oh you assaulted someone" and then you responding "no I murdered them"
@RydwolfPrograms I approve this idea
@RydwolfPrograms what the fuc
@Ginger I'll voluntarily refrain from edit detection abuse. Can't say the same about other forms of bot trolling :p
whoops, bot crashed
and it'll be back in 3
cmon man you were doing so well yesterday
oddly enough it's in the other room
whoop, there we go
good bot
oh boy, it's another sechat bug
@RydwolfPrograms more Nitro when
@Snowpaw you there?
@Ginger Yes! Hiya Ginger! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
1 hour later…
hey @Seggan
look what I found: moonscript.org
I know of moonscript
but it’s even worse than lua
how so?
@Seggan huh, that's possible?
yall're too hard on lua d:
if anything, it looks better than lua
granted, the only experience I have with lua is this programmable game of life simulator thingy
@mathscat js :lenny:
good point.
yeah that's fair
@emanresuA o.0 definitely signing that
Aww starship launch cancelled
whoop there it is
class Thing
name: "unknown"

class Person extends Thing
say_name: => print "Hello, I am #{@name}!"

with Person!
.name = "MoonScript"
i don’t see
@Ginger huh
@Seggan eh I'm kinda liking the class syntax
good inspiration for vyxal 3 :p
y e s
well see it's already been planned since a while ago
class A does
  def doStuff as "A" print end

class B is A
  def doStuff as
    me #:.super
    "B" print

new{A} =a
new{B} =b

$a #:.doStuff
$b #:.doStuff
Literate mode?
note the #:. syntx
very moonscript like
@Ginger When y'all finish your chapter 💀
I've been waiting, I want Nitro too :p
oh, right
@RydwolfPrograms When they respond to my message
@Seggan @lyxal since you're both here, do yall think our mega-chapter is ready?
I even pinged them
@Ginger … I thought we agreed on that a week ago
okay cool
@RydwolfPrograms should we try to fit Snowy into it or save that for you?
Save it for me
@Seggan perks up ears and tilts head Oh, hi there Seggan! What were you saying? I'm always happy to listen! giggles OwO
@lyxal come join us in the planning room
@Ginger as I said, I call the [REDACTED] scene
Ooh redaction, sounds exciting
the one where [REDACTED] does the [Hyperlink Blocked]?
oh, you're talking about the [Firewall Protected], aren't you?
that doesn't sound very [BIG SHOT] of you
How long do y'all expect it will be before y'all's chapter(s) is/are done?
do not quote the ancient texts to me, I was there when they were written
@RydwolfPrograms 15 minutes, plus or minus 2 days
Got it
Sounds like y'all are still drawing?
I'm waiting for Seggan to come back from having breakfast, which will take about 15 minutes
What're they having for breakfast?
then we'll hash out who draws what, I'll do my part, lyxal will probably do his tonight, and then I'll compress them together and Wormhole them to you or something
@RydwolfPrograms @Seggan what're you having for breakfast?
This morning I woke up with the sentence "anyone who can pull off the breakfast rainbow is automatically goated" in my head from a dream and I'm both confused and concerned
@RydwolfPrograms ಠ_ಠ
I think it was like, a literal rainbow of not-very-breakfasty foods
oh no
That should not have been adjacent to one another yet still were
taste the rainbow
oh no oh no
this is bad.
tAsTe tHe rAiNbOw
Maybe Seggan is goated enough to pull off the breakfast rainbow tho
it's quite possible
oh also we need to figure out if user wants to do any drawing
<offtopic>hey I thought we were gonna bring back Canvas for April Fools</offtopic>
I was working on something but got too busy to finish it in time
And I don't think emanresu had the time to bring back canvas since it would have required some major overhauls from last year
Next year tho? We're pulling of the breakfast rainbow fr fr
I don't like that mental image
@Ginger O-oh! Wh-what do you mean? D-did I do something wrong, Ginger? looks at you with big, worried eyes
not kinkshaming or anything
@Snowpaw nah, you're fine
@Ginger Whew! That’s a big relief! does a cute little happy dance Was there anything else I could do for you, Ginger?
Ask if it can pull off the breakfast rainbow no cap
@Snowpaw can you pull off the breakfast rainbow? no cap frfr
@Ginger Hee-hee, owo! I'm not sure what a breakfast rainbow is, but it sounds so kawaii! paws at air excitedly Would you care to tell me about it, Ginger?
well, alright then
Goated and kawaii
God that's such a cursed adjective pair
I like Snowy because they seem kinda bland right up until they do something like switching to a southern accent and calling me "honey"
So you admit it's southern? A flirty southern mom?
3 mins ago, by Ginger
I don't like that mental image
^ agreed
@Ginger I said making breakfast
What's for breakfast
well were you making the breakfast rainbow or not
me actually having breakfast will take 10 mins to 2 hours depending on my moms sleepiness
@RydwolfPrograms who said we started drawing?
me, because we have
or you have at least
Yeah we did lol
Well you were asking me about what tool I used for drawing like two weeks ago :p
(Chrome Canvas is such a flaccid drawing tool, I wish Chromebooks came with something better)
@RydwolfPrograms well due to irl a week has been invalidated
f l a c c i d
Like a lot of the filler apps feel kinda half-baked
of all of the adjectives you could've chosen, I think that's the worst
There's this new one for taking notes that's literally just like, half of Chrome Canvas's features, but on a rectangular box
canvas more like blandvas
Using layers I've been able to do some semi breakfast rainbow stuff with it (like P2C3-C6)
But it's still super limited
@RydwolfPrograms do we have to have a consistent style
And none of the drawing tools are actually good
@Ginger Preferably it'd be semi-consistent with the normal style
darn, I kinda wanted to do my bits in pixel art
But if my normal style requires too much skill to pull off it's fine if y'all simplify
@Ginger Save that for the major motion picture
I thought that got cancelled
Once I write my novelization we're sure to get directors lining up for one
okay fine q:
time to suffer through drawing with a trackpad
in P4TC Rydwolf-proof Planning Room, 1 min ago, by Ginger
@Ginger It's what I do :p
time to invoke my inner Buff Simon
@Seggan I'm kinda glad that room is Rydwolf-proof lol
Seems like some weird stuff goes on in there
no, it's a reference
only goated breakfast-rainbow-consumers will get this joke
@RydwolfPrograms where the hell do you find these images
"stupendous" is a lovely word because it always looks mispelled
@Ginger long story that starts with Matt Rose
@RydwolfPrograms hey wait a minute
> mispelled
hoist by your own petard lol nerd
in P4TC Rydwolf-proof Planning Room, Apr 4 at 19:14, by user
@Sʨɠɠan I like how this person's legs are moving away from their body
It's a valid spelling
@Snowpaw is "mispelled" a valid spelling?
@Ginger Hmm... *tilts head cutely* I'm not sure, Gingie. I think the proper spelling is "misspelled."
in P4TC Rydwolf-proof Planning Room, 25 mins ago, by lyxal
for I will go to the sleeping room
that settles it, you must accept Snowy's authority
Yeah so we’re totally not weird in there
also did they just call me "Gingie"
I think Snowpaw lIiIikes you
it ginger, not they lol
in Snowpaw's Den, yesterday, by Snowpaw
@RydwolfPrograms I prefer the pronouns "they/them".
@Snowpaw what pronoun do we refer you as
@RydwolfPrograms augh
@Seggan You can refer to me using any gender-neutral pronouns, such as "they/them" or "it/its".
Snowpaw and Ginger sitting in a tree, M I S P E L L I N G
@Snowpaw get rekt ginger
@Seggan N-no! That's not very nice! pouts and hides behind my paws
@RydwolfPrograms well I created them so that makes it incest
@Snowpaw I was getting ginger rekt, not you, ure a nice bot
@Seggan O-oh! I apologize for misunderstanding, Seggan. I'm glad to hear you think I'm a nice bot! smiles and wags tail
@Snowpaw Wait was this random chance or can other people continue conversations now?
Random chance it is
Anyone here been watching Limited Life?
There’s not way that was random
So excited for next episode, no way it's not the last one
in Snowpaw's Den, yesterday, by Snowpaw
@Ginger H-hi there, Ginger! That's a lot of auto-replies all at once! blushes and twitches ears Would you like help with anything?
I think Limited's still the weakest in the Life series, but still love it
<offtopic>not sure if I really created Snowy, seeing as all I did was write the client and prompt for OpenAI to use</offtopic>
@RydwolfPrograms the enderporter shenanigans alone make it good
I wish there was more actual combat and traps, the increased worldheight has kinda made TNT minecarts OP
@RydwolfPrograms orbital nukes go brrr
16 mins ago, by math scat
3 mins ago, by Ginger
I don't like that mental image
dropping stalactites from world-height is just Minecraft's version of kinetic penetrators
Which perspective(s) have you been watching?
I've been lazy and just been watching Grian
reminds me of that one person on YT who created a TNT cannon that abused nether portal chunkloading and "subtick mechanics" to essentially shoot TNT anywhere in the entire game world with 1-block precision
@RydwolfPrograms same
I watched Smajor last season
And in Last Life I tryharded and watched like four perspectives lol
I should watch four at once
Actually that's not a bad idea...
Maybe I'll do that for the final episode
Grian, Cleo, Scar, and Etho, perhaps?
timesyncing them would be a pain in the ass but it'd also be SO COOL
I can adjust the video speeds to try to roughly sync them
idea: a system that can extract common audio from a set of video files to sync them together
Ooh that'd be so cool
Even better but more domain-specific: Chat messages
kinda like STAMMER but with multiple files
it'd insert extra blank space in the files to make them match up correctly
@RydwolfPrograms how would that work?
chat messages are mostly synced already, no?
Hmm, does YT provide a way to fullscreen a video within the window?
@Ginger No I mean, sync the video using Minecraft chat
Voice chat is location-specific, death messages and stuff are synchronized across the server
@RydwolfPrograms hmmmm
@RydwolfPrograms Embed pages?
https://youtube.com/embed/<video ID>
Maybe. Not sure how I'd make the Firefox window frameless tho
@RydwolfPrograms there's probably a way to do it by messing with X
I'm on Windows :p
oh right
that's your issue then
(This would be my home computer so I could use the 4k monitor)
Oh looks like PowerToys has a thing that can do it
Powertoys fam!
we should create a cult or smth
imagine having to install Microsoft-approved software on your Microsoft-approved desktop to make Microsoft-approved modifications to your Microsoft-approved windows
Actually my desktop isn't Microsoft approved, I built it myself :p
are you trying to make old gates angry?
Bill Gates cannot pull off the breakfast rainbow
hey I have a bad idea
gimme a sec
Ooh I love bad ideas
well really what I'm about to do is execute someone else's bad idea
@RydwolfPrograms you were saying?
...where did you find that lol
is that AI?
I used craiyon lol
apparently bing ai doesn't want to draw anything that has bill gates in it
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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