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6:00 AM
@mousetail wat now
@mousetail Six? n00b
Drywall = basically cardboard
bro i can see 9 wifi network and 6 of them are literally from my home...
Ah the NSA surveillance network, either someone thought of the same joke in every neighborhood or it's a real conspiracy
I can't imagine it being very cost effective to build interior walls with concrete
6:01 AM
@AidenChow You'd get faster intenet if you deleted some of them
Especially since plumbing and wiring exist
we got guest wifi, guest 5g wifi, main wifi, main wifi #2 for some reason, random ass wifi cuz why tf not, and random ass wifi v2
@RydwolfPrograms In my case they are extra thick for sound isolation, since every room is rented out seperately
@mousetail my parents doing, not mines lol
@mousetail Oh, that makes sense
6:02 AM
@mousetail FBI Van is a popular one too
Blackmail them to get rid of some networks
@AidenChow 2.4 and 5 won't interfere with each other, you can ignore those dupes. So you've basically just got two, guest and main, plus the two other random ones
y'all can see multiple? I can only see one. which is a problem cuz my house has more than one...
oh nvm they just didn't load the first time I looked
@RydwolfPrograms I wonder if those printers are unsecured
How does that even work
6:04 AM
@user I see that a lot too, which is weird, since I'm not in the US. I'd expect CIA
Like, why are the printers creating a network
@RydwolfPrograms 2.4 and 5?
@RydwolfPrograms Usually you connect to the network to set them up, afterwards they'll connect to the network you configures them to connnect to
Ghz. Those are the two frequency bands for WiFi (there's a third now, 6 Ghz, but it tends to only be supported by modern and high end routers/computers)
oh those
i heard theres 10g?? or is that false news
6:06 AM
@mousetail Betting that's your wifi card
Is it ac or b/g/n?
@AidenChow That's just your mom's attraction
@user ayo bruh
chill lol
Sorry couldn't resist
@AidenChow Haven't heard of thst. You might also be mixing up wifi and cellular, 4G/5G/the upcoming 6G are totally separate from 2.4/5/6 GHz WiFi
Hard to resist that kind of gravitational pull
6:07 AM
(the G stands for Generation in 2G/3G/4G/5G/...)
@user O_O wat now
There's going to be a 6G already?
Things get specced way before they get implemented
@AidenChow The joke was that yo mamma is so fat the gravity on her is ten times that of earth
Can't wait for 6G radiation horses
6:09 AM
@user ya ik that... im taking physics class this year lol
or hoaxes?
@RydwolfPrograms why not both?
@RydwolfPrograms Horses
Can't wait to get COVID-24 from horses prancing through the air between Jeff Bezos' 6G towers
6:10 AM
@RydwolfPrograms oh wat now
I have a bad habit of mixing up cellular standards and RAM, since 5G and DDR5 came out at the same time, both replacing version 4, with plans for version 6 already being drafted
(also DDR5-6000 still stable, would recommend)
ok so i remember where i saw 10g before.... : xfinity.com/10g. is that some advertising bullshit?
or real?
Yeah looks like advertising bullshit
"Just stick G on the end of a nice number and it'll sell better"
> The Xfinity 10G Network is the new brand for our next-generation network. The Xfinity 10G Network delivers a powerful connection to our customers that will continue to get smarter, faster, more reliable, and secure. It is the network that our customers use today and the network that will power their connectivity experience in the future.
bruh so its literally a brand name, not real?
I mean, it's probably the 10th generation of something
Just not anything anyone cares about
Like, 10th generation of Comcast trying to pretend they're cool
6:15 AM
this is some misleading stuff, i was believing it to be smth revolutionary for a bit there, cuz i never see 10g before lol
@RydwolfPrograms so g stands for generation??
bruh so 4g and 5g and 6g is just mean generations?
Yeah, generations of the cellular network standard
what about 1g 2g 3g, those a thing too?
3G's still around even
IIRC 2G is pretty phased out and insecure, and never heard of 1G (it probably didn't get called that at the time)
6:19 AM
so this is for data or wifi?
Cellular calls/data
oh ok
whats even the difference between all of these..
Cellular and WiFi? or the different generations?
Cellular's from cell towers and requires a SIM card and a paid plan
WiFi's from your router (technically your wireless access point, typically in the same box as the router), local to your house, and can't do calls (aside from VoIP)
The diffeerent cellular generations mostly just add speed
6:23 AM
5G carriers talk a big game, tho it tends to be about 200 Mbps at best in practice from what I've heard
@AidenChow voice-over-IP
You can't make calls on a mobile device over WiFi IIRC
VoIP is the technology that lets you do that (incl. without a SIM card I think?)
wat, so cellular and wifi do the same thing or what??
Not really. I mean, they both wirelessly provide access to the internet, but one's meant fir cell phones aand supports calls/SMS, and one's purely for internet and localized to one home/location
so whats a sim card
The thing you put in your phone that tells it what your phone number is
6:34 AM
u put a card in ur phone???
Some new phones have e-sim which is virutual but It's not that common yet
never seen that before lol
@AidenChow You've never heard of one?
@user errrrrrrrr no....
Don't you have a phone number?
6:36 AM
@AidenChow okay zoomer
If you have an iPhone, there's a thing on the side with a hole that you can insert a paperclip into. If you do that, it'll come out and you can see your SIM card
@lyxal Aren't you a zoomer yourself?
@mousetail no
Then it makes sense
dont have a phone :((
6:36 AM
a sim card == a phone number basically
@user I've seen a sim before
@mousetail laughs in data only sims
Yeah but you can't use "ok zoomer" on people of your own generation
@user oh interesting
@user I just did
Of course you can, zoomer
6:37 AM
You mad?
@mousetail Laughs in Google Voice
@lyxal I'm user, dumbass
google voice??
Ok there are exceptions I get it
What's the new generation called though? The zoomer generation has ended
Yeah I know Google Voice isn't really a counter example
@mousetail Generation Whining Little Morons
@lyxal data only sims???
6:39 AM
@mousetail Alpha, according to Wikipedia
@user aaand this generation started when?
Data only sims just let you use 4g/5g data but not call or text I guess
@AidenChow 2017 I guess?
Generation Alpha (Gen Alpha for short) is the demographic cohort succeeding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 2010s as the starting birth years and the mid-2020s as the ending birth years. Named after the first letter in the Greek alphabet, Generation Alpha is the first to be born entirely in the 21st century and the third millennium. Most members of Generation Alpha are the children of Millennials.Generation Alpha has been born at a time of falling fertility rates across much of the world, and are experiencing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as young children. For...
damn alpha?
i want to be generation alpha lol, sounds way better than fucking gen z or zoomer lmfao
Z is a cooler letter than alpha imo
6:40 AM
why is gen-Z so short? Only a range of 15 birth years while the rest have like 20
Alpha also appears to be only about 15 years
Can we not just say a generation is every 20 years at multiples of 20 and not these random dates
I'd rather we didn't have these sort of arbitrary boundaries at all
who decided these generations anyways
@mousetail Uh, landlines say hello.
6:42 AM
is like random or what
whenever news sources feel like fabricating new divides to distract people from real issues /hj
lol but like actually tho
it seems completely arbitrary to me...
@AidenChow gen alpha is raised on shit like cocomelon though. Those kidiots are suffering from brain rot from an early age :p
anyway facetious comments aside I'm sure there's some metric however arbitrary they use but like
it's 100% very america-centric and also fairly arbitrary but tbf so are like, all demographic classifications
@lyxal ya actually true tho lol, i saw little kid from close family friends and relatives, always holding an ipad blasting some annoying tiktok cringe
i swear to god tiktok is making all these little kids dumb as shit
or like youtube shorts or whatever
6:49 AM
yeah social media is absolutely severely degrading people's attention spans these days
myself included, though my attention span was never great to begin with and I only really had social media access in like... middle school or so
bro i have some little kid from family friends, great kid, except for the fact that he always spouts some random tiktok nonsense at me constantly, like da hell is he saying "i like you cut jee"????
tbf that's not even new nor does it originate from tiktok lol
well idk i dont pay attention to that stuff lol
he just start saying that one day and its so annoying
@hyper-neutrino Is this a scientifically proven thing?
My assumption has been that that's pretty overblown
there are probably studies on it
I was just speculating TBCH
6:55 AM
Children are not known for their long attention spans regardless
I know my attention span has reduced since getting social media
I could only get it after moving out
@hyper-neutrino ok but what does it even mean
to be entirely fair I can't really say whether or not social media really had an impact on my attention span
I wonder if any attention span impact which exists is something which changes about the person themselves, or if the social media itself just interrupts their attention span often
I'd expect it's mostly the latter and that TikTok isn't having any permanent negative impact, which is the claim I hear a lot and assume to be unscientific
@AidenChow Good job, you have now become a Boomer in spirit
6:57 AM
my attention span has always been pretty weird by which I mean usually terrible, and I've never really been a prominent social media user; I spent a decent amount of time on reddit in the past few months but recently deleted my account for reasons unrelated to this
You kind of need a short attention span to survive on social media, if you watched every terrible video you encountered till the end you'd go insane
dude social media is fucking up with my attention span and kinda increasing my procrastination, sometimes im even have no motivation to do hw and just go on code golf lol
@AidenChow it is just a reference to a short video: youtube.com/shorts/ERvofdiuJxA (mild volume warning)
I've never found there to be anything amusing about it but oh well
@hyper-neutrino yes im not finding anything amusing about it lol
That's been around since at least... 2019 I think? At least I remember kids at school saying it then
6:59 AM
it originated in mid 2018 so yeah you're about right
I feel like some of this stuff about social media reducing attention spans is just another variation of the old "TV will rot your brain"
@AidenChow aw he playing minecraft
@lyxal ok how u know he like to play minecraft
he play all the time
No no that's what comes before the line "I like ya cut g"
7:02 AM
@user Thing is, TV doesn't recommend a series of videos specifically designed to keep you entertained for as long as possible.
Especially if you watch one news video, it's easy to go down a rabbit hole of videos meant to enrage you
guys also these little kids are singing the most stupid tiktok songs as well, like the hell is "what color is the sky?" and they dont answer blue like a normal person would but some random song lyrics that just sounds weird af
But have there been any conclusive studies showing it permanently affects you?
@AidenChow Every generation thinks the next generation is weird and their slang is nonsense
ye but like tiktok
tbch idrc about silly tiktoks and as long as kids grow out of it like, w/e I still can't convince myself it has no lasting impacts but like whatever it's not horrible i guess
7:04 AM
oh fuck
no one saw that mispelling lol
only tiktoks I really have an issue with are the stupid ones that are actually dangerous or just straight up criminal like the thing where people literally just recorded themselves stealing shit from their school
@hyper-neutrino gotta get those devious licks tho :p
There are some stupid ones that are not dangerous, just expensive
@hyper-neutrino yea or like that one where they wrecking bathrooms or smth, i dont exactly remember
@lyxal lolol that just sounds weird, da hell is that??
people did that in my hs too lmfao. I started bringing hand sanitizer to school cuz it was a cointoss whether or not the soap dispenser would still be attached to the wall every time I went
@AidenChow it's the trend I mentioned
7:10 AM
@hyper-neutrino wait really?
Holy hell
maybe I am slightly exaggerating but I did actually start bringing hand sanitizer to school :P
sometimes I'd just walk in and find the soap dispenser in the sink or in the trash can
more often though it'd just be empty
bro one time i walk in the bathroom and found like what seemed to be the entire content of a toilet paper roll in the toilet
it was like fully covered
some weird stuff do happen in school bathrooms lol, i wonder why that is...
Devious licks was in 2021 right?
is npm dying for any of y'all as well? getting 503s and it's really slow even if it does load
@lyxal from what I could find yes
@hyper-neutrino lolol our school was having issues with toilet paper, like it kept running out constantly
7:15 AM
@hyper-neutrino seems to be loading for me
@hyper-neutrino lucky for me I left school in 2020 :p
likewise :P
lol same
@AidenChow as in "moved onto secondary education" or "moved onto tertiary education"?
as in left school due to covid :PP
also whats secondary education and whats tertiary education
@AidenChow high school and university
@AidenChow ah see I straight up left school. Don't go there at all anymore
7:30 AM
You drop out or graduated?
@lyxal oh im not even close to university yet
i think 2020 or 2021 does actually coincide with when i joined high school actually
You're so tiny
@mousetail graduated
@mousetail wats that supposed to mean...
That surprises me
7:31 AM
Now I'm 3 years into a software engineering degree and boy oh boy frick group work
Not fun
Group work can be really fun sometimes
If you got a nice group
group work mostly sucks
teacher assigned groups just suck
and the assignments just suck
I had one group where we printed out memes on A3 paper and hung them all over our work room
that was fantastic
@lyxal Same
I've got a nice group right now, but previous groups have been nasty
7:33 AM
damn yall in college or what
This was final year though so people with 0 motivation mostly dropped out by then
@AidenChow Well yes
am i the only one in high school here or what
I'm both :P
7:33 AM
I graduated college already
@emanresuA tf now
@mousetail DAMN
@AidenChow ^^^^
There are a few teenagers on here, like UndoneStudios and NumberBasher that I know of
@mousetail old mfer
ah numberbasher, what happened to him...
7:35 AM
I'm 24
@mousetail oh rly?
20 secs ago, by lyxal
@mousetail old mfer
ok zoomer
@mousetail damn thats like almost double my age
@mousetail Wrinkly ahh mouse
7:36 AM
i wonder what happened to numberbasher anyways, i havent seen him around in a long while
and dialfrost too, wasnt he active here too
He was
People come and go sometimes
i wonder when ill eventually stop code golf...
Also plenty of people leave for a few years then come back
8:33 AM
yeah that is like
like probably at least a year older than tiktok
@user i've never had any particular issues with eduroam speed at my university but i've also never really tried video or gaming on it
8:57 AM
@lyxal have i ever told any of y'all to watch kaiji
because that reminds me a lot of rock paper scissors on a boat
2 hours later…
10:38 AM
apologies for the OT question but... can anyone see how to download the document you get from google.co.uk/books/edition/_/… ?
It needs some skills I don't have
does the download button give you what you want?
I don't see a download button
where do you see that?
I don't see that at all. Which browser?
could you try the download button please
10:43 AM
and let me know if it works
it gives a pdf
which is completely different
click the x
genius ! Thank you
I had no idea that would happen
this is definitely the best chat room on the internet
18 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
10:50 AM
thanks again
543 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
Why did I get a notification about being invited here? I’ve been in this room before
maybe it was a "welcome home" :)
11:05 AM
you get one every time messages are moved
@user ah, Framework
don't have any of their stuff but boy does it look cool
I hope they don't fold :b
damn it's expensive tho
@mousetail that's an amazing name
@RydwolfPrograms Wi-Fi Direct (I think)
it's a good idea done in a cursed way
@AidenChow tiktok can burn in hell for all I care
in fact I'd rather it did
my personal opinion is that children should not be allowed to use the Internet, except for, like, Wikipedia, until they're 13
because having 8-year-olds walking around spouting the latest tiktok garbage saddens me
12:18 PM
@lyxal hey wait a minute I know that user q:
what's its reddit score
in other news I have invented a cursed system of weights and measures
its core unit of time is the rotational period of the pulsar PSR B1937+21
more specifically, every time PSR B1937+21 rotates 1024 times that's one Ginger-second
there are 32 Ginger-seconds per Ginger-minute, 64 Ginger-minutes per Ginger-hour, 16 Ginger-hours per Ginger-day, and 256 Ginger-days per Ginger-year
there are no weeks or months
year 0 is the beginning of the universe
What time is it now?
I'm not sure, lemme do some math
bah, PSR B1937+21 slows down over time
I suppose I can just fix it to how it is now
okay, one Ginger-1024th-of-a-second is 1.5578065 milliseconds
time to figure out what time it is
there are ~154 days in a Ginger-year
it's annoyingly difficult to figure out when the universe began, so instead I'll use the Unix epoch as year zero for these calculations
@mousetail okay, using the Unix epoch as the start of Ginger-time, the current time is 125Y145D1H30M
I didn't include seconds because I did that calculation in Desmos and it's probably inaccurate by now
time to write a Rabbit Python program to automatically calculate it
or maybe a website
I think I'll do that, yeah
Fun fact: ^ is the 6300th message I've sent in this room
@UnrelatedString I think you're talking about Animusic?
2 hours later…
2:17 PM
Today on sensationalized headlines, courtesy of Microsoft Edge:
2:30 PM
Why did I get invited here lol
the power of Donald Trump compels you
probably the moving of 543 messages to this room by lyxal
Oh yup that'd do it
@Ginger It's not that sensationalized honestly
lemme read the article rq
where's the link...
I mean his fanbase invaded the capitol over things he's said in the past, and this is also a pretty big deal so he's been saying similarly wink-wink things
can't find it, but I did find lots of other clickbait bs
2:44 PM
Since they've thoroughly convinced themselves, in real time, that this is an unjust weaponization of the justice system with political motivations
@AidenChow I'm a junior
I am so excited to see the aftermath of this and the other dozen criminal charges that will be brought against Trump
No matter what we can't lose
gotta love how all Edge does to mark ads is put a tiny little box in the bottom left that says Ad
that's an ad
compare the bottom bit of that to the bottom bit of the earlier screenshot, which is an actual news article
it also removes the rating things in the bottom right, but I only just noticed the difference and I was explicitly looking for it
whoop there it is
gotta love that they turned comments off
> The indictment is unprecedented and represents the first criminal charges ever against a former U.S. president.
the man just keeps setting new records
yeah, he's being arrested
this is great
although tbf I'm now worried about MAGA Inc.'s response
That's the part I'm excited for
like, excited to laugh at them?
also is it just me or does Trump look like he has a sunburn in that photo
2:52 PM
Can't hurt to mask-off the fashies
And any damage they cause hurts their side more than it hurts mine
> It can't hurt to reveal who the fascists are and to what degree
Translation ^
> U.S. President Donald Trump has had unusual approaches to the practice of handshaking; his handshakes with world leaders since his inauguration as U.S. President have been the subject of extensive commentary.
> extensive commentary
by whom? lmao
quote from the wiki article on the indictment:
> [...] though criminal charges do not legally preclude him from running for office.
inb4 Trump gets the record for "first criminal to be elected to the presidency"
If I were one of those world leader I'd just keep the handshake up longer than Trump, and make more intense eye contact, and lean in for a kiss and watch how long he keeps up the strategy
2:56 PM
Altho I guess I'd be cheating on Biden
don't know how else to react to that
> “There will still be a mug shot, fingerprints and lots of paperwork filled out as part of the booking process,” like other defendants, said former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner.
> Trump said of his handshakes with Macron: "He's a great guy – smart, strong, loves holding my hand".[22][23][24] He went on to say, "People don't realize he loves holding my hand. And that's good, as far as that goes."[25][26][27] Trump further explained, "I mean, really. He's a very good person. And a tough guy, but look, he has to be. I think he is going to be a terrific president of France. But he does love holding my hand".[28][29][30]
lmao Trump's gonna get a mugshot
This is literally gay fanfic coming straight from the orange man
you could've posted that text without any further information and I could've instantly told you who said it
2:58 PM
> CNN performed a second-by-second analysis of Donald Trump's Bastille Day handshake with Macron.[12] CNN editor-at-large Chris Cillizza wrote, "President Donald Trump added to the growing lore of his handshakes with world leaders on Friday in France when he and French president Emmanuel Macron spent 29 seconds in a shake that turned into something much, much more."[12]
This is literally making my day. The idea that there's some bizarre political sexual tension between Trump and Macron is just amazing
Trump's, he's got a very, very distinctive, *waves hand*, extremely distinctive speaking style. It's very distinctive, and a great friend of mine, a great friend, said it was distinctive. Very great.
@RydwolfPrograms my immortal but it's world leaders

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