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12:44 AM
So... I just found the folder with all the screen time limit data.
1:00 AM
what is it
1:52 AM
(if you're on macos, library/application support/apple/parentalControls. Requires root access)
1 hour later…
3:08 AM
Oh I just had the best idea for a game theory final examination: you get into the final exam and instead of having individual desks and exams, you can choose to do it in groups of any size. The exam sheet has like 100 questions and you have to get as many right as the inverse of the member count of your group. So if you are doing it by yourself, you have to get at least 50 right, but if you do it in a group of the whole class you only need 1 right
And the extra catch is that you have to write down who you worked with
And if there's someone who's written you down and you haven't written them down, the other person gets 0
And if anyone in your group doesn't pass, the whole group fails
Open collaboration is allowed within the group and you can join and leave at any time
And for extra spice: final grades for the exam are based on how highly you ranked in the exam
Meaning it could be worth splitting away from a larger group
And doing a little trolling
But to avoid just erasing names, you need to not be able to remove names from paper, meaning you need to be careful about who you write down as being in your group
Oh and there could be like a currency thing where you get +1 mark for each currency you have. Everyone starts with 1 and can trade with other students for whatever reason they want
That's my idea of a game theory final exam
How about a Hunger Games style final exam?
No one can fail the class :P
1 hour later…
4:16 AM
I live in a country where nine year olds oay the price for my freedom
And uniike some issues, this is one where we're regressing
Gun violence just pushes people further toward gun rights
And perpetuates further gun violence
I say it's time for some Radical Flank Effect
Problem is that people opposed to violence tend to be opposed to violence
@RydwolfPrograms There's a setting you can change to make it so that the plus button makes it unicode
Like on my laptop, Alt-[3, 0, 0] is comma, but Alt-[Plus, 3, 0, 0] is combining grave
that's not the default on Win10 though
Is that plus as in = or Shift+=?
Plus as in numpad plus
but again, that's not the default
Oh that makes sense
I forget the numpad has math operators on it lol
Don't think I've ever used those keys in my life, maybe I should just rebind my whole numpad to something
@emanresuA I doubt it
The availability of knowledge we have is just too great
Anyone, anywhere, can read more about the history of the world, the inventions and discoveries we've made, than the richest 1% in most country could just a few centuries ago
Education is improving rapidly even in developed countries
Sure Moore's Law is dying and we're running into some sustainability issues, but exponential growth could never be sustainable
And sure there're plenty of lazy/dumb/... people, but there always have been
The difference is that fewer of them are in power, and even those not in power have access to knowledge
I could see technological progress stagnating a bit, but no way do I foresee any regression like was seen in the middle ages
It's also worth noting that society doesn't need as many productive people, and so by natural efficiency, we'll get lazier
When 50% of our population is no longer necessary to hunt/gather/farm, we have a lot more people available
And that's for something like a 10% drop in GDP/life expectancy. No way in hell (okay maybe in hell, they don't seem to export much) is anyone losing 90% of their GCP/cap or over half of their average lifespan
We're at a point in time where we're on the brink of discovering cures to all sorts of diseases
I could foresee people alive right now who won't die until 150
Given the somewhat more scientific (though still dumb) diet/exercise trends many are participating in, the things we'll know how to cure by the time we're old, and the aging societies in some parts of the world that will probably lead to discussions about how to better take care of society's increasing elderly population
Assuming someone doesn't figure out how to make a disease with CRISPR that kills every human on the planet
Well, all of them'd be a stretch, but getting 90% would be pretty trivial I think
Just give it a fairly long incubation period before symptoms show up, release it in a bunch of major cities all at once, it'll infect billions before, a few months later, a significant chunk of the world's population suddenly has a disease with what would ordinarily have a 20-50% mortality rate, but with hospitals completely non-functional and such ridiculous demand for medical or even basic survival supplies that even healthy young adults are likely to succumb to one thing or another
4:50 AM
Next laptop I get, I'm gonna find one without a numpad
actually not a bad idea to rebind my numpad operator keys lol, I never use them
The touchpad has to be moved over to the left if you have a numpad, which is annoying
I do use the numpad itself occasionally but honestly maybe I should just stop using it and rebind it to Fkeys for other purposes like OBS controls
I never use it either, although I do use the keys right above the numpad, not sure if that counts
I'm averse to rebinding keys personally because I know I'll forget :P
And even if I document it somewhere, I'll forget where it's documented
And I'm too lazy to figure out what some ancient AutoHotKey script does
@user Your laptop has a numpad?
4:52 AM
fair enough :P the only keys I have rebound right now are hypershift keys (tldr the fn key modifies all keys on my keyboard and not just the fkeys, and I can for example rebind FN+M to be like, F13 for example, which I use for my toggle mute on discord)
Oh, is it a 15.6" or something?
@RydwolfPrograms mine does as well
Those're so unwieldy aren't they? I can't imagine having something bigger than like 14"
I don't think I could work with a laptop smaller than like 15"
4:53 AM
13.3" is the perfect sweet spot IMO
@RydwolfPrograms Not really. My family has an old 17" one that's a little harder to stuff into a backpack or carry around one-handed, but still not too bad
13.3" is way too small for me
15.6" is just extra bulk for no benefit
Like, a numpad? A blockier screen? I don't see the appeal
That said, I do write Java :P
@RydwolfPrograms The benefit is you get a bigger screen
You may not need that, but I do lol
Very nice if you want to see two tabs side-by-side
I've got between one and four words for you: 3:2
17" is even better but harder to fit into a backpack
4:54 AM
I've got a 3:2 13.3" laptop and it's incredible
@RydwolfPrograms Yeah yeah
I didn't know aspect ratios varied so much when I was buying this laptop
I know better now
I've also trained myself into being able to use it on 1:1 zoom ratio, so everything's tiny
I can fit so much on screen
Yeah I usually have 110% or more
Playing Plague, Inc. IRL
Like I get over 100 lines of code on screen at once
A whole page of a google doc or PDF
And it's not even close to 4k
4:56 AM
What resolution are modern 15.6" laptops?
Only one I've used was ancient and very very cheap so it was just 1080p, which kinda defeats the purpose of a big screen
I am too used to my 27" + 24" setup
but fortunately I don't often bring up multiple windows within one screen so smaller ones don't feel cramped and I can still use them fine
I've got a 27" 4k monitor, took a while to get used to how small everything was but now that I have I love it. I can get four windows on screen and each one's roomier than with a 1366×768 screen
Actually wait yeah I'm dumb 4k divided into quadrants is literally four 1080p screens
@RydwolfPrograms I think mine is 1080p
my 27" is only 1440p though I don't notice any issues
@RydwolfPrograms lol
4:59 AM
@RydwolfPrograms What's wrong with 1080p? Looks fine to me
wait 1080p @ 15.6" is low?
well my 24" is only 1080p... lmao
If you can see pixels you're broke
idk Rydwolf said "just 1080p" so I assumed they meant it's bad
@RydwolfPrograms skill issue, just have poor enough eyesight that you can't see the pixels
I've got pretty high standards for dps tbf
My old HP laptop had an option for a 4k screen...a 4k 13.3" screen
Didn't get it, but like
w h a t
5:01 AM
(I suppose if I look really hard and put my face a bit closer to my screen I can see the grid lines but like, I do not notice it with regular use whatsoever)
a 4k 13.3" ... ok that feels a bit excessive ngl
I can't see anything
Oh wait I needed to open my eyelids
Yeah I can only barely see pixels on a 13.3" 1080p, 4k is just flat out a waste of money
But the resolution matters more than the screen size I'd assume. Does a 15.6" 1080p really get you anything over a 13.3" 1080p?
Yes, bigger screen
I guess if you aren't as grass-averse and nearsighted as I am you might have trouble seeing the smaller stuff, but for me it's pixels that are the limit not physical size
A 4K 13.3" screen isn't going to help my eyes
5:04 AM
Like you can only make your IDE font so small before the letters are 2-pixel blobs
I am indeed grass-averse and nearsighted
But even with glasses on, I prefer 110% zoom
I can't do zoom, it messes up HTML canvas stuff
HTML canvas?
You get some pretty weird aliasing and moire and stuff
Like, the low resolution makes it get messed up?
5:07 AM
For someone playing the game/viewing the canvas it probably wouldn't be a big deal, but when you're debugging the placement of things and trying to see if a gap is due to misalignment or an anti-aliasing bug or some other thing, having that extra layer of weirdness is really annoying and problematic
I do have Firefox set to zoom by default tho (since I can fix that per-page, and most websites just aren't designed to look good on true 4k), just not Windows itself
One feature I love of Chrome OS is how you can change the screen resolution with a keyboard shortcut, and it just works
Like, if I'm having to sit some distance from my laptop, like if it's actually on my lap, I can just hit Ctrl+Shift+Plus a few times and it's back to sensible-human-zoom
I guess that's one advantage you get from basing the whole OS off a web browser (plenty of Windows apps seem to behave weirdly when you change the zoom Windows-wide)
I'm already mourning the inevitable death of my current laptop. I love it so much.
Browser-based zoom just doesn't work anymore for anything more than plain text
I haven't noticed any issues keeping FF at 133%
@RydwolfPrograms It's got some imperfections, definitely, but pretty much every feature I care about, they nailed. Keyboard's amazing, touchpad's great, screen's unusual but great for productivity, battery lasts all day and longer and hasn't deteriorated even with like a year of daily all-day use, stays cool without being noisy, powerful enough to handle most tasks, good port selection, nice size and weight, durable and sleek design, and it's...$500. Like, half the cost of a modest Windows laptop.
If I have children this laptop will be their godfather
Digital odd parents
Honestly considering buying a second and just holding onto it in case it gets discontinued
I think the 3:2 ratio is what allows for the battery to be so good. I also like how Acer isn't afraid to make thair laptops a bit thicker than is fashionable in order to include quality features
@lyxal one might say that's not right! (not right? That's right!)
5:19 AM
Like the keyboard, which is deceptively good
@RydwolfPrograms I've noticed that on Reddit, zooming makes images smaller. Google Slides used to be messed up too, idk if they fixed that
@RydwolfPrograms The battery life on my current laptop is like 3 hours (and it's only 2-3 years old)
Literally every laptop I or my parents have owned has awful battery life. We're probably doing something wrong but I have no idea what
We have one laptop from 2016 and another from ~2018. Both have batteries that last less than an hour
It's not like we microwave our laptops or something, so I have no idea what's going on
I get around 10 hours out of this thing and it's over a year old
lol bro my laptop battery is actually busted... it has to be kept in constant charge or else itll shutdown within 10 minutes
5:29 AM
@RydwolfPrograms Holy heck
@AidenChow Can you get it replaced?
@user ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i have no idea how to
10 hours doing light web browsing, or watching videos, compiling stuff, etc.?
@user I mean a 7 year old battery is probably gonna be pretty poor, and laptops have come a long way in terms of power efficiency, so that one's understandable. An hour still seems low tho.
@AidenChow I assume there's a repair shop near you for that
@RydwolfPrograms me using a laptop rn with <10 min battery life:
5:31 AM
@RydwolfPrograms They've been doing awfully since around 2020, when they weren't as old
@user Doesn't really affect it much from what I can tell, i5-1135G7's pretty low power
@RydwolfPrograms My 5 year old battery lasts 5 minutes lol
Nice (about i5 being low power, not your battery dying, that's terrible)
@mousetail nice, mines about the same
in fact i think one time my pc literally shutdown while it was on charge
it was interesting
I think the high battery life is partially a Chromebook thing
5:33 AM
ohh u use a chromebook?
Not as much to compete over, and they aim for the low-maintenance-web-browsing demographic, so double digit battery life stats are really something they focus on
You might want to check out one of these Framework laptops if you want a laptop that'll last a while
@AidenChow yep, love it
It's a pretty new startup so who knows if it'll go under in a year, but hopefully the company'll stay afloat for a long time
It's great for DIYers but super duper expensive
I have a 5-year-old laptop with 5-hour battery life
5:34 AM
My old laptop has a proper GPU and high end (for the time) processor so it makes sense it uses much more power than a chromebook
how yall battery life so long anyways
my computer is literally at 0% all the time, even on charge
You really need a new battery lol
Or a new computer, if you're using a 12-year-old dinosaur or something
@user its like 4 or 5 years old, is that time for a new replacement
idk, I have no idea what your laptop's like
You can replace the battery only
5:36 AM
ye idk how to do that lol
Significantly cheaper and even if your pockets are overflowing with money, you don't have to go through the hassle of setting up a new laptop
@AidenChow You don't do it yourself, you pay someone to do it for you
Buy a battery, unscrew the bottom of your laptop, take out the old battery, put the new one in
It's quite doable to do it yourself
^ my 0% battery life lmao
@user bruh rly
@mousetail Even on modern laptops? I thought they were making it harder to remove batteries nowadays
5:38 AM
@mousetail how to even get new battery
IDK my laptop is 5 years old
IME cheaper laptops will be easier to replace the battery on
i dont have the money :|
It was recommended to take out batteries on old laptops if you were using A/C power, you don't hear that nowadays
If you get a cheap chinese knock-off batery they can be pretty cheap
5:39 AM
It's like $50
though a real one will last longer
Had to swap out some components on an old $150 laptop and it was a breeze, tried a basic fix on my fancy HP laptop and it was like breaking into fort knox with a spudger and a switchblade
Was the fancy laptop one of those ultra-thin notebooks?
@mousetail Batteries probably aren't the component to cheap out on...
50 dollars for battery?? i dont have any money :(
5:39 AM
I hate how laptops are getting thinner and sacrificing ports and stuff because of it
@user It was definitely ultra-thin yeah
@RydwolfPrograms My laptop is HP, I needed a special 6-sided screwdriver but after that it was easy
Since then I've actually gone out of my way to buy thicker laptops
I need a minimum of 3 USP ports
@AidenChow Oh ok
5:41 AM
You can get a knock-off batery for 20-30
I don't care much about ports, but thin laptops have to sacrifice keyboard, battery, and touchpad quality real bad
@mousetail that sound bad, what if my pc explodes??
Mine's a thin-ish notebook and it's got a pretty good touchpad
I've used various cheap batteries and they give plenty of warning before exploding
5:41 AM
Like I had to play fireboy and watergirl on my friend's Macbook and the keyboard felt like tapping a piece of plastic
And the touchpad didn't even noticeably click
@mousetail ... meaning they do explode?
You may just not be used to Macbooks
They inflate
After 2-3 years
Yeah batteries definitely aren't the component to cheap out on
wtf batteries inflate?
5:42 AM
I've seen people say they much prefer Mac keyboards to other ones
If you keep using them for months after they inflate yes they might explode but you'll definately notice
so my battery is at risk of exploding rn?????
@user They changed their keyboards a few years back
Sorry, meant touchpads
5:43 AM
Idk, I think a solid click when you click is important
And the macbook I used definitely did not have that
I usually tap to click
@RydwolfPrograms what the, how thick laptops u even need...
I hate proper clicking
Same, but when I click, I want to get the full experience
5:44 AM
This subreddit has pictures of inflated batteries: reddit.com/r/spicypillows
wtf now we talking about clicking experience?? u guys use mouse or what??
@AidenChow At least thick enough for a USB-A port
@RydwolfPrograms tf is that
Some of the ultra-thin ones sacrifice USB ports or have like, little doors to access them. That's when you know they're probably sacrificing other stuff too
Just the normal non-reversible port we all hate
@RydwolfPrograms And Ethernet
5:45 AM
dude my pc is like super thick i think, its like 1.5 inches estimating??
Nah, ethernet's pretty uncommon on modern laptops right?
Some laptops go so far as to get rid of USB-A ports entirely and only have USB-C, right?
or like one inch, idk lol
1.5 inches? for a 5 year old laptop? That's crazy
@RydwolfPrograms Pretty sure there are laptops without them
5:46 AM
Wrong reply?
@mousetail well idk i estimate with my hand lol
seems pretty close to 1.5 inches tho
This poor soul has a laptop without ethernet ports
definitely more than an inch
Ethernet is also essential for me, but it's quite hard to find laptops that still have them
I've never used a laptop with an ethernet port
5:46 AM
@RydwolfPrograms My bad, read it as "ethernet's pretty common"
Ethernet is a must for me
I did have a USB-C to ethernet adaptor but it disappeared one day
Without it, installing a new OS would be significantly more painful
I've got reliable home WiFi and have no access to ethernet at school, so I don't need it
I have a microUSB to usb adapter I can use to plug my mouse into my phone. It's great
whats ethernet
5:47 AM
Cable internet
@user No thumb drives?
Ethernet is so much faster than wifi
is that a thing u connect to ur computer
@RydwolfPrograms On an older laptop I have, you still need to separately install wifi drivers later
1MB/s on wifi vs 15 MB/s on ehternet for me
5:48 AM
@mousetail Especially on college campuses where we have to use eduroam
Bless whoever started eduroam but it's so slow
Oh I used eduroam, you from europe?
No, US
It's worldwide, right?
5:49 AM
@mousetail I get 500 Mbps on my WiFi...
Not even 6 GHz
how though, my router is right next to my PC
still the speed is terrible
What's the speed you get from your ISP?
500? damn
I guess that wouldn't account for the 15x speed difference, but that's probably just outdated wifi specs or a poor antenna on the laptop or router
@mousetail so ethernet is like wifi?
5:51 AM
50 MB/s
my family's plan is 100 IIRC; I just ran a test and it reported 135.5 down 32.1 up
@AidenChow No, wifi is wireless, ethernet is a wire
@AidenChow ^ ethernet
You've prolly seen it
@hyper-neutrino Mine's 300 on paper but I tend to get lucky and get higher speeds
My ping when I game is 2 ms which is less than the lag on my monitor
5:52 AM
Daaang 2 ms?
I get 9-10
Sometimes it spikes up to 5
do you like live inside the game servers or smth lmao
@RydwolfPrograms ohh i think ive seen similar hole on the side of my pc
mousetail lives in an apartment above a datacenter
Server is in Frankfurt which is not in the same country as me
5:53 AM
I get like average 30 lmao, I do not notice ping up to about 60 or so
Been trying to convince my parents to switch to fiber and get rid of cable TV
Do you have an underground line straight to the server lol
rydwolf if you don't mind me asking how much does 300 mbps cost y'all lol
They argue that "we'd pay just as much getting all the streaming services"...but they already have all the streaming services
my ping is like 60 i think
5:54 AM
@hyper-neutrino No clue, unfortunately
Wifi adds like 50 ms always
oh tbf my 30-60 ping is on wifi
wait ping is the response time use ping on cmd right?
my computer has an ethernet port, but I don't have one anywhere close to my room
I'd need to get my dad to route a long cable through a vent up from the lower floor lmfao
if so my ping is like 80 or so ms
oh it just jump to 100 ms
5:56 AM
I've threatened my parents that if they don't let me hire an electrician to add ethernet to my room I'm just gonna throw a cable over the stair railing and run it through the hallway to the router :p
I've done that for a while
@RydwolfPrograms threatened them how :p?
It's also not that hard to lay the cable yourself
I've never used ethernet before and I don't intend to until I'm sure I can keep it consistently cuz I feel like it's one of those things that you can't go back to not having once you've used it :P
It might be worth just getting a better WAP/wifi card
Unless you've got gigabit speeds, WiFi's pretty capable in good conditions
5:58 AM
Not if you have concrete walls
how da hell yall know so much about network and internet...
maybe those paperthin american cardboard houses
That may not be so true in apartments or dorms or tho idk, part of my high speeds might come from being isolated from any other routers by two brick walls and a front yard
I can see 6 wiki networks right now lol
@mousetail Possibly. My walls are just two layers of drywall and wooden studs
Which is pretty standard here

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