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@Ginger functions are really variables of a function type
I just realised; If I had qualified for the next round, I would have had a chance to participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad.
I hate myself, my life and my nuclear bunker which feels like it's going to explode at any minute now
I feel a bit overwhelmed by the size of the task I've set myself here
like, I'm making an entire programming language by myself
@Ginger yeah i feel that way too
esp since static typing and all
a dynamic lang would be much easier
@Seggan what is a shadow jar again?
a jar with all dependencies included
that's a stupid name, but ok :b
smth like an exe with all deps statically linked
I'd call it a "universal jar"
or a "complete jar"
@Ginger it comes from maven "shade", which refers to mavens shade plugin being able to rename deps and "shade" them
@Ginger theres also the term "fat jar" or "assembly"
@Ginger Why not a cookie jar? :p
@RydwolfPrograms remind me how generics work in Rust? I'm trying to figure out if all I need for a generic definition is a name and an optional series of trait bounds
229762 Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà (provisional designation 2007 UK126) is a trans-Neptunian object and binary system from the extended scattered disc, located in the outermost region of the Solar System. It was discovered on 19 October 2007 by American astronomers Megan Schwamb, Michael Brown, and David Rabinowitz at the Palomar Observatory in California and measures approximately 600 kilometers (400 miles) in diameter. This medium-sized TNO appears to be representative of a class of mid-sized objects under approximately 1000 km that have not collapsed into fully solid bodies. Its 100-kilometer moon wa...
who, just who would name an object with such an unpronounceable name
it sounds like a beatboxer
@Ginger Not sure what you mean
nvm, I figured it out
@Seggan how does github.com/Seggan/Rol/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/io/github/… work? Rabbit's type system is very different (for example, no nullable types) but I'd like to at least have a base to work from
this is more up to date btw
actually wait no
my local version is significantly different (at least in the parsing of types)
so anyway, all types have the common superclass Type with a name
objects-objects are ConcreteType, with superclass params and all
then you have InterfaceType
both are subclasses of ResolvedType
hmm, not sure how that'd work in Rabbit seeing as it doesn't have classes and interfaces and such
UnresolvedType is a type which you dont know whether its a class or an interface
@Ginger yeah was thinking that
I should probably ask @RydwolfPrograms
how should I implement types? I know that's a big question, so more specifically how should I represent types in parsing?
actually, wait
In parsing?
not parsing, inside the ast
^ yeah that
I wasn't sure what words to use q:
I'd just have a field in your struct or var_declaration or whatever nodes that lists the types. Then for types just have an enum/sum type/whatever Kotlin uses that's either a regular type or a struct/alias name or a generic or a ...
hm, ok
question: in function<T> foo(T bar), what would you call <T>?
I'm not sure what to call it in the grammar
a generic type parameter
ok cool
@Seggan remind me what the difference between a class and a data class is?
data classes have some sugar, such as destructuring support, autogenerated copy methods, and automatic hashCode, equals, and toString generation
1 hour later…
@Seggan exciting new problem: I have an identifier_chain rule in my parser (a list of IDENTIFIERs separated by dots, like a.b.c) and I'm not sure if I actually need it
Rol doesn't seem to have anything like it
yeah, but it makes no sense to use an expression as the left-hand side of an assignment
(for things like foo.bar = 1)
or for trait names, or stuff like that
that's identical to my identifier_chain
so I guess the answer is yes
crazy how much you can say with two GitHub links d:
@Seggan That's really cool actually. I love click consonants (though I'm sure I can't pronounce most of them correctly).
yeah im intrigued by them too
i can imagine the astronomers at the observatory walking around practicing the pronunciation for the press conference :P
> error(69): RabbitParser.g4:134:44: label identifier conflicts with rule with same name
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Seggan what's your plan for doing "multi-assignment"? (assuming I'm interpreting the Rol source correctly)
multi assignment?
ah multi assignment as in a.b.c = whatever
wdym my plan
im still implementing classes, havent gotten to that
(side note: i really love kotlin's TODO function)
@user link or it didn't happen
@Ginger are you just systematically going through my code and copying it
dw you will be given full credit
also I'm mostly just copying the AST code
@Seggan probably someone speaking a tonal click language from africa :P
wait it's fucking ju|'hoan?
why is it ju|'hoan??????
whats the deal
@Ginger This isn't where I read it originally but it seems to be the same thing? typoes.github.io/harry-potter-gen-z
> The Glass That Yeeted Itself
I'm reading this tomorrow
> “Girl, names are a thing. That trash is called Voldemort.” Prof McG flinched but homeboi was unsticking lemon drops and gave no fucks. “Chillax, it’s just a name.”
> “Bet,” Prof McG was exasperated but eyeing Dumbldore like a snacc. “But you’re the only one who could make Voldemort salty.”
I hate that it's still legible and understandable
Yeah they didn't make it gen Z enough
> the chonklord that is Mr. Dursley
can't improve upon that
There's a lot of old-timey stuff in there that they could make more modern (even without resorting to gen Z slang)
clearly we need to make our own fork of this story
Dew it :P
I leave y'all alone for 5 minutes and this is what I come back to
@Ginger its not really legible to me
I can't understand some parts of it either but most of it's pretty understandable even if you haven't seen those words before
Like "chonklord"
no fucking idea what unsticking lemon drops is though
It might be from the original
Dumbledore's just casually eating his lemon drops after saying a no-no word
i can't believe they actually didn't replace "enraged" with like
this really is half-assed lol
We need a feminine equivalent of the word "guy"
We can just repurpose guy and dude
guys and dudes plural are already gender neutral
Like anyone over the age of 12 is too old to be a "boy", but "man" obviously doesn't work for the 12-18 range and "teen boy" is too long, and even for fully grown adults I tend to only use "man" for particularly like...masculine men, because I just default to the semi-gender-neutral "guy" that I'm already familiar with using for my own age range. But for females, there's no in-between
People use "girl" but that's a bit weird for adult women
It's either "girl" or "woman". And I've seen (possibly rightful) pushback against the use of "girl" for people over the age of 18 recently
Best to just use "man" or "woman"
I think in a few years, "guy" (singular) might become gender-neutral
But "man" and "woman" feel to formal, and it's not always possible to tell whether someone's a "teen girl" or "woman" just from a glance
@user Yeah and that's another problem
"person" always works
Because then I lose the word I use to refer to a specifically male person
I usually say "that person over there"
just make man gender neutral again
We already have gender neutral figured out
i want to be a wereman
It's not-gender-neutral I need
There is no good word to describe someone of my age range who is female, and there's already not an unambiguous one for males
@RydwolfPrograms Doesn't "man" work?
Not for someone under 18
Calling a 14 year old a "man" would be pretty weird
"boy" then
That's belittling
Especially for the older end of the 12-18 range
If someone called me "boy" I'd be instantly pretty weirded out
"Greetings, male human"
Spanish solves this with niño-chico-hombre
(From what I understand)
We just need a similar three tiered system
How often do you need to say "person in the 12-18 range who is specifically male"? Does "person" not suffice?
@UnrelatedString actually i forgot it's not compounded but you get the idea
@user All the time given that I am literally surrounded by 2000 people in the 12-18 range on a daily basis
Ooh good one
@RydwolfPrograms I've got it: idiot for males, idiotress for females. Simple.
How about lad and lass?
@lyxal idiot is gender neutral though
@UnrelatedString Even then I think I associate that with little kids and/or fully grown men, no in between
If someone said "that idiot there" I wouldn't assume that person were male
@user Not so sure about that :p
@user You're a bit more confident in your gender of people than I am I guess lol
@user but if you make it male, and use idiotress for female, it's fine :p
Any time I see someone doing something stupid it's pretty much always a guy lol
I have never seen anyone use "idiotress" in my whole life
We need to make it a thing
@user I just invented it
@RydwolfPrograms True lol
> Males are four times more likely than females to be struck by lightning.
When people insult girls/women, they seem to usually use "bitch", but that's kinda sexist
that gets blocked by swear filters anyway
oh yeah why not just use cunt
@RydwolfPrograms That's just Chuck Norris's attractiveness and electric personality
@UnrelatedString because that doesn't work over here :p
Do Australians consider it a no-no word?
I think it's the other way around
Where do you live (besides Australia) where that isn't like, equal to or greater than the strength of "fuck" lol
If it's not considered too bad in Australia, then it'd certainly work there
idk I've never heard anyone use it so idk how bad it's considered
i feel like the australian use pattern has been gradually spreading over the internet
in no small part because it's a pretty rare swear :P
I think that British OFCOM study about profanity strength put it pretty much right behind racial/homophobic slurs in terms of strength
Okay, I guess that's out then
I always love the picture on the front of that study
Angry elementary teacher gets fired for using every swear word
@RydwolfPrograms Where was it conducted, though? Maybe it's just British people who consider it that bad
though speaking of racial slurs i feel like for those who can use it to begin with the soft n-word is actually pretty close to what we're looking for in terms of, like, having a casual term for people that doesn't run into age issues
I'd assume Britain would consider it less bad because they both are closer culturally to Australia and have less cultural phobia of nudity/sex/body parts
> Cunt: Strongest language, problematic for some even post-watershed. Vulgar, derogatory and shocking for both men and women. Especially distasteful and offensive to women and older participants.
I didn't think people would consider it that bad, given that "dick" is pretty commonly used around here
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