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@RandomPerson I wasn't sure to which extent I understand what you mean, but at least I have started some rather clumsy initial query.
At the moment I am ignoring the "14 days" condition.
@MartinSleziak can you please change it to show only reviews of 2021?
@MartinSleziak that's an important condition..
The questions whether this is part of what you wanted - they should be invalidated + the post has no comments + the post has not edits.
@RandomPerson I will needs some clarification on what you mean by: "after 14 days of posting".
@MartinSleziak after 14 days, a first post review gets invalidated..
14 days is between review created and review invalidated?
It is at least 14 days? Or at most 14 days?
@MartinSleziak yup.
Ok, so no from post creation, but from review creation.
Q: When does a first post review get invalidated?

Random PersonI recently noticed this review. It was invalidated and I could not understand the reason for invalidation. After a bit of searching in Meta Stack Exchange, I found this answer in which it was mentioned: If the review task is removed due to other circumstances outside the queue (e.g. a moderator ...

look at rene's comment.
You should keep in mind that we can only see date - not time - in SEDE.
So you already have a query from rene. :-)
@MartinSleziak yup.. but not with all conditions I need.
Do we really want the difference to be 14 days? Not at least 14 days? Or at most 14 days?
@MartinSleziak I wanna know more about reviews which got invalidated because of the 14 day rule. So, I guess at least 14 days would be fine
@MartinSleziak yup. *invalidated because of the 14 day rule and they must be reviews of 2021.
@rene In case you have time - I am sure you would be able to create the SQL query for the conditions on posts (no edits and comments) in some more efficient way than I did.
I simply used NOT IN with a query looking for Ids for posts that have no edits, no comments.
I do not see whether the results are actually invalidated - probably because I am low rep on Aks Ubuntu.
@MartinSleziak Can you share the link of the SEDE query?
@RandomPerson Which one do you mean? Did I post a wrong link?
4 mins ago, by Martin Sleziak
I ended up with this: https://data.stackexchange.com/askubuntu/query/1456090/invalidated-reviews-on-posts-with-no-comments-and-no-edits-with-some-additional-c?num=100
Even without the restriction on 2021, the same query returns only 6 results on Math and no results on MathOverflow.
@MartinSleziak no. I thought you created a different query
I checked 2 posts. they are invalidated..
BTW I have used the format site://review/first-posts/id as a link to the review. I assume that this will be broken for very recent reviews - since the link was now changed to first-questions and first-answers.
I hope that I did not make some stupid mistake and that the query returns what you actually wanted.
Since rene is here, I suppose he'll post a much better SEDE query to do the same thing. (I saw that my query run rather long time on Ask Ubuntu.)
@MartinSleziak I need to go through the output and check. I am a bit lazy now.. sorry.
it would be nice if it just had reviews of 2021
I included the condition DeletionDate>= '##Date?2021-01-01##'.
With that restrictions, the query returns 684 rows.
@MartinSleziak Ok. Thanks!
@MartinSleziak this might be slightly more efficient due to joining. This works in this case because you want records where no equivalent records exist in the joined tables: data.stackexchange.com/askubuntu/query/1456091/…
@MartinSleziak which restrictions?
@RandomPerson The restriction on showing only DeletionDate>=2021-01-01.
@MartinSleziak ok.
I included several parameters into the query, so that one can easily change review type or date. For example, if I just change some parameters, I get reviews since 2020.
@rene I suspected that some kind of outer join might be used for this purpose, but I wasn't sure what exactly I should use. (And I wasn't sure whether there might be some problems if I need to do more than one outer join.)
@RandomPerson You should probably use the query that rene posted. (It will be faster.)
Thanks a lot for your help, rene!
@MartinSleziak ok :)
Thank you @rene and @MartinSleziak
I should get more comfortable with outer joints, so that I do no have to do stuff like this in a roundabout way.

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