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Hi and welcome to discussions about the Stack Exchange Data Explorer chat room.
hi @TimStone!
We have this SEDE query that we're using to track whether we're ... on track
It would be amazing if users had a "UsersHistory" counterpart, then that query could go against time and we could measure growth :)
Why point him at that piddly query as an introduction ... ;-)
@rolfl well I meant to link to this:
Q: UsersHistory Table on SEDE

retailcoderStack Exchange Data Explorer is awesome! It's an invaluable tool to analyze a site's activity, monitor unanswered questions and answering time, or just to fetch a dataset for further analysis of activity over time. For any beta site interested in their progress, this is simply priceless. One ...

@Mat'sMug Yeah, I up voted that feature request
@rolfl Ooooh, a pretty graph. Heh.
Yeah, the graphs are nice, really nice ... like this one showing the problems at ask-ubuntu:…
eh, beta sites... you give 'em an inch, they take a foot! ;)
take a mile....!
isn't that a song by Nirvana: ♪monkey-see, monkey-do♪ ♪give an inch, take a smile♪...

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