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@ElectionBot how many users voted?
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 652 (1.77% of 36,812 eligible) users have voted thus far.
2 hours later…
@SamuelLiew Out of curiosity, does election bot check number of constituent badges awarded in last 1 week on AU in order to calculate number of users voted so far?
@Kulfy is a constituent badge awarded with every election or just the first? 🤔
@Kulfy Cool! We can stalk who voted!
@Kulfy you can see the source for getNumberOfVoters here github.com/samliew/se-electionbot/blob/master/src/bot/…
and we pass "fromdate" into the function here:
const numVoters = await getNumberOfVoters(config, apiSlug, electionBadgeId, { from: dateElection });
so, yes, that's from the start of the election phase.
Actually I mentioned 1 week since voting phase lasts for 1 week
But counting from starting of election phase also makes sense.
I believe both would return more or less the same result
@BeastOfCaerbannog Umm.. What if someone cleared their vote after casting? It'll be an edge case
Hmmm... No stalking is perfect...
Oh, we can vote for more than 3 people now :O I just noticed this.
@ElectionBot timetravel to 2022-03-22
Arrived at Mar 22 2022 12:00, today's phase: election
@ElectionBot how many users voted?
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 680 (1.85% of 36,814 eligible) users have voted to date.
@ElectionBot timetravel to today
Arrived at Mar 23 2022 09:35, today's phase: election
1 hour later…
@ElectionBot how many users voted to 2022-03-22
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 201 (0.55% of 36,814 eligible) users have voted so far.
@ElectionBot how many users voted
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 689 (1.87% of 36,814 eligible) users have voted to date.
@Kulfy btw, the bot supports upper bound limiting for voting :) Just append an ISO8601-formatted datetime or date with "<...> <up|till> <datetime|date>"
@ElectionBot how many users not voted?
well, was woth a try
@ElectionBot how many users not voted?
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 36,122 (98.12% of 36,814 eligible) users have not voted to date.
A quick message from my sponsors: The election is in progress, and 693 (1.88% of 36,814 eligible) users have already voted! I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@ElectionBot Have you voted?
@Someone I do not meddle in elections! But if you ask nicely...
@ElectionBot Can you please vote for me?
@Dan I will think about it
@Dan that's cheating! Or would be ... if you were running 😉
I'm trying to recruit all bots for the next election
1 hour later…
@ElectionBot how many users voted to 2022-03-22
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 201 (0.55% of 36,816 eligible) users have voted so far.
2 hours later…
@ElectionBot how many users still water the plants?
Seems election bot itself went to water plants
@OlegValteriswithUkraine I see. Would that work for previous elections as well?
@Kulfy nah, not yet at least, but it's planned :) requires a substantial amout of work
@ElectionBot How many bots have voted so far?
4 hours later…
@ElectionBot how many users voted?
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 755 (2.05% of 36,820 eligible) users have voted so far.
Pretty enthusiastic voters with 6 days to go

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