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@andrew.46 indeed. Wonder if we'll see a higher turnout than previous elections 🤔
1 hour later…
@ElectionBot how many users voted?
@ElectionBot how many users voted?
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 758 (2.06% of 36,820 eligible) users have voted thus far.
Southern Hemisphere voters are obviously dragging the chain :)
2 hours later…
Darn Southern Hemisphere, with it's backwards water flows ...
2 hours later…
@matigo The way I heard it was that the Northern Hemisphere water goes the wrong way :)
@andrew.46 lies! All lies! 🤣
2 hours later…
1499 people voted in the last election
the number has increased in every election
I expect it will do so again this time
2 hours later…
@Zanna It will be interested to see if it follows the expected trend. I think that the number of people voting can be a useful indication of the engagement with AU.
7 hours later…
@ElectionBot how many users voted?
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 814 (2.21% of 36,826 eligible) users have voted thus far.
1 hour later…
@OlegValteriswithUkraine can you add the bot to other rooms? If so, could you please add it to the ELU election room? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/134773/…
@terdon yup, just let me spawn an instance using my Heroku so as not to eat up the dynos from the Ask Ubuntu one
Great, thanks @OlegValteriswithUkraine!
@ElectionBot how many users voted?
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 819 (2.22% of 36,826 eligible) users have voted so far.

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